熟读第一单元训练检测案(一)第一节(必修1)课文并完成填空练习    Anne made her diary her best friend because s

熟读第一单元训练检测案(一)第一节(必修1)课文并完成填空练习    Anne made her diary her best friend because s

    Anne made her diary her best friend because she had
no friend who could understand what she was going
1. ______and she wanted a friend.
    Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands
2._______World War ?. Her family had to hide or they
would be 3._______by the German Nazis because her
family was Jewish. They 4. ______away for more than
two years. During that time her only true friend was her
diary. She didn"t want to set 5. ______a series of facts in
a diary as most people did,but she wanted the diary itself
to be her friend. She even 6. _______her diary Kitty.
       In her diary,she wondered if it was because she hadn"t
been able to go 7. _______for so long that she had grown
so 8._____about everything to do with nature. She
could well remember that there was a time 9._______a
deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers
could never have 10. ______her spellbound.
1. through  2.during  3.caught  4.hid  5.down
6. called/named  7.outdoors  8.crazy  9.when   10. kept
完形填空。     Ella is my best friend and we are neighbors. She was, at one time,a(n)    1   person. She was busy all
the time. She taught in a school for a time, worked   2   in local politics to discuss environmental policies in
her area,and volunteered in many other places.
     I remember a time when Ella took out her wallet and wrote a check for a woman who had no rent
money and was    3    getting kicked out of the house. When I was   4    my most painful times, Ella was
    5    there beside me.
      Then some time later,Ella had an accident that   6   major brain injury. She then unluckily   7    her
career and most of her abilities to care for   8    herself. Despite the severe (严重的)     9   , Ella has been
able to live    10   11 years. But her condition is    11    by diabetes (糖尿病), which has been with her
since youth. She has been    12   with the situation and is in her sixties now.
     I received a call the other day,telling me that   13   Ella must now have an operation on one leg. She
doesn"t   14   from her old illness. This situation has been caused by foot sores (疮) that have   15   her a
lot for the last 3 to 4 years. Her sister is living in the house with her,as well as both of their husbands.  16 ,
age and medical problems make it very   17   for the four of them to manage.
     I     18    a train ticket last night to go to her home.I will be there soon.I"m sure I will be  19   to them
during this very hard time. I really enjoy doing small acts of  20  . If I can make a difference to somebody"s
life,my work is done.
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. funny            
(     )2. A. enthusiastically
(     )3. A. in control of    
(     )4. A. putting forward  
(     )5. A. never            
(     )6. A. put off          
(     )7. A.lost              
(     )8. A. ever            
(     )9. A. pain            
(     )10. A. healthy        
(     )11. A. replaced        
(     )12. A. starting        
(     )13. A. unfortunately  
(     )14. A. break          
(     )15. A. confused        
(     )16. A. After all      
(     )17. A. difficult      
(     )18. A. booked          
(     )19. A. patient        
(     )20. A. customs        
B. active        
B. completely    
B. aware of      
B. giving up    
B. right        
B. came from    
B. enjoyed      
B. even          
B. stomach      
B. additional    
B. affected      
B. studying      
B. obviously    
B. benefit      
B. troubled      
B. However      
B. easy          
B. missed        
B. great        
B. panic        
C. lonely        
C. carefully      
C. regardless of  
C. going through  
C. seldom        
C. turned out    
C. gained        
C. still          
C. headache      
C. unhappy        
C. simplified    
C. struggling    
C. suddenly      
C. suffer        
C. pleased        
C. So far        
C. comfortable    
C. ready          
C. kindness      
D. strange          
D. hard              
D.in danger of      
D. looking through  
D. nearly            
D. resulted in      
D. continued        
D. thus              
D. stroke            
D. quick            
D. suggested        
D. talking          
D. unreasonably      
D. heal              
D. relaxed          
D. Therefore        
D. careful          
D. considered        
D. helpful          
D. manners          
     In high school,all Canadian students take part in a very exciting event. It is "Take Your Children to
Work Day".Students will have a chance to work with their parents. My day took place in my mom"s
work,the York Region Police Department.
    When I arrived,a coach was teaching the officers basic combat(格斗)  skills. Everyone tried their best
to practice.  I could see them sweating and panting (喘气).
      The most exciting part of my visit was a stop at the 911 Communication Center. 911 is the same as
110,119 and 120 in China.  Every 911 call in the city is answered here. When I entered the center, I
stood beside a call dispatcher (分派人员)  arid watched him dealing-with the calls.
       Suddenly,the phone rang,he picked it up and a woman cried for help. There was a robbery in her
house. The call dispatcher told her,"Please calm down and move to the safe place quietly. Don"t fight with
them. Just let them take what they want. Please make sure you are not hurt. We are sending officers
      He followed the call and found the address. The call dispatcher chose the five closest police cars from the satellite map and clicked(敲键盘) to send the policemen.  I saw the police cars from the satellite map were quickly moving to the woman"s house.  Five minutes later,they arrived.  I asked the call dispatcher
why he sent five cars.  He said,"There are different levels of emergencies.  Robbery is a high priority (优先 ) ,so we have to send five cars. "
        The day was interesting.  I leamed how the different departments worked together.  The officers
were very friendly and admirable. 
1. What"s the best title for the article?
A. An exciting day at a Police Department.        
B. Robbery is a high priority.
C. How the police saved the woman.                
D. The 911 Communication Center.    
  2. What is the correct time line according to the article?
        a. A woman cried for help on the phone.
        b. A coach was teaching the policemen combat skills.
        c. The writer visited the 911 Communication Center.
        d. The police quickly arrived at the woman"s house.   
A. b-c-d-a    
B. b-c-a-d        
C. c-b-a-d        
D. c-d-a-b   
3.  What would the woman probably do after dialing 911?       
A. Fight bravely against the robbers.
B. Find a safe place to hide.
C. Ask the robbers not to hurt her or take anything away from her house.
D. Ask her neighbors to help her catch the robbers. 
4. Why were the policemen able to arrive at the woman"s house quickly?                                      
A. Because they practiced hard every day.
B. Because the woman"s neighbor dialed 911.  .
C.  Because of the high technology used by the police.
D. Because robbery is a high priority.   
5. What can be inferred from the text?      
A. Robbery is common in the region.
B. The satellite map is helpful to the police.
C.  The mother of the writer is head of the police department.
D.  All the robbers were caught and the woman was saved.
     I came to India about ten years ago to find a village in which I could live and write. However, it was
many months before I   1  down happily in this Himalayan village.
      I   2   alot oftimelooking for the    3    village. Yet no such thing exists.     4    were quite different. But
the villages I stayed in had much in    5    -dirt,poverty, no     6     . Often the villagers themselves were
    7     about why I had come. I had     8    my work as a political newspaperwriter     9      my ideas had
changed. I had   10  to believe that what was happening in the   11   World was more important than
anything else. But to understand how three quaqters ofthe  12  peoplelive,and how their     13    might
affect ours,lfelt that I first had to try and     14    their way of life.
        15    I chose a mountain village because it was a little     16     than those in the plains.  I took the bus
from town along a bumpy(崎岖) road.  Then came a   17    down a steep path to the river. After that I
began the climb into the hills. WheneverI stopped to  18  my breath, I saw a beautiful    19  . After several
 hours" walk the     20    came into sight.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. settled      
(     )2. A. spared      
(     )3. A. high        
(     )4. A. Clouds      
(     )5. A. surprise    
(     )6. A. education    
(     )7. A. disappointed
(     )8. A. taken away  
(     )9. A. because      
(     )10. A. refused    
(     )11.A. Fourth      
(     )12.A. continent"s  
(     )13. A. past        
(     )14. A. share      
(     )15. A. In fact    
(     )16. A. easier      
(     )17. A. walk        
(     )18. A. absorb      
(     )19. A. bird        
(     )20. A. house      
B. stayed            
B. took              
B. typical          
B. Houses            
B. particular        
B. food              
B. delighted        
B. put aside        
B. although          
B. decided          
B. First            
B. world"s          
B. future            
B. change            
B. In the beginning  
B. warmer            
B. sail              
B. hold              
B. scene            
B. mountain          
C. lived        
C. wasted        
C. cold          
C. Roads        
C. reality      
C. air          
C. puzzled      
C. put down      
C. while        
C. come          
C. Second        
C. region"s      
C. position      
C. adapt        
C. In other words
C. cooler        
C. rest          
C. stop          
C. flower        
C. village      
D. wrote          
D. offered        
D. wet            
D. Conditions    
D. common        
D. furniture      
D. discouraged    
D. taken down    
D. before        
D. failed        
D. Third          
D. country"s      
D. politics      
D. escape        
D. In the end    
D. noisier        
D. fall          
D. catch          
D. tree          
D. chimney        

       A farmer had some puppies (小狗) he needed to sell.  He painted a sign advertising the pups and
set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard.  As he was driving the last nail into the post,he felt a
tug(用力拉) on his clothes.
He looked down into the eyes of a little boy.
        "Mister," he said,"I want to buy one of your puppies." "Well,"said the farmer."these puppies come
from fine parents and cost a good deal of money. "
     The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket,he pulled out a handful
of change and held it up to the farmer. "I"ve got 39 cents. Is that enough to take a look?"
        "Sure,"  said the farmer.  And with that he let out a whistle (口哨) ," Here,Dolly! "  he called.
        Out from the doghouse and down the ramp (斜坡)ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur.  The
little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence (铁丝网).  His eyes danced with delight.
       As the dogs made their way to the fence,the little boy noticed something else moving inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared; this one clearly smaller.Down the ramp it slid (滑倒).  Then in a
somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling(跛行)  toward the others,doing its best to catch up…
      "I want that one," the little boy said,pointing to the little puppy.
      The farmer said: "Son,you don"t want that puppy.  He will never be able to run and play with you like
these other dogs would. "
      The little boy stepped back from the fence,reached down,and began rolling up one leg of his trousers.  He showed a steel brace (钢支架) running down both sides of his leg attaching (绑) itself to a specially made shoe.  Looking back up at the farmer,he said: "You see sir,I don"t run too well myself,and he will
need someone who understands. "The world is full of people who need someone who understands.

1. The boy dropped his head for a while probably because ______.
A. he was not sure whether to buy a puppy or not
B. he just wanted to have a look at the puppies
C. he was disappointed about not having enough money
D. he needed time to reach into his pocket for the change
2. The author described the puppies as "balls of fur"______.  
A. because they were fat enough to be a ball
B.  because they moved in a way like a hall
C. to show they were from-good parents
D. to show how lovely they were to the boy
3. The boy"s eyes "danced with delight" because ______.  
A. he was exoited to see the lovely puppies
B.  he had been looking for a lame puppy for a long time
C. he enjoyed comparing and choosing puppies
D. he noticed something interesting in the doghouse       
4. Why did the boy decide to take the last dog? 
A. Because he felt sorry for the dog.
B. Because he understood the dog"s difficulty.
C. Because he didn"t have enough money for the others.
D. Because he didn"t need a dog that could run and play with him.
  My son Joey was born with club (弯曲的 )  feet. The doctors assured us that with    1    he would be
able to walk normally-but would never   2   very well.  The first three years of his life were spent in surgery,
casts and braces.  By
the time he was eight,you wouldn"t know he had a problem when you saw him walk.
      The children in our   3    ran around as most children do during play,and Joey would jump right in and
run and   4    , too. We never told him that he    5    wouldn"t be able to run as well as the other children.
So he didn"t know.
     In     6     grade he decided to go out for the cross-country team. Every day he trained with the team.
He worked harder and ran more than    7    of the others-perhaps he    8   that the abilities that seemed to
come naturally to so  many others did not come     9     to him.    10    the entire team runs,      11      the
top seven runners have the potential to score points for the school. We didn"t tell him he probably would
never make the team,so he didn"t     12    .
      He      13      to run four to five miles a day,every day-even the day he had a 103-degree fever.  I
was      14  , so I went to look for him after school.  I found him running    15   .  I asked him how he felt. " Okay,"he said.  He had two
more miles to go. The   16    ran down his face and his eyes were glassy from his fever. Yet he looked
straight   17  and kept running. We never told him he couldn"t run with a 103-degree fever. So he didn"t
       Two weeks later,the names of the team runners were   18  . Joey numbered six on the list.  Joey
had      19      the team. He was in seventh grade-the other six team members were all eighth graders. We
never told him he     20   expect to make the team. We never told him he couldn"t. We never told him he
couldn"t do it so he didn"t know. He just did it.
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(     )1. A. treatment    
(     )2. A. walk        
(     )3. A. family      
(     )4. A. shout        
(     )5. A. probably    
(     )6. A. sixth        
(     )7. A. one          
(     )8. A. knew        
(     )9. A. easily      
(     )10. A. Although    
(     )11. A. but        
(     )12. A. know        
(     )13. A. had        
(     )14. A. happy      
(     )15. A. all along  
(     )16. A. sweat      
(     )17. A. up          
(     )18. A. called      
(     )19. A. joined      
(     )20. A. should      
B. courage    
B. run        
B. school      
B. fight      
B. surely      
B. seventh    
B. some        
B. sensed      
B. naturally  
B. Even        
B. just        
B. realize    
B. stopped    
B. nervous    
B. all alone  
B. tears      
B. down        
B. found      
B. made        
B. shouldn"t  
C. practice  
C. race      
C. hospital  
C. play      
C. certainly  
C. eighth    
C. any        
C. was told  
C. normally  
C. As        
C. only      
C. recognize  
C. hoped      
C. proud      
C. allin      
C. dirty      
C. ahead      
C. fixed      
C. accepted  
C. must      
D. care        
D. stand        
D. neighborhood
D. joke        
D. undoubtedly  
D. ninth        
D. none        
D. was felt    
D. probably    
D. If          
D. perhaps      
D. understand  
D. continued    
D. worried      
D. all out      
D. water        
D. back        
D. shouted      
D. found        
D. mustn"t