To many web-building spiders, most of whom are nearly blind, the web is their es

To many web-building spiders, most of whom are nearly blind, the web is their es

To many web-building spiders, most of whom are nearly blind, the web is their essential window on the world: their means of communicating, capturing prey, meeting mates and protecting themselves. A web-building spider without its web is like a men cast away on an island of solid rock,totally out of touch and destined to starve to death. So important is the web to an orb-web spider"s survival that the animal will continue to construct new webs daily even if it is being starved. For 16 days the starving spider builds completely normal webs. Then, as the animal gets scrawnier, it constructs a wider-meshed (网孔、网眼)web using fewer strands(线). Such webs would only trap larger prey, which is more economical from the perspective of a starving spider. The spider stores energy by recycling web protein. It simply eats its own web each evening and reuses it to produce new silk. In studies with radioactivity, labeled materials, it was found that 95 percent of web protein reappears in the next day web. Most of the energy needed for web-building is used in walking over the strands as they are laid down. Scientists are impressed by the adaptability of the spider"s highly preprogrammed brain, which is larger for its size than the brain of any other invertebrate(无脊推动物). If web-building is interrupted, or if some of the existing strands are destroyed, the spider simply goes back to see where the web is left off and then finishes building a normal web. One spider will finish building the incomplete web of another.
小题1:Which of the following best expresses the main ideas of the passage?
A.Secrets of Spiders" Adaptability
B.Importance of Webs to Spiders
C.Secrets of the Spiders" Life
D.Spiders" Highly Preprogrammed Brain
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Most spiders will stop conducting webs when hungry.
B.One Web-building spider usually conducts one web.
C.Web-building spiders will probably die without their webs.
D.Web-building spiders have good eyesight.
小题3:The underlined word “scrawnier” in the second paragraph probably means ______. 
A.weaker but good-looking
B.fatter and stronger
C.nice and healthier
D.thinner and bony
小题4:A spider"s ability to finish an incomplete web proves that ______. has a highly preprogrammed brain reuses its web protein to reproduce new silk
C.the web is everything for a spider is able to rebuild a destroyed web



小题1:B主旨大意题:根据句首第一句:To many web-building spiders, most of whom are nearly blind, the web is their essential window on the world: theirmeans of communicating, capturing prey, meeting mates and protecting themselves. A web-building spider without its web is like a men cast away on an island of solid rock,totally out of touch and destined to starve to death. 对许多织网的蜘蛛来说,他们大部分几乎是瞎子,网是他们在世界上必须的东西:他们交流,捕捉猎物,会见同伴,自我保护的的方式。
小题2:C 细节理解:根据A web-building spider without its web is like a men cast away on an island of solid rock,totally out of touch and destined to starve to death. 一个没有网的蜘蛛就像一个被扔在荒石岛上的人,完全与人失去联系,注定要饿死。所以选C。没有网的话,蜘蛛很可能会死掉。
小题3:D 词义猜测:根据前文For 16 days the starving spider builds completely normal webs. 饥饿的蜘蛛16天的时间会织造完整的正常的蛛网。和后句Such webs would only trap larger prey, which is more economical from the perspective of a starving spider. 这样的网只用来捕捉提醒大些的猎物,这样做,从一只饥饿的蜘蛛的角度来说更加合算。所以推测出更瘦的,骨瘦如柴的。
小题4:A 细节理解根据Scientists are impressed by the adaptability of the spider"s highly preprogrammed brain,蜘蛛的高度预编好的大脑的适应性给科学家们留下了深刻印象。下面用蜘蛛能修补好蜘蛛网为例证明这个论点。反之,蜘蛛能修补好蜘蛛网证明了蜘蛛有高度预编的大脑的论点。
It"s not about how much money you make, and it"s not about who your daddy is. We"re talking about being attractive in general, whether it"s on a job interview or just gaining the respect of your colleagues . . .
Ask lots of questions
If you come across as a know-it-all (even if you really do know it all!), it really pushes people away. Rather, asking lots and lots of questions makes people feel like you care, you can be trusted.
Great body language
Your body language says a lot about you - it says whether you have confidence, or simply if you really care. Talking physically, it is one of the most important physical characteristics you need!
Stay busy
Always have something to do. Have you ever seen someone just sitting around, doing nothing? How unattractive. Always be busy with something, even if for some reason you have to make something up.
Show your pearly whites (or just smile)
Smile more, no matter how ugly your teeth are. I"m not kidding about this one. It"s not all about the teeth. If you are smiling genuinely, you can draw everyone for 100 meters around to you.
Wear what fits
Wear clothing that fits you. For women, wearing tight pants or shirts is not attractive. Things that just fit you and your shape are the best but not tight. Wear things that fit you nicely, please . . . And for goodness sake, both sexes, stay away from logos and printed shirts! Most people you may ask do not find this attractive. Stop being some company"s billboard(广告牌).
Be interested in other man
Be interested in the other person. Don"t talk about. If you are truly interested in the person, it will come across. And if you want to talk about yourself, you"ll find that putting the other person first actually opens him up to return the favor and ask you questions. See how fun this is?
小题1:It is your ________ that makes you attractive.
A.your family background
B.fashionable tight clothes
C.your appearance and your wealth
D.proper body language and behavior
小题2:According to the author, if you ________, you can be trusted.
A.always smile and show your pearly teeth
B.keep asking lots of questions
C.are interested in other people’s personal affairs
D.always wear clothes that fit you
小题3:The purpose of staying busy is to ________.
A.gain praises from your boss and colleagues
B.look attractive among people that you are interested in your job
D.get promoted in your company
小题4:If you are going to a job interview, which of the following is a proper behavior?
A.Wearing a shirt with printed logos
B.Keeping talking about your own experiences and talents
C.Staying still, not making any body language
D.Smiling truly toward the people you will meet

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Why would an animal kill itself? It seems a strange question, and yet it is one that has made some scientists curious for a long time. For there is a kind of animal called lemming(旅鼠), that periodically killed themselves together, and no one knows just why!
The small creatures which live in the Scandinavian mountains, feed on a diet of roots and special insects and live in nests they dig underground. When their food supply is large, the lemmings live a normal and undisturbed life. 
However, when the lemmings’ food supply becomes too low to support the population, a singular migration(迁徙)begins. The lemmings leave their nests in groups. Great numbers of them begin to travel across the Scandinavian plains, a journey that may last weeks. The lemmings eat everything in their path, continuing their long march until they reach the sea. 
The reason for what follows remains unbelievable to naturalists. Upon reaching the coast, the lemmings do not stop but swim by the thousands into the sea. Most stay afloat only a short time before they tire, sink and drown. 
A common theory for this mass self-killing is that the lemmings do not realize that the ocean is such a huge body of water in their cross-country journey, the animals must cross many smaller bodies of water, such as rivers and small lakes. They may think that the sea is just another such swimmable path to go through. But no final answer has been found to the strange happening. 
小题1:The passage is mainly about______. lemmings find food
B.why animals kill themselves
C.the lemmings’ self-killing
D.the food supply in the Scandinavian mountains
小题2:A reason for the lemmings’ self-killing might be that they______. 
A.go mad from a lack of food
B.hope to find fish for food
C.decide to reduce the population
D.think they can cross the sea
小题3:Why are scientists curious about the lemmings’ behavior?
A.Because they are the only animals that live in Scandinavia.
B.Because it is very unusual for animals to kill themselves.
C.Because of the amount of food they can eat on their march to the sea.
D.Because they can gather together in such huge numbers.
小题4:The underlined word “singular” means______.
A.unusualB.singleC.wonderful D.common

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
You’ve bought what you need. The grocery cashier asks, “Will that be paper or plastic? You reply “Plastic, please.”
This seems like a simple question and there are plenty of reasons we choose plastic: easier to carry, lighter than paper bags, possibly less damaging to the environment, less expensive to the shop owners, able to be used as trash bag, and so on. There are different opinions on plastic and paper. Now let’s follow the travels of 3 plastic bags. It begins at the grocery store with the customer’s choice.
Plastic Bag 1: As the waste engineer come by and pick up the trash, the first plastic bag falls out. It sits on a small street for a couple of hours until a car comes along and takes it down to the road. Then a gust of wind blows it across the road, then another car, then another gust of wind finally makes its way to the beach. Water fills the plastic bag and makes it look like a jellyfish. A seal(海豹) swims by, thinking it looks very interesting, and swallowed it. The plastic bag may stay in the seal’s stomach for months, maybe years. You see, our lovely animals have been living thousands of years in a world where everything can be eaten.
Plastic Bag 2: This bag does make its way to landfill(垃圾场). Before they have a chance to cover up the thousands of pounds of daily waste, a strong wind comes up and blows these plastic bags out of the landfill. Once the wind stops, workers will be sent to collect thousands of bags around. But they can’t possibly get them all. So our little bag continues his adventure getting caught in trees, eaten by birds or making its way to our lakes or rivers.
Plastic Bag 3: The last bag also blows away but is caught in a landfill where it sits for many years, as all the trash is wrapped in a big plastic bag, making natural degradation(降解) impossible. Although workers do much work to make sure water and air system won’t be polluted, some do. Guess what, plastic bags are made from petrol, a harmful waste material, which in one way or another makes its way to the environment.
Another problem with putting plastic bags in out trash is that our landfills for most cities may be filled in about 20 years. More importantly, since we are running out of land to build homes, you might have the pleasure of one day living on top of your plastic bags!
One of the best suggestions is not to use a bag at all or bring your own cloth bags. If you must, please choose paper bags, which, though not suggested, can be eaten by animals. And there are more opportunities recycle paper bags. It does take a little extra effort. But please have a thought about the little seal next time you say, “Plastic please.”   
小题1:According to the passage, what is NOT the reason for a customer to choose plastic bags?
A.He can use plastic bags to carry trash later.
B.He finds paper bags heavier than plastic bags.
C.He finds plastic bags more convenient to carry.
D.He can save money for plastic bags are cheaper.
小题2:The author describes the travel of Plastic Bag 1 to show ______.
A.seals like eating plastic bags around them.
B.seals really have a good stomach.
C.seals are potential victims of plastic bags.
D.seals are not able to differ plastic from food.
小题3:Wrapped in a big plastic bag, Plastic Bag3_____.
A.still does harm to the environment
B.can hardly be harmful to the environment much safer than Plastic Bag2
D.will end up being eaten by seals or some fish
小题4:What will the following part of this passage talk about?
A.Suggestions on reducing harm of plastic bags.
B.Disadvantages of using too many plastic bags.
C.Persuading people into using paper bags.
D.Other potential victims of plastic bags.
小题5:What is the overall tone of this passage?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Legends about the development of coffee are varied and interesting, involving chance occurrences, political tricks, and the pursuit of wealth and power.
According to one story, a sheepherder named Kaldi, as he tended his sheep, noticed the effect of coffee beans. He noticed that the sheep became excited after eating the red “cherries" from a certain plant when they changed pastures (牧场). He tried it himself, and was soon as overactive as his sheep. Another story relates that a monk happened to discover that this fruit from the shiny green plant could help him stay awake.
Another legend gives us the name for coffee, “mocha”. Omar, an Arabian was thrown to the desert with his followers to die of starvation. In desperation, Omar had his friends boil and eat the fruit from an unknown plant. Not only did the soup save the group, but the residents of the nearest town, Mocha, took their survival as a religious sign. The plant and its beverage (饮料) were named Mocha to honor this event.
Coffee was introduced much later to countries beyond Arabia, whose inhabitants believed it to be a tasty thing and guarded its secret as if they were top secret military plans. The government forbade transportation of the plant out of the Moslem nations. The actual spread of coffee was started illegally. One Arab named Baba Budan smuggled (走私) beans to some mountains near Mysore, India, and started a farm there. Early in this century, some of those original plants were found still growing fruitfully in the region.
Coffee today is grown and enjoyed worldwide, and is one of the few crops that small farmers in third-world countries can profitably export.
小题1:What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?
A.A sheepherder used coffee beans to keep sheep excited.
B.Coffee was a special kind of red cherry from a certain plant.
C.A sheepherder and a monk accidently discovered coffee’s effect.
D.Sheep ate a lot of coffee beans while they changed pastures.
小题2:Which of the following involves political tricks?
A.Kaldi’s story.B.The monk’s story.
C.Omar’s story.D.Baba Budan’s story.
小题3:Mocha is originally the name of ______.
A.a ArabianC.a kind of coffee D.a sheepherder
小题4:What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Secret of CoffeeB.The Tales of Coffee
C.People’s Love for CoffeeD.The Function of Coffee

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We know that sugary sodas aren’t good for our bodies. Now it turns out that they may not be good for our minds, either. A new study of more than 260,000 people has found a link between sweetened soft-drinks and depression, and diet sodas may be making matters worse.
Americans drink far more sodas than people in other countries— as much as 170 liters per person per year. But the impact of this study isn’t limited to the United States. “Sweetened drinks, coffee and tea are commonly consumed worldwide and have important physical consequences. And they may have important mental-health consequences as well,” study author Dr Honglei Chen said in a statement.
The study studied 263,925 people between the ages of 50 and 71. Researchers followed their consumption of drinks like soda, tea coffee, and other soft drinks from 1995 to 1996 and then. 10 years later, asked them if they had been diagnosed with depression since the year 2000. More than 11,3000 of them had.
Participants who drank more than four servings of sodas per day were 30 percent more likely to develop depression than participants who did not drink sodas at all. People who stuck with fruit punch(鸡尾酒), had a 38 percent higher risk than people who didn’t drink sweetened drinks. And all that extra sugar isn’t the actual problem. Researchers say that the artificial sweetener aspartame may be to blame.
The study found a link but could not surely determine whether sodas and other sweet soft drinks cause depression. Still, the results “are consistent with a small but growing body of evidence suggesting that artificially sweetened beverages may be linked to poor health outcomes.”
But there’s a bright side for those who can’t live without their daily sodas. Adults who drank coffee had a 10 percent lower risk of depression compared to people who didn’t drink any coffee, according to the study. “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk,” said Chen.
小题1:What has the new study of more than 260,000 people found?
A.Sugary sodas aren’t good for the physical health of old people.
B.Americans have a special tooth for sweet foods.
C.Sweetened soft-drinks may increase the risk of depression.
D.Sweetened soft-drinks have important physical consequences.
小题2:What do we know about the process of the study?
A.About twenty-six thousand people participated in it.
B.The oldest participants were below 80 when the study was over.
C.Most of the participants had depression when the study was over.
D.The study lasted more than ten years from the beginning to the end.
小题3:We infer that the underlined word “aspartame” in Paragraph 4 refers to something that _____.
A.can reduce the harm of sweetened drinks used to reduce the risk of depression mainly used to make fruit punch used to make something .sweet
小题4:It is implied in the passage that ______.
A.more research is needed to confirm the new findings
B.the new findings aren’t consistent with any previous findings
C.cutting one’s sodas intake will surely reduce one’s depression
D.the new findings won’t have an impact on people’s drinking habits
小题5:What should you drink in order to reduce the risk of depression?
B.Unsweetened coffee.
C.Sugary coffee.
D.Fruit punch.

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