阅读理解。     Employment practices often reflect the needs of employers several deca

阅读理解。     Employment practices often reflect the needs of employers several deca

阅读理解。     Employment practices often reflect the needs of employers several decades ago. Times have changed.
And so too has the Canadian workforce. Yet many employment practices have not kept pace with this
change. For example, some work environments and washrooms designed for able-bodied workers seldom
accommodate people who use a wheelchair.
     Modernizing these practices is what employment equality is about. For example, making sure work
benches and washrooms are adapted for disabled people entering the workplace, paving the way for workers
who become disabled on the job. By doing so, any given group of people formerly discriminated against-now
has access to better employment opportunities.
     The objective, of course, is to make the workplace reflect Canadian society. However, this does not
necessarily mean setting and enforcing quotas (配额). Rather, it means identifying the barriers to employment
and designing measures, with achievable goals and clear timetables, to remove them.
     For example, according to the Canadian Union of Public Employees-Canada"s largest union, it would be
unrealistic in the short term to insist that because half of the working age population is women, half of the
employees of an engineering firm should be women. At this moment, there would not be enough qualified
female engineers. 
     A reasonable numerical goal would be based on the number of women who actually are engineers (8%)
and those who are studying to become engineers (25% ). A short term goal of 13% would be appropriate
without running the risk of hiring unqualified people.
     Equally important is to ensure people who have been disadvantaged the chance to become qualified for
new opportunities. If aboriginal people (土著居民), for example, can"t qualify for certain jobs because they
haven"t had access to appropriate educational opportunities, then an employment equality program would
have to address that problem with training programs.
     Employment laws in this country cannot be considered displeasing if they guarantee all Canadians fair
and equal access to the workforce. 1. The passage is mainly about how to _____. A. modernize equipment for the disabled at work
B. achieve equality of employment opportunities
C. protect women"s rights in employment
D. complete a job training program 2. The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 3 refers to _____. A. barriers
B. measures
C. goals
D. timetables 3. The example of women shows that _____. A. only a small percentage of women engineers will get promoted
B. 13% of the working age women should be hired as engineers
C. policy makers should adopt a practical and flexible approach
D. the quota of women for employment should be raised 4. The underlined word "address" in Paragraph 6 probably means _____. A. put forward
B. run into
C. find out
D. deal with
1-4: B A C D
阅读理解。     Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree could find a good
career quite easily. Companies. toured the academic institutions, competing with each other to select
graduates. However, those days are gone, even in Hong Kong, and nowadays graduates often face strong
competition in the search for jobs.
     Most careers organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a
suitable career: recognizing abilities, matching these to available jobs and presenting them well to possible
     Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own. abilities. One area of assessment should
be of their academic qualifications, which would include special skills within their subject area. Graduates
should also consider their own personal values and attitudes. An honest assessment of personal interest
and abilities such as creative skills, or skills acquired from work experience, should also be given careful
     The second stage is to study the "opportunities available for employment and to think about how the
general employment situation is likely to develop in the future. To do this, graduates can study job and
position information in newspapers, or they can visit a careers office, write to possible employers for
information or contact friends or relatives who may already be involved in a particular profession. After
studying all the various options, they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between
various careers.
     Good personal presentation is essential in the search for a good career. Job application forms and letters
should, of course, be filled in carefully and correctly, without grammar or spelling errors. Where additional
information is asked for, job seekers should describe their abilities and work experience in more depth, with
examples if possible. They should try to balance their own abilities with the employer"s needs, explain why
they are interested in a career with the particular company and try to show that they already know
something about the company and its activities.
     When graduates go to an interview, they should prepare properly by finding out all they can about the
possible employer. Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also important. Interviewees
should try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask questions about anything they
are unsure about. This is much better than pretending to understand a question and giving an unsuitable
answer.1. "Those days are gone, even in Hong Kong" in Paragraph I suggests that _____. A. finding a good career used to be easier in Hong Kong than elsewhere
B. now everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good job
C. graduates now face stronger competition in Hong Kong than elsewhere
D. even in Hong Kong companies tour universities trying to select graduates 2. It is implied in Paragraph 3 that graduates should _____.A. aim to give a balanced account of what the employer needs
B. consider careers which suit their values, interests and abilities
C. stress their personal attitudes and values in job applications
D. recognize their own abilities regardless of what the employer looks for 3. According to Paragraph 4, graduates should _____. A. find a good position and then compare it with other careers
B. ask friends or relatives to secure them a good job
C. get information about a number of careers before making comparisons
D. study the opportunities and the kinds of training that will be available 4. In the last paragraph, the writer seems to suggest that _____. A. interviewees should appear humble if they can"t give an answer
B. dressing properly is more important than being able to give an answer
C. it is better for interviewees to be honest than to. pretend to understand
D. it is a good idea for interviewees to be boastful in their answers
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     According to the United States government, people are classified as homeless if they have no place to stay
and no expectation of finding a place for the next thirty days. Although technically accurate, that is an
impersonal assessment of an enormous and very human problem.
     The homeless population represents all of us Americans. It includes men and women, the elderly, children,
and infants. Its members are from all ethnic groups. What they have in common is poverty.
     Currently in the U S, thirty-nine million people live in poverty. When money is really tight, paying the rent
or buying food often becomes a choice. Government assistance in the form of food stamps does help but, as
one homeless man explains, you can"t pay the rent with food stamps.
     With no money for rent, the streets and homeless shelters become the alternative.
     Although men constitute the largest group within the homeless population, homeless women with children
are rapidly joining them. In fact, one quarter of the homeless people in the US are teenagers and young children. 
     People may become homeless for numerous reasons. However, there are certain factors that many of these
individuals have in common. They include a lack of adequate education and job skills. A majority of the teenagers
and adults have not completed high school. The abuse of alcohol and drugs is also a common factor. One third
of the adult homeless population abuses alcohol. While one quarter of the same group uses drugs.
     Some members of this population suffer mental health problems. Within the past several years many
institutions for the mentally ill have been closed and their patients sent "home". Unfortunately, a number of those
people have no home to go to and they are unable to adequately look after themselves.
     Job loss in today"s economy has also become a real factor in the loss of people"s homes. The breakup of
families through abandonment and divorce are also contributing factors, particularly when there are children
involved. The parent who is left to care for the kids with inadequate income may be forced to depend on the
homeless shelters to put a roof over their heads. 1. The writer thinks that the US government"s definition for the homeless reveals _____. A. an insincere attitude toward the homeless
B. an unbearable attitude toward the homeless
C. an uncivilized attitude toward the homeless
D. an unsympathetic attitude toward the homeless 2. The US government helps the homeless by _____. A. giving them homeless allowance
B. giving them food stamps
C. finding jobs for them
D. finding residence for them 3. People become homeless for all the following reasons EXCEPT _____. A. the lack of adequate education
B. the abuse of alcohol and drugs
C. the closure of institutions for the mentally ill
D. the poor performance of economy 4. The breakup of families is likely to lead to homelessness because a parent with kids may _____. A. lose his or her job in today"s economy
B. be unable to look after the kids
C. not have enough income
D. find residence at a homeless shelter
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。                                                   Are Societies Ageing Too Fast?
     An ageing society is one in which the population of people over the age of 60 is increasing. The global
population at present is about 6 billion with l person in every 10 aged 60 or above. 1._____ This will mean
that for the first time in human history the population of older persons will be larger than the population of
children! What are the causes of this population change?
     2._____ And another is that birth rates have dropped as people, especially women, are educated. Measures
to slow population growth like China"s one-child policy, have also contributed to lowered birth rates. The
increase in the aged population is not just an interesting trend, however; it also has severe implications for the
future of global economies.
     People traditionally retire at 65 and live on government pensions. 3._____ Another concern is that as medical
expenses increase with age, the demands of the growing aged population will eventually cause medical systems
to face bankruptcy (***).
     4._____ They suggest that because people are living longer, they ought to work longer, while governments
need to establish a sound social security system. They also suggest that individuals start saving as soon as
possible to ensure a financially secure retirement. People should also develop good health habits in their youth
to ensure an active and productive old age. 5._____ By finding cures for diseases like Alzheimer"s and cancer,
medical bills and the need for care would be drastically reduced.
     Finally, an important step to ensure a bright future for all is to do away with negative stereotypes that see
valuable members of society only as pensioners or patients. It"s high time we stopped seeing ageing as a disease
and started playing our parts in securing the future of our ageing societies. A. Due to ageing problem, cities are facing more challenges.
B. Experts insist that steps should be taken now to prepare for the future.
C. As people grow older, a huge financial burden will be placed on the government.
D. Biomedical research is another tool we can use to deal with the problems of ageing societies.
E. One reason is that dramatic health advances have added 20 years to the average life expectancy.
F. The United Nations projects that by 2050, it will be l in every 5.
G. As is known to all, good habits lead to good health.
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Visitors were still paying 20 yuan to hug Lele and had their photos taken yesterday despite a ban that forbids
any such contact with a wild animal. The ban was introduced more than a week ago.
     "The city zoo broke the law and should be prohibited," said an official at the State Forestry Administration. 
     The administration notice last Monday clearly bans contact with wild or captive animals, the abuse of wild
or captive animals for performance purposes and any improper business related to wild animal products.
     "Close contact with the chimp is the only bit that breaks the ban and we will end that soon," said Beijing Zoo
spokeswoman Ye Minxia yesterday.
     "The chimpanzee performance can"t stopped overnight as we have a contract with a company scheduled to
terminate at the end of this year," she said.
     "The zoo is negotiating with the company in the hope of terminating it sooner," Ye said. She refused to
answer directly whether the chimp photo sessions were still ongoing yesterday, instead saying, "It"s very likely
that we will cancel it tomorrow."
     Zoo staff confirmed photos were taken yesterday, one employee saying 2-year-old Lele "works" from lo am
t0 3 pm daily, according to "the Legal Mirror".
     Such activities not only damage the mental and physical health of the animals, but also risk the safety of
visitors, according to the official website of the State Forestry Administration where the notice was released.
     "A pet male chimpanzee bit and attacked 55-year-old Chala Nash, causing serious injuries to her face, neck
and hands at her friend"s home in Stamford, Connecticut on February 16th last year," CNN reported. "The
friend, Sandra Herold, called "the police, who shot 14-year-old Travis many times after he also attacked an
     "Putting a blue T-shirt on a wild animal and training it to bare its teeth and parade for visitors might not
enhance that already- troubled image of Chinese animal protection," the State Forestry official warned. "Some
zoos even hit animals and promote themselves with commercials involving animal abuse," he said.
     "Too much focus on the profits too often results in improper treatment of animals, contributing to their early
and unnatural deaths," the notice stated. 1. Where can people most probably find the article? A. In research reports.
B. In newspapers.
C. In science fictions.
D. In book reviews. 2. What do we learn about Lele? A. It"s used to make money.
B. It is hit by the people.
C. It attacked its owners.
D. It died unnaturally. 3. What would be the best title of the article? A. Zoos Disobey the National Ban
B. Profit-making Zoos
C. Animals in Danger
D. Animal Abuse
题型:北京期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     A recent study carried out at the University of Brighton finds that students in Brighton and Hove tend to be
as part of their local communities instead of just in the students" dormitories.
     Drs. Smith and Holt, who made the study, found that only limited number of students live together in large
groups in Brighton arid Hove. In fact, the city provides a valuable case study for other university towns in that,
unlike cities such as Nottingham, Cardiff, Leeds and Birmingham, there is no evidence of a "student ghetto" for
the students who are relatively poor.
     The study finds three main factors influencing the Brighton and Hove situation:
     The active role of the University"s Accommodation Office and its creative use have resulted in students being
relatively dispersed (分散) throughout the city, and there is limited evidence of private house company guiding
students to particular areas.
     Most Brighton and Hove students do not feel the need to live in a specific student area to get a student
identity. They feel "at home" together with other social groups and do not restrict their shopping or social lives
to student-oriented services and facilities. According to the study, the city"s cultural diversity is a major influence
here and it provides a valuable example for students mixing easily in the local community.
     Students consider a wide range of possible living locations throughout the city. Their choices are, however,
to some extent limited by negative views of some areas within Brighton and Hove. The study suggests that more
effective student-community relations could help to change these negative views, with the result that new living
areas for the city"s increasing student population could and should be opened up. Such a development would
reduce the possibility of any "student ghetto" forming in the city in the future.
     The study also included a survey of what 350 Brighton and Hove students thought about their
accommodation. This has proved high levels of satisfaction, both in terms of quality and location. 1. According to the passage, the students are _____. A. choosing different places to live in the city
B. fond of living together with each other
C. unlikely to go to certain places
D. satisfied with the university dorms 2. What does "student ghetto" in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. A poor city which students mostly visit.
B. A good place where students prefer to live.
C. A terrible place for students to visit.
D. A poor area where students mostly live. 3. Which of the following is true about the passage?A. There are student ghettos in other university towns of Britain.
B. The city encourages students to live in certain areas.
C. The students don"t like living in university dorms.
D. The students are pleased with the university life. 3. Which word can best describe the tone of the passage? A. Unsatisfying.
B. Subjective.
C. Objective.
D. Critical.
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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