DLearning English has a powerful effect on the type of job you can get. If you d

DLearning English has a powerful effect on the type of job you can get. If you d


Learning English has a powerful effect on the type of job you can get. If you don’t speak English well, you won’t find many jobs, and yes, you’ll earn much less money. Only 2% of company managers can’t speak English! Your family can also benefit from you learning English. And you can learn with them, helping each other as a family. Children have up to a 40% better chance of finishing high school if their parents speak English well. If you speak English better , you’ll find more jobs--- good jobs. Or you can get a promotion and earn more money. Learn how the Beehive can help you find the right job.
School. Children go to their parents when they need help with school. If you speak better English, you can help your child with homework and you can also talk to teachers and other parents.
Health. Most doctors and pharmacists(药剂师) in America only speak English, and if you can explain what the problem is and understand what the doctor is saying, you’ll get better sooner! On the Beehive, you can find cheap, free medical help or find important information for your family.
Education. With a little more English, you might be able to take your high school diploma (GED), go to a vocational school to learn a profession or even go to college! Find out what type of education is right for you, and how to do it. It is never too late!
Money. If you understand what people tell you at the bank, a store or a lawyer’s office, nobody will be able to cheat you! With more English, you can save more, send more money to your family and even start your own business. Don’t wait! Find an English course now! And remember, with the Beehive you can practice English and find a good job, open a bank account or find a doctor! The Beehive is written very clearly so you can make life better. Many people are doing it!
71. Learning English well can help us in the following things EXCEPT__________.
A. finding many more good jobs             B. a better chance of finishing high school
C. a promotion and earning more money       D. cheating others easily
72. How can English benefit you in America?
A. You’ll communicate with most doctors and pharmacists better.
B. You can find cheap, free medical help for your family.
C. You can find important information for your family .
D. You can take your GRE.
73. If you want to learn English well, where should you learn?
A. Most doctors and pharmacists in America.  B. A vocational school for practical English.
C. Colleges for special English.             D. The Beehive for an English course.
74. Which kind of article is this passage?
A.  A Notice.                           B. A magazine.   
C. An advertisement.                      D. A newspaper.
75. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Learning English has a powerful effect on your job.
B. Learn more English, your life will be sweeter.
C. If you speak English better, you’ll find more jobs.
D. it is never too late to find out the right type of education!

71---75   DADCB


第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)
Have you ever heard your own voice? “Of course,” you say.
Has anyone else ever heard your voice? Again you say, “Of course.”
But that’s not quite true. Nobody else has ever heard your voice-the way you hear it. When you talk, you set up sound waves The air outside your head carries the sound waves to your outer ears. But, of course, the sound of your voice begins inside your head. The bones of your head pick up the sound waves, too. They carry the sound waves straight to your inner ears. You get the sound from the outside and the inside too. Other people get just the sound waves from the outside. That is why they don’t hear your voice the way you do.
56.You ______hear your voice the same way others hear it.
A.can’t       B.seldom   C.sometimes   D.always
57.Sound travels in the form of ______.
A.bones      B.air       C.waves       D.voice
58.When you talk, sound waves are set up inside _______.
A.your inner ears          B.your outer ears
C.your head              D.your head bones
59.The underlined phrase “pick up ”here means _______.
A.to raise    B.to gain    C.to select   D.to pull
60.The passage is mainly about________.
A.waves in the air            B.the way you hear your own voice
C.voice spreading far and wide 
D.the different way people hear their voices
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When we think about education and language learning, we are most likely to think of books. Although there are lots of language learning methods, many people still prefer to learn only by using books. So what are the advantages of learning a language from a book?
Here are its advantages: firstly, you can take language books wherever you go conveniently and you can use them whenever you want. Secondly, they are easy to follow because the courses in them are usually planned for you in strict order starting from the most basic concepts to the more complex. Thirdly, if you are unsure of something, you can continue to work on it as quickly as you like. Lastly, books are likely to have a lot of vocabulary and a lot of topics so you will get great value out of a book with lots of materials in it.
Using books to study a language has disadvantages, too. All textbooks and dictionaries usually include some kind of pronunciation guide. These are helpful when there is no other way to learn, but this can"t help you practice your pronunciation. With an audio method, you can compare your pronunciation to that of a native speaker. Besides, some words are spoken faster in one sentence or slower in another, so the pronunciation of a word may change according to the emotion or feeling you want to convey. Also, books can’t actually help you hear the language with its unique rhythms spoken by native speakers. With an audio language learning method, you will be able to hear and understand the language better.
Therefore, if you can supplemental(补充)your book with some other language tools, such as audio tapes, internet radio or resources such as music or television, you will have a much better chance of understanding the books" pronunciation guide and using it to get a good grasp of the spoken language.
Title: One of the Language Learning 81.__________— Using Books
To get a good grasp of the spoken language, we need to combine language learning books with an audio component
*It’s 83. __________ and easy to take books with you. You can use them at anytime.
*It’s easy to 84. __________ books because they are arranged with the most basic information at the start to the more complicated concepts later on.
*You can take your time with a book and use it at our own pace.
*You will get great 85. __________ out of a book which 86. __________ lots of materials in it.
*It can’t help you practice and compare your 87.__________ with that of a native speaker.
*It can’t help you improve your listening 88. __________.
89. __________
We should use other language learning 90. __________ to help us learn a language properly.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Aren’t they all our children?
There are few things in this life more difficult to experience than the loss of one’s child. Jim Wallis, in WHO SPEAKS FOR GOD, tells a story that happened during the war in Sarajevo. A reporter who was covering the violence in the middle of the city saw a little girl shot by a gunman.
The reporter rushed to the aid of a man who was now holding the child. He helped them both into his car and sped off to a hospital.  
“Hurry, my friend,” the man urged, “my child is still alive.” A moment or two later he pleaded, “Hurry, my friend, my child is still breathing.” A little later he said, “Hurry, my friend, my child is still warm.”
When they got to the hospital, the young girl was gone. “This is a terrible task for me,” the distraught man said to the reporter. “I must go and tell her father that his child is dead.”
He looked at the man in surprise and said, “I thought she was your child.”
The man replied, “No, but aren"t they all our children?”
I think that is one of the great questions of our age that deserves an answer.
Aren’t they all our children? Those on our side of the border as well as those on the other side? Those of our nation no more or less than those of another?
Aren’t they all our children? The well-educated and the under-educated? The well-fed and the under-fed? Those who are secure and those who are at risk?
Aren’t they all our children? if we say yes, can we ever again pit them against each other? “If we have no peace,” said Mother Teresa, “it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
There may be no greater question for our generation. And how we answer that question will determine the shape of our world for years to come.
51. What was the reporter doing when the shooting took place?
A. Telling a story.          B. Having a meeting.  
C. Reporting an event.       D. Helping the wounded.
52. From the text we know the girl died        .
A. in the hospital              B. with nobody in front  
C. soon after the shooting      D. far away from her home
53. How many people experienced the sad story?
A. Three.              B. Four.  C. Five.   D. Six.
54. Which can best express the point of a yes to the question “Aren’t they all our children?”
A. Health.       B. Love.  C. Wealth.     D. Peace.
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第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)  
Global  travel
International tourist arrivals in millions

2005 statistics

56. According to the statistics(统计), which destination attracted the most tourists in 2005?
A. Middle East                  B. America            C. Asia and Pacific        D. Europe
57. During which interval(间隔)was there the greatest increase of global travel?
A. Between 2001-2002.         B. Between 2003-2004
C. Between 2002-2003           D.Between 2004-2005.
58. Which is true about the diagram(图表)?
A. The diagram shows that there will be a steady (稳固的) increase of global travel over the next few years.
B. Global travel suffered a slight drop(下降) every year from 2000 to 2003.
C. The number of tourists increased by 21 million from 2001 to 2002.
D. Tourists from Europe made up half of the total in 2005.
59. This diagram is mainly about ____________________.
A. different destinations for tourists      
B. statistics of global travel from 2000 to 2005
C. the prediction(预测) of international tourists arrivals.
D. the tendency(趋势) of global travel
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A blow-fly was looking for an ideal place like rotting meat to lay her eggs so that when her little babies were born, they could feed on the meat.
As she turned a corner in the grassland, she smelt something that smells like rotten meat in the air! With a great joy she landed on it and laid her eggs. She was happy that her children would have enough food to eat.
But the fly did not know she had made a great mistake. What she had sat upon was not meat but a flower, which smells badly. It is called a carrion flower. So, when the blow-fly’s eggs hatched and the little maggots(蛆)came out, they had nothing to eat. They died of starvation.
The carrion flower is one of the many flowers which send out dirty smells to attract flies. The Rafflesia stinks like rotting meat, while the tropical Lords and Ladies flower gives out a smell like rotting fish.
They do it for a special reason. These plants cannot move from their place. But it is important for the male cell of one plant to get in touch with the female cell of another plant. Once that is done, the seed of the plant will bloom and give birth to another plant.
The plant uses its stink to attract flies. As soon as the blow-fly sits on the follower, it is captured by the flower with strong hair. When the hair falls, the fly is free to fly- but it takes some pollen(花粉) with it. And goes and sits on another plant. The male cell of one plant meets the female cell of the other. The seed gets new life.
64. Why did the fly land on something smelly?
A. She was too careless before her bearing.       B. She liked the particular smell very much
C. She hoped to find some food for her babies.    D. She couldn’t find a better place for delivery.
65. The little maggots finally died because_________.
A. they were born too weak             B. they lacked food available
C. carrion flower were poisonous         D. their mother didn’t take care of them
66. Flowers like carrion flower and Rafflesia naturally smell terrible so that_________.
A. they need insects to spread their pollen     B. they succeed in producing more seeds
C. their seeds can be carried to other places    D. they can manage to absorb more nutrients
67. What is the best title of the text?
A. Dirty Tricks        B. Smelly Plants   C. A strange Flower   D. Secrets of Nature.
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