I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye : Queen City Casket

I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye : Queen City Casket


I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye : Queen City Casket Company . “What is it ?” I wondered . I   36     it over . There , in faded ink , was a hand-scrawled(手写的)   37     . Immediately my mind traveled     38    many years .
I was nine years old , walking down the cold , wet streets of Springfield , with a bag of magazines on my shoulder . On my    39     that day , I came to that Company finally , whose owner , Mr Rader , had always taken me there to ask his workers    40     they wanted any magazines .
Shaking off the     41    like a wet dog , I entered Mr Rader’s office . After a quick glance he     42    me over to the fire-place . Noticing the     43    in the top of my     44    , he said , “ Come with me !” pulling me into his pickup    45     . We pulled to a stop before a shoe store . Inside , a salesman    46     me with the finest pair of Oxfords I had    47     seen . I     48    about 10 feet tall when I got up    49     them . “ We’d like a pair of new socks too,” Mr Rader said .
Back in his office , Mr Rader took out a     50    , wrote something on it , and handed it to me . With    51     eyes , I read , “ Do to others as you would have them do to you .” He said affectionately (深情地), “Jimmy , I want you to    52     I love you”.
I said good-bye , and for the first time I    53     a flicker of hope that somehow things would be    54     . With people like Mr Rader in the world , there was hope , kindness and love , and that would always make a    55     .
36.A.read                             B.thought                  C.turned                    D.passed
37.A.address                  B.list                        C.message                 D.information
38.A.forward                 B.so                          C.ahead                     D.back
39.A.return                    B.rounds                   C.trip                        D.arrival
40.A.if only                   B.how                       C.whether                 D.why
41.A.dust                       B.sweat                     C.tail                         D.rain
42.A.led                        B.followed                C.watched                 D.carried
43.A.hole                             B.mud                             C.water                     D.cover
44.A.magazine                  B.shoe                         C.sock                         D.bag
45.A.truck                     B.factory                   C.home                     D.store
46.A.dressed                  B.fitted                     C.showed                  D.comforted
47.A.ever                             B.already                  C.never                     D.hardly
48.A.appeared                B.seemed                  C.looked                   D.felt
49.A.for                        B.with                             C.on                         D.in
50.A.pen                       B.paper                     C.card                       D.notebook
51.A.tearful                   B.unbelievable           C.curious                  D.puzzled
52.A.admit                    B.know                     C.consider                 D.express
53.A.sensed                   B.received                 C.lost                        D.gained
54.A.mistaken                B.right                      C.all right                 D.possible
55.A.deal                       B.fortune                  C.choice                    D.difference

36---55    CCDBC   DAABA   BADDC   ABACD   

36  turn over把翻过来。作者看到的是一张卡片,卡片的一面注有地址,要想看到内容,得把它翻过来。
37 根据后文,Mr Rader在卡片上写的是送给作者的赠言。address地址;list目录;information消息,信息。
38 作者见到这张卡片,思绪又回到了从前。forward或ahead如指时间,应往后推。
39 根据下文提示可知,作者当时的工作是卖杂志,应来回沿街叫卖。
40 作者是卖杂志的,Mr Rader帮作者询问他的工人是否需要杂志。
41 根据第二段首句和空格后面的wet dog可推出答案。
42 作者是在Mr Rader的办公室,当时又冷又潮,故Mr Rader把他带到炉火旁取暖。
43 下文提到Mr Rader给作者买的是一双鞋和袜子,因此可推测作者的鞋子坏了。
44 根据下文Mr Rader给作者买的东西可推出答案。
45  pick up皮卡;一种小型货车。
46  dress给……穿衣服;show展示;comfort安慰;fit…with给……提供。服务员给我拿出了一双很好的鞋。
47  Mr Rader给作者买的鞋子是作者那时曾经见过的最好的鞋子。
48 这是作者当时曾经见过的最好的鞋子,又非常适合他,穿上一定感到比穿那双已经坏了的鞋要舒服很多。
49 本题考查在特定语境下使用介词的能力。in …穿着……。
50 根据第一段首句可得知答案。
51  Mr Rader给了作者无私的帮助,令作者非常感动。
52  admit承认;consider认为,考虑;express表达。如用这三个词与作者所要表达的感情不符。
53 作者当时的生活条件很差,九岁就沿街卖杂志,Mr Rader对他无私的帮助让他感到生活又充满了希望。
54 此处意思为:一切事情都会好起来的。
55 世界上有Mr Rader这样的好心人,就会有希望,生活就会出现转机,有所不同。

Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important  36  : giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you  37  money.
This is how I   38  with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store  39  to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the   40  . If an accident takes place, the  41  of which I think the local police could use, I  42  him up and tell him about it, though I am not in   43  here. One discovery I made about this world is to give  44  getting something back, though the  45  often comes in an unexpected form.
One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important  46  letter to my home, though it was   47  to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of   48  . More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was  49  . I was told at the window that there were  50  boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long  51  list. As I was about to  52  , the postmaster appeared in the   53  .“Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office  54  we make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get  55  but complaints(投诉).”
36.A.decision                  B.research                  C.speech                    D.discovery
37.A.earn                       B.lack                        C.spend                     D.steal
38.A.experienced            B.connected               C.combined                D.agreed
39.A.happens                  B.flashes                    C.sticks                      D.leads
40.A.postmaster              B.headmaster              C.storekeeper             D.policeman
41.A.story                      B.damage                   C.challenge                D.material
42.A.call                        B.hold                       C.break                      D.pick
43.A.need                       B.trouble                   C.common                 D.charge
44.A.within                    B.without                   C.for                         D.before
45.A.process                   B.goal                       C.return                     D.concern
46.A.curious                   B.immediate               C.special                    D.heavy
47.A.realized                  B.addressed                C.forgotten                D.brought
48.A.invitation                B.apology                  C.instruction                     D.appreciation
49.A.dealing                   B.providing                C.operating                D.starting
50.A.enough                   B.some                      C.no                          D.more
51.A.admitting                B.relating                   C.examining               D.waiting
52.A.leave                      B.shout                      C.guess                      D.conduct
53.A.window                  B.doorway                 C.library                    D.yard
54.A.in case                   B.now that                 C.even if                    D.as if
55.A.anything                 B.everything                     C.nothing                   D.something
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A few years ago, I was with a close woman friend in a grocery store in California.As we walked along the aisle (过道), we saw a mother with a small boy moving in the opposite direction and met us head-on (正面的) in each aisle.The woman barely noticed us because she was so angry with her little boy, who wanted to pull items off the lower shelves.As the mother became more and more annoyed, she started to yell at the child and several aisles later had progressed to shaking him by the arm. 
At this point my friend spoke up.A wonderful mother of three and founder of a progressive school, she had probably never once in her life treated any child so harshly(严厉地).I expected my friend would give this woman a solid mother-to-mother talk about controlling herself and about the effect this behavior has on a child.Instead, my friend said, “What a beautiful little boy.How old is he?” The woman answered cautiously, “He’s three.” My friend went on to comment on how curious he seemed and how her own three children were just like him in the grocery store, pulling things off shelves, so interested in all the wonderful colors and packages.“He seems so bright and intelligent,” my friend said.
The woman had the boy in her arms by now and a shy smile came upon her face.Gently brushing his hair out of his eyes, she said, “Yes, he’s very smart and curious, but sometimes he wears me out.” My friend responded sympathetically(表示同情地), “Yes, they can do that; they are so full of energy.”
As we walked away, I heard the mother speaking kindly to the boy about getting home and cooking his dinner.“We’ll have your favorite — macaroni(通心面) and cheese,” she told him.
小题1:The mother was angry with her baby because     
A.the mother was very tired
B.the baby asked for more things
C.the baby ran madly in the store
D.the baby was pulling the goods off the shelves
小题2:We can learn from the passage that the author’s friend      
A.treated her children well only
B.was probably good to any child
C.liked the boy very much
D.always wanted to help others
小题3:The author’s friend talked with the mother in that way to     
A.show her sympathy for the woman
B.know something about the boy first
C.show her anger with the woman
D.make the woman realize children’s natural quality
小题4:With the story, the author most probably intends to tell us that     
A.we should respect a child’s nature
B.we should never blame a child
C.mothers usually share the same interest
D.mothers should try to be gentle and polite

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

On a hot day, I decide to mow our extremely hilly lawn. It was likely to    21    a jungle(丛林)with weeds growing wildly. I need to mow it at once.
After several false    22      , I had to examine it and finally got our old lawn mower     23      . I was mowing and trying hard to push the machine uphill, which was really a hard job, for the machine was too old to work well. I was so   24  that I complained under my breath, so I decided to take a short break.
At the top of a rise, I   25  to see my 12-year-old John Thomas standing there, with a smile on his face and a glass of    26  in his hand.  "Here, Mom, "he said, "have a drink, Want me to help you? Dad   27  me work on hte flat places."
I  28   the ice water and went to sit in the      29  of a tall tree. As I took my drink, I   30    my son. To my surprise, he didn"t seem to be    31   the normal mowing pattern. And he kept smiling at me   32   he worked. I wondered    33  made him so happy? I thought to myself.
After a while, he    34   mowing and looked in my direction. "Hey, Mom. Could you  35 here? "   "He"s always naughty like this, lazy again?" I said to myself    36     .  Then I stood up and walked across the lawn, noticing that he had missed a sizable spot. "John, you didn"t..."  My angry words gradually became      37    , for the spot I thought he"d missed had been       38     mowed into the shape of a(an)   39  , suddenly I felt something warm and gentle rising from inside.
"Like it, Mom? It"s mine and it"s for you."  he asked with a big    40  .
"Now I"ll finish the job."
21. A. turn on B. turn into     C. turn down  D. turn up
22. A. starts    B. words C. ends    D. behavior
23. A. work    B. move  C. going  D. flying
24. A. cheerful       B. tired   C. cared  D. boring
25. A. looked through    B. looked over       C. looked after       D. looked up
26. A. hot tea  B. chocolate    C. milk   D. ice water
27. A. asks      B. allows C. lets     D. agrees
28. A. drank   B. heated C. accepted     D. received
29. A. shade    B. leaves C. root    D. top
30. A. saw      B. watched     C. observed    D. noticed
31. A. feeling  B. finding       C. following   D. feeding
32. A. if  B. since   C. whether      D. as
33. A. what     B. that     C. all      D. it
34. A. continued     B. went on      C. stopped      D. finished
35. A. go over B. turn over    C. driver over D. come over
36. A. happily B. angrily       C. eagerly       D. anxiously
37. A. heavier B. thicker       C. louder D. quieter
38. A. carefully      B. carelessly   C. casually      D. comfortably
39. A. heart                  B. apple  C. hand   D. foot
40. A. sign      B. smile  C. surprise      D. sigh
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Americans think that travel is good for you, some even think it can help one of the country"s worst problems-crime (犯罪).     
Crime worries a lot of people. Every year, the number of crimes goes up and up. And many criminals (罪犯)are young. They often come from sad homes, with only one parent or no parents at all.
There are many young criminals in prison. But prison doesn"t change them. Six or seven in ten will go back to crime when they come out of prison.
One man, Bob Burton, thought of a new idea. In the old days, young men had to live a difficult life on the road. They learned to be strong and brave, and to help theft friends ill time of danger. This helped them to grow into men. So Bob Burton started" Vision Quest".
He takes young criminals on a long, long journey with horses and wagons(马车), 3,000 miles through seven states. They are on the road for more than a year.
The young people on Vision Quest all have bad problems. Most of them have already spent time in prison. This is their last chance. 
It"s hard work on the road. The work starts before the sun comes up. The boys and girls have to feed the horses. Some of them have never loved anyone before. But they can love their horse. That love can help them to a new life.
Not all the young people on Vision Quest will leave crime behind them. Three or four in ten will one day_____________. Bob Burton is right. Travel can be good for you. Even today. Americans still say, " Go west, young man."
1.What’s the main idea of the passage?    
2.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
The criminals are very unfortunate ,because they have single parent or they are orphans
3.Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(within ten words)    
4.What do you think of the meaning of the travel to the young men in the old days according to the passage?(within 30 words)
5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
  London has more than nine million visitors every year.They come and visit some of the most famous places in England:Big Ben,the Tower of London and the River Thames.You can see some of the most interesting places in the city by getting on one of London’s tour buses.It has an open roof and let you off at any places you want to visit.
The River Thames is London’s main waterway.It has shaped the capital’s landscape,history and geography. So one of the best ways of making sense of the city is to take a trip along the river. Much of the river bank can now be walked along,particularly the south bank.
The clock tower of the  House of Parliament, Big Ben,has become one of the main symbols of London.It rises up nearly 100m to a golden point above the clock and a 13-ton bell.The sound of the bell,which you can hear at the beginning of many television and radio programmes,has become well-known throughout the nation.No visit to London is complete without a look at the Tower of London.It is in the eastern part of the city.After Big Ben,the Tower may be London’s most visited tourist spot.Sightseeing in London is great,but _____.So,the best way to start the day is to fill yourself up with an English breakfast.For starters,have an egg,bacon,sausages,tomatoes,mushrooms,black pudding and fried bread.Then finish off with toast and jam,and a large pot of tea.You can buy an English breakfast in nearly every hotel,and in many restaurants and cafés.
An English pub is a good place to stop for lunch and a drink:you can get hot or cold food and try one of England’s beers.Or you can sit outside one of the many roadside pubs and cafés in London,and simply watch the busy world go by.
1. What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)
2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
It is very regretful if you don’t go to the Tower of London when visiting London.
3. Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper expressions to complete the sentence.
(Please answer within 10 words.)
4. Which place of London do you want to visit most?Why?(Please answer within 30 words.)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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