Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods can often come at th

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods can often come at th

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods can often come at the least expected time.Others, such as hurricanes are increasing in severity and destruction.Typically, those poor countries are the worst hit for they have the least resources to deal with the destruction and rebuild their home.This part of the website looks at some of these issues.
Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Crisis
The earthquake off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011 was one of the biggest recorded, measuring 9 on the Richter scale(里氏震级).
It was the resulting tsunami, however, that caused the most destruction.It devastated the northeast of Japan, leaving many thousands dead or missing, and -hundreds of thousands homeless or leaving the area.In addition, various power generators(发电机组) failed.Some older nuclear power stations risked meltdown and suffered explosions and radioactive leaks.Workers battled for weeks to try and bring the situation under control.Radioactive material was detected in various places.
It is thought that the cost of the earthquake and tsunami could be over $ 300 billion-the world"s most expensive natural disaster on record.
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina was a destroyed category 4(四级) hurricane, the highest category, that hit the Gulf of Mexico and various Southern regions of the United States at the end of August, 2005, causing the worst damage in that country"s history, estimated at $ 100 billion.The famous New Orleans city and surrounding areas were worst hit as much of it sits some 6 feet below sea level.City defenses, such as banks, only designed for categary 3 type hurricanes, gave way, leading to enormous flooding and associated damage, death and displacement of around 100, 000 people who either chose to say the course, or could not afford to flee.
小题1:Where would this passage most probably appear?
A.In a textbook.B.In a magazine.C.In a paper.D.In a website.
小题2:Why are those poor countries the worst hit by natural disasters?
A.Because they are lazy and poor.
B.Because they desire help from rich countries.
C.Because they lack resources to deal with the destruction and rebuild their home.
D.Because they never think of protecting their home.
小题3:What is the meaning do the underlined word "devastated" in the paragraph 3?
A.Built.B.Completed. C.Discovered.D.Destroyed.
小题4:In the disaster happening in 2011 in Japan, what caused the most destruction?
A.Radioactive material.B.Tsunami.
C.Earthquake.D.Power generators" explosion.
小题5:What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Hurricane Katrina also hit the northern part of the USA.
B.Hurricane Katrina caused the second the worst damage in the history of the USA.
C.All parts of New Orleans city were below sea level.
D.City defenses in New Orleans couldn"t deal with Hurricane Katrina.


小题1:D 细节题。根据第一段4,5行.This part of the website looks at some of these issues.说明本文是网页的一部分,故D项正确。
小题2:C 细节题。根据第一段3,4行those poor countries are the worst hit for they have the least resources to deal with the destruction and rebuild their home.说明C正确。
小题3:D 推理题。根据本句It devastated the northeast of Japan, leaving many thousands dead or missing, and -hundreds of thousands homeless or leaving the area本句说明的是日本的地震海啸给日本带来的破坏,故该词是指破坏的意思,故D项正确。
小题4:B 细节题。根据第三段第一句It was the resulting tsunami, however, that caused the most destruction.说明导致最大破坏的是海啸,故B正确。
小题5:D 推断题。根据文章最后4行.City defenses, such as banks, only designed for categary 3 type hurricanes, gave way, leading to enormous flooding and associated damage, death and displacement of around 100, 000 people who either chose to say the course, or could not afford to flee.说明City defenses没有能够抵挡住卡特琳娜飓风的袭击,故D项正确。
Become a confident speaker. How to improve your English speaking skills and make you able to communicate more easily and effectively? The following tips will help you to become a more confident speaker.
Practice where you can and when you can. And practice is good — whether you speak to someone who is a native English speaker or not.
It’s important to build up your confidence. If possible, use the simple sentence structure that you know is correct, so that you can concentrate on getting your message across.
Try to experiment with the English you know. Apply (应用) words and phrases you know to new situations. Native English speakers are likely to correct you if you use the wrong word. They usually don’t mind if you use wrong grammar.
Try to respond to what people say to you. You can often get clues to what people think by looking at their body language. Respond to them in a natural way.
Never translate everything into your own language. It takes you much time and you’ll find it difficult to find an English answer right away. You don’t know how to do well. The more you want to act well, the more slowly you act. This will make you hesitant.
If you forget a word, do what native English speakers do all the time, and say things that ‘fill’ the conversation. This is better than remaining completely silent. Try using ‘um’, ‘er’, if you forget the word.
Don’t speak too fast! It’s important to use a natural rhythm (节奏) in speaking English, but if you speak too fast it will be difficult for people to understand you.
Try to relax when you speak, and you’ll find that your mouth does most of the pronunciation work for you. Speak English at a normal speed.
Final tips: Try to become less hesitant. Don’t be shy to speak — the more you do it, the more confident you’ll become. Remember to be polite — use “please” and “thank you” if you ask someone to do something for you.
小题1:What is the text mainly about?
A.Good ways of studying English well.
B.Suggestions on becoming a confident speaker.
C.Things to pay attention to when speaking English.
D.How to correct your mistakes as you speak English.
小题2:How many tips does the author offer in this text?
小题3:In this passage, the underlined word “hesitant” in the sixth paragraph means “________”.
A.sure about what to do to make a good decision
C.successful in answering questions
D.uncertain about how to express yourself
小题4:This text is most probably written for ________.
A.English beginnersB.native English speakers
C.English teachersD.language experts

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Next Stop: Planet Mars
Fly me to the moon? That’s not far enough. On September 14, 2011, NASA released designs for a superrocket, the Space Launch System (SLS). This time the final destination will be Mars.
The SLS is a huge, liquid-fuelled rocket. If it is fully developed, it will be the most powerful rocket ever built. Its lift capability will be much bigger than that of the space shuttle of Saturn 5, the rocket that sent the Apollo missions to the moon.
NASA is planning to launch its first unmanned test flight in 2017. It is hoped that the first crew will fly in 2021 and astronauts will make it to a nearby asteroid(小行星) in 2025. NASA hopes to send the rocket and astronauts to Mars from the asteroid by the 2030s, according to the Associated Press (AP).
NASA used liquid rockets to send Apollo, Gemini and Mercury into space, but later changed to solid rockets boosters(助推火箭) because they were cheaper. Tragically, however, a booster flaw(缺陷) caused the space shuttle Challenger to crash in 1986. The new project plans to return to liquid fuel.
According to AP, the rockets will at first be able to carry 77 to 110 tons of payload(净载重量). Eventually they will be able to carry 143 tons into space, maybe even as many as 165 tons, NASA officials said. By comparison, the Saturn 5 booster could lift 130 tons and the space shuttle just 27 tons.
However, unlike reusable shuttles, these powerful rockets are mostly one use only. New ones have to be built for every launch. This will be very costly.
NASA estimates that it will cost about $3 billion (19 billion yuan) per year, or $18 billion until the first test flight in 2017. NASA hopes to make money by allowing private companies to send astronauts to the International Space Station like giant taxi services, so that the program can be “sustainable”.
“This is perhaps the biggest thing for space exploration in decades,” said Senator Bill Nelson, a former astronaut. “The goal is to fly humans safely beyond low-Earth orbit(轨道) and deep into outer space where we cannot only survive, but one day also live.”
小题1:What is the outstanding feature of the SLS?
A.It’s equipped with an advanced control system.
B.It’s the first unmanned space shuttle in the world.
C.It’s the only vehicle that can fly astronauts to the moon.
D.It can send a lot more goods and passengers into space.
小题2:What is Saturn 5?
A.An aircraft that had a deadly flaw and crashed in 1986.
B.A series of rockets that once sent astronauts to the moon.
C.An unmanned space shuttle that was once famous in the world.
D.A kind of launch vehicle that will be used to carry astronauts to Mars.
小题3:NASA plans to use liquid fuel in the new project because ______ than solid rockets boosters. is less costly is much safer can last longer is more environmentally friendly
小题4:According to NASA’s schedule, it will take ______ years to fully complete the SLS program.
A.about 6B.about 10
C.less than 14 D.more than 19
小题5:It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.the SLS program is planning to make reusable rockets
B.the goal of the SLS program is to enable humans to live on the moon
C.the US government may not have provided enough money for the SLS program
D.NASA will use SLS as a space taxi between the Earth and Mars

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Britain’s seed(种子) bank, the only one in the world aiming to collect all of the planet’s wild plant species, has reached its goal of banking 10 percent by 2010.
The Millennium Seed Bank Project, run by Kew Gardens—one of the oldest botanical(植物的)  gardens—will officially place the 24,200th species on Thursday, a pink, wild banana from China.
More than 50 countries are now on board with Kew"s giant task but vast places of the globe, including India and Brazil, still need to join in and donate seeds, director Paul Smith said.                                                                                                                                                            
The seed bank is one of the largest and most diverse(多样的) in the world with more than 1.5 billion seeds. Its goal is to help protect the planet’s bio-diversity during a time of climate change.
The wild banana seed is under threat of extinction(灭绝) in southwest China from agricultural development. It is a vital food source for Asian elephants and important for growing bananas for human eating.
Stored at minus-20 degrees centigrade, so they can last for thousands of years, the seeds await the day that scientists hope never comes—when the species no longer exist in the wild.
It is a race against time, Smith said, because in the last ten years alone, 20 plants held in the bank have already been wiped out in the wild. He estimates that between a third and a quarter will become extinct this century.
"It is pressing and it is happening now. An area, the size of England, is cleared of primary vegetation(植被)every year." Smith said.
Because most of the world"s food and medicines come from nature, protecting wild plant species is quite important, scientists say. There are already many other seed banks safeguarding food crops, which only account for 0.6 percent of plant diversity.
For Kew"s next goal—to collect a quarter of wild varieties(种类)by 2020—the botanists need 10 million pounds a year, or a further 100 million pounds on top of the 40 million they have already been granted.
小题1:What’s the final purpose of the Britain’s seed bank?
A.To collect enough money for the project.B.To safeguard food crops.
C.To protect wild plants from extinction.D.To help scientists study wild plants.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.the seeds in the bank can be used now and then all over the world
B.India and Brazil haven’t joined in the Seed Bank Project at present
C.there is only one seed bank in the world at present
D.the wild plants in places like India and China will never die out
小题3:What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 7 refer to?
A.The extinction of plant species.
B.The Millennium Seed Bank Project.
C.Britain’s seed bank.
D.Kew Gardens’ next goal.
小题4:Which of the following isn’t spoken about in the passage?
A.The global partnership of collecting wild plant species.
B.The temperature condition of the wild plant species in the bank.
C.The government’s support for the seed bank project by giving money.
D.Scientists’ concern on the extinct wild plant species.

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Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are over concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: what kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?
It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people unfavorably. Adperson’s self concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves and the way a person behaves affects other people"s reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a deep effect on all areas of their lives. Shy people ,have low self-esteem(自尊), are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance(再保证,放心) that they are doing “the right thing”. Shy people are very sensitive to criticism. It makes them feel inferior(自卑).They also find it difficult to be pleased by praises because they believe they are unworthy of praise . A shy person may respond to a praise with a statement like this one:” You’re just saying that to make me feel good .I know it"s not true.” It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful. Can shyness be completely got rid of ,or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determination. It is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths, for example, not fair for them to label themselves inferior because they have to be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to absence of inferiority. Each one of us has his or her own characteristics. We are interested in our own personal ways. The better we understand ourselves. the easier it becomes to live up to our chances for a rich and fulfilling life.
小题1:The first paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.the thoughts of shy people
B.the cause of shyness
C.the effect of shyness on people
D.the questions in the minds of shy people
小题2:According to the wirter, self-awareness is _________.
A.harmful to peopleB.a weak point of shy people
C.the cause of unhappinessD.a good characteristic
小题3:What is the shy people"s reaction to praise?
A.They are pleased by itB.They feel it is not true
C.They are very sensitive to itD.They feel they are worthy of it
小题4:We can learn from the passage that shyness can _________. us to live up to our full development
B.enable us to understand ourselves better
C.block our chances for a successful life
D.have nothing to do with lack of self esteem

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Each year there is an increasing number of cars on roads and streets as millions of new cars and trucks are produced. One out of every six Americans works at putting together the parts of cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling cars and trucks with gas.  1  
Most Americans would find it hard to imagine what life would look like without cars. 2 . The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.
 3 . That’s what several of the large car factories have been trying to do. But to build a clean car is easier said than done. Progress in this field has been slow.
Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else.  4 . Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that pleases man.
To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we’ll have to make some changes in the way many of us live. Americans, for example, have to cut down on the number of their total cars. They are encouraged to travel and go to work by bicycle. Bicycling is thought to help the air clean. But this change does not come easily. A large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down.  5 .
Although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new problems.
A.Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment.
B.Americans know cars very well.
C.However, some have realized the serious problems of the air pollution that is caused by cars.
D.One way to get rid of the polluted air is to build a car that does not pollute.
E. However, the number of vehicles has continued to increase in recent years.
F. Americans won’t live without cars!
G. Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars.
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