阅读理解     My dad loved pennies, especially those with the elegant stalk(茎) of whe

阅读理解     My dad loved pennies, especially those with the elegant stalk(茎) of whe

阅读理解     My dad loved pennies, especially those with the elegant stalk(茎) of wheat curving around each side
of the ONE CENT on the back. Those were the pennies he grew up with during the Depression(大萧条). 
     As a kid, I would go for walks with Dad, spying coins along the way-a penny here, a dime(一角硬币) there. Whenever I picked up a penny, he"d ask, "Is it a wheat?" It always thrilled him when we found one
of t  hose special coins produced between 1909 and 1958, the year of my birth.
     One gray Sunday morning in winter, not long after my father"s death in 2002, I was walking down Fifth Avenue, feeling bereft. I found myself in front of the church where Dad once worked. I was warmly shown in and led to a seat. Hearing Dad"s favorite "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God", I burst into tears. We"d sung
that at his funeral.
     After the service, I shook the pastor"s(牧师) hand and stepped onto the sidewalk-and there was a
penny. I bent to pick it up, turned it over, and sure enough, it was a wheat. A 1944, a year my father was
serving on a ship in the South Pacific.
     That_started_it. Suddenly wheat pennies began turning up on the sidewalks of New York everywhere. I got most of the important years: his birth year, my mom"s birth year, the year he graduated from college,
the year he met my mom, the year they got married, the year my sister was born. But alas, no 1958 wheat penny-my year, the last year they were made.
     The next Sunday, after the service, I was walking up Fifth Avenue and spotted a penny in the middle
of a crossing. Oh, no, it was a busy street;cabs were speeding by-should I risk it? I just had to get it.
     A wheat! But the penny was worn, and I couldn"t read the date. On arriving home, I took out my
glasses and took it to the light. There was my birthday!
     I found 21 wheat pennies on the streets of Manhattan in the year after my father died, and I don"t think that"s a coincidence.

1. The writer"s father loved pennies with wheat because ________.
A. when he first saw it, he began to love it
B. when he saw the wheat, he thought of his time during the Depression
C. when he was young, he had a lot of pennies with wheat
D. when he was a child, he never got a coin with wheat

2. The underlined word "bereft"(in Para.3) means ________.
A. alone  
B. disappointed
C. upset  
D. discouraged

3. Which of the following statements about the author is NOT true?
A. He was born in 1958.
B. He went to church because of his father.
C. He once worked in a church.
D. He knew the church well.

4. The underlined sentence (in Para.5) suggests ________.
A. the author"s father began to serve on a ship
B. the author picked up many wheat pennies since then
C. the author began to love wheat pennies since then
D. the author started to look for wheat pennies with 1958

5. The best title for the passage would probably be ________.
A. Pennies from Heaven  
B. My father"s life story
C. My father"s hobby  
D. Living in New York
1-5: BCCBA
完形填空                                                                        Give Love Wings
     There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love.One day while she was walking in the woods. , she __1__ two starving birds.She took them home and put them in a small __2__.She cared for them with __3__ and the birds grew strong.Every morning they __4__ her with a wonderful song.The girl felt
great love for the birds.
     One day the girl left the door to the cage __5__.The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the
cage.The girl was so __6__ that he would fly away.As he flew close. , she __7__ him wildly.Her heart felt
glad at her __8__ in catching him.Suddenly she felt the bird __9__ limp(四肢无力的).She opened her
hand and stared in __10__ at the dead bird.Her desperate love had killed him.
She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the __11__ of the cage.She could feel his great need
for __12__.He needed to fly into the blue clear sky.She lifted him from the cage and threw him __13__
into the air.The bird circled once. , twice. , three times.
     The girl watched __14__ at the bird"s enjoyment.Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss.She
wanted the bird to be happy.Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder.It sang the
sweetest __15__ that she had ever heard.
     The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight.The best way to keep love is to give it wings!
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. found        
(     )2. A. tree          
(     )3. A. excitement    
(     )4. A. filled        
(     )5. A. locked        
(     )6. A. frightened    
(     )7. A. beat          
(     )8. A. failure      
(     )9. A. changed      
(     )10. A. excuse      
(     )11. A. edge        
(     )12. A. water        
(     )13. A. angrily      
(     )14. A. delightedly  
(     )15. A. rock        
B. caught      
B. basket      
B. love        
B. greeted    
B. remote      
B. surprised  
B. picked      
B. success    
B. grew        
B. horror      
B. top        
B. food        
B. hopelessly  
B. fortunately
B. tune        
C. covered    
C. cage      
C. sorrow    
C. shared    
C. open      
C. concerned  
C. took      
C. skill      
C. come      
C. heart      
C. shelf      
C. freedom    
C. strongly  
C. publicly  
C. music      
D. kicked            
D. box              
D. pleasure          
D. disturbed        
D. closed            
D. expected          
D. grasped          
D. way              
D. go                
D. joke              
D. wall              
D. company          
D. softly            
D. disappointedly    
D. jazz              
     Some plays achieve so much success that they run for years on end. In many ways, this is __1__for
the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same __2__night after night.One would __3__
them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter(结巴). Yet the thing is not always the
     A famous actor in a __4__successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat(贵族)who had
been imprisoned in Bastille for twenty years.In the last act, a gaoler(监狱长, 看守)would always come
on to the stage with a letter which he could hand to the prisoner.Even though the noble was expected to
read the letter at each __5__, he always insisted that it should be written out in full.
     One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if, after so many performances,
he had managed to learn the __6__of the letter by heart.The curtain went up on the final act of the play
and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell.Just then, the gaoler __7__with the
precious letter in his hands.He entered the __8__and presented the letter to the aristocrat.But the copy
he gave him had not been written out in __9__as usual.It was simply a blank sheet of paper.The gaoler
looked on eagerly, __10__to see if his fellow actor had at last learnt his lines.The noble stared at the
blank sheet of paper for a few seconds.Then, squinting(眯着眼看)his eyes, he said, "The light is __11__.
Read the letter to me."And he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler.__12__that he could not
remember a word of the letter either, the gaoler replied, "The light is indeed dim, sir.I must get my __13__."With this, he hurried off the stage.Much to the aristocrat"s __14__, the gaoler returned a few moments
later with a pair of glasses and the __15__copy of the letter which he proceeded to read to the prisoner.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. fortunate  
(     )2. A. lines      
(     )3. A. want      
(     )4. A. highly    
(     )5. A. play      
(     )6. A. pages      
(     )7. A. turned up  
(     )8. A. room      
(     )9. A. doubt      
(     )10. A. wondered  
(     )11. A. bright    
(     )12. A. Imagining
(     )13. A. glasses  
(     )14. A. surprise  
(     )15. A. usual    
B. unfortunate  
B. words        
B. ask          
B. high        
B. performance  
B. joke        
B. turned out  
B. cell        
B. turn        
B. surprised    
B. dim          
B. Believing    
B. lines        
B. satisfaction
B. old          
C. happy    
C. plays    
C. expect  
C. poorly  
C. role    
C. lines    
C. came out
C. stage    
C. order    
C. anxious  
C. dark    
C. Seeing  
C. light    
C. anger    
C. unusual  
D. unhappy        
D. roles          
D. wish          
D. poor          
D. case          
D. contents      
D. picked up      
D. office        
D. full          
D. afraid        
D. out            
D. Finding        
D. lettes        
D. amusement      
D. new            
     On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clarke locked the door and went to the women"s club as usual.It was a
pleasant way of __1__ time for an old woman who lived alone.
    When she came home she __2__ something unusual.Had someone got in?The back door and the
windows were all locked and there was no __3__ of forced entry.Had anything been taken?She went
from room to room, __4__, and found her camera and spare watch missing.
     The following Thursday she went out at her __5__ time, but didn"t go to the club.Instead, she took a
short walk in a park nearby and came home, letting herself in through the __6__ door.She settled down
to wait and see what would happen.
     It was 4 o"clock when the front doorbell rang.Mrs Clarke was __7__ tea at the time.The bell rang
again, and the next moment she __8__ her letterbox being pushed open.Picking up the kettle of boiling
water, she moved quietly towards the letterbox.A piece of __9__ appeared through the letterbox, and
then a hand.The wire turned and caught around the knob(原形旋钮)on the doorlock.Mrs Clarke
__10__ the kettle and poured the water over the hand.A __11__ cry was heard outside as the wire
__12__ to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was followed by the sound of __13__ feet.
     It wasn"t long before the police caught the thief.And Mrs Clarke was greatly __14__ at the club for
her successful __15__.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. saving            
(     )2. A. learned            
(     )3. A. sight              
(     )4. A. watching          
(     )5. A. late              
(     )6. A. open              
(     )7. A. drinking          
(     )8. A. saw                
(     )9. A. wood              
(     )10. A. discovered        
(     )11. A. soft              
(     )12. A. pushed            
(     )13. A. walking          
(     )14. A. admired          
(     )15. A. self-satisfaction
B. passing          
B. found            
B. exhibition      
B. searching        
B. dinner          
B. back            
B. making          
B. watched          
B. equipment        
B. brought          
B. gentle          
B. put              
B. jumping          
B. encouraged      
B. self-protection  
C. stealing    
C. sensed      
C. note        
C. looking      
C. usual        
C. front        
C. pouring      
C. heard        
C. chalk        
C. raised      
C. sharp        
C. stuck        
C. running      
C. instructed  
C. self-respect
D. finding              
D. hoped                
D. sign                
D. checking            
D. own                  
D. broken              
D. planting            
D. smelled              
D. wire                
D. supported            
D. loud                
D. fell                
D. steady              
D. supported            
D. self-service        
    I want you to know about our neighborhood, Tangley Heights, a slum(贫民窟). I didn"t go there much
after I met Maxine and her disabled son Ronald and their friend, Miss Annie.In 1981 I was 12 years old.
I __1__that once you are 12, you are too big for lots of things you used to __2__before, but you are too
young for a job.So a whole group of us children were __3__with nothing to do, only standing at the
corner to __4__if Maxine would come with popeyed(突眼的)Ronald.Somebody found that Ronald
went to a school for mentally __5__kids and that every afternoon a special bus brought him home and
that his mother was always there to __6__him off the bus.
     My mama could always make you feel special.She could see what my teachers could not, but that
was a __7__between us.When my mama died, the secret died, too.It was Maxine who __8__me to her
neighbor, Miss Annie, when I needed __9__with English.She told me to bring my book to her house
every day after school.After a few weeks, Miss Annie said, "Vernon, I have never __10__you for money, but I would like you to help Maxine __11__up her yard."
     I cleaned up the yard, and then put the __12__in a bag that Ronald held.Ronald stood there __13__
the bag as if it were the most important job on earth.When you first saw Ronald, he looked like a (n)
__14__animal, but what I understood was that Ronald"s problem was __15__.Being scared made him
look strange.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. described  
(     )2. A. discuss    
(     )3. A. left        
(     )4. A. ask        
(     )5. A. independent
(     )6. A. get        
(     )7. A. bridge      
(     )8. A. moved      
(     )9. A. curiosity  
(     )10. A. asked      
(     )11. A. bury      
(     )12. A. money      
(     )13. A. holding    
(     )14. A. energetic  
(     )15. A. doubt      
B. deserved    
B. do          
B. dealt      
B. wait        
B. naughty    
B. catch      
B. gap        
B. introduced  
B. test        
B. awarded    
B. trap        
B. book        
B. throwing    
B. naughty    
B. sadness    
C. discovered  
C. find        
C. admired    
C. see        
C. frightened  
C. teach      
C. secret      
C. calmed      
C. concern    
C. combined    
C. clean      
C. rubbish    
C. closing    
C. beautiful  
C. fear        
D. determined        
D. think            
D. sent              
D. consider          
D. disabled          
D. guide            
D. wall              
D. settled          
D. help              
D. paid              
D. dig              
D. dust              
D. carrying          
D. ugly              
D. character        
     One day, three people suddenly appeared in a store, taking food off the shelves as fast as they could,
obviously not planning to pay for it. The shop owner   1   the "panic button" and then went over the
counter and   2   the front door. It was   3   that they were homeless, and equally obvious that they
weren"t going anywhere with their ill-gotten gains. They   4  the loot (赃物) and simply stood
together - knowing the   5   were on the way.
     Imagine what they must have   6  , when they were told they didn"t have to steal, if they were that   7  ,
instead of being driven out or told they were headed for   8  . "We have food in the back, expired (过期)   9   still safe to eat, that we plan on   10   to a homeless shelter. If you need food, you can have
     They were told to   11   what they had dropped and put it   12  , then asked to clear up the mess
they"d made of the store. They were doing just that when the police   13  . The officers were told the
situation was under   14   and the police were no longer   15  .
     This wasn"t what they had   16  . They were being treated as human beings who had done something
wrong but could   17   the wrong they"d done.   18  , because they knew that the homeless were never
welcome to use "public restrooms" in private businesses, they quickly followed orders to take turns and
use the restroom to clean up.
     Soon three   19  people, standing just a bit taller than before when they came in,   20  out with all the
food their arms could hold. They were reminded that, if they needed to come back again, they were to
ask and not just grab.
题型:云南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. saw      
(     )2. A. opened        
(     )3. A. obvious    
(     )4. A. threw      
(     )5. A. police        
(     )6. A. forced    
(     )7. A. excited        
(     )8. A. home    
(     )9. A. or      
(     )10. A. giving      
(     )11. A. shut up    
(     )12. A. ahead        
(     )13. A. reached      
(     )14. A. control      
(     )15. A. useful      
(     )16. A. loved    
(     )17. A. change    
(     )18. A. Shocked      
(     )19. A. stranger      
(     )20. A. ran        
B. fixed        
B. closed        
B. unclear      
B. dropped      
B. officials      
B. understood    
B. tired         
B. office    
B. but         
B. moving     
B. cut up        
B. away       
B. arrived      
B. discussion    
B. enjoyable    
B. planned       
B. correct      
B. Punished    
B. cleaner      
B. rushed      
C. hit      
C. left      
C. doubtful
C. took    
C. assistants    
C. felt    
C. hungry      
C. shop      
C. and    
C. coming  
C. give up    
C. down      
C. stopped    
C. development  
C. necessary    
C. found      
C. hide      
C. Worried    
C. poorer    
C. moved    
D. found            
D. locked          
D. manageable      
D. crashed          
D. workers          
D. delayed          
D. thirsty          
D. prison          
D. so              
D. losing          
D. make up          
D. back            
D. started          
D. requirement      
D. comfortable      
D. expected        
D. enlarge          
D. Misunderstood    
D. richer          
D. walked