Women nowadays do not just want to work to help meet the rising costs of living

Women nowadays do not just want to work to help meet the rising costs of living

Women nowadays do not just want to work to help meet the rising costs of living and education for their children. They also want a career that will enable them to bring out their skills and use their potentials so that they can experience a sense of fulfillment and pride that come from achievements and success. Some careers that have been traditionally dominated(支配)by the male species have been made open and filled up by women as well. It is no longer a surprising occurrence today to see many women working as pilots, astronauts, engineers, in construction sites, and in the printing business that operates high­tech machines.
Many women are also taking their chances on managerial and executive positions that mostly men are the ones sitting on. Many of them also do well in the line of education as teachers, deans and even presidents of universities. You can also see many women as lecturers and reviewers of different businesses. One example is that of the online printing company reviews where women usually have a say on what is the best choice for online printers for any marketing needs.
From the income that women are getting from their work, they are able to maintain a family and able to provide a better education for their children and able to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.
However, there are still pronounced biases (偏见) against women in high leadership positions. There still exists the so­called gender­role stereotyping. Women need help to cope with and manage the typical stereotyping of women workers and managers. Those who look for jobs advertised in the classified sections of the newspaper often discover that many corporate positions are closed to women. And most often than not, many give preference to men by indicating in their ads phrases such as “male preferred” or “male applicants only”. Even in some family run or owned corporations, seldom can you see women managers and presidents.
Surveys show that although a man and a woman have the same level or handle the same position in an organization, the man would get a higher or bigger compensation package(薪酬) compared to women.  Because of this, many women are just contented,to be in subordinate positions in finance, human resources, sales, manufacturing and other supportive roles.
There are still other barriers that prevent women from reaching their full potentials in the world of employment. Our culture does not encourage women to excel in government and in business­related jobs. Women who are able to make it on top and handle leadership roles are sometimes regarded merely as tokens. The abilities and skills of women are normally questioned by their own peers, and sadly even by other women.
If you are a woman who have the interest, ability and drive to pursue management careers,career counseling is of great help to help you find direction and increase motivation to pursue your career goals. It will help you have the self­confidence to get you in the same career opportunities open to men in this society that still prefers men for top level positions.
小题1:From the first paragraph we know that women________.
A.work mainly to help meet the rising costs of living
B.want to provide their children with better education
C.also want to take some more challenging jobs
D.have taken up some work that men can do well
小题2:It can be inferred that in the past it was surprising to see women________.
A.taking jobs outside home
B.working as pilots or astronauts
C.educating their children at home
D.operating machines at home
小题3:The underlined word “subordinate” in the 5th paragraph has a similar meaning to“________”.
C.more rewardingD.less demanding
小题4:What"s the best title for the passage?
A.Women working out of houses
B.Women fighting against biases
C.Women getting larger income
D.Women aiming high in careers


答案 C
小题2:推理判断题。难度中等。根据第一段中的“It is no longer a surprising occurrence today to see many women working as pilots,astronauts...”可知B项正确。
答案 B
答案 B
答案 D
Art is everywhere in our lives.Every man­made object is linked with art—a house,a motor car,a bridge,a chair,a teapot,or a piece of cloth.Throughout history,humans have made articles for a wide variety of purposes;generally for everyday practical requirements.The style of practical objects reflects the outlook and the spirit of the times in which they are made and in consequence style is constantly changing.
It seems that humans possess a natural urge to improve constructed objects with decoration:sometimes for beautification,sometimes for religious reasons,sometimes to show off their wealth and power,and sometimes to tell a story.Decoration is not art in itself.Unnecessary decoration can ruin the form and perhaps the function of an object,but when decoration is used with care,it can beautify,produce variety,and add interest.
The first essential(要点) in every creation is that it should properly fulfil its purpose;for instance,a teapot should pour perfectly,an easy chair should provide comfortable relaxation,a block of flats should be a pleasant place in which to live,and a factory or commercial building should be a suitable building in which to work.
The second essential is that an object should please the eye with its form,line,proportion(比例),colour and texture(质地),and it should be capable of inspiring the emotions.For example,contemporary furniture designers must think of form,function and structure,and have taken their lead from the outstanding Scandinavian designs of Denmark,Finland and Sweden,whose preference was for simple functional furniture to suit the architectural environment of the day.Heavy furniture is no longer desirable,and by contrast,modern furniture is often characterised by its good proportion,pleasing lines,simple fittings and attractive structures.
Motor vehicles are a perfect example of how design has changed to suit function.Early car design was greatly influenced by the horse­drawn carriage,but today we find functional design satisfying every requirement of practical use and good appearance.Designs in the 1980s and 1990s included streamlining(流线型) to reduce wind resistance in fast­moving vehicles,and,at the same time,satisfy an important art principle—rhythm.But the cars of today,often half size of their predecessors(前身),have taken the concept of industrial design way beyond simple strength,comfort and beauty.They now include safety and ecological characteristics,reflecting the need to be environmentally friendly through,for example,reduced fuel consumption,while at the same time satisfying the need to be stylish,and appealing to the eye.For many people,the 21st­century car represents the greatest work of art.
小题1:What point does the writer make about decorating objects?
A.It is something people have always done.
B.It can show the object has a range of functions.
C.It always improves the appearance of an object.
D.It is usually done to make the object more noticeable.
小题2:The underlined word “fulfil” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.
小题3:What is the best title for the text?
A.Form Follows Function
B.Life Is Art,Art Is Life
C.Art in Everyday Life
D.The Best Work of Art

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The Canadian people are made up of different national races.The first ____ settlers of the country were the Indians.
It was said that the Indians entered this continent ___ the Bering Strait(白令海峡) and Sea from eastern Asia at most 10,000 years ____.When Europeans first  ____ the country,Indians were living in most of areas ___ forests.There were only ____ Indians in the provinces near the Atlantic Ocean.
The second group of people to enter Canada ____ the Eskimos.They ____ the Bering Strait from Asia less than 3,000 years ago.There are few __ of their early movements.The first white settlers in Canada were the ____.They came in greatest ____ to Quebec,but also to Nova Scotia,____ they cleared farms on the southern side of the Bay of Fundy.The French built their castles at Quebec City,and cleared farms out of the forests in the area.____ the time of the British conquest(征服) in 1763,there had been about 60,000 Frenchmen in Canada,____ chiefly between Quebec and Montreal.There were not many British in Canada ____ American Revolution drove large numbers northward.
Throughout the 19th century,____ British people came to Canada.The descendants(后代) of these people ____ England,Scotland and Ireland now make ____ about half of the population.Around the ____ of the century people came in increasing numbers from Europe and the largest numbers came ____ Central and Eastern­Germans,Czechs,Poles,Rumanians and Ukrainians.
C.flew toD.shipped
A.protectedB.covered by
A.fewB.packs of
C.a number ofD.a few
A.to liveB.living
A.thousand ofB.thousands of

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“Hi,howareya.” some people say when they see a familiar face.The words run together into a mass,all sense and meaning lost. All the same,people do care how you are.After they greet you,it’s likely you will greet them back,with an equally meaningless phrase like,“Can’t complain,can’t complain.”You could probably complain,at length,or share a brilliant thought you were just beginning when a greeting interrupted you.You don’t though,you say,“Great,you?”
You are not giving each other information about your health and well­being.All the same,you are sharing information.You’re acknowledging each other’s positions as acknowledged friends,or at least as accepted acquaintances.And you are reestablishing the ties that may have lapsed(衰退) since yesterday,when you last met at the elevator or the entrance to the train station.
It’s what anthropologist(人类学家) Bronislaw Malinoski called a phatic(交流感情的) communication.Its message is not in the words you use,but in the fact that you speak ritually(仪式上地) accepted words.In Asia,for example,people may ask one another if they have eaten,or if they are busy.They’re not really asking for their lunch menu or their agenda,they are saying hello.A phatic signal merely says, “I see you there.” It says hi.
There’s embarrassment of being near people without acknowledging them.That uncomfortable feeling is one reason why lonely passengers in the subway may behave as if they cannot see anyone around them or may escape their uncomfortable situation with a book.Some people read all the way home,and never turn a page.
Your friend isn’t asking how you are,and you aren’t telling him.However,he is recognizing your existence,and when you answer,you are recognizing his.In addition,the set speech you have shared opens the door to closer communications if both agree.Someday,you may come to real close friendship,and really tell one another how you are.
Meanwhile,people who greet one another this way do care.They care enough to recognize someone’s essential humanity(人性).They send a signal across the space between,to share,very briefly and lightly,in awareness of one another.
Your greetings prove that neither of you has become a social outcast.How are you?You are still a member of society in good status.You are still the one who knows the rituals and secret passwords necessary to get to work each day.
小题1:When people greet,they ________.
A.want to show their different educational backgrounds
B.show nothing related with the words themselves
C.want to know other people’s privacy
D.express something special
小题2:According to Bronislaw Malinoski,a phatic communication ________.
A.is rarely used by Asian people
B.is too complex to be used often
C.helps establish or keep certain relationships
D.often ruins the normal relationships between friends or acquaintances
小题3:Some people seldom greet strangers because ________.
A.they want to be polite to others
B.they feel uncomfortable to do it
C.they don’t know when to greet them
D.they want to do something meaningful
小题4:What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Greetings should be given better expressions.
B.Greetings convey different meanings to different people.
C.Greetings help prove an individual’s social independence.
D.Greetings help an individual be connected with the society.

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People use their mouths for many things.They eat,talk,shout and sing.They smile and they kiss.In the English language,there are many expressions using the word “mouth”.
For example,if you say bad things about a person,the person might protest(抗议) and say “Do not bad mouth me.” Sometimes,people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person.Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell.The speaker might say,“I really put my foot in my mouth this time.” If this should happen,the speaker might feel down in the mouth.In other words,he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.
Another situation is when someone falsely claims another person said something.The other person might protest,“I did not say that.Do not put words in my mouth.”
Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family.There is an expression for this,too.You might say such a person,“was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.” This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth.This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life,like food.
Parents might sometimes keep a child off sweet food as a form of punishment for saying bad things.For example,if a child says things she should not say to her parents,she might be described as a mouthy child.The parents might even tell the child to stop mouthing off.
But enough of all this talk.I have been running my mouth long enough.
小题1:What will the person say if he feels sorry for what he has said?
A.Do not bad mouth me.
B.Stop mouthing off.
C.Do not put words in my mouth.
D.I really put my foot in my mouth this time.
小题2:If a person lives from hand to mouth,it implies that________.
A.he is badly­offB.he is hard­working
C.he has lots of moneyD.he has enough to eat
小题3:By saying“I have been running my mouth long enough”,the speaker means “________”.
A.I have run a long way
B.I have talked too much
C.I have learned a lot
D.I have been a mouthy person
小题4:What is mainly talked about in the text?
A.Expressions about the word “mouth”.
B.Functions of the organ “mouth”.
C.Opinions about “mouthy people”.
D.Meanings of the word “mouth”.

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Nowadays fashion speaks aloud.Then do you choose what you wear or does the ____ choose it for you?I am one of the million Americans who struggle with ____ the new trends.The newspapers and magazines work their hardest in trying to ___ us to buy new things for home,work,and family.Many large ___ spend millions of dollars for a one­minute commercial on one of the ___ stations such as FOX and CBS.Television and magazines ____ carefully not only what to wear and when to wear it but also what others are wearing such as movie stars,____ and music artists.Television,one of the ___ mediums of the media world,talks with us about who is wearing what and what is fashionable for the ____.Television shows give us information on new trends ____ all different types of people and in all different countries.Designers such as Calvin Klein,Levi’s and many others try to ____ us to their cool commercials.Indeed,they get ____ from the commercials after their designs are sold.
Television influences the way we ____.It searches each and every one of our wardrobes(衣橱) with telling us what is ____ and what is not.Teenagers,____,give a lot of their attention to these television programs.They even wish they could ____ like the models immediately.The commercials try to ____ the younger generation because they will have them in the palm of their hands for the ____ of their lives.Also teenagers are ____ influenced by television with the billions of dollars spent on advertisements.These advertisements have them ____ widely—they really know what teenagers like.
A.looking forward toB.keeping up with
C.caring aboutD.referring to
A.follow B.warn
C.companies D.malls
C.change D.watch
A.sleep B.live
A.whole B.half
C.part D.rest

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