An elderly woman died and several other passengers were critically injured when

An elderly woman died and several other passengers were critically injured when

An elderly woman died and several other passengers were critically injured when a crowded Virgin express train crashed in Cumbria last night.
A huge rescue operation involving RAF helicopters and dozens of ambulances arrive. After passengers were trapped in the train for more than four hours because fallen power line poles made access for emergency workers difficult.
Authorities reported up to 80 injuries. Thirteen people were taken to hospital in a“critical or serious condition.”
Between 180 and 200 passengers were on the 5:15pm Virgin service from London Euston to Glasgow Central when all nine carriages left the rails between Oxenholme and Tebay. Witnesses said that the train shook violently before toppling(倾斜) over into an embankment(筑堤)with at least four carriages overturning. Early this morning, authorities confirmed an elderly woman had died and some other passengers had suffered injuries including back strains, head wounds and broken bones.
Ruth Colton, a passenger on the train, said she was reading a book when the journey became uncomfortable. It seemed that the train was being beaten by heavy winds,“as if we were on a plane”.
The accident brought concerns that Britain"s busiest rail route would be crippled(瘫痪)for some time. The line between Preston and Carlisle was postponed as Virgin Trains promised a rapid investigation into the “serious incident”—the company"s first big crash.
It is understood that the investigation will examine whether there was an obstacle on the track and the possibility of speeding or mechanical breakdown. The driver, who was injured, will be interviewed and a black-box recorder installed in the train will be examined.
小题1:What made the rescue come so late?
A.It"s not accessible to reach the accident spot.
B.No enough helicopters and ambulances could be found at that time.
C.It was too far from hospital to Cumbria.
D.No one called the emergency center.
小题2:According to the passage, the busiest rail route in Britain is          
A.From Preston to CarlisleB.Between Euston and Glasgow
C.From Oxenholme to TebayD.Between Virgin and Pendolino
小题3:What does the underlined word “critical”mean?
小题4:Which of the following is the possible cause of the accident?
A.Careless driving.B.Heavy wind.
C.Over loading.D.Obstacle on the track.
小题5:We can learn from the passage that Virgin Trains               
A.made no quick reaction to this accident
B.seldom had so serious an accident before
C.had made full preparations for the accident
D.didn"t mind how many passengers the train can hold



小题2:从第四段第一句可知由 London Euston 到 GlasgowCentral 的旅客有180 到200 人,而从Oxenholme 到Tebay 这段的车厢还都剩着。所以比较可知答案是B。
小题5:从倒数第二段中“---the company’s first bid crash ”可这答案。
Erik Weihenmayer was born with an eye disorder. As a child his eyesight became worse and then, at the age of 13, he lost his sight completely. However, he did not lose his determination to lead a full and active life.
Erik became an adventurer. He took up parachuting, wrestling and scuba diving. He competed in long-distance biking, marathons and skiing. His favorite sport, thought, is mountaineering.
As a young man, Erik started to climb mountains. He reached the summit of Mount McKinley in 1995 and then climbed the dangerous 1000-metre rock wall of EI Capitan. Two years later, while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya with his girlfriend, they stopped for a time at 13,000 feet above sea level-in order to get married. In 1999, he climbed Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America. And then , on May 25, 2001, at the age of 33, Erik successfully completed the greatest mountaineering challenge of all. He climbed Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world.
Erik invented his own method for climbing mountains. He carries two long poles: one to lean on and the other to test the way ahead of him. The climber in front of him wears a bell to guide him. Erik is a good team member. He does his share of the job, such as setting up tents and building snow walls.
Although he could not enjoy the view, Erik felt the excitement of being on the summit of Everest. He hopes that his success will change how people think about the blind. “When people think about a blind person or blindness, now they will think about a person standing on top of the world.” 
小题1:When was Erik born?
A.In 1968.B.In 1995.C.In 1967.D.In 1969.
小题2:What was unusual about his wedding?
A.He got married on the summit of Mount McKinley.
B.He got married when climbing Mount Everest.
C..His wedding was held after he prepared a lot.
D.His wedding was held at 13,000 feet above sea level.
小题3:What is Erik’s special method for climbing a mountain?
A.He takes his girlfriend with him.B.He does his share of the jobs.
C.He uses two long poles to help himself.   D.He keeps a good team around him.
小题4:Which of the following shows the right order of what happened?
a. He topped Mount McKinley.
b. He became blind.
c. He challenged Mount Everest.
d. He reached the peak of Kilimanjaro.
e. He climbed the rock wall of EI Capitan.
A.b, e, d, c, aB.b, a, e, d, cC.a, b, e, d, cD.b, d, a, c, d

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                       Meditation in Indonesian Business
It looked like a typical business meeting. Six men, neatly dressed in white shirts and ties filed into the boardroom of a small Jakarta company and sat down at a long table. But instead of consulting files or hearing reports, they closed their eyes and began to meditate(冥想), consulting the spirits of ancient Javanese kings. Mysticism touches almost every aspect of life in Indonesia and business is no exception. One of the meditators said his weekly meditation sessions are aimed mainly at bringing the peace of mind that makes for good decision-making. But the insight gained from mystic communication with spirits of wise kings has also helped boost the profits of his five companies.
Mysticism and profits have come together since the 13th century introduction of Islam to Indonesia by Indian Moslem merchants. Those devout traders, called ‘Wali Ullah’ or ‘those close to God, ’ energetically spread both trade and religion by adapting their appeals to the native mysticism of Java. Legends attribute magic power of foreknowledge to the Wali Ullah. These powers were believed to be gained through meditation and fasting.
Businessman Hadisiko said his group fasts and meditates all night every Thursday to become closer to God and to contact the spirits of the great men of the past. ‘If we want to employ someone at the managerial level, we meditate together and often the message comes that this man can’t hole onto money or he is untrustworthy. Or maybe the spirits will tell us he should be hired.’  Hadiziko hastened to add that his companies also hold modern personnel management systems and that formal qualifications are essential for a candidate even to be considered. Perspective investments also are considered through mystic meditation. ‘With the mind relaxed and open, it is easier to be objective in judging the risk of a new venture. Meditation and contact with the wisdom of the old leaders sharpens your own insight and intuition. Then you have to apply that intuition to the information you have and work hard to be successful. ’ Mystic meditation helped reverse a business slide his companies experienced in the mid-1980. Operating with normal business procedures, he lost more than $ 3 millions in that year alone. Meditation brought back his peace of mind. Putting the right persons in the right jobs and gaining confidence in his business decisions were the keys to a turning around that has brought expansion and profitability. The mysticism in Handspike’s boardroom is part of a growing movement in Indonesia called Kebatinan – the ‘search for the inner self.’
One of his managers, Yusuf Soemado, who studied business administration at Harvard University, compared the idea of mystic management to western system of positive thinking. ‘Willpower and subconscious mind are recognized as important factors in business. Such approaches as psycho-cybernetics, Carnegie’s think and growth rates, or the power of positive thinking are western attempts to tap the same higher intelligence that we contact through meditation,’ he said.
小题1:What is the most important factor in their doing business?
A Mysticism.  B Religion.  C Meditation.  D Investment.
小题2:Whom do they consult?
A The spirits of ancient Javanese kings.  B Wali Ullah.  C Old Kings.  D Carnegie.
小题3:Why did Hadisike hasten to add ‘his companies also hold modern personnel management systems…’?
A He thought Mysticism was not so good as expected.
B To show they too focused on qualifications.
C To show they hired qualified persons.
D To show the possibility of combination of the scientific management with religion.
小题4:According to the passage, the function of the meditation is
A to gain profit from the god.  B to gain peace of mind to make decision.
C to gain foreknowledge.     D to gain objective conclusion.
小题5:What does ‘operating with normal business procedures’ refer to?
A .Adopting the western way of doing business.
B Ordinary way of doing business without meditation and fasting.
C Contact with God.
D Putting right persons in the right jobs.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Christopher Reeve is best known as the man who played Superman always fighting against the forces of evil(邪恶). He came to ___1___ the victory of good over bad. Now he has taken on his ___2___ fight. 
In 1995, ___3___ riding his horse, Christopher Reeve was thrown to the ground. He broke his ___4___ and has been paralyzed ever since. He cannot move a muscle ___5___ his shoulder level and for six months after his accident he could not even ___6___ without help. ___7___, in spite of his terrible injuries, his goal is to carry on as ___8___ a life as he can. He now spends a lot of time traveling around America ___9___ for people who are in the same ___10___ as he is.
Over 215, 000 Americans suffer from spinal cord(脊髓) injuries, but 90% of them survive(幸存) and live to a great age. Almost $9 billion is spent every year ___11___ for these people, yet only $5 million is spent on the ___12___ to find a cure. Christopher Reeve is a very ___13___ man who, at the age of 9, will not accept that he will ___14___ walk again. He and many others believe that the only thing stopping ___15___ from finding a cure for their injuries is ___16___ for research. 
In 1996, he founded the Christopher Reeve Foundation(CRF) to raise funds(资金) for medical research to treat and find a cure for spinal cord injuries, and also to support programs that improve the quality of life for ___17___ people. Christopher Reeve makes the best of his ___18___. He has conquered his ___19___. He has even returned to the ___20___ world with a $5, 000 wheelchair that can be controlled by sucking or puffing on a straw.
1. A. show      B. play    C. stand for    D. win
2. A. hard       B. serious       C. interesting  D. own
3. A. when      B. before        C. after   D. by
4. A. shoulder        B. arm    C. back   D. hand
5. A. above     B. below        C. from   D. of
6. A. stand      B. work   C. breathe      D. think
7. A. And       B. however     C. Still    D. So
8. A. normal   B. pleased       C. easy    D. ordinary
9. A. caring    B. writing       C. looking      D. speaking
10. A. country B. illness       C. situation   D. part
11. A. treating        B. caring        C. serving       D. curing
12. A. research       B. patients      C. hospital      D. medicine
13. A. strong   B. young        C. determined        D. handsome
14. A. later     B. possibly     C. hardly        D. never
15. A. hospitals     B. scientists   C. chemists     D. patients
16. A. money  B. equipment  C. time    D. views
17. A. sick     B. disabled    C. ordinary     D. poor
18. A. spinalcord    B. illness        C. position     D. spirit
19. A. fear     B. spinalcord        C. disability   D. victory
20. A. business      B. movie      C. sports  D. pleasant
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A woman whose sports car was stolen with her dog in it put up notices all over the area that made it clear getting back her pet was more important than her car.
“Whoever did this can keep my car.Please let Benjerman come home,” the notice said.
It is not known whether the thief showed any pity, but almost 30 hours after the 1 pm theft Friday, Kimberly Atkins of Dover and Benjerman,a 12-year-old black retriever(猎犬),were reunited after police located them in Barrington.
“He’s hungry, he’s dirty, but he’s very happy to be home,”Atkins said.
The car was found at about 5 pm Saturday off Route 125 in a swampy area frequented by off-the-road cars and dirt bikes.However, the police couldn’t control Benjerman,and they had to call Atkins to come and get him.
Atkins said the thief cared for Benjerman a little by providing him with some dry cat food.She believed Benjerman ended up drinking some muddy water in the area.
She said they have been together for nearly 11 years after she took him back from a society shelter in Dallas, Texas.
Before Benjerman was found,Atkins and several friends put up notices all over the city and in Somersworth.They also contacted animal shelters,throughout southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
The notice stated there was a reward,and also that the dog needed medication.Any caller could remain anonymous(匿名的).
Atkins had parked the car outside a hardware store with the keys inside and gone in to rent a carpet cleaner.
¨It was l0 minutes and I came out and my car was gone along with Benjerman in broad daylight,” Atkins said.The car thief threw Atkins’ wallet and other personal items out of the car before escaping from the scene.
小题1:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A car with a dog was stolen
B.Lucky dog was returned to his owner
C.Stealing cars:a most important social problem
D.Woman wants dog back more than stolen car
小题2:Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened?
a.Notices were put up saying there was a reward.
b.Atkins saw Benjerman again.
c.Police found Atkins’car.
d.Atkins took Benjerman back from a society shelter. 
e.Atkins hired a carpet cleaner in a hardware store.
A.d,e,a, b,cB.d,e,a,c,bC.e,a,d,b,c D.e,a,c,d,b
小题3:We can infer from the passage         .
A.the dog was treated extremely badly by the thief stolen accidents happen frequently nowadays
C.the dog was found because of the reward
D.the thief stole the car easily
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Benjerman was sent back immediately after Atkins put up the notices.
B.Atkins and her friends made a great effort to look for Benierman.
C.The thief gave the dog back but kept the sports car.
D.The dog was back at 1 pm on a Friday.

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Odland remembers like it was yesterday working in an expensive French restaurant in Denver. The ice cream he was serving fell onto the white dress of a rich and important woman.
Thirty years have passed, but Odland can’t get the memory out of his mind, nor the woman’s kind reaction(反应).She was shocked, regained calmness and, in a kind voice, told the young Odland. “It’s OK. It wasn’t your fault.”When she left the restaurant, she also left the future Fortune 500 CEO(总裁) with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.
Odland isn’t the only CEO to have made this discovery. Rather, it seems to be one of those few laws of the land that every CEO learns on the way up. It’s hard to get a dozen CEOS to agree about anything, but most agree with the Waiter Rule. They say how others treat the CEO says nothing. But how others treat the waiter is like a window into the soul.
Watch out for anyone who pulls out the power card to say something like,“I could buy this place and fire you.”or “I know the owner and I could have you fired.”Those who say such things have shown more about their character(人品) than about their wealth and power.
The CEO who came up with it, or at least first wrote it down, is Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson. He wrote a best-selling book called Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management.
“A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, or to others, is not a nice person,” Swanson says. “I will never offer a job to the person who is sweet to the boss but turns rude to someone cleaning the tables.” 
小题1:What happened after Odland dropped the ice cream onto the woman’s dress?
A.He was fired.
B.He was blamed.
C.The woman comforted him.
D.The woman left the restaurant at once.
小题2:Odland learned one of his life lessons from _______.
A.his experience as a waiterB.the advice given by the CEOs article in interesting best-selling book
小题3:According to the text, most CEOs have the time opinion about _______.
A.Fortune 500 companiesB.the Management Rules
C.Swanson’s bookD.the Waiter Rule
小题4:From the text we can learn that _______. should be nicer to important people
B.CEOs often show their power before others should respect others no matter who they are
D.CEOs often have meals in expensive restaurants

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