Most tourist destinations around China are witnessing travel peaks during the e

Most tourist destinations around China are witnessing travel peaks during the e


Most tourist destinations around China are witnessing travel peaks during the eight-day Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays that run through Sunday. In Beijing, the Palace Museum, or the Forbidden City, attracted 182, 000 tourists on Tuesday, the biggest number on a single day, as millions of visitors arrived in the national capital. “We saw absolutely nothing but people’s heads,’’ said Guo Zhijun, 42, of Henan province. “We wanted our 11-year-old son to learn something from the trip, but we only ended up very tired. ”
Earlier, from Sunday noon to midday Monday, garbage collected at Tian’anmen Square in the heart of the city amounted to 7.9 tons, a quarter more than that in the same period of last year.
In the eastern coastal city of Qingdao, its top five major tourist sites attracted more than 200, 000 visitors on Tuesday.
Yesterday, thousands of cars jammed two 20-kilometer mountain roads winding to and out of the Lushan Mountain scenic area in the eastern province of Jiangxi. The area, with about 3, 000 car parking spaces, was unable to contain at least 8, 000 inbound cars, said head of the Lushan Mountain public security bureau.
The Lushan Mountain tourism administration temporarily stopped selling entrance tickets to prevent the traffic from growing on Tuesday afternoon. Similar measures could be taken during the rest of the holidays, a police officer said.
Emergency measures have been taken at other scenic sites. Crowded visitors overwhelmed the capacity(承载量)of the cable cars at Huashan Mountain, in Shaanxi province, leaving tens of thousands stuck at the peak late into Tuesday night. According to China Central Television, restless visitors demanded refunds from the tourism committee, and a lot of visitors had to give up and walk down the mountain.
Chen Li, deputy director of the Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Department, said on his micro blog that more than 300 policemen and government officials climbed up the mountain to help trapped visitors. Fearing that tourist sites might become too crowded, many people are staying at home, going shopping or making short suburban trips. A resident Mr. Wang in Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi, canceled long-distance travel plans after learning of heavy traffic on many highways during the first two days of the holidays. Instead, Wang, his wife and son went fishing in the suburbs before having a picnic.
小题1:What happened in the Forbidden City that Tuesday?
A.There were far more visitors coming than expected.
B.A large number of zones were opened to the visitors.
C.Over 7.9 tons of garbage was collected.
D.More than 200, 000 visitors gathered there.
小题2:What does the underlined word “overwhelmed” mean in paragraph 6?
A.showed upB.added toC.reached beyond D.filled in
小题3:The writer wrote this article to________________.
A.advise traveling to different places to learn something
B.warn people not to climb those mountains on holidays
C.encourage people to change the travel plans according to the traffic
D.suggest we stay at home or go shopping during those holidays
小题4:Which of the following might be the best title?
A.Experiences from Different Travel Plans
B.Travel Peaks in China"s Tourist Sites
C.Floods of People to the Forbidden City
D.Problems with Travelling on Holiday



小题1:A 细节题。根据第一段3,4,5行In Beijing, the Palace Museum, or the Forbidden City, attracted 182, 000 tourists on Tuesday, the biggest number on a single day, as millions of visitors arrived in the national capital.说明这天游客实在是太多了,故A正确。
小题2:C 推理题。根据下一行, leaving tens of thousands stuck at the peak late into Tuesday night说明查过了承受的能力,故该词指C项的意思,故C正确。
小题3:C 推理题。作者在本文中着重讲述了在本次黄金周里的拥堵情况,就是想向我们说明要根据交通的情况改变我们的旅游计划。故C正确。
小题4:B 作者大意题。本文主要讲述的就是在本次黄金周期间的旅行高峰的话题,故B正确。
When it comes to President Obama, most of his personal business is already known by the public. Personal information about his children, Malia and Sasha, however, has been kept a little more under wraps.
The New York Times recently released a list of rules that Michelle Obama has mentioned over the years that Malia and Sasha must follow during their time in the White House, as well as in general. See how the first family educates their children:
The girls must write reports about what they’ve seen on their trips, even if it’s not required by their school.
Malia may use her cell phone only on the weekends, and she and her sister cannot watch television or use a computer for anything but homework during the week.
Malia and Sasha have to play two sports: one they choose and one selected by their mother.
Malia must learn to do laundry(洗衣服) before she leaves for college.
The girls have to eat their vegetables, and if they say they are not hungry, they cannot ask for cookies or chips later.
While these might be shocking to some, Michelle said, “They’re not little princess. It’s just basic rules, boundaries, and expectations that we would have normally.”
Michelle also mentions another set of rules:
The girls must do their chores(家务), though the White House has a large staff. Malia and Sasha have chores of their own.
They must play a team sport, because it’s about learning how to play on a team, how to lose and how to win gracefully.

It sounds like Michelle and Barack want the best for their kids and to make them as well-rounded as possible. What are your thoughts on the Obama family rules?  
小题1:What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The first family daily life.B.The first family rules.
C.How to be good parents.D.How to be good students.
小题2:What do the underlined words “under wraps” probably mean?
A.Attractive.B.Calm. C.Secret.D.Public
小题3:What has to be followed after the girls’ every trip?
小题4:Which of the following is the exception for the girls?
A.To use cell phone freely.B.To play two sports.
C.To learn to do laundry.D.To eat their vegetables.
小题5:Which of the following is NOT True according to the passage?
A.The girls have to obey the rules only when they live in the White House.
B.The girls must do their chores though there might be lots of help around.
C.The girls must play a team sport to gain team spirit by working together.
D.The parents want to make the girls grow healthily as common children.

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The managing editor is usually the person in charge of the day-to-day editorial process of a newspaper. He or she makes sure that the newspaper comes out on time each day and that costs are kept within a budget. He or she is usually responsible for hiring and firing newsroom staff, and serves as the spokesperson for the newspaper. The managing editor may also be involved in story, photo and graphics selection, assignments, laying out pages, and editing copy and writing headlines. 
The news editor is in charge of the news pages of the newspaper. He or she makes decisions on which stories are used and which are not. The news editor and his or her assistants also lay out pages of the paper.
The copy editor edits wire and local stories and writes headlines. The copy editor is often the last person to see a story before it actually appears in print.
The city editor makes sure that the news in the city is covered and that as many local stories as possible get into each edition. The city editor monitors the local general assignment, beat and specialty reporters.
The state editor supervises reporters who cover communities and areas outside the city but still within the circulation (流通) area of the newspaper.
The national editor supervises reporters in bureaus in cities outside the circulation area of the newspaper. Most newspapers rely on the wire services for national news, but some have correspondents(通信员) who work in other cities and report to the national editor.
小题1:If you want to apply for a job in a newspaper newsroom, you are likely to be interviewed by _____.
A.the news editorB.the national editor
C.the state editorD.the managing editor
小题2:From the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.the managing editor is mainly responsible for laying out pages of the paper
B.the news editor determines which stories are used
C.the copy editor is often the first person to see the story
D.the state editor supervises the local general assignment, beat and specialty reporters
小题3:The national news is mostly sent to the national editor by all of the following ways EXCEPT _____. fax telephone
小题4:The underlined word “supervises” in the last paragraph can be replaced by ________. in favor in honor ofC. is in charge in need of
小题5:What is mainly discussed in this passage?
A.How newspapers are made.
B.People in a newspaper newsroom.
C.How news is collected and edited.
D.People in charge of the newspaper industry.

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Virginia is set to begin enforcing the toughest drunken-driving punishment, one that will require thousands of first-time offenders—whether they were highly drunk or slightly over the limit—to install in their cars blood- alcohol testing devices that can lock the ignition. The devices work like this—A driver must blow into a blood alcohol device linked to the car’s ignition. If the result is higher than the legal limit, the car will not start. The device also requires random “rolling retests” once the driver is on the road.
Virginia’s current law requires only repeated offenders or those with a blood alcohol level of 0.15 or higher to have an ignition interlock device in their cars.
The new law, which takes effect in July, will roughly increase the number of people required to use ignition interlock devices four times, and offenders will have to pay about $ 480 for a typical six-month installation.
The measure has caused a debate between groups battling drunken driving and those representing offenders. Such groups as Mother Against Drunken Driving and The Washington Regional Alcohol Program say that Virginia’s 274 alcohol-related road deaths and more than 5,500 injuries in 2010 remained unacceptably high despite years of cracking down on drunken driving. Ignition interlock devices, they say, reduce repeat offenses. But some public defenders and lawyers argue that the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders at the legal blood alcohol limit 0.08, and that the court system will be burdened by more cases going to trial and lower-income drivers will be affected by the fees.
Del. Sal R. Iaquinto, who sponsored the bill, had a simple reply for concerns about the costs of the interlock devises: “How much does a life cost?” “Blowing into a tube for six months, you will remember that,” Iaquinto said, “And you’re not likely to offend again.”
小题1:The underlined word “ignition” in Paragraph 1probably refers to the part in a car where ___________.
A.the alarm goes offB.the engine startsC.the door opensD.the car is fueled
小题2:Who are required to install the blood alcohol devices according to the current law?
A.The first time drunken-driving offenders.
B.The drivers who are not able to pay offence fees.
C.The repeat drunken-driving offenders.
D.Drivers whose blood alcohol level is below 0.15.
小题3:The reason why some defenders and lawyers oppose the new law is that ____________.
A.fewer cases go to trial
B.lower-income drivers will not afford to drink again
C.interlock devices increase repeat offenses
D.the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders
小题4:The debate aroused by the measure implies that ___________.
A.prevention is better than law is absolutely perfect
C.punishment is the key to allD.justice has long arms
小题5:What is Del. Sal R. Iaquinto’s attitude towards the new law?

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Nearly 600,000 Americans lost their jobs this past month, pushing the nation’s unemployment rate (失业率) to 7.6 percent. But not all of those fired workers are sitting at home, reading the job advertisements and waiting for the phone to ring. Thousands of people are returning to school, making public colleges and universities among the few bright places in the disappointing US economy.
At a time when many Americans have had their work hours cut or have even lost their jobs, Sherian Huddleston is working overtime. She works at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) where she oversees (监督) the enrollment (注册) of new students. The university’s population grew by 800 students this term —an increase of 4 percent over last spring’s enrollment. Huddleston says seeing the enrollment rise in a failing economy is not unexpected. "When people are out of work," she points out, "they will ask "What else can I do?’ or "What other careers can I follow?’ They will often return to school if they have not completed a degree before."
Older returning students aren’t the only ones increasing the enrollment at MTSU. Huddleston says she’s also seeing an increase in student transfers (转移). "Students who went out of state, or even within the state, to more expensive schools are transferring to public schools to make use of the lower cost of going to school here," she explains.
小题1:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The Falling American Economy
B.College Enrollment up in a Down Economy
C.Colleges Have More Students Than Before
D.Going to College Is No Longer Difficult
小题2:According to the passage, many students return to school ______. make more read job advertisements complete a ask their schoolmates for help
小题3:Many students are transferring to public schools mainly because ______.
A.public schools provide better education
B.public schools offer better jobs to their students
C.they don’t want to be influenced by the falling economy
D.the cost of public schools is lower and they can save money
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE about Sherian Huddleston?
A.She is working more hours than before because of the worsening economy.
B.She is a student of Middle Tennessee State University.
C.She disagrees with those who are returning to school.
D.She is surprised to see the enrollment go up.

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The London 20120lympics are being praised as a sporting and logistical(后勤)success,but the influence on economy is far less certain.Some London tourist attractions,businesses and hotels reported that their business actually fell during the Games.But as Olly Barratt reports from London,the overall UK economy is looking for long-term results.
Showing an Olympic-sized party like this cost the UK almost l 5 billion dollars.But while spectators went to east London’S Olympic Park,central London has been much quieter than。normal. Arthur lRason,a central London stallholder,said,“Am I taking less? Yeah,I’m taking less.There’S no question about it.”
Restaurants were among businesses that reported lower takings than normal at this time of year.And one tourism trade association says a survey of its members found the Games had  had a negative influence all over the UK.But during the recent recession(不景气),British officials still insist the Games were worth it.Boris Johnson,Mayor of London said,“I think it’S been an amazing display of what you can do if you plan and you work for years and years on a project.
And I think it’s a great advertisement for British engineering and British industry."    The government hopes the Games will be a great help to the British brand worldwide,and they are also an opportunity to sweet-talk potential investors from all over the world.And a fall in takings for some attractions should not have come as a surprise.
小题1:Where is the London’S Olympic Park located?
A.Central London.B.East London.
C.West London.D.Outside London.
小题2:Mayor of London thinks the Games’effect on British economy is——.
C.negative D.uncertain
小题3:What can we learn from the text?
A.The British government did badly in organizing the Games.
B.Businesses in central London were improved during the Games.
C.Most British businessmen thought poorly of the London Games.
D.Most British officials were worried about the future of British economy.

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