阅读理解。    The concept of solar power satellites, or SPS, first put forward in the

阅读理解。    The concept of solar power satellites, or SPS, first put forward in the

阅读理解。    The concept of solar power satellites, or SPS, first put forward in the 1960s, is still not widely
known by the general public. For example, at many public exhibitions about energy, SPS is not
even mentioned. This is mainly because very little money has been spent on SPS research
     There are people who claim that SPS is unrealistic - because launch costs are much too high
today; or because it is too far away. So why do we believe that it is important to continue to do
researches on SPS? The reason is very simple.
    Humans are going to need huge amounts of electric power in coming decades. Within 50 years
the world population is expected to double, while economic growth will continue around the world,
especially in the poorer countries. But existing energy sources already face serious problems. They
are limited; they are polluted; they are dangerous. So 50 or 100 years from now, where is our power
going to come from? Nobody knows. And so we believe that new large-scale possibilities should be
studied further.
    We must remember that humans have some choices concerning our future. To some extent we
can choose the direction in which our civilization develops. And choices that are made in the coming
decades-such as the energy sources that we will or will not use, will have major, long-term meaning
for human life on earth. We believe that if research continues to show that SPS is environmentally and
economically attractive, SPS will open the door to a much more attractive future for human civilization
than any ground-based energy source, and one that the public will support and that young people will
find challenging and exciting. Furthermore energy from SPS can be readily used in developing countries,
as the SPS 2000 project will show, thus aiding economic development worldwide. In addition, by
creating large commercial fund for space engineering, SPS will open the frontier of space to economic
development, thus creating a limitless new field for the growth of the world economy.1. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?A. The Future Energy- SPS
B. The Concept of SPS
C. Humans and SPS
D. Advantages of SPS2. Which of the following statements about SPS is TRUE?A. The research on SPS started in the 1960s is still not appreciated by the public.
B. The research is showing SPS can benefit environment and economy at present.
C. The energy from SPS is now being used in some developing countries.
D. The public don"t know about SPS because little time is devoted to the research.3. Paragraph 3 mainly talks about ______.A. the present serious energy problems
B. where to get energy sources in the future
C. the importance of controlling world population
D. the need to explore new energy sources4. The writer"s attitude towards the research can best be summarized by the saying "______".A. In time of peace prepare for war
B. Put the cart before the horse
C. One man"s meat is another man"s poison
D. Easier said than done
完形填空。     Sometimes people call each other "scared-cat",but have you ever thought about this expression?
When a cat is frightened,its heart starts beating faster,its muscles get tense,and there are changes in
the chemicals in its blood- stream.
    Although the cat doesn"t   1   this,its body is getting ready for action.
    If the danger continues,this animal will do one of the two things .It will   2   itself,or it will run
away as fast as it can.
       3 ,when people are excited,angry,scared,or aroused by other emotions,our bodies also go
through many   4   changes. Our hearts beat faster,and our muscles get tense. All of these changes
make us more alert and ready to react. We,too,get ready to defend ourselves  5  run.
     Human beings,  6   ,have a problem that animals never face. If we give way to our feelings and
let them 7  ,we can get into trouble. Have you ever said something in anger,or hit somebody and
regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher,told someone you were lonely,or said you were
in love,and then   8   later you had kept your mouth shut? It isn"t always   9   to express your feelings
     Does this mean that it"s smarter always to   10   our feelings? No! If you   11   feelings of anger,
sadness,and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside,your body stays   12  .Physical illnesses can
develop It can actually be   13   for your health.
     Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside,don"t just   14  .It"s like you bought some bananas and
stuck them in a cupboard. You might not be able to see them,but   15   you"d smell them. And if you
opened the cupboard,you"d   16   little fruit flies hovering (盘旋) all over them. They"d be rotten.
     You can try to treat emotions   17   they were bananas in the cupboard. You can  18   they don"t
exist, but they"ll still be   19  .And at last you"ll have to   20   them. Just like those bananas.
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(     ) 1. A. mind     
(     ) 2. A. save      
(     ) 3. A. Truly    
(     ) 4. A. physical
(     ) 5. A. or       
(     ) 6. A. therefore  
(     ) 7. A. take off  
(     ) 8. A. hoped     
(     ) 9. A. useful    
(     )10.A. handle
(     )11.A. find      
(     )12.A. tense     
(     )13.A. harmful    
(     )14.A. go on      
(     )15.A. long before
(     )16.A. meet    
(     )17.A. just as    
(     )18.A. expect   
(     )19.A. around    
(     )20.A. deal with
B. admit      
B. help      
B. Frequently
B. chemical
B. and      
B. but      
B. take on  
B. wished  
B. right    
B. hurt      
B. keep  
B. relaxed  
B. good   
B. go away    
B. as usual  
B. observe  
B. as if     
B. pretend    
B. in   
B. eat up
C. remember  
C. hide  
C. Differently
C. health    
C. but      
C. however  
C. take up  
C. blamed  
C. wise    
C. prevent    
C. control    
C. same    
C. helpful    
C. go up      
C. right away
C. see        
C. just after
C. decide    
C. over      
C. throw away
D.take over    
D.go out      
D.before long  
D.even though  
D.send out    
     Introductory Chemistry was taught at Duke University for many years by professor Bonk.
One year,two guys took the class and did pretty well on all the quizzes and mid terms. They
each had a solid A. These two friends were so confident in going into the final that the weekend
before finals week,despite the Chemistry final being on Monday,they decided to go to the University
of Virginia to party with some friends.
    They had a great time there. However,with their hangovers(宿醉) and tiredness,they overslept
all day Sunday and didn"t make it back to Duke until early Monday morning. Rather than taking
the final then,they found professor Bonk after the final and explained to him how they missed the
final. They told him they went up to the University of Virginia for the weekend and had planned to
come back in time to study,but they had a flat tire on the way back and didn"t have a spare. So
they were late getting back to campus.
    Bonk thought this over and agreed that they could take the final the following day. The two
guys,happily and relieved,studied that night and went in the next day at the time that Bonk had
told them. He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet. He told
them to begin.
    They looked at the first problem which was something simple about solution(溶解).It was worth
5 points. "Cool," they thought,"this is going to be an easy final". They then turned the page. They
were unprepared,however,for what they saw on it. The question contained only two words:
(95 points) Which tire?
61.The two guys decided to go to the University of Virginia because       .
A. they were afraid of the final
B. there was a party there
C. they thought they can pass the final easily
D .the final would be held there
62.When did they take the final at last?
A. On Sunday.          
B. On Monday.
C. On Saturday.        
D. On Tuesday.
3.From the passage we know       .
A. the two guys came back to campus late on purpose
B. Bonk wasn"t strict with the two guys
C. Bonk didn"t believe the two guys" explanation
D. repairing the flat tire took the two guys a lot of time
4.After the final,they       .
A. must have the same scores
B. may apologize to professor Bonk
C. wouldn"t be confident in their Chemistry
D. would feel happy and relieved
5.From the passage we can get a lesson that       .
A. he is wise that is honest
B. he who makes no mistakes makes nothing
C. one never loses anything by politeness
D. think twice before you do

     Both warm-blooded and cold-blooded desert animals have ways to escape the desert heat.
Warm- blooded desert animals, such as rats and mice, rest during the day, often staying in cool
underground burrows. At night they search for food. Animals that are out during the day, such as
cold-blooded lizards and snakes, are active only for short periods. As their body temperature rises,
these reptiles(爬行动物) move into the shade in order to cool down. In the early evening, when
the sun grows weaker, the reptiles become more active and begin their search for food again.
     Getting enough water to survive is a major problem for all desert animals. Some desert animals,
like desert birds, manage to find water holes. Other desert animals, such as the kangaroo rat and the
related jerboa, get water only from the food that they eat. Because these animals eat mainly dry seeds,
 they must survive on a tiny amount of water.
     Most deserts have only a small number of frogs and toads because these animals must be near
water to survive. Yet even these creatures have adapted(适应) to desert conditions. When small
amounts of water collect in temporary streams, the desert-living frogs and toads become active.
After a rainfall, they lay their eggs. The eggs grow into tadpoles in a few days and into adults in just
four weeks. When the puddles(水坑) dry up, the adult frogs or toads dig into the ground. Their metabolism(新陈代谢) slows, and they stay beneath the ground until the next rain, which may be as good as
a year away. Until then, their bodily activities continue at a reduced rate.
    The camel - often called the ship of the desert - is one of the most successful desert animals. Camels
can go for long periods without water, but eventually they must drink. When water becomes available
to them after a long drought, they may drink 95 liters of water or more. When water is not available,
what helps camels survive the desert heat is the fat stored in their humps(驼峰). A camel"s hump contains
about 12 kilograms of fat. Fat is rich in hydrogen. As the fat is digested, hydrogen from the fat combines
with oxygen in the air that the camel breathes. The result is H2O, or water. Each kilogram of fat that a
camel digests produces about a liter of water.

1. Desert animals are usually more active at night because _____.
A. it is cooler at night        
B. it is easier to find water
C. they like the dark        
D. they are less likely to be attacked at night
2. Which of the following desert animals can get water only from the food?
A. The camel.    
B. The kangaroo.    
C. The frog.    
D. The rat.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. All the desert animals rest during the day.
B. All the desert animals don"t rest during the day.
C. Cold-blooded desert animals are out most of the day.
D. None of the cold-blooded desert animals go out during the day.
4. The title for this passage could probably be _____.
A. Hot Deserts                            
B. Desert Animals
C. How Desert Animals Get Water            
D. Ways To Escape the Desert Heat
5. The underlined word "burrows" in the first paragraph can be replaced by _____.
A. holes        
B. caves      
C. rooms        
D. openings
     Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.
Note that there is one word more than you need.
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A. ignored      B. coincidentally   C. immoral       D. modest     E. published  
F. instances    G. instincts          H. change         I. simply        J. announced
     Millions of years ago dinosaurs lived on the earth. In the days of dinosaurs, the whole earth was warm
and wet. There were green forests and they could find enough to eat. Later, parts of the earth became cold and dry, and the forests there died. Then dinosaurs could not find enough to eat. This must be one reason why dinosaurs died out.
     We can guess another reason. New kinds of animals came on the earth. Some had big brains and
strong. They could kill dinosaurs.
     There may be other reasons that we don"t know about yet. Scientists are are trying to make more
discoveries about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were of many sizes and shapes. Some were as small as chickens, while some were about 90 feet long.
     There were also terrible rights between dinosaurs. They night have happened more than 100 million
years ago. Though there was no man to see any of the fights, we can be told by the animal"s footprints
(足迹) that fights did take place.
1. According to the passage, dinosaurs did exist only on the earth _____.
A. for millions of year         
B. millions of years ago
C. more than 100 million years ago    
D. when it was warm and wet somewhere  
2. One reason why dinosaurs died out is that _____.
A. there were too many dinosaurs
B. parts of the earth became cold and dry
C. the dead forests there could not supply them with enough food
D. they couldn’t find enough go eat
3. One more reason why dinosaurs died out may be that _____.
A. new kinds of animals came on the earth
B. some fast and strong animals with big brains could kill them
C. some dinosaurs were as small as chickens
D. some big dinosaurs died in the fights 
4. We can see from this passage _____.
A. scientists are trying to make some dinosaurs
B. dinosaurs are dangerous enough
C. dinosaurs are worth studying
D. scientists know nothing about dinosaurs