DEarth is the third planet from the sun. It is one of the four inner planets. Th

DEarth is the third planet from the sun. It is one of the four inner planets. Th


Earth is the third planet from the sun. It is one of the four inner planets. The other three inner planets are Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The inner planets are also called the rocky planets, because they are made of rocks.
Earth is often called the “Water Planet”, because it is the only planet in our solar system which has liquid water on its surface. About 70% of the surface of Earth is covered by water! The other part of Earth is made up of continents and islands which have different landforms on them. Examples of landforms are mountains and plains. Plants and animals can live on Earth, because it has so much water.
Earth spins very quickly compared to other planets. It only takes Earth 24 hours to spin around its axis one time. One Earth day is 24 hours long! Earth orbits the sun in 365 days! This makes one Earth year 365 days long!
Earth is the only planet in our solar system where humans, other animals, and plants can live. There is plenty of water to drink or to live in. Water is present on Earth in its big oceans and in the air! Clouds are made of water vapor. The atmosphere has a lot of oxygen in it for animals to breathe, but the rest of our “air” is made up of water vapor, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and other gases. The air is perfect for plants to grow. Earth temperature is not the same in all places, but the temperature is just right for plants, animals, and humans in most places on Earth.
Like the other inner planets, Earth has volcanoes. Volcanoes on Earth are different from those on other planets, because they still erupt. Scientists think that there may be active volcanoes on other planets and moons in our solar system, but they are still studying this.
Earth has one planet which we call the Moon. The surface of the Moon has many craters on it These were caused when meteorites hit it. It has many volcanoes on it which do not erupt anymore. We can see the moon at night without using a telescope. It is the closest space object to our planet ,Earth.
68.Earth is called the Water Planet,______.
A. because animals need water         B. the water makes it look blue from space
C. it has liquid water on its surface      D. Earth is the third planet from the sun
69. It takes Earth ______to orbit the sun in one year.
A.24 hours                   B.24 days                     C.365 days                   D.360 days
70. Life exists on Earth,______.
A. because the water, air, and temperature are just right
B. there is water vapor in clouds
C. Earth is the planet closest to the sun
D. earth has volcanoes
71.The craters on the moon were caused by______.
A. meteorites hitting its surface              B. active volcanoes
C. volcanoes which do not erupt anymore      D. some reasons that are not mentioned

68---71   CCAA  


Geniuses amaze us, impress us and make us all a little jealous.How do they differ from the average person? Scientists are working hard to figure out that answer.Tune in to the National Geographic Channel to find out about the discoveries they’re making in the series My Brilliant Brain.
When Marc Yu was only two years old, he began to play the piano.After a year, he started learning pieces by Beethoven.Now he’s a world-famous concert pianist at age eight.He learns newer and more difficult pieces with ease and can identify any note he hears.He seems to be specially designed for music.In Born Genius, National Geographic looks at the science behind child prodigies (神童) to explain why some children seem to be born without limits.
Genius didn’t come naturally to Tommy McHugh.His came only after he nearly died from bleeding in his brain.After recovering, McHugh’s head was filled with new thoughts and pictures.So, he began to express them in the form of poetry and art.Now, he’s a seemingly unstoppable creative machine.Sufferers of autism and brain injury have shown that great mental ability can sometimes come from damage or disease.Accidental Genius explores this puzzling relationship.
Can normal people be trained to be geniuses? Susan Polger has shown no signs of extraordinary intelligence.Yet, during her childhood, she studied thousands of chess patterns and learned to recognize them immediately.As a result, she was able to beat skilled adult players by age 10 and can now play up to five games at the same time without even seeing the boards.Make Me a Genius examines what it takes to turn an ordinary brain into that of a genius.
If becoming a genius were easy, we’d all be one.Yet, there is much more to super intelligence than simply being born lucky.Learn more about amazing brains this month on National Geographic’s My Brilliant Brain.
51.My Brilliant Brains is most probably from _______.
A.a website           B.the radio               C.a magazine          D.a newspaper
52.The author takes Marc Yu as an example to show that a child prodigy is        .
A.a person who learns something easily
B.a child who is eager to learn new things
C.a student who practices an instrument a lot
D.a kid who works hard to do well in school
53.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.New things about the brain are still being discovered.
B.People without natural abilities can learn to do things well.
C.Some people naturally have more active brains.
D.People are usually smarter when they recover from brain injury.
54.From the passage, we know that ___________
A.scientists completely understand the brain
B.people can only be born as geniuses
C.there’s no such thing as a true genius
D.there are many factors in being a genius
55.The author develops the passage mainly by ___________.
A.providing typical examples
B.following the natural time order
C.presenting a cause and analyzing its effects
D.comparing opinions from different scientists
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The earthquake affected the students of the destroyed areas in many ways: losing parents, being scared(害怕) and feeling lonely. How can we help them? Teens reporter talked with Lin Dan. the program director of the Sunshine in Your Heart Project at the Red Cross Society of China.
How will the earthquake affect the teenagers mentally?
They’ll have feelings of fear, anger and feel they are not safe. They will find it hard to focus. They will tend to cry and shout and tremble. And they might be afraid to be alone.
What will happen if they are not helped?
The teenagers will find it hard to live in a balanced way. If things get worse they might not be able to focus on their studies. They might give up on life.
How can we help them overcome these problems?
The first thing is to build up trust with them. Show your sympathy and sadness, and be their friend. Then you have to give them a sense of safety. Tell them that there’s a solution to every problem. Thirdly, try to satisfy their psychological needs. Be a good listener if he or she needs to talk.
Some of us were not directly affected by the quake but have seen images on TV and feel scared. What should we do?
Talk with an adult and/or share your feelings with someone who might feel similar. If this doesn’t help then you should see a doctor for professional help.
小题1:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.The scare caused by the earthquake
B.Dealing with the pain left behind after the earthquake
C.How to get a sense of safety
D.The psychological needs
小题2:The earthquake will affect the teenagers mentally. Which of the following statements is not included?
A.They’ll tend to cry and shout and tremble.
B.They may be afraid to be alone.
C.They’ll feel unsafe.
D.They’ll feel sympathetic.
小题3: The underlined word “psychological” in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to “      ”.
小题4:From the passage, we can infer that         .
A.the scare caused by the earthquake can be relieved(解除) quickly
B.seeing a doctor is the most important measure to deal with the problem
C.the images on TV can also affect people and even cause problems help them overcome these problems, we should always talk with them
小题5:To help them overcome the problems, we should not      . up trust with themB.give them a sense of safety
C.solve every problem they a good listener if they need to talk

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Computer mouse is no longer so strong. A Canadian engineer has invented a system that enables a computer user to push a cursor(光标)across a screen simply by moving his or her nose .He calls his nose-driven mouse a mouse.
The inventor ,Dmity Gorodnichy ,came up with the idea for the mouse while building computer software that would help astronauts operate the Canadarm—a long robotic arm on the U.S. space shuttle .His system employs a web-camera that recognizes a computer user’s nose from 25 pixels ,or points of light. Dmity chose the nose because its position remains relatively constant no matter which way the head moves .The system keeps track of the pixels, and the user matches the movements of his or her nose with the progress of the cursor across the screen.
The mouse keeps track of the eyes too. Two blinks(眨眼)are a “double click,” which turns the mouse on or off.
The mouse has received mixed comments from those who hold opposite opinions. One called it “a pointless waste of technology” . Another predicted that the nouse will fail to catch on because it makes users “look silly.” Dmity has already adapted the nouse for NousePong, a video game ,and NousePaint ,a drawing program.
He also predicts that the mouse will attract the people who have suffered from specific disease-pain ,senselessness ,or trembling in the hand caused by the frequent repetition of movements of the wrist and fingers ,such as typing at a computer keyboard .His next plan is to adapt the nouse for use by paralyzed(瘫痪)patients in hospitals .With two blinks of the eyes ,patients could double-click for help.
72.The best title for this passage is probably      .
A.Mouse Driven by Nose
B.Cursor Moved Without fingers
C.New Computer System for Astronauts
D.New Type of Mouse for Patients
73.The nouse is a system working by means of          .
A.keeping track of the points of light
B.moving one’s nose or blinking
C.moving cursor across the screen
D.matching the user’s nose with eyes
74.The underlined phrase “catch on” means “       ”.
A.become popular used      C.get improved made
75.Dmity predicts that the nouse will be more used to help          .
A.those who have eye trouble
B.develop a video game and drawing program
C.those traveling in space
D.the disabled with the hand and paralyzed patients
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Telling the truth is a very good habit. If you  36  speak the truth, you can save yourself from a lot of  37 ! Here is a story of a man who did a lot of  38  things, but his promise to tell the truth 39  him.
Once a man came to a  prophet(预言家)and said, “Oh, prophet, I have many bad  40. Which one of them should  I  41  first?”The prophet said, “Give up telling  42  first and always speak the truth. ”The man promised to do so and went home.
At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out , he thought for a moment about the  43  he made with the prophet.  “44  tomorrow the prophet asks me where I have been, what shall I say?Shall I say that I went out  45?No, I cannot say that. But nor can I lie. If  I tell the truth,  46  will start hating me and call me a thief. I would be  47  for stealing.”
So the man  48  not to steal that night, and  gave up this bad habit.
Next day, he  49  drinking wine. When he was about to do so, he said to himself, “What shall I say to the prophet if he asks me what I did during the day?I cannot tell a lie, and if I speak the truth people will  50 me, because a Muslim is not  51  to drink wine.” And so he gave up the  52 of drinking wine.
In this way,  53  the man thought of doing something bad, he  54  his promise to tell the truth. One by one, he gave up all his bad habits and became a very  55  person.
36、A、always                    B、hardly                    C、sometimes       D、never
37、A、time                  B、money                    C、trouble           D、energy
38、A、great                  B、bad                        C、strange           D、stupid
39、A、educated             B、bothered             C、tested             D、saved
40、A、habits                     B、friends                    C、purposes         D、collections
41、A、take in                B、bring back                 C、give up           D、depend on
42、A、stories                B、truths                        C、reasons           D、lies
43、A、plan                   B、secret                        C、promise          D、mistake
44、A、Because              B、Unless                    C、Since              D、If
45、A、stealing              B、drinking             C、walking          D、dancing
46、A、none                  B、someone                 C、anyone           D、everyone
47、A、controlled           B、admired                  C、punished         D、killed
48、A、refused              B、tried                  C、decided           D、agreed
49、A、talked about        B、felt like            C、adapted to(适应)  D、broke down
50、A、understand              B、like                    C、hate              D、respect
51、A、allowed             B、encouraged             C、invited            D、advised
52、A、chance                    B、disadvantage       C、adventure      D、idea
53、A、wherever            B、whenever            C、whatever         D、however
54、A、forgot                    B、doubted                  C、regretted         D、remembered
55、A、good                  B、attractive            C、practical     D、generous(慷慨的)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a pale sky and a muzzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two o’clock in the afternoon the gray of a winter evening seemed to have closed upon the hills, surrounding them in mist. It would be dark by four. The leather seats felt damp to the hands, and there must have been a small crack in the roof, because now and again little drips of rain fell softly through, polluting the leather and leaving a dark – blue stain like a spot of ink. The wind came in, at times shaking the coach as it traveled round the bend of the road, and in the exposed places on the high ground it blew with such force that the whole body of the coach trembled and swayed, rocking between the high wheels like a drunken man.
The driver, muffled (裹住) in a greatcoat to his ears, bent almost double in his seat in a faint endeavor to gain shelter from his own shoulders. The few passengers pressed together for warmth, exclaiming all together when the coach sank into a heavier rut (车辙) than usual, and one old fellow, who had kept up a constant complaint ever since he had joined the coach at Truro, rose from his seat in anger; and, feeling with the window – frame, let the window down with a crash, bringing a shower of rain upon himself and his fellow – passengers. He thrust his head out and shouted up to the driver, scolding him in a angry voice for a rogue and a murderer; that they would all be dead before they reached Bodmin if he persisted in driving at dangerous speed; they had no breath left in their bodies as it was, and he would never travel by coach again.
41.What is the main image the author gives in this description?
A.In terrible weather, a coach was running fast in mud with complaining passengers on it.
B.On a cold and rainy day the coach broke and the driver was repairing it on the road.
C.On a cold night the driver and the passengers felt very cold and struggled in the rain.
D.The bad condition of the road resulted in the bad mood of the passengers.
42.Which of the following is correct according to the text?
A.The windows were tightly closed, so the cold air was kept outside the coach.
B.The spot of ink stained leather, so the seats felt damp to the hands.
C.Most probably the roof of the coach was broken.
D.There was a drunken man swaying constantly on the coach.
43.The expression “muffled in a greatcoat to… his own shoulders” implies         .
A.the driver felt very cold and tried to change his seat
B.the driver felt comfortable by doing in that way
C.The driver felt very cold and tried to gain warmth
D.The driver tried to protect his ears and shoulders
44.We can learn from the text that         .
A.the coach was running slowly due to the bad weather old passenger who got on the coach at Truro was angry about the windows of the passengers on the coach was a murderer
D.the few passengers let out exclamations as the coach moved violently
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