This is the age of the quick action. We have instant satisfaction, fast food, sp

This is the age of the quick action. We have instant satisfaction, fast food, sp

This is the age of the quick action. We have instant satisfaction, fast food, speed reading, mobile phones; even the stress management books have titles like “Stress Management in 60 Seconds”.
Canadian Classics Professor Margaret Visser points out that the perception that we have “no time” is one of the most strict concepts of Western culture. Visser says that “no time” is used as an excuse and also as a spur(刺激); it both stimulates us and forces us, just as a concept such as ‘honour’ did for the ancient Greeks. According to Visser, the feeling that Westerners have “no time” is abstract, quantitative, amoral(非道德性的), unarguable, bringing pressure on each person as an individual. At the same time, the “no time” excuse escapes censure by claiming to be a condition created entirely out of our good fortune.
Life offers “so many pleasures, so many choices”.
The fact that women now work outside the home has contributed to the “no time” trend. But more important, Visser says, is the fact that feeling rushed has become an important component(成分) of our economy. Marketing of “time-saving” products causes people to buy more and work longer. So we eat out or buy prepared food to save time. The fax-it-to-my-car technology only contributes to the constant hurry. In our rushed and exhausted state, even the obligation(义务) to sit down to casual meal with family seems like a pressure. In comparison with the decision to act on a sudden whimz (一时的兴致) to consume a microwave mug of soup, the act of eating together and not getting up from the table until everyone else has finished seems an incredibly time-consuming event. Being in one’s own personal hurry in the West is somehow “free and preferable”
小题1:The word “censure” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “            
小题2:Which of the following doesn’t contribute to feeling rushed?
A.Marketing of time-saving products.
B.The fax-it-to-me-car technology.
C.Eating together and not getting up until everybody has finished
D.Longer working hours.
小题3:We can learn from the passage that “no time” trend ___________.
A.brings pressure on the individual very desirable to the individual not harmful if you have no control of events
D.has caused heart diseases and psychological problems



小题1:猜词题,根据上下文来看,人们以have no time为借口,其实是想为自己逃脱苛责找借口。
小题2:细节推理题,从最后一段倒数第二句话the act of eating together and not getting up from the table until everyone else has finished seems an incredibly time-consuming event可以找到答案,这里的time-consuming就是指不忙,很浪费时间的,所以并不能说明对方感到时间的紧迫。
小题3:推理题,全文讲这个时代是一个脚步匆匆的时代,人们因为忙而不得不找各种借口说自己没有时间干某事,正如文中说的一样, the feeling that Westerners have “no time” is abstract, quantitative, amoral(非道德性的), unarguable, bringing pressure on each person as an individual.,我们可以判断个人的压力是非常大的。
A bully(欺凌弱小的人) is a boy or a girl who acts mean (unkind) or hurtful to others, especially weaker persons bullies sometimes hit, kick, or push people, and they sometimes use words to call names or scare them. A bully might say mean things about someone, take a kid’s possessions or make fun of someone on purpose. Some bullies force people to do things they don’t want to do.
Why do bullies act so badly? Just to look for attention. They might think bullying is a way to be popular or a way to get what they want. Most bullies are trying to make themselves felt more important-when they pick on someone else, it makes them fell big and powerful. Some bullies come from families where everyone around has a normal way to act. Some bullies are copying what they’ve seen someone else do. Some have been bullied themselves.
Bullying can be a big pain, but you don’t have to let bullying get the best of you. Sometimes just acting bravely is enough to stop a bully. If you walk by and hold your head high as though you’re not afraid, a bully may be less likely to give you trouble. Bullies want a big reaction to their meanness. Acting as if you don’t notice and don’t care is like giving no reaction at all, and this just might stop a bully’s behavior. If you are being bullied, it’s very important to tell an adult. Teachers, principals, parents, and lunchroom helpers at school can all help to stop bullying. Don’t hit, kick, or push back to deal with someone bullying you or your friends. Fighting back just satisfies a bully, and it’s dangerous, too, because someone could get hurt.
小题1:Which of the following is advisable if you are being bullied?
A.Giving the bullies a satisfactory reaction.
B.Putting up with the bullies’ behavior.
C.Turning to grown-ups for help.
D.Acting bravely and fight back.
小题2:According to the writer, the bullies’ purpose of bullying others is to ____________.
A.find people to take care of themB.shout and let out their anger
C.make people notice their ability
小题3:The underlined phrase “get the best of” in paragraph 3 means __________.
A.get rid ofB.look down upon one’s bestD.get the upper hand of
小题4:What might be the best title for this passage?
A.Bullying those who bullyB.Getting the best of bullies
C.Dealing with bulliesD.Caring about bullying

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nickname is a shortened form of a person"s name. A nickname also can be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing. Many American cities have nicknames. These can help establish an identity, spread pride among citizens and build unity.
A few years ago, some marketing and advertising experts were asked to name the best nickname for an American city. The winner was the nation"s largest city, New York. The top nickname was The Big Apple.
You might wonder how New York got this nickname. In the early nineteen seventies, the city had many problems. The number of visitors was falling. So a campaign was launched to give the city a new image. The head of the New York Conventions and Visitors Bureau decided to call the city, The Big Apple.
There are several explanations for where this name came from. Language expert Barry Popik studied the question and wrote about it on his Web site. He says John Fitz Gerald, a writer for a New York newspaper, used the name The Big Apple to mean New York in the nineteen twenties. Mister Fitz Gerald wrote about horse races. He heard the name used by men who worked at a racetrack in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Mister Fitz Gerald wrote: "The Big Apple. The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen. There"s only one Big Apple. That"s New York."
In horse racing, the expression meant "the big time," the place where large amounts of money could be won. The Big Apple became the name of a night club in the Harlem area of New York City in nineteen thirty-four. It also was the name of a popular dance and a hit song in the nineteen thirties.
But it is not the only nickname for America"s largest city. Barry Popik"s web site lists almost one hundred nicknames that describe New York. The best known are The Capital of the World. Empire City. Gotham. The City So Nice They Named it Twice. And, The City That Never Sleeps. You can hear about the city in the song, "New York, New York," by Frank Sinatra.
小题1:Why do many American cities have nicknames?(回答词数不超过15个)
小题2:What did John Fitz Gerald write about for the New York newspaper?(回答词数不超过5个)
小题3:Besides “The Big Apple”, how many best known nicknames that describe New York are listed according to Barry Popik"s web site?(回答词数不超过2个)
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The food we eat seems to have great effects on our health. Although science has made great steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to diet as well. Different cultures are subject to certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery.
In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates(硝酸盐) and nitrites(亚硝酸盐), commonly used to keep color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels(标签) of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to cows and chick and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows.
Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to get a higher price on the market. Although the FDA has tried repeatedly to control these, the practices continue.
小题1:How has science done a bad service to mankind?
A.Diseases caused by food have been done away with.
B.It has caused a lack of information about the value of food.
C.Some harmful materials have been added to our food.
D.Scientists have made food more expensive to eat.
小题2:What are nitrates used for?
A.They help process packaged food.
B.They keep the color in meats.
C.They cure diseases of cows and chickens.
D.They cause the animals to become fatter.
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.You can find out harmful additives on the packaging labels of food.
B.Drugs given to animals are not all for medical reasons.
C.Researchers knew about the harm of food additives about 60 years ago.
D.Food may cause forty percent of cancer in the world.
小题4:According to the passage, the FDA might be _________. organization which controls the safety of food
B.a producer which makes additives
C.a factory which processes food
D.a hospital which cures cancer

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Have you just been fired? Don’t worry. Cheer yourself up and send your  36  . Perhaps another much better opportunity is awaiting you.  37   sometimes you don’t realize it, you are asking to be fired.
Dan Zawacki was a happy camper, selling computers for Honeywell. One holiday he was  38  creative gifts and then a good idea  39 him---- selling dinner live lobsters(龙虾) to his favorite customers. He  40  them himself with butter and put them in the trunk of his car between the computers and started delivering. It was a huge  41 . As a result, one of his customers   42  they go into the lobster business together. Dan laughed. Still, this landlocked computer salesman 43  get the idea of lobsters out of his  44  . Why not turn this into a hobby and  45  a few extra dollar? While on a job assignment in Chicago, he  46  a local radio station to give him a few ads in 47 for lobster. Unfortunately, his boss’s boss heard his prize salesman 48  lobster, not computers. No surprised. Dan was let go. After  49  the company’s car, he started to think maybe this was a  50 . Playing with his phone that night, Dan tried dialing 1-800-LIVE-LOB. The number was   51  , and Dan the lobsterman was born. Today, 20 years later, Dan is still selling dinners, through his company, Lobster Gram. And he couldn’t be  52 .
Many of the fired people found ways back to fulfilling   53  and learned the pain and humiliation(羞辱) are 54  . So do not be afraid to move  55   and try your wings. Gather your support system. Persevere! Firing doesn’t mean your life is over. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.
36. A. dreams          B. wings               C. needs           D. minds
37. A. Because         B. When                C. Though          D. If
38. A. searching for  B. making up           C. giving away     D. thinking up
39. A. came about      B. took place          C. went on         D. came to
40. A. packaged        B. sold                C. tied            D. placed
41. A. matter          B. business            C. failure         D. success
42. A.said             B. thought             C. suggested       D. hoped
43. A. couldn’t       B. mustn’t            C. shouldn’t      D. wouldn’t
44. A. heart           B. mind                C. head            D. hand 
45. A. make            B. get                 C. gather          D. spend
46. A. permitted       B. hoped               C. persuaded       D. suggested
47. A. change         B. exchange            C. place           D. need
48. A. hunting         B. seeking             C. collecting      D. selling
49. A. selling     B. paying              C. returning       D. using
50. A. thing       B. sign                C. pity            D. please
51. A.wrong        B. right               C. free            D. available
52. A. happier     B. worse               C. lower           D. higher
53. A. jobs        B. wishes              C. careers         D. promises
54. A. short       B.long                C. forever         D. temporary(临时)
55. A. back        B. on                  C. in              D. away
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Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually lasts only a few minutes or a few hours.This kind of loneliness is not serious.In fact, it is quite normal.For some people, though, loneliness can last for years.Now researchers say there are three different kinds of loneliness.
The first kind of loneliness is temporary.This is the most common type.It usually disappears quickly and does not need any special attention.
The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a certain situation, for example, a family problem, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place.Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year.
The third kind of loneliness is the most severe.Unlike the second type, chronic (长期的) loneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause.People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and being close to others.Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.
Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a person"s social contacts, such as friends, family members, co-workers, etc.We depend on various people for different reasons.For instance, our families give us emotional support, our parents and teachers give us guidance, and our friends share interests and activities.However, psychologists have found that, though lonely people have many social contacts, they sometimes feel they should have more.They question then" own popularity.
Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons: they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease.While temporary and situational loneliness can be a normal and healthy part of life, chronic loneliness can be a very sad and sometimes dangerous condition.
小题1:Which of the following can be the cause of situational loneliness?
A.Sleeplessness.B.Changing work.
C.Heart disease.D.Social contacts.
小题2:The underlined word "it" in the last sentence of the third paragraph refers to _____ .
A.headachesB.situational loneliness
C.sleeplessnessD.temporary loneliness
小题3:How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?
A.Just ignore it.B.Talk to friends.
C.Go to see a doctor.D.Ask your teachers for guidance.
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.People feel lonely in a certain situation.
B.There are only three types of loneliness in our life.
C.Loneliness doesn"t affect people much.
D.Scientists have found ways to help habitually lonely people.

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