TOKYO (Reuters) – “Who played the father in the movie ‘Kramer versus Kramer’?” T

TOKYO (Reuters) – “Who played the father in the movie ‘Kramer versus Kramer’?” T

TOKYO (Reuters) – “Who played the father in the movie ‘Kramer versus Kramer’?” That’s one of the 50 questions Japanese men could face in a “daddy exam”, meant to raise awareness about fatherhood in a country where men tend to work long hours and leave their wives in charge of childcare and household work.
Even men who remember Dustin Hoffman struggling as a father in the movie may have a hard time answering questions ranging from baby food to politics.
Tetsuya Ando, director of Fathering Japan, a Tokyo non-profit organization that came up with the test and will offer it to eager dads from next March, said the exam was an attracting way to get fathers into parenting. “There just isn"t enough information about parenting for fathers. Through the exam, we want men to realize that they don"t know anything about bringing up kids,” he said.
For the price of 3,900 yen ($34), fathers can find out whether they qualify as a “Super Dad,” or are in need of more effort as a “Challenge Dad.”
“We have received inquiries(咨询) from fathers, single men, to-be-dads, grandfathers ... even an aunt who was concerned that her nephew is too busy with work to notice the fun of parenting,” Ando said. The image of fathers is gradually changing in Japan as younger men eschew their own dads’ hands-off way in favor of closer involvement, and a wave of new parenting magazines for male readers has been hitting newsstands. But it is still hard for Japanese fathers to cut down on their work hours and spend more time with their families. Only 0.5 percent of employed men in Japan took parental leave in 2011, compared with 14 percent in the United States and 12 percent in Britain in 2000.
小题1:The “daddy exam” is intended to          .
A.test to – be – dads’ fatherhood knowledge
B.test Challenge Dad’s parenting knowledge
C.attract the whole society’s attention to parenting
D.have fathers realize their responsibility for their families
小题2:In the exam, the Japanese fathers may find that         .
A.they almost know nothing about the questions
B.the questions only make sense to to – be – dads
C.there is ample information about parenting’s not a good way to get them into parenting
小题3:The underlined word “eschew” in the last paragraph can be replaced by the word “       ”.
小题4:The magazines for male readers are popular most probably because many men        .
A.long to know how to do household chores
B.become more concerned about parenting
C.want to get high scores in the 50 – question test to know whether they are Challenge Dads
小题5:From the whole report, it can be inferred that        .
A.Japanese fathers show no interest in parenting
B.young Japanese men tend to set about parenting
C.young fathers value parenting less than their fathers
D.Japanese fathers value parenting more than British fathers



小题1:细节题。由第一段第三行meant to raise awareness about fatherhood in a country where men tend to work long hours and leave their wives in charge of childcare and household work可以知道答案,故选D。
小题2:细节题。由第二段最后一句Through the exam, we want men to realize that they don"t know anything about bringing up kids,可以知道答案,故选A。
小题3:推理题。由后面的句子their own dads’ hands-off way in favor of closer involvement,可以推出是避开的意思,故选A。
小题4:细节题。由最后一段倒数第五行and a wave of new parenting magazines for male readers has been hitting newsstands.可以知道答案,故选B。
小题5:推理题,由最后一段第四行The image of fathers is gradually changing in Japan as younger men eschew their own dads’ hands-off way in favor of closer involvement,故选B
We may have hosted some difficult house guests once or on even more occasions. Are you still worrying about how to deal with them? Here below are some tips on how to deal with those difficult house guests.
You’ve been waiting an hour to eat breakfast but your guests are still sleeping.
“Unless you adjusted a time for breakfast the evening before, let your guests sleep-in and enjoy your breakfast without them. If possible, keep their breakfast warm. Or better yet, when entertaining it’s always a good idea to have cold breakfast (as well as lunch, dinner and snack) food on-hand.”
——Pamela Eyring,president and director of The Protocol School of Washington
Your guest’s teenage son is a Facebook addict and hogs your computer all day long.
“If you have a guest whose fingers are fixated to your keyboard, kindly let him know that you are expecting work email and give him enough time to finish using it.”
——Ummu Bradley Thomas, founder of the Freddie Bell Jones Modeling and Finishing School, Inc.
Your couch surfing, unemployed nephew has been here a month and is showing no sign of leaving.
“There is nothing wrong with saying ‘John, you have been here a month and have not put in any applications. What can I do to help you get your resume together? I would like to make a plan that will assist you in getting back on your feet and allow me to eventually have my extra room back for guests that will soon be arriving.’”
——Diane Gottsman, owner of The Protocol School of Texas
Your guests expect you to accompany them to every single tourist attraction in your city. It’s tiring and expensive.
“If your guests didn’t offer to treat you, politely decline and offer to meet them afterwards for dinner or drinks. That way they know you enjoy their company.”
——Pamela Eyring, president and director of The Protocol School of Washington
You gave your friend a closet shelf for her stuff but her clothes are thrown all over the place.
“You should simply say ‘I am happy to have you use my closet but your clothes seem to have a mind of their own. Would you mind keeping your clothes on the top shelf? It would make it easier for me to find my things when I am in a rush and looking for them. Thank you.’”
——Diane Gottsman, owner of The Protocol School of Texas
小题1:According to Ummu Bradley Thomas, which of the following is the best way to deal with the guests?
A.Kindly explaining to him you need to use the computer.
B.Politely asking him to stop using the computer at once.
C.Introducing other toys to him to play with.
D.Simply letting him keep using the computer as he likes.
小题2:The passage gives the following tips EXCEPT that _______.
A.declining the guests’ requests if you hate to accompany them everywhere
B.reminding them to keep their clothes on the top shelf
C.trying to offer at least one dish based on his or her preferences
D.keeping their breakfast warm or having cold breakfast food on-hand
小题3:Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A.How to Entertain Your Guests
B.How to Keep Good Personal Relations
C.How to Find the Best Solution
D.How to Deal with Difficult House Guests
小题4:In which section of a magazine can we most probably see this passage?

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Americans are thinking about national education standards recently developed by teachers and other education experts. The National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) led the effort.
  The United States, unlike other nations, has never had the same school standards across the country. What is the reason? Education is not discussed in the Constitution. That document limits the responsibilities of the federal government. Other responsibilities, like education, fall to each state.
Local control of education probably was a good idea two hundred years ago. People stayed in the same place and schools knew what students needed to learn. But today, people move to different cities. And some people work at jobs that did not exist even twenty years ago.
Many American educators say that getting a good education should not depend on where you live. They say that some states have lowered their standards in order to increase student scores on tests required by the No Child Left behind Act.
  Kara Schlosser is communications director for the CCSSO. She says the new standards clearly state what a student should be able to do to be successful in college and work.
  Forty--eight states have already shown approval for the standards. Two states refuse to accept the idea. Critics say that working toward the same standards in every state will not guarantee excellence for all. Some educators in Massachusetts say adopting the national standards will hurt their students because the state standards are even higher. Others say the change will be too costly, requiring new textbooks and different kinds of training for teachers. Still others fear federal control.
  Supporters say the standards are goals and do not tell states or teachers how to teach. They also say the federal government is not forcing acceptance. However, approving the standards will help states qualify (取得资格) for some federal grant money.
小题1:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Local Control of Education Standards out of Date
B.American National Education Standards under Consideration
C.Education Standards in Each State--Good or Bad.
D.Acceptance of the New Standards in the United States
小题2:Why is local control of education no 1onger a good idea today?
A.Because local standards are limited.
B.Because it is required by the federal government.
C.Because people today moves among states more often than before.
D.Because America has never had the same school standards throughout the country.
小题3:Some people are against the nationa1 education standards because__________
A.the standards are higher than those of each state
B.they are not yet prepared for the new standards
C.the standards may prevent some students gaining excellence
D.they don"t want the federal government to train their teachers
小题4:If a state agrees to accept the national standards, it will probably get ________.
A.more studentsB.advice on how to improve teaching
C.better from the federal government

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Memory, they say, is a matter of practice and exercise. If you have the wish and really made a conscious(自觉的)effort, then you can quite easily improve your ability to remember things. But even if you are successful, there are times when your memory seems to play tricks on you.
Sometimes you remember things that really did not happen. One morning last week, for example, I got up and found that I had left the front door unlocked all night, yet I clearly remember locking it carefully the night before.
Memory “trick” work the other way as well. Once in a while you remember not doing something, and then find out that you did. One day last month, for example, I was sitting in a barber(理发师)shop waiting for my turn to get a haircut, and suddenly I realized that I had got a haircut two days before at the barber shop across the street from my office.
We always seem to find something funny and amusing(有趣的)in incidents caused by people’s forgetfulness or absent-mindedness. Stories about absent-minded professors have been told for years, and we never got tired of hearing new ones. Unfortunately, however, absent-mindedness is not always funny. There are times when “trick” of our memory can cause us great trouble.
小题1:If you want to have a good memory, . should force yourself to remember things should make a conscious effort of practice and exercise should never stop learning should try hard to remember tings
小题2:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.One night the writer forgot to lock the front door.
B.One night the writer forgot having locked the front door.
C.The writer remembered to lock the door.
D.the writer remembered unlocking the front door.
小题3:In the passage, the writer seems to tell you .
A.forgetting things is serious and dangerous
B.always forgetting things is understandable
C.forgetting things at times is natural
D.the way to protect yourself from memory “tricks”
小题4:The best title for this passage is .
A.How to Get a Good Memory
B.“Tricks” Of Memory
C.Forgetfulness and Absent-mindedness is Dangerous
D.Get Rid of Absent-mindedness

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The common Chinese greeting of “Ni chi le ma?” may soon be replaced by a new greeting: “Have you cleaned your plate?”
Over the Spring Festival holiday there was a big effort to get people to curb their habit of ordering too much food in restaurants because a lot of that food ended up being wasted. Holiday eaters were urged to “clean their plates” and were asked to take leftover food home in “doggy bags.”
The impetus behind the campaign was the startling government statistic that over 200 billion yuan is spent every year on food that ends up in the garbage bin. And in the midst of all this waste, statistics show that 128 million people are living below the poverty line and going hungry.
The “clean your plate” campaign is part of a worldwide effort to stop precious food from being wasted. The United Nations estimates that $1trillion (yes, that’s a very big number) worth of food is wasted each year. Most of that is lost during food production and transportation, but a significant percentage is attributed to waste by consumers. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has launched a campaign called “Think. Eat. Save.” to make people aware of the problem.
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing is an ambassador for UNEP and she encouraged people to upload pictures of their “clean plates” to show their support for the program. Thousands of people responded and demonstrated that they had a clear conscience to go along with their full stomachs.
Xi Jinping, the incoming Chinese president, is also urging people to be less wasteful and he told Party members to cut back on extravagant holiday banquets and to be more careful when spending the people’s money.
For some, though, Xi Jinping’s and Fan Bingbing’s admonitions don’t go far enough. Yuan Longping, an agricultural scientist, caused a stir by saying that wasting food should be treated as a crime. (Jail time for leftover chicken feet!?)
If not a crime, wasting food is certainly a sin and it goes against what Xi Jinping calls, “the Chinese tradition of being diligent and thrifty.” Having a “clean plate” is just a traditional and responsible thing to do.
小题1:Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Over 200 billion yuan is wasted every year on food around China.
B.It’s quite common for Chinese people to order more food than they need in restaurants.
C.It’s universally acknowledged that wasting food is a crime.
D.Fan did something to promote people’s awareness of saving food.
小题2:What’ the best title for the passage?
A.Food is important.B.Have you cleaned your plate?
C.Jail time for leftover chicken feet!?D.Wasting food is crime.

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The malls were filled with people seeking gifts for their loved ones. Some of the malls remained open around the clock, partly to satisfy our needs to buy gifts.
Behind the materialistic aspect of shopping for gifts lies the idea of caring, being attentive to the desires of special people in our lives. However, to use a well-worn play on words: it is our presence, not our presents, that truly counts. Many of us, unfortunately, can be so inattentive, even in the presence of our loved ones, that we might as well not be there at all.
Attention is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other. Companies around the globe spend billions every year on advertising to catch our attention for just a short moment at a time. Whole industries – media, entertainment, education – rely on the precious gift of our attention for their continued existence. A baby lacking attention for a long time is likely to he psychologically unhealthy.
In earlier times, both diet and attention could be left unregulated without major cause for concern. There were natural checks and balances: limited availability of food meant few got fat, for example. Similarly, in bygone times we might have spent a few hours communicating with the village storyteller, today, watching an entire TV series, while speaking to nobody, is common. In traditional societies, with smaller population, everyone would get a fair deal of attention. On many issues we might go to see Grandma or Grandpa; now we have Google and Wikipedia.
“She just wants attention.” people tend to think little of those doing things simply for attention. But the truth is that human beings need attention, and giving attention to each other is, to a large extent, what human civilization is based upon. This perhaps explains the runaway success(一举成功)of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. While we use such sites for “micro blogging”, “idea voicing” and “status updates” – the reality is that we are often doing no more or less than fulfilling our basic human drive for attention exchange.
I friend you, you friend me, I retweet you, you retweet me. The charming case with which we can now get and give attention is why many people appear overly attached to their smartphones. It is also a vicious(恶性)circle. As ever more people are busy exchanging attention online, there is increasingly less attention to be paid in the real world, which forces more people to seek their attention exchange online, or else risk attention-starvation.
The very nature of attention exchange is being rapidly transformed, and there is a danger that some of us will develop unhealthy practices. Just as eating red meat every day is a bad idea, so it is with too much attention exchange. The biological consequences of our technological advancement in food production are highly visible; heart disease, diabetes and obesity. The consequences of our transformed attention exchanges will be psychological and social, and so may take longer to identify, but they will be equally damaging.
Face-to-face attention is becoming rarer, and therefore more valuable. In a sense it is priceless. And it is a gift that can be given all-year-round.
小题1:In the first two paragraphs the author        .
A.offers advice to attention giversB.analyses the present problems
C.states the necessity of presentsD.puts forward his point of view
小题2:People use social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to     .
A.obtain informationB.give attention to others
C.voice their opinions D.notice and get noticed
小题3:Attention exchange was not a major concern in traditional societies because of      . availability of food B.natural checks and balances
C.a much smaller populationD.the guidance from old people
小题4:What can we infer from Paragraph 6-7?
A.More people will risk attention-starvation in future.
B.The nature of attention exchange is rarely changed.
C.Technological advancement contributes to all diseases.
D.Transformed attention exchanges do harm to society.
小题5:The writer’s purpose for writing the passage is to      .
A.advocate more focus on real life attention
B.analyze the necessity of attention giving
C.give practical tips on attention exchange
D.recommend some social networking sites

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