A 61-year-old woman was saved on Saturday evening by Russian rescuers after bein

A 61-year-old woman was saved on Saturday evening by Russian rescuers after bein


A 61-year-old woman was saved on Saturday evening by Russian rescuers after being buried for up to 127 hours in rubble in the quake-ravaged southwest China"s Sichuan Province.
Local residents told Russian rescuers that there was someone alive under two collapsed residential buildings in Dujiangyan, a city southeast of the epicenter of Monday"s earthquake.
The rescuers explored the buildings with dogs and machines. Then, they cut out a section of the floor, and successfully pulled out the woman.
The woman was in good condition and was still able to think clearly. She was still able to move her hands and feet and could still speak.
The Parsurvivor had lived on the first floor of the six-story building. And she was buried in the debris of the concrete ceiling after the quake.
The unidentified woman was the first survivor found by foreign rescue teams. A total of 237 rescuers from Japan, Russia, South Korea and Singapore are currently in Sichuan, aiding the disaster relief efforts.
The Russian rescuers are still trying to save a second possible survivor trapped in the debris of the building.
Into the sixth day since the devastating earthquake, China"s worst in more than 30 years, rescuers, including more than 130,000 troops, were still struggling to pull possible survivors from debris of collapsed houses, schools and factories.
61. The passage mentions the following EXCEPT_______.
A. how old the survivor is
B. where the survivor lived
C. how long the survivor was trapped
D. what the survivor’s name is
62. The underlined word “debris” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by _______.
A. ruins             B. centre                    C. middle    D. surrounding
63. The best title for the passage should be _______.
A. Russian rescue team save a woman in Dujiangyan
B. Russian rescuers find a survivor in China"s quake
C. Woman saved by Russian rescuers 127 hours after quake
D. Miracle rescues save buried people in Dujiangyan

61---63   DACC  

61. D。根据第六段开头:The unidentified woman was the first survivor….
62. A。从该词所在的句子看,她是被埋在房子垮塌后的废墟里。
63. C。作为标题,信息全面:女性,地震后被埋127小时后被俄罗斯救援队救出。

The sound of the rain hitting the windows wakes me up and it sounds just exactly as it did 15 years ago, which reminded me of my girlhood.
It was my second day of ____36___ and it was raining heavily. I couldn’t __37_____ the habit I had at home, so I fell asleep right at my ___38____. I woke up to find myself not in the classroom but carried on Dad’s back. We were ____39__ home. It was the last time I felt __40____ to him.
After that, he never carried me or hugged me as other fathers did to their children. I was not bothered by this ___41____. I was proud of it, for I felt _____42____ and “grown up”. However, there were times when I felt depressed by not having sought __43___ from him.
One day, I was writing Chinese characters as homework. I hated doing this more than anything. Dad came and stood behind me for a moment, __44____ me scratching(乱涂)the paper. Then he said, “ This kind of writing needs ___45_____. Your writing is not strong enough. Press harder.”
I followed his ____46_____ for the next two weeks, but __47____ I could see little improvement, I followed my own method---the __48___ way. His advice didn’t improve my writing but our __49____. As I grew older, I found out that he had finished his ___50___ in Grade 6, which was the highest grade in town then, so he was considered to be a ___51___. People used to ask him to write something to put on the walls, but he never felt very useful.
He often said to me, “As you can see, this family is going to count on you. We are __52__ to improve you anything for your future. You have to get _53____ to change the life for yourself.”
As a result of his __54___, I have __55___ it through high school and through college.
36. A. graduation   B. employment      C. college       D. school
37. A. form    B. resist   C. follow D. break
38. A. dormitory    B. door   C. desk    D. bed
39. A. at  B. already       C. beyond       D. halfway
40. A. close    B. near    C. happy D. relaxed
41. A. gap      B. thought      C. action D. accident
42. A. lonely   B. depressed   C. independent       D. comfortable
43. A. comfort       B. help    C. support      D. explanation
44. A. helping B. directing    C. watching    D. blaming
45. A. skill     B. patience     C. time    D. practice
46. A. introduction B. manner      C. spirit   D. advice
47. A. even if  B. while  C. as       D. though
48. A. difficult       B. slow   C. efficient     D. fast
49. A. relationship  B. friendship   C. thought      D. life
50. A. schooling     B. life     C. hope   D. expectation
51. A. writer   B. scholar       C. scientist      D. specialist
52. A. tired     B. glad    C. useless       D. ready
53. A. an educationB. a rich boyfriend C. a well-paid job   D. a good writing
54. A. help     B. expectations       C. examination       D. watch
55. A. succeeded    B. got     C. made  D. found
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When I was in high school, I had a recurring(反复的) dream of my teeth falling out. I dreamt about my teeth just about every night for at least three weeks. Sometimes they would fall out one at a time, sometimes all at once. I became terrified that my dreams meant I would actually lose my teeth. Nine years later and about a million trips to the dreams, I still have a full set of teeth, but I’ve learned that when we’re experiencing stress in our lives, it tends to show up in our dreams as well.
Miller says losing teeth indicates burdens that crush your pride. If your teeth are knocked out, you’ll have sudden misfortune. Other explanations for dreams about lost teeth are that the dreamer is feeling powerless in life and may be in a transitional(过度的) period from one situation of life to another. Some experts believe that dreams of losing teeth today show we’re just as insecure and uncertain as we were in childhood.
When I dreamt about my teeth back in high school, I was trying to choose a college— a stressful decision. The dreams resurfaced when college graduation rolled around four years later and I’m sure they’ll start again when I graduate.
A little of stress in our everyday lives is normal. But sometimes it becomes such a regular occurrence in our lives that it influences our dreams and causes us to lose valuable sleep. Understanding our dreams is key to identifying and ending stress in our waking hours and restoring peace to our nighttime hours.
56.We know from the text that those who dreamt about lost his teeth indicates that________.
A.They will have sudden misfortune.
B.They are feeling powerless in life
C.They are as insecure and uncertain as they were in childhood
D.They are experiencing stress in their lives
57.How many different kinds of explanations are mentioned in the text about losing teeth?
A.Two                      B.Three             C.Four             D.Five
58.The underlined expression “rolled around” means_______
A.came about     B.came down      C.came near       D.rolled out
59.We can infer from the text that___________.
A.Our dream can reflect what we go through in our real life.
B.Dreams can damage our valuable sleep.
C.We only dream when we are under great pressure.
D.Our dreams can show us what will happen in the future.
60.The author wrote the passage to tell us that______.
A.He wanted to show us his strange dreams.
B.He tried to explain why we dream.
C.Different people have different dreams
D.It is important for us to understand the meaning of our dreams
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Mary Buendia once spent a day in an airplane, looking for a cat.She didn"t find it that day.The plane flew around all over the world for three weeks with the cat on board. She finally found it in the cargo hold and sent it home first-class.Another time, she found two suitcases full of birds from Turkey.But her strangest experience was when she pulled a snake out of a man"s pants.
Mary Buendia is an animal health inspector at JFK Airport in New York.She takes care of all the animals that pass through the airport and checks that they are healthy.In the Animal Health Center, there are areas for dogs, cats, reptiles, birds, and fish. There is also an area for very big animals.The biggest they ever had was a black rhino."It was no problem," she says.
At the center, they receive all types of animals—monkeys, wild cats, poisonous spiders.It"s impossible for one person to know about all of these, but there are 20 people working with Mary.Between them, they understand how to take care of the animals.She recently had to feed a group of toucans, which are rare birds."Luckily," she says, "there is a supermarket nearby which is open 24 hours.I had to go at 2 a.m.to buy bananas."
Mary often works at night. "It"s quiet between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m.," she says, "because we don"t have night flights. We try to give the animals a quiet night." Mary clearly loves her job. "You never know what the day will bring," she says, and goes off to feed the birds.
71.The best title of the passage will probably be ____________.
A.JKF Airport in New York. B.Airport Health Inspector.
C.Mary Buendia                 D.Animal Health Center.
72.From the first paragraph, we can know that ___________.
A.Working as an Airport Health Inspector, Mary Buendia has various experiences.
B.After the cat was found, it was sent home to New York.
C.Mary got frightened when she pulled a snake out of a man’s pants.
D.Mary was tired of dealing with animals at the airport.
73.We can infer from the passage that ______.
A.Mary often works at night during flights.
B.It took Mary a whole day to find a lost cat in an airplane
C.Only healthy animals can be permitted to go aboard the airplane.
D.Mary knows everything about the animals by working with 20 other people.
74.An Airport Health Inspector should do the following Except ___________.
A.inspect whether the animals are healthy.
B.go shopping at night
C.take care of animals
D.work with colleagues and learn from each other
75.What kind of animals is "reptile" (in Para2) _________
A.a kind of large animals          B.a kind of wild spiders
C.a kind of rare birds               D.The passage doesn"t mention
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My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister"s bureau(衣橱) and picked out a wonderful skirt. "Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion.” Well, I guess this is the occasion.
He took the skirt from me and put it on the bed.His hands touched the soft material for a moment, then he shut the drawer and turned to me, "Don"t ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you"re alive is a special occasion."
I"m still thinking about his words, and they"ve changed my attitude to life. I"m spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings. Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experience to enjoy,not suffer.I"m tryingto recognize these moment now and treasure them.
"Someday" and "one of these days" are being lost from my vocabulary.If it"s worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I" m not sure whatmy sister would have done if she had known she wouldn"t have tomorrow .
I think she would have called family members and a few close friends. She might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend her fences for past things. I like to think she would have gone out for a Chinese dinner, her favorite food.
If I knew that my hours were limited ,those little things left undone would make meangry. Angry because I put off seeing good friends whom I was going to get in touchwith someday.Angry and sorry because I didn"t tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them.
I"m trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter to our lives. And every morning when  I open my eyes, I tell myself that everyday, every minute, every breath truly, is... a gift from God.
56.The best title for the passage would be______.
A.Everyday is A Gift                   B.My Poor Sister
C.Value Friendship Every Day         D.Everyday is An Important Occasion
57.Jan bought the wonderful skirt but didn"t wear it because______.
A.she wanted to wear it on special occassions
B.she kept it as a special gift for someone else
C.she saved it untill she grew older
D.she waned to keep it as a sweet memory
58.Which of the following is not the wirter’s attitude to life?
A.spending more time staying with family
B.attending social activities as often as possible
C.enjoying life and valuing every day
D.trying to get along well with friends
59.Which of the following can best explain the expression underlined “mend her fences for past things” in Paragraph 5?
A.try to be friendly again with someone
B.break her word
C.give up her point of view
D.keep her promise
60.The passage is intended chiefly to ______.
A.warn people to treasure every day and find the meaning of life
B.encourage people to be hard on themselves for a bright  life
C.tell people how to get rid of being angry and sorry in life
D.persuade people to care for themselves more than others
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Jesse McCartney began entertaining and delighting audiences at a very early age in off-Broadway stage shows including Oliver, A Christmas Carol, and Annie Get Your Gun. At the age of seven, he began a national tour the stage musical show of The King and I. 1998 brought his big chance in television with the role of Adam Chandler, Jr. on All My Children. McCartney stayed with the show for the next three years and won several awards for his role of Chandler.
In 1999 he showed great interest in music, when he auditioned(试听) for and won a spot in a boy band called Dream Street. Sales of the group"s album(唱片) once reached up to 300,000 copies. Shortly after the album went platinum, they toured around the USA with Britney Spears(布兰妮) before the band broke up in 2002.His first band was called the Sugar Beats, and in 2003 McCartney partnered with their producer Sherry Kondor to launch his solo(个人专辑)career. The song Beautiful Soul became the title track for McCartney"s first solo album. Following the great success of his album, it took McCartney one and a half year to make his new one, Right here You Want Me, which, according to McCartney himself, has had more personal experiences and thoughts.
McCartney never gave up acting and appeared the films The Pirates of Central Park and The Strange Legacy of Cameron Cruz. In 2004 he successfully played the role of Brandin Westerly on the TV series SummerlanD.He has also combined music and film, contributing songs to films .
Born April 9, 1987, Jesse is the oldest of three children. His parents were actors in New York City. His sister Lea Joyce was born in 1991 and brother Timmy, with whom Jesse is very close, came along in 1996.He graduated from Ardsley High School (New York) in 2005, where he was a junior baseball pitcher(投手). Jesse"s best friend is former band mate Greg Raposo.
61.Which of the following is NOT mentioned of Jesse McCartney?
A.education            B.family        
C.success in music         D.tours abroad
62.Choose the right order about Jesse McCartney’s achievements .
①launched the song Beautiful Soul   
②successfully played the role of Brandin Westerly
③a national tour of The King and I 
④launched the album, Right here You Want Me
⑤played the role of Adam Chandler, Jr. on All My Children.
A.③⑤①②④   B.③⑤①④②      C.③⑤④②①     D.④③⑤①② 
63.Which of the following is not films or TVs where McCartney acted?
A.All My Children                     B.A Christmas Carol   
C.The Pirates of Central Park       D.The Strange Legacy of Cameron Cruz
64.The underlined phrase “went platinum” (Paragraph 2)probably means_____.
A.went worse and worse       B.lost reputation  
C.became very popular        D.became a failure
65.Which of the following is NOT supported by the passage?
A.The role of Adam Chandler McCartney played was very popular
B.McCartney"s solo album Right here You Want Me was a great success
C.Brandin Westerly is a leading character of the TV series Summerland
D.McCartney"s brother Timmy is nine younger than him
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