There is a story of a country where the rate of inflation(通货膨胀) is so high that

There is a story of a country where the rate of inflation(通货膨胀) is so high that


There is a story of a country where the rate of inflation(通货膨胀) is so high that clever people pay for a taxi ride before, instead of after the trip. The story may not be true, but inflation was almost that serious in Germany from July 1920 until December 1923. Prices went up so fast that by the end of 1923 they were 50 billion percent higher-arise of almost 2,500% a month.
There was so much paper money, and it had so little value, that people carried bags full of money around to pay for things. One woman tells the story of standing outside a shop with a basket full of 500,000 marks(马克) notes. She wanted to buy just one piece of meat, and she hoped she had enough money. But when she was looking, a thief robbed her. He didn"t take her money, he threw it away and took the basket instead.
At first workers demanded to be paid every day, but as the situation became worse, they had to be paid twice a day. But they had to run out and spend the money at once, or it would lose its value. People bought anything that was for sale, but food was almost impossible to find. Farm workers refused to take money. They wanted to be paid in potatoes instead.
New policies ended the inflation in 1923, when the government introduced a new money, but about half of the German people lost everything in those three and a half years.
小题1:According to the text, in Germany the prices in 1920 were ______.
A.the lowest in historyB.the highest in history
C.higher than those in 1923D.lower than those in 1923
小题2:The thief stole the basket instead of the money in it because he thought ______.
A.the basket was what he needed most
B.the money was of no value
C.the basket was more valuable than the money
D.he couldn"t buy a piece of meat with the money
小题3:The farm workers demanded to be paid in potatoes because they believed ______.
A.the potato was valuableB.the money might lose its value
C.the potato was too expensiveD.the money could not buy potatoes




In many homes, divorce is caused by the “battle between the sexes.” To understand the problem, one must remember that the modern American woman is freed. During childhood and adolescence(青少年期), the American girl is given freedom and education which is equal to a boy"s. After completing school, she is able to get a job and support herself. She doesn"t have to marry for financial security. She considers herself an independent, self-sufficient person. She wants a husband whom she can respect, but she doesn"t want to be dominated(控制) by him. She wants a democratic household in which she has a voice in making decisions. When a husband and wife are able to share decisionmaking, their marriage is probably closer, stronger, and more satisfying. Otherwise, the couple is likely to wind up in the divorce court.
When a couple gets divorced, the court usually requires the man to pay his former wife a monthly sum of money. If the couple has children, they usually remain with the mother, and the father is expected to pay for their support.
Although divorce is quite common in the United States, 80 percent of those who get divorced remarry. The remarriages allow thousands of people, especially children, to enjoy family life again, but at the same time many troubles have arisen. A well-known American joke tells of a wife calling to her second husband, “Quick, John! Come here and help me! Your children are beating up our chidlren!”
小题1:What causes most of the divorce cases in the U.S.A.?
A.Financial trouble in the family.
B.Women"s liberation movement.
C.Different attitudes towards children"s education.
D.Lack of democratic atmosphere in the household.
小题2:What do you know of modern American women, according to the passage?
A.They are overbearing and hardworking.
B.They are more independent than ever.
C.They do not have much say in the household.
D.They respect their husbands, but do not rely on them.
小题3:What kind of marriage can be successful?
A.Both the man and woman are financially secure.
B.Husband and wife share housework.
C.Both the man and woman are well-educated.
D.Decisions are made by the man and woman together.
小题4:What happens when a couple is divorced, according to the passage?
A.The children become homeless.
B.The man is still responsible for the welfare of his children.
C.Life becomes difficult for the woman and her children.
D.The man, rather than the woman, remarries soon.

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The competition for Hollywood"s highest honors has begun with the announcement Tuesday in Los Angeles of this year"s nominations(提名)for the 82nd Academy Awards. 
As expected, James Cameron"s Avatar received a Best Picture nomination. And Cameron"s former wife, Kathryn Bigelow, was nominated for The Hurt Locker, a war film set in Iraq.  Bigelow would be the first female director to win Best Picture.
Hollywood author Tom O"Neil says the race between the former couple adds more drama to the competition.  "We have a classic David-versus-Goliath battle here for Best Picture at the Oscars. The most successful movie ever made, Avatar, up against a movie that lost money, The Hurt Locker - directed by the former Mrs. Goliath, Kathryn Bigelow. This race has all kinds of dimensions(程度) to it," he said.
For the first time since 1943, 10 films are competing for the Best Picture award.
Entertainment reporter Sam Rubin says that means greater interest in the Academy Awards ceremony March 7th.  "The Oscars are a television show," he explained. "So the idea is to increase ratings and interest in the television show."
District Nine represents another departure -- a tale of science fiction -- like the box office hit Avatar.
"No science-fiction movie has ever won Best Picture. Only two have been nominated in the past: Star Wars and E.T. Two are nominated for Best Picture now," O"Neil said.
Best Picture nominee Precious is a drama about the struggles of an inner-city teen, and its director, Lee Daniels, is also nominated in the Best Director category. He is first African-American director to get a Best Picture nomination. 
The other Best Picture nominees are An Education, The Blind Side, Inglourious Basterds, A Serious Man, and Up in the Air.
Over the past 20 years, the film with the most nominations has won best picture 15 times --making Avatar and The Hurt Locker the favorites. 
1. According to the passage, the director of the film __________might be the first female director to win Best Picture.
A. Avatar       B. The Hurt Locker     C. Star Wars     D. The Blind Side
2.How many films have been nominated for the Best Picture Award of the 82nd Oscars?
A. 2           B. 6                C. 8             D.10
3. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A. The nominations for the 2009 Oscar Best Picture Films
B. The competition for Hollywood"s highest honors has begun
C. The race between a couple                D. Best Picture Award for the Oscars
4. Which of the following is TRUE about Avatar?
A. It is the most successful movie ever made.
B. It’s the only science-fiction movie that has ever won Best Picture.
C. It was directed by James Cameron                   D. It’s a war film.
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Many Western people are not used to sitting on the floor any more. In Japan, however, sitting upright on the floor is common in different situations. For example, meals are traditionally had when people sit on the tatami (榻榻米) loor around a low table. Also during the tea ceremony and other traditional events, one sits on the floor.
The formal way of sitting for both men and women is kneeling upright. People who are not used to sitting in this style may feel uncomfortable after a few minutes, and their legs may go numb. However, foreigners are not usually expected to be able to sit in this style for a long time, and an increasing number of Japanese people themselves aren’t able to do so, owing to a more westernized lifestyle.
In other situations, men usually sit cross-legged, while women sit on their knees laying both legs to one side. The former sitting style is considered wholly male, while the latter is considered completely female.
The most important guest sits on the honored seat which is set farthest from the entrance. If there is a tokonoma (壁龛) in the room, the guest should be seated in front of it. The host or the least important person is supposed to sit next to the entrance. Of course, there are other things to be considered in each particular case.
1. Which of the following situations is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. When men and women meet.
B. When a tea ceremony is held.
C. When traditional events are held.
D. When meals are traditionally had.
2. According to the passage we can learn that ______.
A. more and more Japanese sit in the formal way
B. foreigners should always sit in the formal style in a Japanese home
C. men shouldn’t sit on their knees laying both legs to one side
D. men and women in Japan sit in the same informal way
3. When some guests are in a Japanese home, _______ should sit nearest to the entrance.
A. the host himself
B. both the host and the hostess
C. the host or the least important person
D. the most important guest
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A. How foreigners should sit in Japanese homes.
B. How foreigners should behave in Japanese homes.
C. Where to sit in Japanese homes.
D. How and where to sit in Japanese homes.
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China supports international efforts to secure cyberspace but believes each nation’s “Internet sovereignty(主权)” must be respected, a top Chinese official said at a cyber security conference on Tuesday.
“China, like many other countries, is very concerned about cyber security,” said Liu Zhengrong, deputy director general of the Internet Affairs Bureau of the State Council Information Office.
“China faces severe cyber security threats,” Liu told participants here at the Worldwide Cyber Security Summit, a gathering of government and business leaders from 40 countries hosted by the EastWest Institute think tank.
“International cooperation is much needed to safeguard international cyberspace,” Liu said.
But “Internet sovereignty of each country needs to be respected,” the Chinese official added. “Different national and cultural conditions” should be taken into account.
Liu declined to answer repeated questions about cyber attacks last year on Google which the Internet giant said originated in China and led to the California company’s decision to reroute its searches through Hong Kong.
“The Chinese government firmly opposes cyber attacks in any form and Chinese law clearly states that any hackers will be held responsible for their actions,” he said.
Liu said China itself is a “a major victim of cyber attacks and network viruses” and has laws in place to deal with hackers.
“Internet-related crimes (in China) are showing a steady upward trend,” Liu said. “We suffer big economic losses from hacking networks and viruses - around $1 billion dollars (6.8 billion yuan) a year.”
In 2009, Chinese law enforcement authorities investigated about 48,000 cases, a 37 percent increase over 2008, he said.
While China has a dynamic Internet population of more than 400 million users and millions of bloggers, there is no “absolute freedom” on the Web, Liu said.
“I don’t think there is absolute freedom in this world,” he said. “When you are speaking via the Internet you must obey laws and respect others’ lawful rights.”
Last Thursday, Wang Chen, minister of the State Council Information Office, said China has been actively promoting a real-name registration system for Internet and cell phone users to better manage Internet information and services.
China needs laws that will step up monitoring for “harmful information” and block “overseas hostile forces from infiltrating(渗透)through the Internet,” Wang said.
Last week, China tightened its State Secrets law, holding Internet and mobile phone operators responsible for customers who try to leak State secrets.
Some 400 government officials, business leaders and cyber security experts are attending the summit, which features three days of discussions on ways to protect the world’s digital infrastructure from electronic threats.(427)
1. What was the top issue of Worldwide Cyber Security Summit?
A. To fight against Internet-related crimes.
B. To protect digital infrastructure in the world.
C. To respect Internet sovereignty of each country.
D. To make more laws to deal with hackers.
2. To respect a nation’s Internet sovereignty, _____________ must be considered.
A. different national and cultural conditions
B. attending Worldwide Cyber Security Summit
C. stopping the leaking of State secrets
D. safeguarding international cyberspace
3. According to paragraph 6, Internet giant refers to _____________.
A. Hong Kong             B. hackers             C. Google              D. Liu Zhengrong
4. Which of the following is NOT the measure that China has taken to guarantee better Internet information and service management?
A. Promoting real-name registration for Internet use.
B. Promoting real-name registration for cell phone use.
C. Tightening State Secrets law to stop leaking State secrets.
D. Monitoring for harmful information and blocking overseas hostile forces.
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第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Most American colleges and universities take a spring break. Students might go home to their families -- or spend a week partying on a warm beach with no parents around. That is the popular image, at least.
In the United States, the lawful age to drink alcohol is twenty-one -- one of the highest in the world. Americans debate whether it should be lowered, or whether young drinkers would only drink more. In parts of Europe, the lawful drinking age for beer, and sometimes hard liquor, is sixteen. Yet France may raise the age limit for beer and wine sales to eighteen, the same as for hard liquor there.
Rules on alcohol differ from college to college in the United States. Many schools require all first-year students to take an alcohol prevention and education program, often given online. Some have a “zero tolerance” policy where alcohol is banned from all buildings. Parents are informed of violations and students may be suspended(停学).
At the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, permission is needed to serve alcohol at any event on campus. But alcohol is banned in first-year dorms---where most students are under twenty-one anyway.
Susan Davis, a university lawyer, says campus police and local police report underage drinking violations(违反)to the committee that decides punishments on a case by case basis. For example, the committee might suspend or expel(开除)a student. It might require an alcohol education program. Or it might just give a warning.
Jon Zug is a lawyer in Albemarle County, where the university is located. He says international students would face the same punishment as American citizens for underage drinking in Virginia. That includes a punishment of five hundred dollars or fifty hours of community service. But first law-breakers might be given a chance to complete an alcohol education program instead.
Schools have to report unlawful violations by international students to the Department of Homeland Security. International adviser Richard Tanson at the University of Virginia says even minor violations stay on a student’s permanent immigration record. He says international students should know that this can affect them in the future if they try to re-enter the United States.
1. What does the underlined phrase “by case basis” mean?
A. Depending on the seriousness of the case itself.
B. According to the report of the campus and local police.
C. Depending on the judgment of the committee.
D. According to the former cases in store.
2. To international students, which of the following may be intolerable once they have drinking violations?
A. A punishment of $500 or 50 hours of community service.
B. Being given a warning of being suspended or expelled.
C. Having the violations kept on their permanent immigration record.
D. Receiving an alcohol education program.
3. The passage probably appears in_________.
A. an advertisement                                              B. a local newspaper  
C. a university guide book                                        D. a popular magazine
4. The passage mainly talks about_________.
A. alcohol problems on the U.S. campus    
B. alcohol policy on U.S. campus
C. U.S. universities---zero tolerance to alcohol
D. the punishment to the university alcohol drinkers
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