Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created

Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created

Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created her Inaugural(就职)Ball dress four years ago --- and the risk paid off.
The First Lady looked extremely attractive in a red dress by designer Jason Wu. She teamed the dramatic dress with heels by Jimmy Choo and a diamond ring by Kimberly McDonald.
She surprised the fashion world by returning to a Wu design which had been made for her.
Four years ago at her first Inauguration Ball, Michelle shone in a white, one-shouldered floor-length dress by the designer.
Wu, who was 26 at the time and had only been working in fashion for three years, saw his career take off after the First Lady’s surprise decision to wear one of his dresses.
He said at the time that he was unaware she had chosen the dress and had been watching at home on his couch and eating pizza when she appeared.
After her 2013 decision, Wu told Women’s Wear Daily: “Mrs. Obama likes to keep her secrets. She fooled me again.”
Wu released a women’s clothing and accessories(配饰)collection at Target last year and continues to be popular with the First Lady for official appointments.
The sleeveless dress with low-cut back flattered (突出)49-year-old Michelle’s arms and neat waist.
It had been created especially for her by Wu and was a departure from the dark and plain color tone she stuck to at earlier inauguration events.
Vice-President Joe Biden’s wife Jill also looked attractive in a blue silk dress by Vera Wang at the Inauguration Ball.
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Mrs. Obama’s 2013 decision.
B.Wu, a great designer.
C.The First Lady’s secrets.
D.Michelle Obama’s inaugural ball dress.
小题2: Michelle Obama’s brave decision proved to be a _________.
小题3:Which of the following best describes Jason Wu?
A.Daring and gifted.B.Unusual and cautious.
C.Talented and lucky.D.Careful and brave.
小题4:We can infer from the passage that _________.
A.Wu was aware that Mrs. Obama had chosen his work again
B.Being First Lady, Mrs. Obama hasn’t stuck to her dark and plain color tone.
C.Mrs. Obama told Wu to give away her secrets
D.Mrs. Obama should have told Wu the truth



小题1:主旨题。本文第一段就可以知道中心Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created her Inaugural (就职)Ball dress four years ago,所以本文主要讨论的是米歇尔夫人的晚礼服。故选D。
小题3:推断题。从第五自然段Wu, who was 26 at the time and had only been working in fashion for three years, 可知,他只有26岁,仅仅在服装设计公司工作了三年,可见他能够被奥巴马夫人看重说明他是有才华的也是很幸运的,故选C.
小题4:细节推断题。从倒数第二自然段“It had been created especially for her by Wu and was a departure from the dark and plain colour tone she stuck to at earlier inauguration events.”可知做为第一夫人米歇尔没有坚持以前的暗色的朴素的颜色。选B。
Climate change,pollution,overuse of water and development are killing some of the world’s most famous rivers including China’s Yangtze.India’s Ganges and Africa’s Nile.WWF said on Tuesday.At the global launch of its report “World’s Top 10 Rivers at Risk”,the group said many rivers could dry out, affecting hundreds of millions of people and killing unique aquatic(水生的)life.
“If these rivers die,millions will lose their livelihoods,biodiversity(生物多样性)will be destroyed on a massive scale,there will be less fresh water and agriculture,resulting in less food security,”said.Rayi Singh,secretary—general of WWF—India.The report launched ahead of “World Water Day” today,also cited the Rio Grande in the United States,the Mekong and Indus in Asia,Europe’s Danube, La Plata in South America and Australia’s Murray—Darling as in need of greater protection.
Rivers are the world’s main source of fresh water and WWF says about half of the available supply is already being used up.Dams have destroyed habitats and cut rivers off from their flood plains.while climate change could affect the seasonal water flows that feed them,the report said.Fish populations,the top source of protein and overall life support for hundreds of thousands of communities worldwide,are also being threatened, it found..The Yangtze basin is one of the most polluted rivers in the world because of decades of heavy industrialization,damming and huge influxes(流入)of sediment(积淀)from land conversion.
Climate change,including higher temperatures,also means serious consequences for fishery productivity,water supply and political security in Africa’s arid Nile basin.Tributaries(支流)flowing into the Ganges are drying up because of irrigation,WWF said.
小题1:hat is the text mainly about?
A.Saving fresh water in our life.B.How to protect our rivers.
C.An important discovery.D.World’s top 10 rivers are at risk.
小题2:We can infer from the text that _____.
A.rivers’ dying out could affect food security
B.there are four Asian rivers mentioned in the passage
C.the Yangtze is polluted thanks to the lack of enough tributaries
D.higher temperatures couldn’t affect fishery productivity
小题3:The top 10 rivers are fast dying as a result of the following EXCEPT _____.
A.climate change B.wasting waterC.pollutionD.dams
小题4:WWF is probably a name of _____.
A.an organizationB.a newspaperC.a magazineD.a report

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A Hollywood movie was met with an awkward situation last Saturday in China. While fans are standing in long queues to watch the first show, others are advocating a boycott(抵制)on the American movie with Chinese story elements.
  After "Kung Fu Panda", a cartoon movie telling about a panda’s Kung Fu master journey, hit China’s silver screens in 2008, its sequel (续集), Kung Fu Panda 2, was released in China just ahead of International Children’s Day, adding more Chinese elements such as shadow play (皮影戏) and lion dancing.
  However, some Chinese artists and scholars argue that the movie has twisted (扭曲) Chinese culture and serves as a tool to "kidnap (绑架)" the mind of the Chinese people.
  “Children’s Day should be pure. Don’t turn it into a money-making day for Hollywood, and don’ t fool our next generation with American fast food,” according to an open letter to Chinese cinema managers written by Zhao Bandi, an artist hoping to boycott the “Americanized” movie. His move is backed by Kong Qingdong, a professor of the Chinese language in Beijing University, who said Chinese elements have become advertising products to advocate American culture. "It is a cultural invasion," said Kong.
  In the movie, the main character called “Po,” a panda, is talkative, humorous, lovely, and is widely believed to be a typical American figure.
  However, the panda has won millions of fans in China. On China’s most popular website, comments on the movie reached nearly 270 million entries.
  “I won’t call it a cultural invasion,” said Li Jiayi, a Beijing university student. “I see nothing bad for others to use our cultural elements to make a movie. I’ m a huge fan of Po. In spite of being a cartoon, it is still loved by many adults like me,” said the 25-year-old after watching the first show at midnight.
  Cao Hui, general manager of Shenzhen Global Digital Creations company, said: “instead of a
‘boycott’, movie producers should learn from the movie to make better use of Chinese story elements. Technically, Kung Fu Panda is not more advanced than Chinese movies, but as for story telling skills, Chinese movies have a long way to go”.
小题1:Some artists and scholars are against "Kung Fu Panda" because they think_____.
A.it has added too many Chinese elements
B.it has ruined Chinese image deliberately
C.it is an exact copy of Chinese culture
D.it is advertising American culture
小题2:What does the underlined word “backed” in the fourth paragraph mean?
小题3:This passage can be classified as _________.
A.an advertisementB.a feature storyC.a news reportD.a film review

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The earthquake that shook Japan with historic strength on March 11th, 2011 created a tsunami wave ten meters high. The water washed away boats, cars and houses in coastal areas north of Tokyo. It also led to tsunami warnings across the Pacific.
Scientists recorded the magnitude(震级) of the earthquake at 8.9.The United States Geological Survey says it was the fifth largest earthquake since nineteen hundred. The largest, with a 9.5 magnitude, shook Chile in nineteen sixty.
The quake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan"s main island. It was centered under the sea about one hundred thirty kilometers east of Sendai.The tsunami washed away whole neighborhoods in Sendai.
So far (April 4th), the tsunami has taken 12, 0009 people"s life away.
Now Japanese are all trying to rebuild their hometown, but there are too many difficulties.
The first, Japan is the world"s third largest importer(进口商)of oil. The shortage of oil makes it almost impossible to carry the food, medicine and water to the quake area by cars.
The second, the Fukushima nuclear(核) power station was damaged by the March eleventh earthquake and tsunami. The extent of the problems is still not clear. Japan’s nuclear crisis(危机) may mean greater need of imported food.
小题1:The underlined word in Paragraph 1 means______ in Chinese.
小题2:The largest earthquake happened in ______.
A.TokyoB.the United StatesC.ChileD.Japan
小题3:Japanese are facing ______ kinds of problems when trying to rebuild their hometown.
A.one B.twoC.threeD.four
小题4:Why did the food, medicine and water can hardly carry to the earthquake area soon?
A.Because of the shortage of oil.
B.Because of the damage of the roads.
C.Because of the nuclear crisis.
D.Because of the tsunami.

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China Daily: As China comes down from a travel rush during the seven-day holiday for National Day, people called for a return of the Labor Day Golden Week holiday as a way to ease(缓解) the travel peak.
By Friday, 79 million passengers were expected to have used the railways up about 8 percent over last year. Waterways had shipped around 2 million, a rise of about 17 percent on last year, www. cntv. cn, the website of China Central Television, said on Saturday.
As large numbers of tourists swarmed scenic spots around China, it caused huge crowds and many complaints.
The Forbidden City in Beijing has long been a big draw for travelers. On Tuesday alone, the museum reported, it received more than 180,000 visitors, about six times higher than a regular day.
According to China Central Television, restless visitors demanded their money back from the tourism committee, and police were sent to help deal with the problem.
The Beijing-HongKong-Macao expressway, the Shanghai-Kunming expressway and the route from Beijing to Kunming saw large increases in traffic on Saturday, according to www. cntv. cn.
“As there are only two long holidays in the country and paid leave is not well carried out by employers(雇主), people have limited chances for travel”, Dai Bin, the director of China Tourism Academy, said in a report by Beijing Times on Saturday.
“The travel rush during the ‘Golden Week’ holidays happens because people do not take long journeys during shorter holidays”, said Liu Simin, a researcher with the China Academy of Social Sciences, in a report by Beijing Times on Saturday.
Liu said that now the most important task is to ease the pressure from the huge numbers of tourists. When the Labor Day Golden Week holiday came to an end in 2007, a chance to travel was reduced.
In 2008, the government shortened the Labor Day Golden Week holiday, usually lasting from May 1 to May 7, to three days and added three other short vacations to the list.
小题1:The Labor Day Golden Week holiday was shortened to __________________.
A.one dayB.two daysC.three days D.four days
小题2:The underlined word “swarmed” in the third paragraph probably means “_______”.
A.crowded into B.leftC.escaped from D.planned to go to
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.People called for a return of the Labor Day Golden Week holiday.
B.The museum reported it received more than 180,000 visitors during the holiday.
C.Now the most important task is to ease the pressure from the huge numbers of tourists.
D.There are only two long holidays in the country.
小题4:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Seven-day Golden Week Holiday sees huge crowds on popular tourists spots
B.The problem during the seven-day Golden Week Holiday.
C.Travel complaints.
D.The pressure from the huge numbers of tourists.

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The bus driver and his passengers were being hailed (拥戴) as heroes last night after rescuing a woman from her burning car following a crash on the Bluff Highway. The 60-year-old woman was taken by ambulance to Southland Hospital after firefighters battled for 30 minutes to cut her from her car.
Acting Senior Sergeant Brock Davis of Invercargill, said emergency services were called to the scene of the crash at the crossroads of Motorimu Rd and State Highway I shortly before 5:00 p.m. yesterday.
Mr. Davis said a Mitsubishi car driven by a 30-year-old man traveling north on the highway and the woman’s southbound (南行的) Suzuki Alto collided (碰撞). The man suffered slight injuries in the crash, he said.
Invercargill Passenger Transport Ltd driver Bill McDermott and his passengers—New Zealand Aluminum Smelters Ltd workers were first on the scene and alerted emergency services. The scene at the spot was disordered, Mr. McDermott said.
“There was a car on its side and a guy wandering around who was quite excited,” he said. “We stopped, got out and found a lady trapped in her car …… then we noticed flames in the engine bay and the smell of petrol.” Mr. McDermott took a fire extinguisher(灭火器) from the bus, doused (泼洒) the flames, and several other workers controlled traffic.
However, he said his actions were “no big deal”. He was not willing to take any credit for helping the woman.
“The praise goes to all the guys that jumped off that bus.” Invercargill Senior Station officer Alan Goldsworthy, who was an officer in charge at the scene, said there was a possibility the car could have burst into flames if Mr. McDermott and the smelter workers had not helped. “They should acquire a good pat on the back.” he said.
小题1:It can be known from the passage that the car accident happened _______.
A.at noonB.in the afternoonC.in the morningD.at night
小题2:Who should get the biggest praise according to the reporter?__
A.Brock Davis.B.Bill McDermott.C.Allan Goldsworthy.D.The firefighters.
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?______
A.The first witnesses of the accident were passers-by.
B.The woman driver was driving north before the accident.
C.The firefighters spent half an hour helping the woman out.
D.With the bus driver and his passengers’ help, the woman’s car didn‘t burst into flames.
小题4:The underlined sentence “They should acquire a good pat on the back” in the last paragraph really means ________.
A.the government should give each of the heroes a gold medal of honor
B.the saved woman should offer as much money to the heroes as she can
C.the good deeds of the heroes are well worthy of great appreciation
D.everybody there should pat the heroes on the back gently and thankfully

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