阅读理解。     It is the summer of 1776. Thomas Jefferson is not happy. He"d rather b

阅读理解。     It is the summer of 1776. Thomas Jefferson is not happy. He"d rather b

题型:0114 月考题难度:来源:
阅读理解。     It is the summer of 1776. Thomas Jefferson is not happy. He"d rather be home in Virginia than attending
Philadelphia"s Continental Congress(大陆会议)
     Thomas Jefferson knew he had a job to do. Important men throughout the American colonies (殖民地)
were meeting in Philadelphis to discuss and debate the war with Great Briain. The colony of Virginia sent
Thomas Jefferson to Philadelphia. But Jefferson wasn"t happy. Jefferson wanted to be home that hot summer
of 1776. he missed his wife, Martha. She hadn"t been feeling well when he left, and he worried about her.
     On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee from Virginia stood up at the Congress and announced that "these
American colonies ought to be free and independent states." Jefferson probably knew what was coming next.
Here was another resolution (决议)to debate. And whenever there was a resolution, there was a declaration.
     The American colonies had been at war with Great Britain for more than a year, but surprisingly. The
colonies had not formally announced their independence. So the Congress appointed a five-man committee to
crate a document declaring America"s independence. And the committee chose Thomas Jefferson to write it.
     Jefferson knew he was to list the unfair things Great Britain had done to the colonies. For days and days,
Jefferson wrote and rewrote about the king and his unfair laws. About independence. About freedom. He
borrowed ideas from other political writers, but he wrote these thoughts in words that all people could
understand. He wanted his ideas to be shared with everyone.
     And they were. The Continental Congress voted to adopt the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
on July 8, it was read out loud to a cheering crowd. No one knew who the author was, but they knew what
the Declaration stood for-independence and freedom for all.
     Still, Thomas Jefferson dreamed of home. In late July he begged Richard Henry Lee to replace him in the
Congress. In September, Jefferson"s dream finally came true, and he traveled home.
      Since then, the words Thomas Jefferson wrote during that hot Philadelphia summer have inspired people
throughout the world. Thank goodness Jefferson didn"t go home. 1. Why didn"t Thomas Jefferson want to go to Philadelphia? A. He was not a good debater
B. He found a new job in Virginia
C. It was extremely hot in Philadelphia
D. He was concerned about his wife"s health 2. The Continental Congress set up a committee to write a document to _____. A. officially declare war on Britain
B. announce the American colonies were free
C. inspire soldiers fighting against Britain
D. revise the Declaration of Independence 3. The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 6 refers to _____. A. people in the colonies
B. members of the Congress
C. Jefferson "s ideas
D. ideas of other writes 4. What do we know about the Declaration of Independence? A. It was written in quite simple words
B. It took Jefferson about one year to write it
C. Jefferson finished it with the help of Richard Henry Lee
D. It won Jefferson great honors immediately it was announced. 5. We can learn from the passage that _____.A. Jefferson was a very caring husband
B. Jefferson was not really interested in politics
C. Jefferson was unwilling to borrow other writers" ideas
D. Jefferson finished his job in the Congress before going home
1-5: DBCAA
完形填空。     On the first day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in my marketing class. My teacher,
Mrs. King, suggested I   1   a national marketing club called DECA   2   many students with talent and interest
in business.   3   I did.
     The first   4   was to raise money for marketing activities and competitions later in the year by selling Gold
Canyon Candles. Mrs. King said the money was   5   in a week and that 40 percent of the income would go
into my personal account. At first I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said that if I could show
   6   and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would   7   buy some. I started my presentation with a firm
      Then I introduced all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could offer and   8   her that our
candles were the best choice for gifts and home decorations. Finally she bought three candles. Greatly   9   I
decided to sell my candles around the neighborhood. On Saturday morning, with great   10  , I knocked at the
door of my first  11  buyer.
     "I"m a student at Skyline High School and we are raising money for DECA, I"m trying to sell …" 
     "Not today, sorry," the man   12   me and shut the door. 
     Embarrassed, I walked away and encouraged myself that the   13   thing that might happen was being
refused like that again. I couldn"t even count how many times I was  14   with reasons like "Not today","I don"t
have any   15   money right now" or "I just bought some".   16  , I had to continue with the day. Finally, a
woman kindly bought nearly $60 worth of candles. I couldn"t even hide my   17   and said,"Thank you very
much" to her with a bow.
     After a   18   hard work, I turned in $408 worth of sales of candles, which gave me $163 in my own
     I was surprised to   19   I was the second highest seller in all classes.
     It was my first time working as a sales person. This experience let me know that worrying about difficulties
was only wasting my time and a(an)  20   in my way to success.
题型:吉林省期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:吉林省期末题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. hold         
(     )2. A. attracting   
(     )3. A. Yet          
(     )4. A. chance       
(     )5. A. tight        
(     )6. A. preference   
(     )7. A. automatically
(     )8. A. warned       
(     )9. A. inspired     
(     )10. A. stress      
(     )11. A. permanent   
(     )12. A. interrupted 
(     )13. A. best        
(     )14. A. turned up   
(     )15. A. extra       
(     )16. A. Otherwise   
(     )17. A. appreciation
(     )18. A. week’s     
(     )19. A. work out    
(     )20. A. load        
B. join      
B. abusing   
B. So        
B. change    
B. tough     
B. aim       
B. certainly 
B. asked     
B. moved     
B. courage   
B. previous  
B. bothered  
B. luckiest  
B. turned down
B. more      
B. Besides   
B. sorrow    
B. hour’s   
B. find out  
B. error     
C. build      
C. appealing  
C. Though     
C. challenge  
C. diverse    
C. expectation
C. eventually 
C. convinced  
C. shocked    
C. experience 
C. precious   
C. disturbed  
C. worst      
C. turned on  
C. remaining  
C. Therefore  
C. delight    
C. year’s    
C. take out   
C. conflict   
D. set          
D. admitting    
D. Or           
D. choice       
D. due          
D. confidence   
D. personally   
D. explained    
D. disappointed 
D. knowledge    
D. potential    
D. hurt         
D. unhappiest   
D. turned out   
D. left         
D. However      
D. anxiety      
D. month’s     
D. get out      
D. barrier      
     As a music teacher for twenty-seven years, I have always known that music touches the soul. It can break
through all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the means for each child to find
their light.
     A few years ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to teach pre-school students one afternoon a week.
One of my most memorable students was Vanessa. She was five years old, had difficulty walking, and could
not speak. We mostly sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to sit on my lap.
     One of her favorite songs was John the Rabbit. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and
the students clapped two times while singing the repeating phrase,"Oh, yes!" Vanessa liked to put her hands
together with mine and clap with me. We performed that song during every class, Vanessa and I clapping
together. She never said or sang a word.
     One day late in the school year, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around, looked me in the eye,
clapped her tiny hands two times and said the words "Oh, yes!" I opened my mouth and for that moment I was
the one who could not speak. Through music, we had made a connection. Several years later, I came across
Vanessa on the street in town. I stopped my car and waved to say hello. She waved back with a big smile on
her face and then clapped her hands two times, mimicking (模仿) the song we had performed in our music
class. This precious little girl, through her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last
forever. Every child has the ability to learn and grow. It is up to us educators to discover the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each child"s light.
1. The author thinks music _____.
A. can make children calm down
B. can connect heart to heart
C. is difficult for pre-school students
D. is a good means to find a job
2. According to the second paragraph, Vanessa ______.
A. got used to singing songs
B. was too shy to speak
C. was the youngest in the class
D. enjoyed the author"s class
3. When Vanessa spoke the words "Oh, yes!", the author felt ______.
A. surprised
B. pleased
C. frightened
D. upset
4. What message does the author want to convey to readers most?
A. Music is the universal language of mankind.
B. Disabled children are natural music lovers.
C. Teachers should find a way to discover students" light.
D. A good educator ought to help students learn through music.
     Not long before, my daughter"s shoes were scratched (划破) with a knife. She burst into tears. I took
them to the shoemaker"s.
     The young apprentice(学徒) glanced at the   1   and said, "Nothing I can do except   2   the upper."
     His master looked at them and said, "If you   3   me, I will add more scratches on both the shoes."
     I was  4   and asked why.
     He explained,"As if the opening were made   5   for a special style."
     I didn"t fully understand him,   6   I decided to leave the shoes.
     Two days later I dropped by from work to   7   the shoes. I found more scratches on each shoe; all the
openings were patched (缝补)by soft red leather; the stitches (针脚) were twisted with the appearance
looking more  8   and interesting than ever. I couldn"t help praising the master"s   9   .
     Another time, my sister"s blouse was torn, leaving a large opening. My wife checked it  10  , and then said,
"Let me take it home and  11  it."
     Three days later, seeing it again, I was greatly   12   : all the torn parts took on a look of ice crystal (水晶);
attached to it was a snowman made of flowery rags. I sighed with  13  ,"It"s amazing!"
     "I was   14   by that shoemaker. Patches are supposed to be  15  , but a skillful craftsman (工匠) can make
it take on a kind of   16   ." replied my wife.
     Her words inspired me more: perfection is impossible to achieve in  17   ; patches appear in the  18  of
injury, disability or disease. Since you can"t change the existence of wound, you should not  19   people"s
sympathy by disclosing the wound, which is meaningless. Just sew the   20   by patches and produce a most
beautiful flower on it, and that is the significance of life.
题型:吉林省期末题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A.scar     
(     )2. A.replace   
(     )3. A.tell     
(     )4. A.delighted 
(     )5. A.on purpose 
(     )6. A.so       
(     )7. A.bring     
(     )8. A.ugly     
(     )9. A.skill     
(     )10. A.anxiously
(     )11. A.wash     
(     )12. A.puzzled 
(     )13. A.anger   
(     )14. A.encourage
(     )15. A.common   
(     )16. A.difference
(     )17. A.future   
(     )18. A.form     
(     )19. A.treat   
(     )20. A.wound   
B. opening      
B. remove    
 B. show        
B. confused  
B. by chance    
B. and          
B. collect      
B. strange      
B. drill      
B. suddenly      
B. iron        
B. disappointed 
B. regretd 
B. beautiful    
B. perfection  
B. mind        
B. name        
B. accept      
B. pain       
C. hole           
C. throw       
C. agree       
C. excited   
C. in particular 
C. as           
C. see         
C. lovely       
C. performance 
C. carefully     
C. save         
C. surprised   
C. praise       
C. moved     
C. ugly           
C. newness     
C. life         
C. shape       
C. ignore       
C. injury     
D. mark                    
D. tear                  
D. trust                 
D. astonished         
D. in turn                 
D. but                    
D. return                 
D. familiar               
D. strength               
D. delightedly             
D. mend                  
D. touched               
D. care                  
D. attracted            
D. rare                    
D. change                
D. place                 
D. need                  
D. expect                
D. disability         

     I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of times. I was joyfully expecting my first
child at the same time that my mother was   1   her battle with a brain tumor (瘤). For ten years, my
fiercely independent and   2   mother had fought, but none of the treatments had been successful.   3  ,
she never lost her ability to smile. But now, finally, she became totally   4   -unable to speak, walk, eat or
dress on her own.
     As she grew closer and closer to death, my   5   grew closer and closer to life inside me. My biggest
   6   was that their lives would never connect. I was sad not only at the   7   loss of my mother, but that
she and my baby would never know each other. Her doctor did not   8  any hope; they told us her time
was up.
      We brought Mother   9   to her own bed in her own house. As  10  as I could, I sat beside her and
talked to her about the baby moving inside me.
     On February 3, 989, at about the same time my labor (分娩)  11 , Mother opened her eyes. When
they told me this at the   12  , I called her home, "Mom, listen. The baby is coming! You"re going to have
a new grandchild!"
     "Yes! Yes! I know!"
      Four beautiful words! The first  13  words she"d spoken in months! When I  14  again an hour later,
the nurse at her house told the   15  message: Mom sat up, smiling, with her oxygen tubes removed.
     When I brought Jacob home. Mom was sitting in her chair and  16   to welcome him. Tears of joy
blocked my vision as I  17  my son in her arms and she clucked (发出咯咯声) at him. They  18  .
     Then she quietly clipped hack into a coma (昏迷) and  19  peacefully. Memories of my son"s birth
 will always be  20  for me, but it was then that I learned love has the power to overcome any worries
and any sorrow. And love can last forever. 

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(     )1. A.attending   
(     )2. A.courageous  
(     )3. A.So          
(     )4. A.tired       
(     )5. A.sorrow      
(     )6. A.problem     
(     )7. A.coming      
(     )8. A.admit       
(     )9. A.up          
(     )10. A.soon       
(     )11. A.started    
(     )12. A.office     
(     )13. A, common    
(     )14. A.got up     
(     )15. A.impossible 
(     )16. A.likely     
(     )17. A. hugged    
(     )18. A.joined     
(     )19. A.passed away
(     )20. A.proud      
B. losing        
B. interesting      
B. Again            
B. blind          
B. love           
B. dream         
B. disappearing   
B. hold           
B. away            
B. fast            
B. failed          
B. hospital        
B. caring          
B. woke up         
B. possible         
B. ready            
B. threw            
B. knew            
B. turned over      
B. frightening    

C. defending     
C. funny         
C. Instead       
C.  disabled     
C. baby          
C. surprise      
C. falling       
C. drop          
C. about         
C. early         
C. ended         
C. house         
C. clear         
C. called up     
C. necessary     
C. free          
C. took          
C. nodded        
C. settled down  
C. bittersweet   

D. defeating              
D. lucky                    
D. Still                    
D. depressed              
 D. body                     
D. fear                   
D. unexpecting            
D. permit                 
D. home                     
D. often                   
D. continued              
D. station                  
D. correct                  
D. looked up                
D. terrible                 
D. nervous                
D. laid                   
D. cried                    
D. gave out                 
D. exciting               

     Once in a village, the villagers built a new church building and people came from far and wide to see it.
They admired its beauty! They said it was the most beautiful building in the world. Up on the roof, a little nail
heard the people praising everything about the lovely structure - except the nail! No one even knew he was
there, and he became very angry and sad.
     "If I am not important, nobody will miss me if I quit!" So the nail then released (松开) its hold, got down
from the roof, and fell into the mud.
      That night it rained and rained. Soon, the board that had no nail was blown away, and the roof began to
leak  (漏水). The water flowed down along the walls and over the beautiful pictures on the walls. The plaster (石膏) began to fall, the floor was ruined, and the Bible was also ruined by water. All this was because a little
 nail decided to quit!
     But what of the nail? While holding the board, it was not known by others but it was useful. Buried in the
mud now, it was useless and would soon be eaten up by rust!
     What the story wants to say is that every member is important to a whole group!
     You may, like the nail, feel not important at times, but just like the nail, your absence is felt. A big building
might fall to pieces. You are important to a group even if you are small.

1. Why did the nail decide to quit?
A. Because he was not able to hold on any longer.
B. Because he was angry and sad without people"s praising him.
C. Because he knew a big nail would replace him.
D. Because he had finished his task successfully.
2. What"s the result of the nail"s giving up?
 A. People began to realize the importance of the nail.
B. The nail was put in a more important position.
C. Many things in the building were ruined and the nail was eaten up by rust.
D. The nail regretted his original decision at last.
3. We can conclude that the nail was ______ in the passage.
A. clever
B. diligent
C. stupid
D. thoughtful
4. The passage wants to tell us that ______.
A. no matter how small you seem, you are important to a group
B. it is a pity that small people are never looked up to
C. quit when it is necessary, and don"t care about what others say
D. being valued is important to a man