Below is some advice on how to prevent colds and flu.8 Ways to Avoid Colds and F

Below is some advice on how to prevent colds and flu.8 Ways to Avoid Colds and F

Below is some advice on how to prevent colds and flu.
8 Ways to Avoid Colds and Flu
1. Wash your hands and wash them often
The US Naval Health Research Center conducted a study of 40,000 volunteers who were ordered to wash their hands five times a day. The volunteers cut their incidence of flu by 45 percent.
2. Wash your hands twice every time you wash them
Researchers at Columbia University found one hand washing had little effect, even when using antibacterial soap. So wash twice if you’re serious about preventing colds.
3. Change your toothbrush every three months
You think your toothbrush gets your teeth clean — and it does. But once you’ve finished brushing, it can be a breeding ground for germs. Most dentists recommend you change your brush every two or three months. It’s also a good idea to replace it after you’ve had a cold or flu.
4. Sneeze and cough into your arm or tissue (纸巾)
Whoever taught us to cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze got it wrong. That just puts the germs right on our hands, where you can spread them to objects — and other people. Instead, put your arm over your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough if a tissue isn’t handy. It’s pretty rare that you shake someone’s arm, after all.
5. Stop blaming yourself when things go wrong
Believe it or not, blaming yourself makes you more likely to catch a cold! Researchers found that even those who had control over their work were more likely to begin sneezing if they lacked confidence or tended to blame themselves when things went wrong. Such attitudes make people more stressed on the job, and stress, as you know, can challenge your immune system.
6. Once a day, sit in a quiet, dim room, close your eyes, and focus on one word
Meditate (冥想). It is a proven way to reduce stress. Studies have shown that stress weakens your immune system. In fact, people with high stress levels have up to twice the number of colds as non-stressed people.
7. Get moving
Ride a bike, join a dance class, or go for a walk. A study found that older women who did 45 minutes of gentle exercise, five times a week for a year, were up to three times less likely to get a cold than women who took little exercise. The researchers found that the exercisers’ immune system was strongest in the last three months of the study.
8. Leave the windows in your house open a crack
You don’t have to keep all of them open, but one or two in the rooms in which you spend the most time. This is particularly important if you live in a newer home, where fresh circulating air has been the victim of energy efficiency. A bit of fresh air will do wonders for chasing out germs.
小题1:To prevent yourself from getting colds, you should wash your hands____.
A.twice every hourB.twice every time
C.five times every hourD.five times every time
小题2:When you cough or sneeze, you should ____.
A.put your hands over your mouth
B.avoid shaking hands with other people
C.cover your mouth with your arm or a tissue
D.keep away from other people
小题3:Your immune system will be weakened if ____.
A.your stress level is high
B.your room is not bright have control over your work do not exercise for 45 minutes every day
小题4:If you live in a new house, it is particularly important to ____.
A.leave all the windows open a crack
B.leave only one or two windows open to save energy
C.keep one or two windows open in the rooms where you spend the most time
D.keep all the doors and windows open to let in more fresh air when you are at home




Writer/ Time
Topic: Who’s a better singer, Andy Lau (刘德华) or Jacky Cheung (张学友)?
5:25 pm.
Some people say Jacky is the best Chinese singer. I don’t think so! Andy is the best. I went to his concert last year. It was so wonderful, I almost cried! OK, I did cry, but that’s because Andy is so handsome!
4:38 pm.
I disagree with Jim. Andy sounds like every other singer. His voice is nothing special. On the other hand, Jacky’s voice is unique, and his songs are so romantic!
8:54 pm.
I think they’re about the same. But Andy is a better actor. I’ve seen almost all of his movies. Remember the one where he was an airplane pilot, and his plane crashed near a farm? I love that movie!
10:25 pm.
I also think Jacky is a better singer. I prefer his Cantonese (粤语) songs. Maybe they sound better because Cantonese is his first language.
10:12 am.
I agree. Jacky’s Cantonese songs are better than his Mandarin (华语) songs. (Though, I still like all his songs!)
小题1:Who likes Andy Lau the best?      .
小题2:Why did Jim cry? Because      .
A.she was sad at a concert.B.she had a broken heart.
C.she was angry at Jacky CheungD.she thought Andy Lau was very good looking
小题3:What’s Linda’s opinion?      .
A.Andy is a better singer.B.Jacky is a better singer.
C.They both sing equally well.D.Jacky is a better actor.
小题4:Why does John think Jacky’s Cantonese songs sound the best? Because        .
A.Jacky has no experience singing in Mandarin.’s his native language
C.his mandarin pronunciation is bad
D.Jacky’s Mandarin songs are boring.

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A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements in the newspapers. "Last week," said he, "my umbrella was stolen from a London church. As it was a present, 1 spent twice its worth in advertising, but didn"t get it back."
"How did you write your advertisement?" asked one of the listeners, a merchant.
"Here it is," said the man, taking out of his pocket a slip cut from a newspaper. The other man took it and read, "Lost from the City Church last Sunday evening a black silk umbrella. The gentleman who finds it will receive ten shillings on leaving it at No l0 Broad Street."
"Now," said the merchant, "I often advertise, and find that it pays me well. But the way in which an advertisement is expressed is of extreme importance. Let us try your umbrella again, and if it fails, I will buy you a new one."
The merchant then took a slip of paper out of his pocket and wrote: "If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening doesn"t wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No. 10 Broad Street. He is well-known."
This appeared in the paper, and on the following morning, the man was astonished when he opened the front door. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors that had been thrown in and his own was among them. Many of them had notes fastened to them saying that they had been taken by mistake, and begging the loser not to say anything about the matter.
小题1: This is a story about_______. a man lost and found his umbrella to make an effective advertisement to find lost things to put an advertisement in the newspaper
小题2: "If it fails, I will buy you a new one "suggested that______.
A.he was rich enough to afford an umbrellaB.he was quite sure of his success
C.he was not sure he would get the umbrella backD.he was ready to help others
小题3:The result of the first advertisement was that______.
A.the man got his umbrella backB.the man wasted some money advertising
C.the man found his umbrellaD.someone found his umbrella
小题4:According to the first advertisement, anyone who_____ would receive ten shillings.
A.left the umbrella in the City ChurchB.found the umbrella at No. I 0 Broad Street
C.gave the message to the manD.left the umbrella at No. 10 Broad Street

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CCTV—1 Channel 2
18:00 TV Classroom: Computer
18:30 China Music TV
19:00 News
19:30 Weather Report
19:40 Today’s Focus
20:05 40-part Serial(连续剧)The Gate of Reign(39)
21:25 Stories on the Map
22:30 China Sports Report
23:00 On the Screen Next We
CCTV—2 Channel 8
17:30 Foreign Light Music
18:10 Children’s Programme:
Cartoon City
19:05 World-famous Cities: Toronto
20:55 The Story of Earth
21:30 Economy 30 Minutes
22:00 News in English
22:30 Special Sports:  Football Match (China-Indonesia)
( TV programmes in Beijing Sunday, May 26, 2010   CCTV )
小题1:If an Englishman wants to know about what’s happening in China, but he doesn’t know any Chinese, he may watch TV at ________. 
A.19:00 on CCTV—1 Channel 2
B.20:05 on CCTV—1 Channel 2
C.22:00 on CCTV—2 Channel 8
D.21:30 on CCTV—2 Channel 8
小题2:If you are interested in football games, which of the following programs will you choose
A.China Sports Report.B.Special Sports.
C.Today’s Focus.D.China Music TV.
小题3:If you are going to Guangzhou by plane from Chongqing Airport, you’d better pay attention to the programme ________. 
A.Weather Report
B.World-famous Cities
C.Economy 30 Minutes
D.The Story of Earth

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Here are some of the best movies you like. I believe they can accompany you to spend your dull weekend.
The Matrix
In this story a computer hacker searches for the truth behind the mysterious force . In the 22nd century it turns out that the world is controlled by a magic computer system called the Matrix and people live in an unreal world. The computer hacker and his comrades overcome much difficulty and at last find the way to take over the Matrix and save the world.
Men in Black
This comedy is about J and K, agents in a top secret agency , and they fight bravely with the alien to save the galaxy from a bad-tempered alien “bug” and save the Earth from being destroyed .
Harry Potter
Harry has lived under the stairs at his aunt and uncle’s house. But on his 11th birthday, he learns he’s a powerful wizard——with a place waiting for him at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, he uncovers the truth about his parents’ deaths and about the bad man who’s to blame .
Andromeda Strain
When a satellite crashes in New Mexico, the Air Force sends two men to reach it. To their horror, they discover that the probe carries an alien virus that’s already killed all but two of the residents of the town where it landed. Now, scientists must stop the virus from spreading .
12 Monkeys
In the year 2035, James Cole is forced to be sent back to 1996 by scientists to discover the origin of a virus that wiped out nearly all of the earth’s population. When Cole is mistakenly sent to 1990, he’s arrested and locked up in a mental hospital, where he meets the son of a famous virus expert.
小题1: In which film secret agents fight with the bad creature from outer space?
A.The MatrixB.Men in BlackC.Andromeda Strain D.12 Monkeys
小题2:Harry Potter _________.
A.does’t know he’s a powerful wizard until he is 11 years old
B.has a happy and pleasant childhood with his aunt and uncle
C.hates to stay at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
D.Knows how his parents died before he goes to the Hogwarts school
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Men in black is a comedy.
B.The Matrix is a mysterious force which is later taken over by a group of computer hackers.
C.The alien virus killed all the residents of the town where it landed.
D.James Cole is sent back to 1990 mistakenly and is kept in a mental hospital.
小题4:   The author writes the passage in order to ________.
A.let readers know more about the latest movies
B.increase the income of the cinemas of the city
C.tell readers some interesting summaries of movies readers to choose the best movie they like

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Blue Sky Restaurant
Address: 8090 White Road
Open : Mon. to Fri. 7:30 am---2:30 pm and5:00pm---9:00 pm
Sat. 7:30 am---11:30 am and 5:00 pm---9:30 pm
Sun. 11:00 am---2:00 pm and 5:00 pm---9:30 pm
New York Museum
American’s largest museum specializing in American history
Address: Vanier Park, 1200 Chestnut St. New York
Open: Mon. to Fri. 9:00 am---5:00pm(Monday free)
Sat. 9:00 am---1:00 pm
Tongcheng Shopping Center
Telephone: 5674398
Address: Furong Road
Open: Mon. Wed. and Fri. 9:30 am--- 5:30 pm
Tues. Thurs. and sat. 9:30 am ---9:00 pm
Sun. 11:00am---9:00 pm
Huatian Hotel
Telephone: 7868432
Address: 5200 No.7 Road.
The Dining Hall: Wed. to Sun. Lunch from 10:30 am
Coffee Shop: Mon. to Fri. 6:00 am
Sat . 6:30 am and Sun. 7:00 am
Mon. to Wed. to 10:00pm
Thurs. to 11:oo pm
小题1:You do not have to pay money on Mondays if you go to ——.
A.Blue Sky Restaurant
B.New York Museum
C.Tongcheng Shopping Center
D.Huatian Hotel
小题2:If you are free on early Sunday mornings, you can go to ____.
A.Furong Road
B.8090 White Road
C.Coffee Shop on 5200 No.7 Road
D.Vanier park, 1200 Chestnut St. New York
小题3:Which place is still open after 10:00pm on Thursday?
A.Blue Sky Restaurant
B.New York Museum
C.Tongcheng Shopping Center
D.Huatian Hotel
小题4:If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday, you can dial the number____.

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