All over the world people enjoy sports, Sports help to keep people healthy and h

All over the world people enjoy sports, Sports help to keep people healthy and h

All over the world people enjoy sports, Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.
Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when “their” player or team wins.
Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for(参加) them. Football, for example, has spread(展开)around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! And think of people in cold countries. Think how many love to skate or ski (滑雪) in Japan, Norway or Canada.
Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.
People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train a person’s character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace(胜不骄,败不馁).
小题1:Why do people all over the world enjoy sports?
A.Because they are healthy.
B.Because they are happy.
C.Because they want to live longer.
D.All the above.
小题2:Why do some people get excited when they watch a game? Because  ___________. 
A.their favourite team winsB.they win the game
C.they get the good newsD.they can’t help themselves
小题3:Why do people from different countries often become friends after a game together? Because ____________.
A.they train their character in the game
B.they understand each other
C.they are friendly to each other
D.they help each other



小题1:C. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段All over the world people enjoy sports, Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.注意A和B选项不是喜欢运动的原因而是结果。可知C项正确。
小题2: A. 细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句Often they get very excited when “their” player or team wins.可知他们所喜欢的队伍获胜是他们高兴的真正原因。
小题3:B. 推理判断题。根据最后一段的第1句   People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends.可知在一场比赛以后,人们就可以相互理解了。故B正确。
LIKE many teachers, Cristi Derow and Jennifer Bradley have spent most of their careers giving classroom lectures to students who sat passively in their seats.
The Lewisvillle, Texas, school teachers were aware that the hours they spent on preparing lessons were too often wasted on many students. So Forestwood High School, Texas, used the “flipped (翻转的) classroom” method of instruction. “We’ve completely done away with our lecture,” Derow said. And homework assignments “are all done in class,” Bradley said.
With the flipped concept, a student’s usual homework assignment is to watch pre-recorded lectures on their computers or smart phones.They walk into class ready to discuss the topic, collaborate(合作) with other students and work on assignments based on what they learned from the video. Free from lecturing, the teachers can use class time to look deeper into the subject and focus on difficult concept. As students change from a passive to an active role, they learn critical thinking skills, learn to collaborate and become independent learners.
Instead of doing homework assignments alone at home, students are now “working together, talking about it,” Bradley said. “If they don’t agree on an answer, they debate it and have to justify their answers. It’s a higher level of learning.”
Her students give the flipped classroom high marks.
Sarah Lee, 14, watches the 30-minute videos on a home computer. She likes the ability to rewind the tapes if she doesn"t understand a concept. She also likes being able to watch the lessons on her own schedule.
One of her classmates, Dawson Depperschmidt has the same idea and thinks the time she spends in the classroom is more productive. “It gives us more time to learn at school,” Dawson said. “You get more in-depth in class.
小题1:What can we conclude from the first two paragraphs?
A.Teachers in Lewisville enjoyed giving classroom lectures.
B.It takes time for students to concentrate and understand in class.
C.Many students took an inactive part in lecture-style classes.
D.Teachers in Lewisville found that there was no need to prepare lessons.
小题2:What difference does the “flipped classroom”method make to students?
A.They have more arguments with classmates.
B.They have to be independent and cooperative.
C.They need to do more homework at home.
D.They have to prepare lectures by themselves.
小题3:What does the underlined word “productive” mean?
A.reducing difficultiesB.trying new methods
C.achieving a lotD.causing troubles
小题4:What are the benefits of the “flipped classroom” method?
a. Teachers have time to solve deeper problems
b. Students are engaged in a higher level of learning.
c. Students study according to their own schedule.
d. Teachers don’t have to design homework for students
A.a, b, c,B.a, c, dC.b, c, dD.a, b, d

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Gray hair is simply a part of the normal aging process, and the rate you go silver is genetically predetermined. Going gray is not associated with earlier death, and premature graying is not, generally speaking, a sign of an illness or ill health in younger adults. There are, however, some specific health conditions associated with gray or white hair, but for most of us, going gray is just a fact of life.
Hair color comes from the pigment melanin(黑色素), which determines your individual shade. Hair without any melanin is pure white. The pigment is produced in cells called melanocytes, which inject pigment into the hair. At some point in everyone"s lifetime, these cells slow down and eventually stop producing color. Scientists have yet to identify the exact mechanism by which melanocyte cell death occurs.
A study of more than 4,000 women and men from 20 countries determined that about 75% of people between the ages of 45 and 65 have some gray hair. In general, people of European descent gray earliest followed by Asians and Africans. It"s interesting to note that a lucky 1 in 10 has no gray hair by retirement age. Beginning at age 30, your chances of having gray hair go up 10-20% per decade.
It may feel like you have more grays after a stressful event, but that"s probably because middle age is basically a series of anxiety-ridden events. Between working, raising kids, and caring for older parents, the "sandwich" years of 45-65 can be stressful, especially for women. They are also when we naturally start to look older.
At this point, there is still no silver bullet to keep away the grays.
小题1:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Going gray.B.Tips to make hair color last
C.Why does hair turn gray?D.Gray hair is in fashion.
小题2:Which of the following is a true statement according to the passage?
A.Scientists have found out how to prevent hair from turning gray.
B.Europeans are more likely to gray than Asians and Africans.
C.Gray hair means poor health or a sign of illness.
D.Everyone will inevitably get gray hair by retirement age.
小题3:Which is not among the reasons for hair turning gray according to the passage?
A.Being physically weak.B.Stress from different sides.
C.Death of melanocyte cell.D.Genetic factors.
小题4:What does “silver bullet” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Make-upB.Scientific research.C.Chemical weapon.D.Cure.

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How to Tell If Someone Is Happy or Sad on the Phone
Scientists have come up with some researches on what makes different types of people“tick”.
The scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed new mobile phone technology called Emotion Sense that can tell if a caller is happy, angry or sad.
Scientists hope to fit the speech recognition system to standard mobile phones and use it to determine emotions—it will also use a GPS tracking system to log where the call is made.
 And they’ve already made some pretty major breakthroughs into really getting under the skin of us humans.
The results from the pilot scheme make interesting scientific reading. Among the key revelations (﹦facts) are that callers feel happier at home and sadder at work.
To break it down, scientifically, it shows 45 percent of all emotions produced at home are “happy”and 54 percent of emotions at work are “sad”.
Meanwhile, people show more “intense”(﹦nervous) emotions in the evening than they do in the morning.
Of course, this could just be because most people feel too tired in the morning to get overly “intense”. Eating breakfast and getting to work on time is usually enough of an achievement.
Anyway, the Emotion Sense technology has been developed by psychologists(心理学家) and computer scientists who say it uses speech recognition software and phone sensors(传感器) attached to standard smart phones to judge how callers’ emotions are changed by everyday factors.
The sensors analyze voice samples and these are then divided into five categories: happiness, sadness, fearfulness, anger or neutral-—boredom or passivity(消极) would fit into this last category.
小题1:How many emotions can the sensors tell?
小题2:What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.Scientists have put something testing people’s emotions under humans’ skin.
B.There were some breakthroughs in this technology in getting something from people’s skin.
C.In this technology, people’s skin was broken through.
D.There were improvements in testing people’s emotions.
小题3:Why do most people feel less intense in the morning than in the evening?
A.Because morning is the start of a new day.
B.because they feel too tired in the morning.
C.Because of humans’ physiological structure.
D.Because of the fresh air and bright sunlight.
小题4:Which of the following hasn’t been put into the standard mobile phones?
A.Speech recognition software.B.Phone sensors.
C.GPS sensors.D.Translation system.

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The next time your face turns red after tripping(绊倒) over your own feet in public, don’t try to hide it—a new study finds that showing your embarrassment actually makes other people view you as more reliable.
Researchers at the University of California have carried out the study and found that embarrassment is a good signature of a person to whom you can entrust valuable resources.
Not only are the findings useful for people seeking cooperative and reliable team members and business partners, but they also make for helpful dating advice.“Moderate(适度的) levels of embarrassment are signs of virtue. Our data suggests embarrassment is a good thing, not something you should fight.”said Matthew Feinberg, who led the study.
While the most typical gesture of embarrassment is a downward gaze to one side while partly covering the face, a person who feels shame, as distinguished(区别) from embarrassment, will typically cover the whole face, Feinberg said.
The results were got from a series of experiments. In the first experiment, 60 college students were videotaped describing embarrassing moments, such as making incorrect assumptions(假想) based on appearances. The college students also participated in the “Dictator Game” which is used in economics research to measure altruism(利己主义). For example, each was given 10 raffle tickets(奖券) and asked to keep a share of the tickets and give the reminder(提示物) to a partner.
The findings, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, showed that those who showed greater levels of embarrassment tended to give away more of their raffle tickets, indicating(﹦showing) greater generosity.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following is thought to be reliable?
A.A person who feels shame.
B.A person who hides his embarrassment.
C.A person who shows his embarrassment.
D.A person who gives away more raffle tickets.
小题2:We can infer from Paragraph 3 that ________.’s useless to fight our embarrassment
B.people should try to overcome their embarrassment
C.embarrassed people are not good at doing business
D.people who show embarrassment can be good business partners
小题3:The “Dictator Game ” is used to _________.
A.measure the students’ economic status
B.test whether a student is generous or not
C.determine the different levels of embarrassment
D.record how each student reacts during embarrassing moments
小题4:We learn from the last paragraph that those who showed greater levels of embarrassment ____.
A.proved to be more generousB.kept more of the raffle tickets
C.didn’t care for raffle ticketsD.were less reliable

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How long do you want to live? How many years might be added to a life? Do you want to live another 100 years or more? Some experts say that scientific advances will one day enable humans to last tens of years beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span.(寿命)
“I think we are knocking at the door of immortality(永生) , " said Michael Zey, a Montclair State University business professor and author of two books on the future. "I think by 2075 we will see it and that"s a conservative estimate(保守的估计)."
At the conference in San Francisco, Donald Louria, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark said advances in using genes as well as nanotechnology(纳米技术) make it likely that humans will live in the future beyond what has been possible in the past. "There is a great push so that people can live from 120 to 180 years," he said. "Some have suggested that there is no limit and that people could live to 200 or 300 or 500 years.
However, many scientists who research into ageing are doubtful about it and say the human body is just not designed to last past about 120 years. Even with healthier lifestyles and less disease, they say the failure of the brain and organs will finally lead all humans to death.
Scientists also differ on what kind of life the super aged might live. "It remains to be seen if you pass 120,you know, could you be healthy enough to have good quality of life?" said Leonard Poon, director  of the University of Georgia Gerontology Centre. "At present people who could get to that point are not in good health at all."
小题1:By saying "we are knocking at the door of immortality", Michael Zey means ______.
A.they have got some ideas about living forever
B.they are sure to find the truth about long living
C.they believe that there is no limit of living
D.they are able to make people live past the present life span
小题2:Donald Louria"s attitude towards long living is that ______.
A.people can live from 120 to 180 is possible for humans to live longer in the future
C.the human body is designed to last past about 120 years is still doubtful how long humans can live
小题3:The underlined word "it"( in Paragraph 4)refers to______.
A.using genes as well as nanotechnology
B.the idea of living beyond the present life span
C.a great push
D.the conservative estimate
小题4:What would be the best title for this text? 
A.No Limit for Human LifeB.Science, Technology and Long Living
C.Living Longer or NotD.Healthy Lifestyle and Long Living

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