Many children would start school hungry without breakfast clubs, teachers have c

Many children would start school hungry without breakfast clubs, teachers have c

Many children would start school hungry without breakfast clubs, teachers have claimed. A new survey suggests these clubs are the only way many students can get a meal before lessons.
About 54% of the 552 school staff questioned by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers(ATL)said their school provides a breakfast club for pupils. The biggest reason for them to attend these clubs is that their parents or carer goes to work early, cited by 76.8% of those questioned.
About 22.6% said children attended due to lack of money at home because parents or carers are unemployed and 15.2% said lack of money at home due to changes or cuts to benefits.
About 17.6% said pupils mainly attend breakfast clubs to socialize.
The survey found that teachers believe that offering breakfast to pupils often helps improve their concentration and ability to learn. One primary school teacher said: “Although there is a charge for our breakfast club, we have accessed funding for those pupils on free school meals and the breakfast club had an effect on their attendance, concentration and being in school for the start of lessons.
ATL general secretary Dr Roper said a nutritious meal at the start of the day has a huge impact on pupils’ ability to learn. “Many schools do everything they can to ensure children eat well during school term-time. But there are many children living in poverty, who we fear won’t be getting a decent meal a day in the holidays and this is something the government needs to address,” she said.
A Department for Education spokesman said: “We know how important it is for children to
have a good breakfast. We want schools and local authorities to use their budgets to best meet the needs of their children. Many provide breakfast clubs which offer a free meal to children from poorer families. The Pupil Premium, which will double to £ 2.5 billion in 2014-2015, targets extra money to help schools to provide support such as this to the most disadvantaged children. The free school meal scheme also ensures that these children have access to a nutritious lunch every day.
小题1:How many factors are mentioned which can account for the popularity of breakfast clubs?
小题2:By getting breakfast offered by breakfast clubs, pupils can______.
A.perform better in their study
B.know how they can save money better for their lunch and supper
D.make more friends with their classmates
小题3:The pupil Premium and the free school meal scheme are mentioned in order to show_____.
A.every child should get access to a nutritious meal
B.breakfast clubs play a key role in children’s growth
C.many efforts are made to provide a good and free meal
D.many schools can’t offer a good and free meal to children
小题4:In which part of a magazine can we probably read this passage?



小题2:细节题:根据文章第四段第一句“The survey found that teachers believe that offering breakfast to pupils often helps improve their concentration and ability to learn.”调查发现,教师认为被提供早餐的学生会帮助提高他们的注意力和学习能力,可知会吃早餐使他们的学习表现更好。故选A。
小题3:推理题: 根据最后一段内容可知奖学金和免费学校餐计划都是为了帮助最弱势的孩子可以获得免费而营养丰富的食物。故选C。
Every time Lionel Messi breaks a record, it seems appropriate to compare him to the legends that came before him.

In 2012, he rewrote soccer history on multiple occasions, and his latest record came when he scored his 86th goal of the calendar year, breaking Gerd Muller’s previous mark, before wrapping up the year with 91 goals.
All statistics indicate that Messi is currently the best player in the world, and that he will go down in history as the top footballer of his generation. But when he is judged against all-time greats like Pele and Diego Maradona, he still has work to do.
We don’t know whether the Barcelona striker will have another year in which he records more than 90 goals, but he must still sustain(维持)a similar level of production for the next several seasons.
Messi has already taken part in three of Barcelona’s victorious Champions League(冠军联赛)campaigns, and he played an important role in two of them. In order to firmly establish himself as the greatest club football player in history, he must win the tournament a few more times.
Most importantly, the Argentine(阿根廷人)needs to win on the international stage. Regardless of what Messi does for Barcelona, his legacy will be incomplete if he cannot win the World Cup with Argentina.
Both Pele and Maradona led their countries to the top of international soccer during their careers, and Messi’s performances for his country have been severely disappointing.
While he was still a teenager in 2006-and his lackluster(平淡的)showing is excusable due to his youth-he cannot brush off the disappointment that characterized Argentina’s performance in 2010.
But the 4-0 loss to Germany in the 2010 World Cup Quarter Final seems to have sparked Messi. He scored 12 times for Argentina last year, and the next World Cup could finally be Messi’s breakout performance in blue and white stripes.
Due to all of his accomplishments, it is easy to forget that the extraordinary footballer is just 25 years old. If he can avoid injury or lengthy slumps(低潮状态)until his speed and skills start to decline due to age, he may continue to break records and win trophies.
小题1:What will Messi have to do in order to be complete in his soccer career?
A.He must win the World Cup with Argentina.
B.He must win the tournament a few more times.
C.He must defeat Pele and Maradona.
D.He must avoid injury or lengthy slumps.
小题2:How was Messi’s performance in 2010 World Cup?
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Messi has firmly established himself as the greatest club soccer player in history.
B.Messi will try his best to win the next World Cup with Argentina.
C.Messi can avoid injury and lengthy slumps to break records and win trophies.
D.Pele and Maradona led their countries to the top of international soccer during their careers.
小题4:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Lionel Messi, the Best Soccer Player of All Time
B.Lionel Messi, the Greatest Soccer Player in History
C.Barcelona and Lionel Messi
D.World Cup and Lionel Messi

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Express delivery: How you can buy your groceries from a virtual supermarket
Aug, 1st, 2011 Daily Mail
A “virtual supermarket” consisting of posters of goods put on platform walls is set to be introduced at London Underground stations. Passengers “shop” by scanning QR—Quick Response—codes of the items they want to buy using their smart phones. These goods are later delivered to their home address. Supermarket giant(巨头) Tesco successfully trialed the hi-tech store in a South Korean underground station and there are now plans to bring the concept to Britain.
NYPD to Scan Facebook, Twitter for Trouble
Aug, 11th, 2011 Forbes
The New York Police Department announced it will form a new unit to search social media as part of its law enforcement(执行) efforts, responding to the criminals’ growing use of these sites to plan and celebrate illegal activities. The NYPD unit created particularly to comb social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and BlackBerry messenger for information on planned crimes and their criminals.
Space Junk(太空垃圾) reaching “tipping point”, report warns
Sep 3rd, 2011 Toronto Sun
The amount of debris(碎片) orbiting the Earth has reached “a tipping point” for crashes, which would produce more debris that may be dangerous to astronauts and satellites, according to a US study. According to the US Space Surveillance Network, the number of orbital debris jumped from 9,949 in December 2006 to 16,094 in July 2011.
小题1:The “virtual supermarket” would be introduced to Britain because of            .
A. the successful experience of a hi-tech store in South Korea
B. the wide use of smart phones for scanning QR codes
C. the large varieties of goods in the supermarket
D the convenient home delivery system around London
小题2:we can learn from the news that            .
A.people with mobile phones can shop at London Underground stations
B.Facebook, Twitter, and BlackBerry messenger are not popular in the US
C.the amount of space junk has more than doubled in the past few years
D.more and more criminals are using social media sites for crimes
小题3:what does the underlined word “comb” in the second piece of news mean?
小题4:The third piece of news will be in the           section of the newspaper.

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BEIJING—Family planning officers will handle the illegal birth case of film director Zhang Yimou by following legal procedures, a government spokesman said on Tuesday, December 10, 2013.
When asked to comment on Zhang’s case at a press conference, Yao Hongwen, spokesman for the National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC), said “Every citizen is equal before the law and nobody is allowed to have privileges(特权)to give birth to more children than allowed.”
Yao’s comment came after media stories claimed that Zhang had remarried and fathered a total of seven children: one with his former wife, three with his present wife, Chen Ting, and another three from two lovers.
“The NHFPC’s attitude towards citizens’ birth violations(违法)is consistent and clear…Every Chinese citizen should obey and safeguard the seriousness of laws and regulations.” NHFPC spokesman Yao Hongwen said.
China’s family planning policy, introduced in the late 1970s to slow down the country’s growing population, limits most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two. The policy was recently relaxed, allowing couples to have two children if one of them is an only child.
Those who break the policy face severe fines. The amount of the fine is generally several times the yearly annual income of the two spouses(配偶). Some media calculations put the fine that Zhang may face at as much as 160 million yuan(over $26 million).
Zhang’s birth case has caused criticism online about famous people who have more children than the policy allows.
In an open letter on December 1, Zhang admitted that the couple has two sons and daughter and they are willing to accept investigation and punishment according to China’s laws and regulations. He apologized to the public.
However, the letter denied that Zhang had lovers and was father to as many as seven children from various mothers.
Zhang, one of the “fifth generation” of Chinese filmmakers, made his first directorial work in 1987 with “Red Sorghum” and has won a number of award worldwide. He was chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games.
小题1:The purpose of the news report is to ______________
A.claim that Zhang Yimou remarried and fathered a total of seven children
B.inform us that Zhang’s illegal birth case will be dealt with by the government
C.convince us that Zhang is a famous director and his case will be pardoned
D.confirm that Zhang’s illegal birth case has resulted in lots of criticism online
小题2:According to Yao Hongwen, which of the following statements is true?
A.Every Chinese citizen should obey and safeguard laws and regulations.
B.Few people have the privileges to give birth to more children than allowed.
C.China’s family planning policy has never been relaxed since introduced.
D.Zhang will be fined as much as 160 million yuan for his violations.
小题3:Judging from the recent relaxed policy, a couple_______________
A.can have as many as three children if they live in a rural area
B.will definitely be fined if they have two children nowadays
C.can give birth to two children if one of them is an only child
D.can only give birth to two children if they live in an urban area

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STARBUCKS China yesterday renamed a newly­opened outlet near one of Buddhism"s most famous temples after a wave of controversy over what critics called a “cultural invasion”.
The coffee shop in Hangzhou had opened as the Lingyin Temple Starbucks, leading some people to believe it was located inside the renowned temple.
However, the company said in a statement yesterday that the coffee shop was actually in the Lingyin scenic area, about 20 minutes" walk from the temple"s entrance.It was said the outlet would now be known as the Lingyin Starbucks.
Wang Shan, deputy director of the Lingyin office of the West Lake Administration in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, said, “Actually, the coffee house is a long distance from the temple.It is located in the tourist service area on Lingyin Road outside of the temple, as part of the supporting facilities.”
The temple"s administration urged the cafe to change its name to make it clear that it was not located inside the temple.
In a heated online debate, critics said the U.S.chain"s commercial style would spoil the serenity that an oriental Buddhism temple should embrace.
Supporters, however, said that the talk of an “invasion” was misplaced as the outlet was not inside the temple but on a nearby commercial street where a KFC restaurant and a shopping mall had been open for more than six months.
The incident follows calls in 2009 to stop an earlier “cultural invasion” when the Seattle­based coffee chain had to move its outlet out of Beijing"s Forbidden City seven years after it opened.
Critics urged closure of the outlet, which they said was a “humiliation” for a culture exemplified by the ancient buildings.
小题1:Why did the temple"s administration urge the cafe to change its name?
A.To attract the tourists.
B.To tell the public the coffee outlet doesn"t lie inside the temple.
C.To obey the government.
D.To do something to protect the temple.
小题2:Why did the Seattle­based coffee chain have to move its outlet out of Beijing"s Forbidden City?
A.Because the Seattle­based coffee chain was thought as an earlier “cultural invasion”.
B.Because it changed Chinese culture.
C.Because the Seattle­based coffee chain earned much more money than the temples.
D.Because the Seattle­based coffee chain closed the shops by itself.
小题3:What"s the best title of this passage?
A.Coffee shop"s new outlet deletes the word “temple”.
B.Cultural invasion.
C.Starbucks chain invasion.
D.Seattle­based coffee chain"s invasion.

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A father with Parkinson"s disease was arrested as he watched the Olympic cycling road race because he failed to smile or look as if he was enjoying himself.
Mark Worsfold, a martial arts trainer and former soldier, claims that he was thrown to the floor and handcuffed just as cyclists passed by. His worried wife Nicola only found out he was being held after she reported him missing when he did not turn up for their daughter"s ninth birthday party. The 54­year­old man had his fingerprints, DNA and mugshot taken before being questioned about why he did not appear to be enjoying the event on July 28. Police said Mr. Worsfold, who was held for over five hours, was arrested because of his manner,his state of dress and his being too near to the course. A spokesman added that the arrest was necessary to avoid a breach(破坏) of the peace because he was standing near a group of protesters(抗议者).
But Mr. Worsfold, who was diagnosed with Parkinson"s disease in 2010, said that one of the symptoms of the disease is muscle rigidity, which can cause his face to become expressionless. “I was sitting minding my own business”, he told a local newspaper. “Before I knew anything the police grabbed me off this seven­foot wall, threw me to the floor and handcuffed me, so all I saw of the cycle race was between the feet of people from the pavement. It could have been done better. I was arrested for not smiling. I have Parkinson"s disease.”
Mr. Worsfold has since asked for a letter of not being guilty from police. The officers who made the arrest have apologized to him.
小题1:Which word can be used to replace the underlined word “mugshot” in the second paragraph?
小题2:Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Worsfold"s wife was immediately informed of his being arrested by the police.
B.Worsfold was arrested because he was extremely dangerous.
C.Worsfold enjoyed the cycle race though he saw it between the feet of people from the pavement.
D.Worsfold was arrested because of his clothes as well as his facial expression.
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.The officers must have been punished for Worsfold"s arrest.
B.Worsfold has an expressionless face and probably looks strong.
C.The officers apologized to Worsfold after one day"s arrest.
D.Worsfold was diagnosed with Parkinson"s disease four years ago.

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