Australia -a huge island continent that lies to the south of Asia.Australia-more

Australia -a huge island continent that lies to the south of Asia.Australia-more

Australia -a huge island continent that lies to the south of Asia.Australia-more than two hundred years old, a nation that is still growing.
Its big cities lie on the southeast coast, this is where most Australians live.Australians prefer to own their own houses, though some live in apartments.Australians are a suburban people.The suburbs surround the cities for many miles, and so efficient transport is of great importance.As the economy grows, so do its industries- a higher level of production, a wider range of products.
The Australian works hard, but he likes his leisure.The climate makes outdoor activities the most popular.
Canberra, the capital of Australia, is a planned modem city located inland.Australia is governed by a parliamentary democracy.The representatives of other countries have their embassies here.Australia wants to strengthen relations with her neighbors.
Australia is a strange land, a land of vast expanses- fertile valleys, snow fields and deserts- also a land with unique animal, many that can not be found on any other continent in the world today.
Much of the continent is dry, but man has utilized the land, made it productive, with its tools, with its technology.This is the driest continent of all, and water is a precious possession, more precious than all other natural resources.Large dams are built to collect the water, there to irrigate the fields of pastures and crops. But Australia is changing.The land of wool and wheat is now a land of large-scale industry and mining.The costs of developing the new mineral discoveries are enormous, but the rewards are great too.
Australia — a young and developing nation.Australia — a nation that wants to communicate with its neighbors.
小题1:Australia is an island located ______ of Asia and its big cities lie ____ of the coast. the south; on the southeast the north; on the southwest the east; on the northeast the east; on the southwest
小题2:We can infer from the passage that the Australian likes outdoor activities for the _____ climate.
A.dull and wet
B.fine and shiny
C.gloomy and rainy
D.wet and cold
小题3:____ is the most precious source in Australia.
A.Mineral resourceB.AnimalC.DesertD.Water
小题4:Which of the following statements about Australia is wrong?
A.Australians are a suburban people
B.Australia is governed by a parliamentary democracy.
C.Australia prefers to live in the downtown of big cities.
D.Wool and wheat used to be the main products of Australia.



小题:细节题:从第一段和第二段的句子Its big cities lie on the southeast coast 可知选A。
小题:根据短文第三段的句子:The climate makes outdoor activities the most popular.
小题:从倒数第三段的句子:water is a precious possession, more precious than all other natural resources.可知答案是D
小题:细节题:从第二段的句子:Australians are a suburban people.The suburbs surround the cities for many miles,可知答案是C。
The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools.
  The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor (皇帝) Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect (建筑师), Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition.
  The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.
小题1:The Taj Mahal was built for____ .
A.MumtazB.ShahC.Either Mumtaz or Shah D.Both Mumtaz and Shah
小题2: Why do you think Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife?
A.His own tomb hadn’t been built.B.He hoped to be buried there.
C.King and Queen should be buried togetherD.He liked Mumtaz all his life.
小题3:The passage mainly tells us____ .
A.why the Taj Mahal was built
B.the love story between Shah and Mumtaz
C.some information about the Taj Mahal
D.the Taj Mahal—the pride of Indians
小题4:Form the passage we can learn that____ .
A.the Taj Mahal looks more beautiful than before .
B.the Taj Mahal doesn’t exist now.
C.the Taj Mahal has completely changed.  
D.the Taj Mahal has become a place of interest.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Speech—the act of uttering sounds to convey meaning—is a kind of human action. Like any other
constantly repeated action, speaking has to be learned, but once it is learned, it becomes a generally
unconscious and apparently automatic process.
As far as we can determine, human beings do not need to be forced to speak; most babies seem to possess a
sort of instinctive drive to produce speech like noises. How to speak and what to say are another matter
altogetner. There actions are learned from the particular society into which the baby is born; so that, like all
conduct that is learned from a society—from the people around us—speech is a patterned activity.
The meandering(漫目无地的)babble(咿呀学语)and chatter of a young child are eventually channeled by
imitation into a few orderly grooves that represent the pattern accepted as meaningful by the people around
him. Similarly, a child’s indiscriminate(不加分辨的)practice of putting things into his mouth becomes limited to putting food into his mouth in a certain way.
The sounds that a child can make are more varied and numerous than the sounds that any particular language uses. However, a child born into a society with a pattem of language is encouraged to make a small selection of sounds and to make these few sounds over and over until it is natural for him to make these
sounds and not others.
小题1:For an adult, the process of speaking usually involves         .
A.conscious selection of soundsB.imitation of those around him
C.a drive to make noisesD.unconscious actions
小题2:The selection says that most babies have an instinctive drive to        . ideas in wordsB.make speech like noise
C.convey meaningD.imitate sounds around them
小题3:Conduct that is learned from a society may be called      .
A.instinctive driveB.selectionC.automatic activityD.patterned activity
小题4:The sounds that a child is able to make are        .
A.not as varied as those used in languageB.more varied and numerous than those in any language
C.far fewer than those needed to form a languageD.completely different from the sounds of language
小题5:We may say that a child has learned to speak if he       .
A.makes varied soundsB.carefully considers each sound he makes
C.makes only certain sounds naturallyD.imitates people around him

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
There are over one million superstitions(迷信), and most people believe at least one or two of them.
Many people are superstitious about numbers. They think that there are lucky numbers and unlucky numbers.
The number 13 is often considered unlucky. In some parts of the world, buildings have no 13th floor and streets have no houses with the number 13. In Japan, "4" is considered unlucky because in Japanese the word "four" is pronounced the same as the word "death" .
Japanese never give gifts of four knives, four napkins, or four of anything.
What are the lucky numbers? Seven is a lucky number in many places, and "8" is considered a lucky number in Japan and China. In China, businesses often open on August 8, and many couples register to get married at eight past eight on August 8.
Superstitions about numbers are so widespread that some people--called numerologist--make a living by giving advice about numbers.
In 1937, when the Toyoda family of Japan wanted to form a car company, they asked a numerologist if "Toyoda" would be a good name for the company. The numerologist said it would not be. He explained that "Toyota" would be a better name for the company. The family took his advice. As a result, millions of people drive "Toyota" and not "Toyoda" .
There are many other kinds of superstitions. There are superstitions about eating, sleeping, sneezing and itching(抓痒). There are superstitions about animals and holidays and horseshoes.
There are even superstitions about superstitions. Those superstitions will tell people how to reverse bad luck.
When the Japanese bump heads, they immediately bump heads again. According to a Japanese superstition, the first-bump means their parents will die, but the second bump "erases" the first bump         
To reverse bad luck in general, people turn around three times, turn their pockets inside out, or put their hats on backwards.
In the United States, baseball players sometimes wear their caps backwards when their team is losing. It looks silly, but the baseball players do not mind if it helps them win the game.   
小题1:It can be inferred that superstitions about numbers are           .
A.popular neither in Japan nor in China
B.popular only in Japan and in China
C.popular both in Japan and in China
D.causing great troubles both in Japan and in China
小题2:The underlined word " reverse " means           .
A.change to bad luckB.cause to go in the opposite direction
C.change for the
小题3:If a Japanese purposely bumps his head again after an accidental bump, we can be sure that     .  
A.he is madB.he is happyC.he is superstitiousD.he is very sad
小题4:The writer wrote this passage with the purpose of           .
A.persuading us to believe superstitions
B.showing us some facts of superstitions
C.showing us the magic power of number
D.showing us a numerologist

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
British people like good food, and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular---30% of all adults have a hamburger every three months, but 46% have fish and chips!
British people don’t do a lot of sports. Only 17% of people go swimming every week, about 9% go cycling and 8% play golf--- and only 6% of people play football (but 32% go to watch it).
Cinema and TV
Films are very popular in Britain, and about 60% of the young people go to the cinema every month. At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day ---30 minutes more than women.
British people love going on holiday, and have 56 holidays every year. Most of these holidays aren’t spent in the UK---27% are in Spain. 10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this is because the weather in Britain isn’t very good!
British people don’t send others expensive presents like other Europeans. They often send chocolates, wine and flowers of good quality.
小题1: Which food could be more popular among British adults, a hamburger or fish and chips?
A.A hamburger.B.Fish and chips.C.Both.D.Neither.
小题2:Those who are interested in movies are _____.
A.menB.womenC.young peopleD.old people
小题3:How long do British women spend watching TV every day?
A.Three hours. B.Three hours and a half. C.Two hours. D.Two hours and a half.
小题4: British people’s favorite country for a holiday is _____.
小题5: What present don’t British people often send?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The British people are among the world’s greatest readers of newspapers.It’s been the custom ever since most people could read.
But why do people want to do nothing but read while traveling to work in a train? Perhaps they are tired, or else they sit behind a newspaper to shut themselves off from the world.All the same, most men would notice a woman struggling with a heavy case and jump up to help her and a pretty girl sitting opposite wouldn’t escape their attention either.In this case a paper is useful because they can have a good look at her from behind it without her knowing.Perhaps they do nothing but read.There are stories of girls and young men who met in the rush hours, got married, and went on traveling in the same train hand in hand.
小题1:The main idea of this passage is that______.
A.people in Britain are great newspaper readers
B.why people read newspaper when they travel by train
C.people do nothing but read in a train
D.when people go to work in a train, they do different things
小题2:According to this passage, reading newspaper______. a custom just among men who can something the British do only traveling in a train a daily activity most people enjoyD.can help people in many ways
小题3:A man might be reading a newspaper in a train for the following reasons except that ______.
A.he is trying to get some business news
B.he wants to have a rest
C.he hopes to escape the attention of a pretty girl
D.he doesn’t want to talk with other people around him
小题4:The writer said that most men in the train would help a woman struggling with a heavy thing.The implication(含义) is that ______.
A.It is interesting for a man to help a woman in trouble is considered a man’s duty to offer help to a woman in need
C.the woman is too weak to carry a heavy case are often more interested in other things than reading newspapers, especially when women are in trouble

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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