阅读理解。     Anne Whitney, a sophomore at Colorado State University, first had a pr

阅读理解。     Anne Whitney, a sophomore at Colorado State University, first had a pr

阅读理解。     Anne Whitney, a sophomore at Colorado State University, first had a problem taking tests when
she began college. "I was always well prepared for my tests. Sometimes I studied for weeks before
a test. Yet I would go in to take the test, only to find I could not answer the questions correctly. I would
blank out because of nervousness and fear. I couldn"t think of the answer. My low grades on the tests
did not show what I knew to the teacher." Another student in microbiology had similar experiences. He
said, "My first chemistry test was very difficult. Then, on the second test, I sat down to take it, but I was
so nervous that I was shaking. My hands were moving up and down so quickly that it was hard to hold
my pencil. I knew the material and I knew the answers. Yet I couldn"t even write them down!"
     These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety. Because a student worries
and he is uneasy about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does. The student can"t
write or think clearly because of the extreme tension and nervousness. Although poor grades are often
a result of poor study habits, sometimes test anxiety causes the low grades. Recently, test anxiety has
been recognized as a real problem, not just an excuse or a false explanation of lazy students.
     Special university counseling courses try to help students. In these courses, counselors try to help
students by teaching them how to manage test anxiety. At some universities, students take tests to
measure their anxiety. If the tests show their anxiety is high, the students can take short courses to help
them deal with their tension. These courses teach students how to relax their bodies. Students are trained
to become calm in very tense situations. By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work
at ease. Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.
     An expert at the University of California explains. "With almost all students, relaxation and less stress
are felt after taking our program. Most of them experience better control during their tests. Almost all
have some improvement. With some, the improvement is very great." 1. To "blank out" in the first paragraph is probably______.A. to be like a blanket           
B. to be unsure of an answer
C. to show wrong knowledge to the teacher
D. to be unable to think clearly 2. Poor grades are usually the result of _______.A. poor hygienic habits          
B. laziness
C. lack of sleep                
D. inability to form good study habits3. To deal with this problem, students say they want to ______.A. take a short course on anxiety
B. read about anxiety and know how to deal with it
C. be able to manage or understand their anxiety
D. take tests to prove they are not anxious4. What can be inferred from the passage? A. all students could overcome the anxiety after taking a special test anxiety  program
B. most of the students felt relaxed after taking a University of California counseling course
C. students found it difficult to improve even if they had taken a special test anxiety course
1-4: DDAB
完形填空     "I love you, Bob." "I love you, too,  Nancy." My parents" loving reassurances were sweet, touching
and surprising.
     They married on September 14th, 1940, after several __1__ she was __2__ 30 and knew it was
time to start a(n) __3__. The handsome, welleducated man who came by her office was __4__ by her
figure, her blue eyes.
     The __5__ didn"t last long.
     Seeds of __6__ started to grow almost immediately. She liked to travel; he __7__ the thought. He
loved golf; she did not. He was a Republican; she was a Democrat. They __8__ at the bridge table,  
at the dinner table, over money, and so on. __9__, they owned a business together and the __10__
frustrations (挫折) of life at the office came to cause trouble at home.
     There was a hope that they would __11__ once they retired, and the angry winds did calm
somewhat,  __12__ what remained made itself bright, hard bitterness. "I always thought we"d… " my
mother __13__ begin, before launching __14__ a long list of my father"s faults, which I can still recite
today. __15__ he listened, my father would murmur angry threats and curses(辱骂).
      It wasn"t the happiest marriage, but as their 60th anniversary __16__, my sister and I decided to
throw a party. Sixty years was a long time,  __17__; why not try to make the best of things? We"d
provide the cake, the balloons, the toasts, and they"d abide by one rule: no __18__.
     The agreement was honored. We had a wonderful__19__.  It was an important celebration,  
because __20__, things began to change for my parents. As debilitating dementia (老年痴呆症)
settled in, their marriage was about the only thing they wouldn"t lose.
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. talks          
(     )2. A. drawing        
(     )3. A. family        
(     )4. A. astonished    
(     )5. A. story          
(     )6. A. anger          
(     )7. A. hated          
(     )8. A. beat          
(     )9. A. As a result    
(     )10. A. everyday      
(     )11. A. distinguish  
(     )12. A. though        
(     )13. A. might        
(     )14. A. for          
(     )15. A. As            
(     )16. A. passed        
(     )17. A. all in all    
(     )18. A. fighting      
(     )19. A. beginning    
(     )20. A. day after day
B. dates                
B. getting              
B. firm                  
B. moved                
B. relationship          
B. difference            
B. welcomed              
B. hit                  
B. To make matters worse
B. major                
B. change                
B. and                  
B. would                
B. by                    
B. After                
B. approved              
B. at all                
B. attacking            
B. life                  
B. soon after            
C. interviews              
C. nearing                
C. business                
C. affected                
C. romance                
C. confusion              
C. encouraged              
C. struggled              
C. To everyone"s surprise  
C. regular                
C. continue                
C. while                  
C. could                  
C. with                    
C. Before                  
C. approached              
C. after all              
C. blaming                
C. try                    
C. now and then            
D. visits              
D. becoming            
D. occupation          
D. struck              
D. marriage            
D. betrayal            
D. avoided              
D. fought              
D. At the same time    
D. normal              
D. turn                
D. but                  
D. should              
D. into                
D. Once                
D. arrived              
D. as a whole          
D. scolding            
D. day                  
D. never before        
    "It"s my own fault."Carl Fenter pulled his jacket closer against the abnormal bite of cold morning
wind.“The rest of the family is home , where it"s  __1__."
     Just another one of his__2__ideas-a big tamale(玉米粉蒸肉)feast after tonight"s Christmas Eve
service at the church-and look where it landed him:waiting in a line 50 people deep.
     Who would have guessed that the tamale in every shop in the city would be sold out the day before
Christmas?But they __3__, as Carl knew.He had been driving all over El Paso that morning. __4__ to
bring home tamales.Carl tried one last shop, an old favorite one in Canutillo.
     When he arrived, a fresh batch(一炉)was __5__off the steamer in 45 minutes.__6__  at the end of
the snaking line of tamaleseekers, he watched the woman in front of him__7__her jacket to cover
her shivering youngster.It wasn"t long before she,  too,  __8__ in the biting wind.After only a moment"s
__9__, Carl took off his own jacket and offered it to the __10__mother.
     Together, they__11__when the line slowly moved forward at last,  and smiling people exited the
shop carrying steamy bags.__12__, Carl got inside the door and__13__ closer to the counter, the
woman now first in line."Sorry folks, "the clerk announced,  “that"s the last of the tamales.""__14__!"Carl groaned(抱怨)with everyone else__15__behind him. 
    "16__",,  stressed the man at the counter,  “We"ll have a final batch ready__17__,  oh,  about
two hours.”
      Defeated, Carl backed away,  but the young mother grabbed his arm.
      "You"re leaving?"
      "I__18__,"Carl glanced at his watch."I promised to put up luminarias(传统圣诞灯)at my churh."    
      "I"ll get your order of tamales and bring them to your house."     
      Carl"s brow furrowed “I couldn"t ask you to do that.”
      "But it"s__19__I can do.You lent me your coat."Her smile overrode(推翻)his objections."Just give
me your address."She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.
     And at__20__noon on Christmas Eve,  they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales-along with Carl"s
brown jacket-to his home.
     This past Christmas was one of the best I have ever had. This was made possible by my sister, Amy.
She is eight years older and has already made it into "real world".
     My sister bought me three wonderful gifts, ___ 1___only one would capture(俘虏)my heart forever.
First she handed me the 2  . Because Amy is  3  with her actions,I knew this was her least favorite. It was
a bottle of perfume(香水). 1 was happy with it, yet  4  as to what lay ahead. Next she handed me a box.
After  5  away the wrapping paper, I found a stylish(时髦的)and 6  sweater. I was deeply moved that my
sister was so generous(大方的). Then she handed me the  7  gift. Judging by me familiar size and  8  ,I
knew it was a CD. It was the soundtrack to the movie"Rocky",with songs inspiring to all athletes. dreamers…I 9  loved it,but not as much as 1 would after what my sister explained to me.
     She was  10  to a knee injury that  11  me half of my soccer. season. I desired to be with my
team-mates and 12  each minute I sat on the bench. I tried hard, hoping my knee injury would become
well soon. This was what led my sister to buying that CD.
     After mentioning what was behind the  13  ,Amy played the CD for me. Even though I had heard those
songs a thousand times,each note  14  me as If it was new. It played in my soul and on my emotions. I
  15  breathlessly, as the words"Trying hard now. It"s so hard now. "sounded through the room. It touched me in a way  16  me happiness most gifts could bring. I couldn"t  17  crying and hugged my sister. Knowing
that my sister had  18  my problem so deeply made me realize that I am the    19  little sister in the world.
I had never received a gift with so much  20  behind it! I"ll cherish(珍惜)it forever.
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     ) 1.  A. so    
(     ) 2.  A. smallest
(     ) 3.  A. painful
(     ) 4.  A. anxious
(     ) 5.  A. putting
(     ) 6.  A. natural
(     ) 7.  A. rest
(     ) 8.  A. color   
(     ) 9.  A. immediately
(     )10.  A. explaining
(     )11.  A. paid
(     )12.  A. enjoyed
(     )13.  A. gift
(     )14.  A. beat
(     )15.  A. 1istened
(     )16.  A. before
(     )17.  A. burst   
(     )18.  A. found   
(     )19.  A. 1uckiest
(     )20.  A. hardship
B. but    
B. prettiest  
B. pitiful  
B. excited    
B. tearing    
B. suitable  
B. 1ast    
B. style    
B. quickly    
B. replying  
B. stopped    
B. valued    
B. story    
B. struck    
B. danced  
B. under    
B. hold    
B. got    
B. cleverest  
B. thought    
C. as   
C. dearest
C. careful
C. delighted
C. carrying
C. beautiful
C. other   
C. pattern
C. suddenly
C. referring
C. took
C. suffered
C. sweater
C. followed
C. 1aughed
C. above   
C. help
C. felt
C. bravest
C. money   
D. for          
D. 1argest      
D. helpful      
D. curious      
D. giving        
D. expensive    
D. favorite      
D. shape        
D. secretly      
D. talking      
D. cost          
D. spent        
D. holiday      
D. led          
D. remembered    
D. beyond        
D. prevent      
D. solved        
D. best          
D. experience    
     During my ninth-grade year, I suffered from anorexia nervosa: it was not enough to be thin. I had
to be the thinnest. Now, however, fully recovered, I can reflect (反思)back and realize that my wishes
were more complex(复杂)than fitting into size five pants. Many of my subconscious (意识)emotions
were related to my relationship with my father. As 1 was growing up,his work always came first.
Sometimes 1 would not see him for up to two weeks. Not only did he devote his whole self to his work,
but he expected me to do the same ("You cannot get anywhere unless You go to the best universities").
Though,consciously,I never felt pressure to please him,I began dieting after the first time he told me I
looked fat.    
     At the time. All I knew was that I had to be skinny--skinnier than anyone else. Every month my
father went to Europe for a week or so and on the days he left,sorrow and emptiness consumed (折磨)
me:Daddy was leaving. Then,I tuned to focus on a mysterious weakness ---a helpless childlike emotion
that came from starving. I liked to know that I needed to be taken care of;maybe Daddy would take
care of me.
     Now two years later and thirty-eight pounds heavier, I have come to realize that I cannot change my
father"s inability to express his feelings. Instead,I must accept myself. I know that I am a valuable person
who struggle to achieve and accomplish. But I cannot struggle only for others. By starving,l attempted to
gain pride in myself by getting my father"s approval(赞许)or acknowledgement of my value as a person.
But the primary approval must come from me,and l feel safe now that I can live with that knowledge
safely locked in my mind?
1. What is the "anorexia nervosa" as mentioned in the first paragraph?
A. It describes a situation of feeling unsafe.
B. It is an inability to express one"s feelings.
C. It refers to people who are emotionally weak.
D. It is an illness that makes one want to stop eating.
2. Why did the writer suffer from anorexia nervosa?
A. She was told by her father to take care of herself.
B. She wanted to go to the best university.
C. She wanted her father"s attention.
D. She grew up in a poor family.
3. Which of the following statements is true about the writer?
A. She has problems controlling her tempers.
B. She is proud of herself for working hard to succeed.
C. She has had great confidence in herself since childhood.
D. She has changed her father"s way of expressing himself.
4. What"s the writer"s purpose of writing this passage?
A. T0blameherfather.
B. To report a case of child abuse(虐待).    
C. To reflection a stage of growing up.
D. To teach people how to lose weight.
     I always remembered the first time I took part in an English composition competition. "Right! Dean
would be the __11__ of our class to participate in the English composition competition," my classmates
     I was too __12__ to speak when I heard what my classmates said. In order not to __13__ short of
my classmates"__14__, I trained myself very hard for the hope of being the __15__ of the competition,
which would take place a month later. I __16__ a lot of vocabulary, sentence structures and __17__
rules and read many good or renowned articles. Not having I __18__ pretty well, the day came. Every
candidate __19__ me looked so wellprepared and __20__. "Only 1. 5 hours. Start," a supervisor
suddenly said. Seeing the __21__ "What do most teenagers concern nowadays?" I was nervous and
got __22__ block. What"s worse, other candidates had begun writing.  Moments later, I __23__
myself, took a deep breath, and began brainstorming ideas __24__ the topic. I quickly wrote down the
composition structure, central theme, and __25__ necessary elements. As the finishing time was
__26__, I tried my best to accelerate my writing. Unfortunately, __27__ my failure of time management,
I left my composition incomplete. My final draft looked like a robot __28__ legs were broken.
     The result came out two weeks later. To my surprise, I got the second prize! All my classmates
cheered for me. This encouraged me a lot. __29__ I was not the first prize winner, I could still __30__
pride and happiness spreading around me.                 
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(     )1. A. player      
(     )2. A. proud      
(     )3. A. get        
(     )4. A. promises    
(     )5. A. success    
(     )6. A. memorized  
(     )7. A. grammar    
(     )8. A. remembered  
(     )9. A. besides    
(     )10. A. easy      
(     )11. A. problem    
(     )12. A. writer"s  
(     )13. A. persuaded  
(     )14. A. with      
(     )15. A. another    
(     )16. A. approaching
(     )17. A. thanks for
(     )18. A. of which  
(     )19. A. However    
(     )20. A. smell      
B. choice      
B. delighted    
B. be          
B. expectations
B. beater      
B. copied      
B. phrase      
B. prepared    
B. except      
B. nervous      
B. idea        
B. teacher"s    
B. said        
B. towards      
B. the other    
B. accessing    
B. due to      
B. which        
B. As a result  
B. touch        
C. representative  
C. nervous        
C. lose            
C. dreams          
C. winner          
C. read            
C. pattern        
C. started        
C. except for      
C. interested      
C. topic          
C. thinker"s      
C. encouraged      
C. at              
C. other          
C. finishing      
C. as a result    
C. whose          
C. Worse still    
C. sense          
D. person      
D. surprised    
D. fall        
D. words        
D. victory      
D. wrote        
D. term        
D. completed    
D. as well as  
D. unconfident  
D. question    
D. composer"s  
D. calmed      
D. for          
D. others      
D. ending      
D. on account  
D. that        
D. Although    
D. realise