In the summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as a(n) ___36__

In the summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as a(n) ___36__


In the summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as a(n) ___36___ at Mr. Breen’s fruit shop. The fruit shop did ___37___ business. Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighbourhood, ___38___ he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars. Mr Breen ___39___ them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up, always ___40___ me to carry it out to their car. They were clearly long-standing customers, and I ___41___ they must have stayed faithful to him ___42___ he had promised to sell good quality ___43___. He had a way with them—I had to ___44___ that. He called every woman “madam” for a start, ___45___ those who clearly were not, but when he ___46___ it, it did not sound like flattery (奉承). It just sounded ___47___ in an old-fashioned way. He was a great chatter ___48___. If he did not know them, he would greet them with a few ___49___ about the weather, ___50___ he did, he would ask about their families or make ___51___, always cutting his cloth ___52___ his customers. Whatever their bills came to, be ___53___ gave them back the few odd pence (零钱), and I am sure they thought he was very generous (慷慨). But I thought he was the opposite. He never ___54___ anything away. He was always looking for ___55___ for nothing.
36. A. operator      B. assistant     C. waiter D. secretary
37. A. good    B. poor   C. big     D. usual
38. A. so B. when  C. therefore    D. but
39. A. sold     B. knew  C. gave   D. sent
40. A. making B. letting C. getting       D. keeping
41. A. wish     B. insist   C. declare       D. suppose
42. A. when    B. if C. because      D. though
43. A. food     B. fruit    C. vegetables  D. drink
44. A. admit   B. expect C. announce    D. promise
45. A. yet       B. only    C. just     D. even
46. A. told      B. said    C. spoke  D. talked
47. A. serious B. strange       C. polite  D. familiar
48. A. as well B. as usual      C. either  D. also
49. A. sayings B. questions    C. words D. speeches
50. A. and then      B. and so C. even if       D. but if
51. A. preparations B. jokes   C. repairs       D. friends
52. A. according to B. due to C. instead of   D. up to
53. A. never   B. ever    C. seldom       D. always
54. A. took     B. moved       C. threw  D. turned.
55. A. something    B. anything     C. somebody   D. anybody

36---55      BADBC   DCBAD   BCACD   BADCA          

36. B。在水果店做店员,用assistant。
37. A。根据下文可知,这个店的生意一直不错(good)。
38. D。此处用but表转折关系。句意为:大多数的生意来自于住在附近的家庭主妇,但也有些常客乘车从外地来。
39. B。know sb by name 意为“只知道某人的名字”。
40. C。get sb to do sth 意为“叫某人做某事”。动词make和let后接不定式作宾语补足语时要省加重to,keep不能用不定式作宾语补足语。
41. D。此处是作者根据自己了解的情况(even had their order already made up…long-standing customers等)所作出的猜测。
42. C。顾客信任他是因为他许诺卖给他们优质水果。表原因,用because。
43. B。由于是水果店,自然是卖fruit。
44. A。由于水果店的老板把生意一直做得很好,所以“我”不得不承认(admit)他与顾客打交道有自己的一套方法。
45. D。句意为:老板开始对每一个woman都称madam,即使那些明显不是madam的woman,他也这样称呼。(由此可看出老板的圆滑)
46. B。此处用say强调所说的内容。大意是:老板称那些明显不是madam的woman为madam,但却一点听不出像是奉承。(这也体现了老板的交际水平)
47. C。由前句可知,老板这样说听起来不像是奉承,只是像有点过时的polite。
48. A。他也是一个健谈的人。also, either, as well 都可表示“也”,其区别是:also用于句中;either 用在否定句;as well 用于句末。
49. C。对于不熟的人用谈论天气的话来问候或搭腔。(这是英美人的交际习惯)
50. D。前面说if he did not know them…(如果他不认识他们),此处说 if he did (know them)…(如果他认识他们),两者的意思显然为对比或转折关系。
51. B。此处说的是,老板跟熟悉的人交谈,就问候他们的家人或跟他们开开玩笑。(这也是合乎常理的)
52. A。cut one’s cloth according to one’s customers 意为“量体裁衣”。此处说的是老板的讲话很到位。
53. D。此处说的是,无论账上的数目是多少,老板总要(always)给顾客找一些零钱——其目的是要让顾客认为他很慷慨。(这也从一个角度可以看出老板的生意之道)
54. C。前面说老板千方百计想显得自己很慷慨,但作者自己却完全持相反的观点。他认为老板从来不扔掉任何东西(never threw anything away)。
55. A。looking for something for nothing 指不要花钱而得到某物。for nothing 是习语,意为“免费”。

Hidden passengers traveling in ships, trams, or even cars can be a terrible trouble— especially when they are insects. As for this, there is a great ___36___ between human beings; and insects. The former ___37___ every possible effort to avoid being discovered, while the latter quickly ___38___ attention to themselves.
We can only show mercy to the ___39___ man who had to slop his car soon after ___40___ from a country village to drive to London. Hearing a strange noise from the ___41___of the car, he naturally got out to ___42___ the wheels carefully, but he found nothing wrong, so he ___43___ his way. Again the noise began, ___44___ and became even louder. Quickly ___45___ his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great ___46___ cloud following the car. When he stopped at a village further on, he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees ___47___.
On learning this, the man drove away .as quickly as possible. After an hour’s ___48___ driving, he arrived safely in London, where he parked his car outside a ___49___ and went in- It was not long ___50___ a customer who had seen him arrive ___51___ in to inform him that his car was ___52___ with bees. The poor driver was ___53___ that the best way should be to call a ___54___. In a short time the man arrived. He found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back. of the car. Very thankful to the driver for this ___55___ gift, the bee-keeper took the queen and her thousand of followers home in a large box.
36. A. connection   B. difference  C. communication D. similarity
37. A, doB. take   C. make D. try
38. A. give     B. keep     C. pay      D. draw
39. A. unfortunate  B. careless     C. unpleasant D. hopeless
40. A. passing by   B. leaving out   C. setting out    D. getting up
41. A. front    B. back     C. left      D. right
42. A. clean    B. change      C. test      D. examine
43. A. drove   B. continued C. pushed    D. forced
44. A. normally     B. gentlyC. actually     D. immediately
45. A. hiding  B. turning      C. shaking     D. raising
46. A. black    B. beautiful   C. white D. colorful
47. A. below   B. ahead C. nearby      D. behind
48. A. boring  B. careful      C. exciting     D. hard
49. A. hotel    B. museum    C. hospital     D. school
50. A. when    B. after  C. until  D. before
51. A. broke   B. moved      C. hurried      D. dropped
52. A. crowded      B. covered     C. filled D. equipped
53. A. advised B. required    C. ordered     D. requested
54. A. bee-keeper B. policeman    C. waiterD. repairman
55. A. unfamiliar   B. unknown   C. unexpectedD. uncertain
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Learning to Accept
I learned how to accept life as it is from my father.   36  , he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was   37  and ill.
My father was   38  a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness  39  all that away. Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is   40 . One night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started   41  about life, and I told them about one of my   42  . I said that we must very often give things up   43 we grow—our youth, our beauty, our friends—but it always   44  that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father   45  up. He said, “But, Peter, I gave up   46 ! What did I gain?” I thought and thought, but I could not think of anything to say.    47  , he answered his own question: “I   48  the love of my family.” I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.
I was also   49  by his words. After that, when I began to feel irritated (恼怒的) at someone, I   50  remember his words and become   51  . If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be   52  to give up my small irritations. In this   53 , I learned the power of acceptance from my father.
Sometimes I   54  what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though, I am grateful for this one   55  .
36. A. Afterwards        B. Therefore        C. However        D. Meanwhile
37. A. tired                 B. weak               C. poor                D. slow
38. A. already                    B. still                 C. only                D. once
39. A. took                 B. threw              C. sent                        D. put
40. A. impossible         B. difficult           C. stressful           D. hopeless
41. A. worrying                  B. caring             C. talking            D. asking
42. A. decisions                  B. experiences      C. ambitions        D. beliefs
43. A. as                     B. since                      C. before             D. till
44. A. suggests                   B. promises          C. seems              D. requires
45. A. spoke                B. turned             C. summed         D. opened
46. A. something         B. anything          C. nothing           D. everything
47. A. Surprisingly      B. Immediately   C. Naturally         D. Certainly
48. A. had                   B. accepted          C. gained             D. enjoyed
49. A. touched                    B. astonished        C. attracted          D. warned
50. A. should                     B. could              C. would             D. might
51. A. quiet                 B. calm               C. relaxed            D. happy
52. A. ready                B. likely                     C. free                        D. able
53. A. case                  B. form               C. method            D. way
54. A. doubt                B. wonder            C. know              D. guess
55. A. award                      B. gift                        C. lesson              D. word
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I work as a volunteer (志愿者) for an organization that helps the poor in Haiti. Recently I took my son Barrett there for a week, hoping to   16  him.
Before setting out, I told Barrett this trip would be tiring and   17 . For the first two days, he said almost nothing. I worried the trip was too   18  for a 17-year-old. Then, on day three, as we were   19  over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and grinned (咧嘴笑),“Pretty hard.”
After that there was no turning back. A five-year-old girl, wearing a dress several sizes   20  large and broken shoes, followed Barrett around, mesmerized (着迷). He couldn’t stop   21 . Later he said   22 , “I wish I could speak French.” I was   23  — this from a boy who hated and   24  French classes throughout school.
Usually silent, he   25  Gaby, our host, and kept asking questions about the country and its people. He blossomed (活泼起来).
26 , the moment that really took   27  breath away occurred in a village deep in the mountains. I was   28  a woman villager for an article. 135 centimeters tall, she was small in figure but strong in   29  . Through determination, she had learned to read and write, and   30  to become part of the leadership of the   31  .
Learning her story, Barrett was as   32  as I by this tiny woman’s achievements. His eyes were wet and there was a   33  of love and respect on his face. He had finally understood the importance of my work .
When leaving for home, Barrett even offered to stay   34  as a volunteer. My insides suddenly felt struck. This   35  achieved all I’d expected. Soon he will celebrate his 18th birthday. He’ll be a man.
16. A. comfort            B. please              C. attract             D. educate
17. A. rough                     B. dangerous       C. troublesome    D. violent
18. A. little                 B. much              C. fast                        D. slow
19. A. moving             B. running           C. climbing          D. looking
20. A. too                          B. very                C. even                D. so
21. A. joking                      B. crying             C. shouting          D. smiling
22. A. patiently           B. regretfully       C. lightly             D. cheerfully
23. A. ashamed            B. disappointed           C. determined     D. surprised
24. A. took up             B. went in for     C. fought against D. called off
25. A. befriended         B. disregarded     C. avoided           D. recognized
26. A. Thus                        B. Even               C. Meanwhile      D. However
27. A. my                          B. his                  C. our                        D. her
28. A. asking                      B. interviewing           C. arranging         D. describing
29. A. brain                       B. wish                C. will                        D. health
30. A. appeared           B. struggled         C. hesitated          D. failed
31. A. village                     B. city                 C. organization     D. state
32. A. pleased             B. bored              C. puzzled           D. touched
33. A. combination      B. composition      C. connection       D. satisfaction
34. A. in                     B. behind             C. out                         D. away
35. A. interview          B. flight              C. article                    D. trip
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It was a bright spring afternoon when Fieda told me she wouldn’t need me any more. I had just finished my four-hour work -36   up and down the stairs of her three-storey home, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes. She was 37   jeans and a sweater, sitting at the table I had just 38   . a pile of papers spread around her. Her husband’  39   was going to be reduced by thirty percent. And they were trying to live as if it had 40  happened. I felt sorry for her. but I also felt a sense of 41  .
I had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years and had 42   an unexpected relationship with the family. It was not just 43   I had become an expert at scraping(刮掉)dirt stuck to their wooden floor, 44   that I had learned exactly how to place toys on the girls’ beds. It was 45   than that, for I felt I had become a part of their 46  .Freda stayed at home with the kids, 47   I would often see her in the morning 48   them to school. And I’d be there when they 49  home at lunch for sandwiches and piano practice. I had 50  them grow up. Now I was tired, but the  51 thing was that I still wanted to keep scraping away the dirt and dust for the family.  
I left Freda’s house that day, wondering about the 52    of my relationship with my clients(主顾). Who am I  53   them? As a matter of fact, I’m  54    an employee - the lowest kind of employee. But I’m also a trusted 55  of the family. I can’t help worrying about what happens around me.
36.A.stepping         B.coming                    C.jumping              D.moving
37.A.hanging              B.making                    C.wearing                   D.changing
38.A.cleaned              B.washed               C.swept                      D.brushed
40.A.already               B.seldom                    C.never                      D.yet
41.A.regret                 B.surprise                   C.fear                         D.loss
42.A.started                B.developed           C.improved            D.broken
43.A.why                     B.what                       C.that                         D.which
44.A.but                     B.and                         C.or                           D.for
45.A.less                    B.least                        C.more                       D.most                     B.story                       C.activity                    D.experience                                        C.since                       D.however
48.A.taking                 B.bringing                    C.meeting                   D.calling
49.A.left                     B.returned                  C.went                       D.marched
50.A.found                 B.noticed                    C.watched                   D.realized
51.A.possible         B.great                      C.proper                     D.strange
52.A.meaning               B.nature                     C.result                      D.importance
53.A.for                                C.with              
54.A.hardly            B.certainly                C.probably                  D.merely
55.A.member         B.person                    C.relative             D.companion
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One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited   21 for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became   22  . When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had   23  . He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which was not   24  in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that  25  even him.
He wrote his wife’ s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a  26  behind the desk in the booth. “   27  you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously   28  someone, would you please give her this?”he said. He then   29  his office in Morrison Building,   30  that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good   31  ! He sat down with a smile.
His wife   32  those pictures. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married
How are you with   33  ? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are    34  . We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. We wait for someone to change his or her mind.
Patience is an important   35  of a happy and rewarding life.   36  , some things are worth waiting for.   37  presents many opportunities for wait training.
We can hate waiting,   38  it or even get good at it! But one thing is   39 ——we cannot avoid it. How is your   40  coming along?
21. A. proudly             B. respectfully             C. patiently                        D. curiously
22. A. angry                B. hungry                   C. frightened                      D. thirsty
23. A. a question                B. a reason                  C. an opinion                     D. an idea
24. A. serious              B. difficult          C. regular                          D. convenient
25. A. hurt                  B. encouraged        C. attracted                        D. shocked
26. A. clerk                 B. secretary                 C. passer-by                       D. friend
27. A. Since                B. Before                    C. As                          D. If
28. A. looking for               B. working for         C. sending for                 D. paying for
29. A. called up           B. returned to       C. visited                    D. left
30. A. worried             B. disappointed      C. satisfied                  D. surprised
31. A. description               B. preparation        C. excuse                         D. lecture
32. A. tore                  B. saved                     C. developed               D. destroyed
33. A. your wife                 B. your family            C. patience                  D. determination
34. A. hoping for                B. waiting for             C. ready for                       D. fit for
35. A. lesson               B. experience          C. purpose                       D. quality
36. A. For example      B. After all                 C. Right now                     D. So far
37. A. Every age                B. Every shop               C. Every day                      D. Every office
38. A. accept               B. control                   C. change                          D. improve
39. A. certain              B. interesting          C. precious                       D. easy
40. A. photo taking       B. job hunting        C. decision making        D. wait training
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