Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situa

Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situa

Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while — then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending (延伸) sometimes deeply into both families.
Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily.
Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don’t show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine. They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there. Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably(好客).
For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for business matters. So accept their hospitality at home!
小题1:The writer of this passage must be ______. AmericanB.a ChineseC.a professorD.a student
小题2: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Friendships between Americans usually extend deeply into their families.
B.Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.
C.Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.
D.Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.
小题3: From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend, we will probably be ______.
A.warmly welcomed at the airport
B.offered a ride to his home
C.treated hospitably at his home
D.treated to dinner in a restaurant
小题4: The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean ______.
A.strict with timeB.serious with time
C.careful with timeD.willing to spend time
小题5: A suitable title for this passage would probably be “______”.
A.Friendships between Chinese
B.Friendships between Americans
C.Americans’ hospitality
D.Americans’ and Chinese’s views of friendships



小题1:细节题。根据文章倒数第8,9行we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends说明文章中的I是一个中国人,故B正确。
小题2:细节题。根据文章3,4行If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship.说明D正确。
小题3:细节题。根据文章倒数3,4行Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably. 说明C正确。
小题4:推理题。根据本句This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time.说明在中国我们愿意花时间陪我们的客人,故D正确。
The Louvre Museum is one of the largest, oldest, most important and famous museum in the world. It is famous for holding several of the world’s most valuable works of art. Its collections’ number is over 380,000 objects, though not one of the world’s largest collections, arguably one of the finest. The art treasures of the Louvre Museum cover 5,000 years and are displayed in over 10 kilometers of galleries. The oldest artifact in the museum is 9,000 years old. Mona Lisa(1503-1506), painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. The artist’s use of very deep space in the background with a half-length portrait is typical of Renaissance painting style. This painting hangs in the Louvre, Paris. It is one of the most famous collections in the Louvre.
On November 8th, 1793, the Louvre was opened as a public museum.
It is open from 9 am to 6 pm all days except Tuesdays. The entrance fee is 7.5 before 3 pm. It is free under 18 years old. The Louvre Museum in Paris had a record number of visitors in 2005. About 7.3 million people visited the art museum in 2005.
小题1: After reading the first paragraph, we can come to the conclusion that ____.
A.The Louvre Museum is the only largest, oldest, most important and famous museum in the world
B.The Louvre Museum has the world’s largest collections
C.The oldest artifact is over 9,000 years old
D.The Louvre Museum is priceless
小题2:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Mona Lisa is typical of Renaissance painting.
B.Mona Lisa is painted by a Canadian.
C.Light space in the background is used in Mona Lisa.
D.All the above.
小题3: Which of the following statements leads us to the conclusion that The Louvre Museum is popular?
A.The art treasures of the Louvre Museum cover 5,000 years.
B.It is famous for holding several of the world’s most valuable works of art.
C.The Louvre Museum in Paris had a record number of visitors in 2005.
D.The entrance fee is 7.5 before 3 pm.

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American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.
After World War II, the population of most large American cities decreased; however, the population in many Sun Belt cities increased. Los Angeles and Houston are cities where population shifts(转移)to and from the city reflect the changing values of American society. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, city residents(居民)became wealthier. They had more children so they needed more space. They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs(郊区)。
Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in the 1950s are now adults. Many, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. They continue to move to Sun Belt cities and older ones of the Northeast and Midwest. Many young professionals are moving back into the city. They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; or they just enjoy the excitement and possibilities that the city offers.
This population shift is bringing problems as well as benefits. Countless poor people must leave their apartments in the city because the owners want to sell the buildings or make apartments for sale instead of for rent. In the 1950s , many poor people did not have enough money to move to the suburbs; now many of these same people do not have enough money to stay in the cities.
Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying . Some city residents now see a bright, new future. Others see only problems and conflicts. One thing is sure: many dying cities are alive again.
小题1:What does the author think of cities all over the world?
A.They are alive.B.They are hopeless.
C.They are similar.D.They are different.
小题2:Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War II?
A.Because older American cities were dying.
B.Because they were richer and needed more space.
C.Because cities contained the worst parts of society.
D.Because they could hardly afford to live in the city.
小题3:According to the 4th paragraph, a great many poor people in American cities      .
A.are faced with housing problems.B.are forced to move to the suburbs.
C.want to sell their buildings.D.need more money for daily expenses.
小题4:We can conclude from the text that       .
A.American cities are changing for the worse.
B.people have different views on American cities.
C.many people are now moving from American cities.
D.the population is decreasing in olderAmerican cities.

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Most schools are named after famous people. Other schools are named after the streets on which they are located. Some school names are most unusual. How they were chosen is anyone’s guess.
There are schools with names that would make a person think twice before opening the door. The school named Lookout at least warns pupils in advance. You would need the most courage of all to enter the school in Oregon named Tenkiller!
Not all unusual school names are strange in a fearful way. Many of the names are pleasant. Who would not feel at home in the school named Welcome? What could go wrong in the school called Allgood? The Bright School, located in Montana, seems to promise that much learning will take place.
Other schools have names neither pleasant nor fearful. Their names are simply funny. There are schools with names such as Telephone, and Ducktown. For names to make us smile, what can match Bushyhead in the state of Georgia?
Do you think you can find the Nonesuch School? If you look carefully at the word, you will see that its name says there is no such school, but there is. The Nonesuch School is found in Kentucky. 
小题1:One pleasant school name in the passage is _______.
小题2:When you hear of the school name Bushyhead, you will find it _______.
小题3:The Bright School is found in the state of _______.

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The popular song ‘Gangnam Style’ from South Korean recording artist PSY has just become the most watched video on YouTube ever, getting more than 808 million views on the popular media site.
The distinction was previously held by another pop heavyweight, Justin Bieber, whose song ‘Baby’ had a little more than 804 million views at press time. PSY made the announcement on his Twitter page earlier today.
Since its release, the song has defeated such other popular videos as Jennifer Lopez’s ‘On the Floor’ and Eminem"s ‘Love the Way You Lie’. And in September, "Gangnam Style" also became the most liked video on YouTube, now with nearly 5.4 million thumbs up.
At the time of the announcement, the Guinness Book of World Records released a statement saying: “In years past it was unthinkable that something would be viewed a hundred million times, and now Gangnam Style has achieved more than twice this figure in just three months on YouTube. PSY, your certificate is waiting here at our office, come pick it up any time!”
Despite its massive popularity, the video shows no signs of slowing down, and it even has a shot at becoming the first video to get more than one billion views.
If it maintains its current rate of around six million new views per day, ‘Gangnam Style’ would be in line to break that record by the end of the year.
The YouTube honors are just the latest in a long list that shows just how popular the song has become. Since it was released in July, the song has seen a meteoric rise through the music industry.
It has found its way to the tops of music charts in more than 30 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Canada, while providing material for thousands of parody(恶搞)videos.
It became part of the 2012 presidential elections with the now famous ‘Mitt Romney Style’ video and was even used by the North Korean government in propaganda films promoting their supreme leader.
Meanwhile, such influential figures as President Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt have all made mention of the hit song.
小题1:This passage mainly talks about a world famous________.
A. music chart                         B. video website
C. music video                         C. Korean pop singer
小题2:Which of the following about “Gangnam Style” is NOT true according to the passage?
A.“Gangnam Style” has defeated Justin Bieber’s “Baby” on You Tube’s views.
B.“Gangnam Style” has been the favorite to at least 5.4 million people.
C.“Gangnam Style” has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.
D.“Gangnam Style” has been the first to get more than 1 billion views.
小题3:What can we infer from this passage?
A.The influence of “Gangnam Style” has spread far and wide
B.Obama won the presidential election partly because of the ‘Mitt Romney Style’ video.
C.Despite its massive popularity, the fever of “Gangnam Style” has decreased.
D.PSY will become one of the greatest musicians due to the popularity of “Gangnam Style”.

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It is not unusual for people to speak two or three languages; they’re known as bilinguals or trilinguals. Speakers of more than three languages are known as polyglots. And when we refer to people who speak many languages, perhaps a dozen or more, we use the term hyper-polyglot.
The most famous hyper-polyglot was Giuseppe Mezzofanti, a 19th century Italian cardinal, who was said to speak 72 languages. This claim sounds absurd. If you assume each language had 20,000 words, Mezzofanti would have to learn a word a minute, six hours a day, for eleven years—an impossible task. But Mezzofanti was tested by critics, and they were all impressed.
Did Mezzofanti have an extraordinary brain? Or are hyper-polyglots just ordinary people with ordinary brains who manage to do something extraordinary through hard work?
U.S. linguist Stephen Drashen believes that outstanding language learners just work harder at it and then they acquire unusually strong language ability. As an example, he mentions a Hungarian woman who worked as an interpreter during the 20th century. When she was 86, she could speak 16 languages and was still working on learning new languages. She said she learned them mostly on her own, reading fiction or working through dictionaries or textbooks.
Some researchers argue to the contrary. They believe that there is such a thing as a talent for learning languages. In the 1930s, a German scientist examined parts of the preserved brain of a hyper-polyglot named Emil Krebs, who could speak 60 languages fluently. The scientist found that the area of Krebs’s brain called Broca’s area, which is associated with language, looked different from the Broca’s area in the brains of men who speak only one language. However, we still don’t know if Krebs was born with a brain ready to learn dozens of languages or if his brain adapted to the demands he put on it.
Although it is still not clear whether the ability to learn many languages is in born, there’s no doubt that just about all of us can acquire skills in a second, third, or even fourth language by putting our mind to it.
小题1:What does the underlined sentence imply?
A.Mezzofanti could remember 360 words a day.
B.Mezzofanti had a special way to learn languages.
C.Mezzofanti’s achievement was ridiculous.
D.Mezzofanti language ability was astonishing.
小题2:The Hungarian woman became a hyper-polyglot mainly because of her __.
A.good memoryB.hard work
C.unique brainD.learning methods
小题3:The German scientist’s findings showed that Krebs ___.
A.had an unusual brain
B.was born with great talent
C.had worked hard at languages
D.expected too much of himself
小题4:The author seems to agree that ___. is not hard to learn foreign languages
B.hard work plays a part in language learning
C.there is no such thing as a talent for languages
D.hyper-polyglots have an inborn talent for language

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