In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mech

In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mech

In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工). One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl 36 to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl 37 the mother would not return to her eggs and she 38 to take them home. There she carefully 39 the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days 40 the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the 41.
Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. 42,to these young geese, the girl was their mother.
As they 43, the girl was able to 44 her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to 45,. The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when 46 and in her dreams. later, she had an 47 She would pilot a plane to guide them in 48 . She asked her father for a plane and he assembled (组装) a small aircraft for her.
Caring about 49 safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not 50 or follow him, and 51 slept in the grass.
One day, the girl 52 into the plane, started it and soon left the 53, Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds 54 flapped (拍打) their wings and 55. She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.
小题2:A. realized    B. expected    C. imagined  D admitted
A.looked awayB.set outC.went byD.turned back



小题1:happen 意为“发生”,happen to do sth.意为“碰巧做某事”,根据see的宾语“20 eggs laid by a wild goose”可判断出在湖边散步时碰巧看见20个天鹅下的蛋。manage意为“办理,处置,处理;支配,管理;经营”,manage to do sth.意为“设法做成某事”;attempt意为“试,企图”;suppose意为“设想,推测;猜想某事(某人)如何”。
小题2:realize 意为“认识到”,表示过了一段时间,这个女孩意识到天鹅妈妈不会回来找它的蛋。expect意为“期待,预期,预料”;imagine意为“想象,设想;猜想,推测”;admit意为“接受,许可入场,承认,容许(辩解)”。
小题3:decide 意为“决定”。根据下文中的“There she carefully placed the eggs in the heat of a lamp.”可判断出她决定把这些蛋带回家去。help意为“帮助,援助;救,救济”;afford意为“给予,供给;产,生产,出产”;mean意为“有……的意思,意思是……”。
小题4:place 意为“放置”。根据地点状语从句in the heat of a lamp可判断出她把这些蛋放在灯下温暖的地方。protect意为“保护,包庇,守护;警戒;防止(危险、损害等)”;treat意为“对待,待遇,处置;处理”;examine意为“调查,检查,审查,检验,检定,观察,研究”。
小题5:later 常与一段时间连用,意为“多长时间后”,根据下文中的“the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the world.”可判断出过了几天后,天鹅蛋破壳了,小天鹅来到了世上。ago意为“以前,前”;long意为“长久;久已”。
小题6:world 意为“世界”,表示“过了几天后,天鹅蛋破壳了,小天鹅来到了世上”。family意为“家,家庭;(集合名词)家庭成员,家属,子女,亲属”;lake意为“湖”;home意为“家,家庭,住宅”。
小题7:thus 意为“于是,因此”,根据上文中“Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother.”可判断出人们都知道天鹅把最先看见的生物当作自己的妈妈,因此对于这些小天鹅来说,这位女孩就是它们的妈妈。but意为“但,但是,可是,然而,不过”;also意为“亦,也,同样;〔口语〕而且,还”;still意为“还,仍,尚,现在还,至今还;但是还”。
小题8:grow 意为“成长”。根据下文中的“the girl was able to lead her birds to run across the grass”可判断出随着这些小天鹅的成长,女孩可以把它带到草地上去。increase意为“增加,增大,增多;增强,增进”;improve意为“改良,改善,增进”;rise意为“上升,升起”。
小题9:lead 意为“带领”;表示“随着这些小天鹅的成长,女孩可以把它们带到草地上去”。ask意为“求,请求,祈求”;want意为“(想)要,想望;想得到”;allow意为“准许(做某事),许可(某现象存在)”。
小题10:fly 意为“飞翔”。根据天鹅的习性可判断出天鹅游水是不用教的,而飞翔要由妈妈教给它们。race意为“赛跑,竞走;竞赛”;swim意为“游水,游泳”;sing意为“唱歌”。
小题11:awake 意为“醒着”。根据下文中的in her dreams可判断出女孩无论是醒着还是睡梦中都为无法教天鹅飞翔而焦虑。asleep意为“睡着,睡熟”;away意为“离开”;around意为“周围,四面”。
小题12:idea 意为“主意”。根据下文中的“she would pilot a plane to guide them in flight.”可判断出女孩想出了一个主意。opinion意为“意见,看法,见解,〔常 pl.〕主张”;explanation意为“解释,注释;说明”;excuse意为“解释,理由,托词,借口”。
小题13:flight 意为“飞行”。根据上文中的would pilot a plane可判断出女孩将开着飞机引导它们飞行。sky意为“天,天空”;heaven意为“天,天空,天堂,天国,极乐世界,乐园,极快乐的事”;plane意为“飞机”。
小题14:根据下文中的“the father decided to pilot the plane himself”可判断出由于担心小女孩的安全,父亲亲自驾驶飞机。
小题15:recognize 意为“认识”,根据上文的内容可知,天鹅把女孩当作了自己的妈妈,所以不认识或不跟随她的父亲。respect 意为“尊敬;尊重”;remember 意为“记起,想起,回忆起”;receive 意为“领受,接到,收到”。
小题16:instead 意为“代替”,强调用甲而不用乙,并含有否定乙的意味,表示不跟着女孩的父亲,而是在草地上睡觉。so 意为“因此”;hardly 意为“几乎不”;too 意为“也”。
小题17:climb 意为“爬”,表示女孩爬上飞机。look意为“看,注视”;reach意为“到,抵,到达(特定地点,目的地等)”;fall意为“落下;散落”。
小题18:ground 意为“地面”。根据上文中的started it可判断出女孩发动了飞机,飞机离开了地面。house意为“房屋”;floor意为“地板”;water意为“水面”。
小题19:eagerly 意为“热心地,急切地”,根据上文中的“seeing their mother take to the air”可判断出由于小天鹅们看见自己的妈妈飞上天空,它们都急切地拍打着翅膀。secretly 意为“秘密地,背地里”;disappointedly 意为“失望地”;patiently意为“有耐性地,有毅力地”。
小题20:set out 意为“出发”。根据下文中的“She flew the plane freely in the sky,her young birds following.”可判断出小天鹅们也飞了起来。look away意为“把脸转过去”;go by意为“(从……旁)走过,依照,顺便走访”;turn back意为“使停止往前,往回走,翻回到,重新提到,折转,挡住”。
As I walked home one freezing day, I stumbled(绊脚) on a wallet in the street. I picked it up and looked inside to find some   21  so that I could call the owner. But the wallet   22 only three dollars and a letter, which looked as if it had been in there for years. The envelope was   23  and the only thing on it was the return address. I started to open the letter,   24 to find some clue. Then I saw the dateline-1924. The letter had been written almost sixty years earlier! It was written in a beautiful handwriting, on blue paper with a little flower in the left-hand corner. It was a “Dear John”(绝交) letter that told the   25 , Michael, that the writer could not see him any more because her mother   26  it. Even so, she wrote that she would  27  love him. It was signed Hannah.
It was a beautiful letter, but there was no   28 , except for the name Michael, to identify the owner.   29  if I called the information center, the operator could find a phone listing for the address on the envelope. Actually, I took great   30  to find both Hannah and Michael, who still remained single. Then, after sixty years’ separation, they married each other in their late seventies. And I was invited to be their best man!
21.A.identification          B.qualification            C.recognition             D.description
22.A.cost                       B.filled                      C.contained         D.included                       B.worn                      C.pretty                     D.attractive
24.A.managing               B.wondering              C.supposing               D.hoping
25.A.receiver                  B.owner                     C.friend                     D.partner
26.A.allowed                  B.forced                    C.forbade                   D.promised
27.A.ever                       B.never               C.always                    D.even
28.A.problem                 B.way                        C.mark                      D.sign
29.A.Only                      B.Even                      C.As                          D.Maybe
30.A.pains                      B.risks                       C.actions                    D.cautions
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A.Feel Grateful!
You say you’re thankful, but then dismiss your mom’s investment as an “obligation”. By today’s economic standards, what she did is virtually miraculous. Tell your mom plainly, over and over again, how grateful you are. I’m sure the complaining will begin to fade.
B.Tame the beast!
When one boy discovers his inner caveman, he likes to initiate others into the tribe. Don’t over-worry. Boys will be boys. You and your husband should meet the boy’s parents down the street, suggesting a plan to either tame the wild beasts or limit their time together.
C.Good effort and goodwill makes it!
Maybe there was a reason why your buddy was out of work. He’s taking advantage of you and your employer. Remind him how to act on the job. He owes good effort and goodwill if he accepts the pay. Tell him to be quiet or get away.
D.Calm down!
   Fast vehicles and wild people---sounds like adolescent dreams to me. As some men age, they compensate with bigger, faster toys. But he’s putting you at risk and breaking the law. In a calm moment outside the car, tell him that he is scaring you. Suggest he join a car club, one that promotes safe driving.
E. Move your line away!
   You say you’re “in the middle”, but I’d say you’re dangerously close to slipping off the edge. There are lots of fish in the sea; why drop your line in waters your friend is still fishing?
F. Speak out and breathe easily together!
   You are rebuilding a relationship with new trust and affection. If there’s a bad odor left from the old day, you need to clear the air. Mention the problem, and say, “I’m sorry for my part in that argument.” I’ll bet she’ll say the same.
56. Allan: My friend Jim was out of work and I helped him find a job in my company. But recently I have found he is very lazy and doesn’t do his work well. Besides, he often tells me that our employer is too bad.
57. Mary: Cathy and I were good friends. But two years ago she moved and left me because we had an argument. Now I hear she has come back to this town and lives about a mile away. I hope to visit this old friend, but I really don’t know what to do.
58. Mrs. Green: My eight-year-old son used to be obedient. But recently he’s become wild and crazy like a barbarian and doesn’t want to stay at home. My husband and I get worried. Now I find he likes to play with another boy who is also a barbarian.
59. Mike: I live with my mother, who works night and day so that she can support my schooling. I’m grateful but sometimes I get even more annoyed because she seems to be always unsatisfied with me and complains about my faults.
60. Eileen: My friend Jim is a helpful young man, and he has taken me downtown in his car several times. But every time he drove his car so crazily that I felt horrible. “I’ve got used to driving fast,” he says.
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For Lee Ann Laraway, polio(脑灰质炎) has made almost everything in life just out of reach. But what her hands can"t retrieve, her assistant can. Meet Jeannie, a three-year-old help, has become Lee Ann"s arms and legs.
Jeannie understands no fewer than 72 commands. To get a feel for what that means, Lee Ann takes us on a shopping trip in San Jose. First stop: The bank, where she got cash from the teller. From the bank, it"s on to the drug store, where Jeannie got a candy bar for Lee Ann. Then Jeannie helped pay the cashier, and got change hack.
"When you have a really good working animal, they come and interact with you all the time," Lee Ann said. While there"s no argument that Jeannie is an ordinary animal, she wasn"t born that way. She was tutored and trained here at a facility that has become the final legacy of one of the Bay Area"s most beloved figures.
Canine Companions for Independence sits on twelve acres of land in Santa Rosa donated by late Peanuts cartoonist Charles Shultz, Here, handlers work with specially selected labs for hours a day— but not every dog will make the cut.
The work is serious Business. In the case of hearing dogs, the animals alert their disabled owners to everything from ringing telephones to doorbells.
Other dogs will work with severely disabled patients like eight-year-old Noah Habib of Mountain View who communicates with a special computer. "I like it when new people come up to ask me about my dog," he says. "People are really interested in the dog and will come over and ask to pet her and ask to play with her, and ask about what she does, and these are people that normally might not approach us and want to talk to Noah," says his Dad.
And back in San Jose Lee Ann is arriving home with Jeannie and her groceries. With just one chore left—opening her own door. "You can train a dog to do a lot of things," said Lee Ann. "You cannot give them the heart to do the job, and that is what a good working dog has."
小题1:Lee Ann"s dog Jeannie cannot ______.
A.get cash at the a cashier for her
C.take on a telephone for the door
小题2:Canine Companions for Independence is a place for ______.
A.severely disabled children to have practice
B.people to donate money or legacy
C.ordinary dogs to be coached
D.people to learn business
小题3:Which of the following can replace the phrase "make the cut" (Line 3, Para 4)?
A.become a good working dogB.hurt the coach
C.become a helpful starD.hurt itself
小题4:According to Lee Ann, you cannot train an ordinary dog ______. put things on people"s always interact with its owner alert deaf love working

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Growing up in Philadelphia, Lieberman started cooking with his stay-at-home dad when he was seven. His food-loving family had two kitchens, and he quickly learned what was the best way to bake his cakes. Lieberman improved his kitchen skills greatly during a year abroad before college, learning from a cook in Italy and studying local specialties(地方特色菜) in Germany, Spain and France. At Yale, he was known for throwing dinner parties, single-handedly frying and baking while mixing drinks for dozens of friends. Just for fun, he and some friends decided to tape a show named Campus Cuisine about his cooking. Lieberman was a real college student showing his classmates how to do things like make drinks out of dining-hall fruit. That helped the show become very popular among the students. They would stop Lieberman after classes to ask for his advice on cooking. Tapes of the show were passed around, with which his name went beyond the school and finally to the Food Network.
Food Network producer Flay hopes the young cook will find a place on the network television. He says Lieberman’s charisma is key. “Food TV isn’t about food anymore,” says Flay “Its about your personality (个性) and finding a way to keep people’s eyeballs on your show.”
But Lieberman isn’t putting all his eggs in one basket. After taping the first season of the new how, Lieberman was back in his won small kitchen preparing sandwiches. An airline company (航空公司)was looking for some one to come up with a tasteful, inexpensive and easy-to-make menu to serve on its flights, Lieberman got the job.
41. We can learn from the text that Lieberman’s family__________.
A. have relatives in Europe                     B. love cooking at home
C. often hold parties                              D. own a restaurant
42. The Food Network got to know Lieberman _______.
A. at one of his parties                    B. from his teachers
C. through his taped show                      D. on a television program
43. What does the word “charisma” underlined in the text refer to?
A. A natural ability to attract others.         B. A way to show one’s achievement.
C. Lieberman’s after-class interest.           D. Lieberman’s fine cooking skill.
44. Why did the airline company give Lieberman the job?
A. He could prepare meals in a small kitchen.     B. He was famous for his shows on Food TV.
C. He was good at using eggs to make sandwiches.
D. He could cook cheap, delicious and simple meals.
45. What can we learn about Lieberman from the text?.
A. He is clever but lonely.                      B. he is friendly and active.
C. He enjoys traveling around.                       D. He often changes his menus.
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Odland remembers like it was yesterday working in an expensive French restaurant in Denver. The ice cream he was serving fell onto the white dress of a rich and important woman.
Thirty years have passed, but Odland can’t get the memory out of his mind, nor the woman’s kind reaction (反应) . She was shocked, regained calmness and, in a kind voice, told the young Odland. “It’s OK. It wasn’t your fault.” When she left the restaurant, she also left the future Fortune 500 CEO (总裁) with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.
Odland isn’t the only CEO to have made this discovery. Rather, it seems to be one of those few laws of the land that every CEO learns on the way up. It’s hard to get a dozen CEO’s to agree about anything, but most agree with the Waiter Rule. They say how others treat the CEO says nothing. But how others treat the waiter is like a window into the soul.
Watch out for anyone who pulls out the power card to say something like, “I could but this place and fire you,” or“I know the owner and I could have you fired.” Those who say such things have shown more about their character(人品) than about their wealth and Power.
The CEO who came up with it, or at least first wrote it down, is Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson. He wrote a best-selling book called, Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management.
“A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, or to others, is not a nice person,” Swanson says. “I will never offer a job to the person who is sweet to the boss but turns rode to someone cleaning the tables.”
49. What happened after Odland dropped the ice cream onto the woman’s dress?
A. He was fired.                            B. He was blamed.
C. The woman comforted him.                D. The woman left the restaurant at once.
50. Odland leaned one of his life lessons from ________.
A. his experience as a waiter.           B. the advice given by the CEOs
C. an article in Fortune                    D. an interesting best-selling book
51. According to the text, most CEOs have the same opinion about __________.
A. Fortune 500 companies                     B. the Management Rules
C. Swanson’s book                               D. the Waiter Rule
52. From the text can learn that __________.
A. one should be nicer to important people         B. CEOs often show their power before others
C. one should respect others no matter who they are
D. CEOs often have meals in expensive restaurants
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