Consulates (领事馆) exist to help citizens abroad to help themselves. Every year mi

Consulates (领事馆) exist to help citizens abroad to help themselves. Every year mi


Consulates (领事馆) exist to help citizens abroad to help themselves. Every year millions of people go abroad for pleasure or profit (利润). There are consular officers ready to do what they can to help if people get into difficulties, but for all sorts of reasons there are limits to what they can do. Most times things go well for travelers abroad but occasionally things go wrong.
So, whether you are an experienced traveler or a first timer, going by yourself, with the family or a group there are things you should do before you go. Think about money and tickets well in advance. Take enough money including enough to pay your return fare, and hold on to it. Better still, buy return tickets in the first place. In an emergency a consul (领事) will contact relatives or friends and ask them to help you with money or tickets. But there"s no law that says a consul has to lend you money and if he eventually does (and it will have to be repaid) he will want to be satisfied first that you really do have no money and there is no one else you know who can help.
It is also important to take out proper insurance (保险) for everything from car breakdowns to loss of life. A consul cannot pay your medical or any other bills, nor can he do the work of local travel representatives or motoring organizations.
1.What is the author trying to do in the textm
A.To inform people about laws abroad.      B.To describe an international problem.
C.To explain how to visit a consulate.       D.To give advice about consulates
2.Why would somebody read the text?
A.To know how to contact a consul.      B.To find out how to make a complaint (抱怨).
C.To know when to contact a consul.     D.To find out where a consul lives.
3.You can borrow money from a consul if you    
A.need to stay abroad longer.            B.have to help a relative
C.have no other financial (资金) means    D.need to have your car repaired
4.Which of the following notices would you see in Consular Office?
In an emergency you may contact your consul. He may give you advice but you should not rely on being given financial help.
In an emergency you may contact this office. Your consul can always help with hospital and dental costs.
You may contact your consul if you have run out of money. He will arrange for you to receive help if you cannot pay your bills.      
Your consul is here to help you. If your car has broken down or you’re experiencing travel difficulties of any kind. Contact your consul.



Here are four pieces of news from China Daily.
United Nations
Picture of your world
A prize of US$5,000 will be awarded to the winner of the Youth category (aged 15 to 24), in the fourth International Photographic Competition on the Environment.
The competition, titled “Focus on Your World”, is being run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP,联合国环境规划署) from July till December. Both amateur (业余的) and professional photographers of all nationalities and ages are welcome to enter. For more information, go to .
Goodbye to the bears
Koalas, a symbol of Australia, may die out within 15 years as the growth of towns along the east coast destroys their fragile (易毁坏的) habitats.
A survey of the koala habitats found that about 30 percent were no longer home, while 60 percent had suffered much destruction. The Australian Koala Foundation has written to the government urging it to declare the koala an endangered species. At present, there are about 100,000 koalas in Australia.
Rebel attacks worsen
More than 100 people, including three US soldiers, were killed in bloody attacks in five Iraqi cities last Thursday. At least 300 people were wounded.
The violence was part of efforts made by Iraqi rebels (反抗者) and foreign militants to ruin the formal handover to Iraqi rule in six days’ time. A group headed by al-Qaida-linked (和基地组织有联系的) terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said they were responsible for the attacks.
Shenzhen’s salaries are the best
A survey showed average annual income in Shenzhen last year reaching 25,500 yuan, the highest in the country, followed by Beijing and Shanghai. Shenzhen plans to issue a salary guidebook listing average salaries in different occupations, so people working there can better understand their career situation — or perhaps even argue with the boss.
1. According to the passage, the fourth International Photographic Competition on the Environment will last _______.
A. seven months                        B. six months               
C. six days                              D. seven weeks 
2. According to the survey, in Australia there were about _______ koalas that were no longer home.
A. 1,000            B. 30,000            C. 60,000              D. 100,000
3. According to the passage, over 100 people were killed in bloody attacks by _______.
A. US soldiers                         B. al-Qaida   
C. Iraqi policemen                     D. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
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第II卷 (非选择题、共35分)
第三部分:写作           (必须使用黑色笔答题,其它颜色无效)
第一节阅读表达 (共5小题, 每小题2分,满分10分)
Most people say “yes” much more readily than “no”.
A friend is moving house this weekend and would like some help, and you agree. But, what you really wanted was relaxing at home for a couple of quiet days. Or a roommate spends the whole weekend playing video games and wants to borrow your homework for “reference”. But, you’ve just finished it after working hard for a whole day.
Many people say “yes” to this kind of requests. They tend not to consider their own interests and feelings, and are often angry with themselves afterwards. Saying “no” requires courage and considerable practice. “Everyone wants to be liked,” says Gabriele Steinki, a German psychologist, “Saying ‘no’ risks losing the affection of the person asking for the favor. Or even a job.” The result is that many people say “yes” just for keeping the peace. But experts say this regrettable. Anyone should have the right to say “no”. In fact, rejecting a request can even help to stabilize a relationship because it expresses real affection. But, for people accustomed to agreeing every request, it’s very distressing to say “no”.
Most people believe that if they say “no”, they’ll lose the affection of the person. But the affection is important to them. This way of thinking can be replaced by this: “If he only likes me because I always do what suits him, then the price of this affection is too high in the long term.”
When people saying “no”, Steinki advises giving the reasons calmly until the person gets the message.
56. What’s the best title of the passage?
(No more than 10 words)
57. Why don’t many people say “no” though they really want to?
(No more than 15 words)
58.In the author’s opinion, what will be actually resulted in if a request is rejected?
(within 15 words)
59 What does the underlined word distressing in the 3rd paragraph mean? (within 3 words)
60. How do you like the author’s opinion? Why? (within 30 words)
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As the economic crisis goes worse, some reader are turning to bookstores for advice on how to manage their own finances. Below are the top-ten selling books in both categories for the week ended Oct.18 at Barnes & Noble Inc., the country’s largest book retailer (零售商). Here readers are buying books whose titles feature such words as “failed”, “crisis” and “danger”.
1. The total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. A primer on how to cut debt, save money and create a financial strategy.
2. Debt Cures ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau. A look into the dangers of credit card spending and how to reduce your expenses.
3. Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny by Suze Orman, Ms. Orman writes about how women can gain better control of their finances by better understanding their relationship with money.
4. The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman. A book on what the young need to know now about money management.
5. The Smart Cookies’ Gude to Making More Dough by the Smart Cookies with Jennifer Barrett. The book’s advice: Take charge and get out of debt.
6. The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression by Amity Shlaes. A look at what happened during that other crisis.
7. The Partnership: The Making of Goldman Sachs by Charles D. Ellis. An inside look at the famed investment-banking firm.
8. “Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism by Kevin Phillips. Mr. Phillips documents the unreaveling of the U.S. economy.
9. The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What It Means by George Soros. An analysis of the issue behind the crisis and their implications.
10. The World is Cured: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy by David M. Smick. An inside look at what went wrong with the banking system here and abroad.
1.What is the best title for the passage?
A.A Personal Financial List
B.The Country’s Largest Book Seller
C.Serious Economic Crisis
D.Ten Books to Read in the Financial Crisis
2.The reason why readers are buying books including “failed, crisis, danger” is that______.
A.they are discouraged with the serious financial crisis
B.they are to find advice to get through the financial crisis
C.they are concerned about failures in the world
D.they have no choice but to read such books
3.If you desire to get out of debt, you’d better read the book written by      .
A.David M. Smick B.Suze Orman       C.Kevin Phillips     D.the Smart Cookies
4.From the text we know that ______.
A.Charles D. Ellis is famous as an investment-banking manager
B.George Soros has given the detailed root of present economic crisis
C.Amity Shlaes is only interested in the past economic crisis
D.Dave Ramsey is the current Minister of the USA.
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I will teach you everything you need to know on How To Repair Your Sewing Machine Admittedly, the book is mainly about sewing machines with just four of the 70 pages, including the copy clear, sharp pictures of many different sewing machines, cleaning, and timing, etc., so there is no need to turn pages back and forth in order to find the picture that goes with the text. It’s clear, and it’s simple instructions to teach you How To Repair Your Sewing Machine.
I will teach you how to thread all the different styles of sewing machines, plus winding the bobbin and selecting the correct needle.
I will show you how to properly clean all the different sewing machines, plus how to check the virious parts for wear and breakage. I will show you how to check for problems such as noisiness,thread breakage, needle breakage,etc.
I will show you how to straighten the needle and presser(压脚杆)bars and level the presser foot on all sewing machines.
I will show you how to check motors, lights, controls and wiring(线路)for various problems. I will show you how to properly time the needle bar, the hoor or shuttle, etc., so the sewing machine will sew perfectly on all tyes of material and satisfy customers.
I will show you how to set the tensions on all the different sewing machines by having an actual gauge(计量器)to use in this setting.
And I will show you where to purchase wholesale parts and new sewing machines, including where industrial machines can be purchased wholesale.   
1.The purpose of the writer is to      .
A.teach you how to repair your sewing machine
B.draw your attention to his book you where to repair your sewing your machine off his advantage over others
2.The underlined word in the third paragraph means ______.
A.use      B.part     C.breaking
3.In order to get a picture matching the text, you      .
A.have to turn over the book      B.don’t have to turn over the book
C.should read the whole book carefully       D.need read the tips as follows
4.If you want to buy a lot of industrial machines, you can     .
A.tell the writer of the book  B.order them directly from the factory
C.find the detailed information in the book  D.order according to the picture
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A recent Auburn University study provides some real numbers to back a theory we’ve all known was true for some time—planting a shade tree near your home reduces energy bills significantly in the spring and summer months. The study, conducted in Auburn,
Alabama, included 160 homes with different levels of shade. Each home’s energy usage was monitored and compared to other houses with similar energy— using patterns, size, type of cooling system, etc. Here are some highlights from the study:
Houses with trees on the west side of their home had a “much lower power bill”.
Older homes had the most shade coverage, because people did not use to rely on air conditioning as much to keep them cool.
Children under age 12 consume the most power in a home as they watch television, play games and frequently leave lights on.
Fall and early winter are the perfect seasons to plant a tree. This time of year many nurseries(苗圃)are trying to reduce their inventory of trees heading into the winter, so you may find a deal on trees easily to plant around your lot.
While you have the spade out, consider planting a tree near your outside air conditioning unit. The shade will keep the unit cooler and help it operate more efficiently. Be sure to plant far enough from the unit to allow proper airflow, and account for the tree’s growth over time.
It actually hurts to watch the trees being knocked over when land developers plan neighborhoods because trees could provide much needed shade to new homeowners, reducing their electric bill and the amount of energy they consume. Hopefully this study, and more like it in the future, will encourage developers and builders to plan around trees as much as possible to offer homeowners a shaded lot.
1.What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.A new study about planting trees.
B.Planting trees to reduce your power bill.
C.Houses with trees on the west side.
D.Don"t cut trees down when planning neighborhoods.
2.The underlined word "inventory" in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.invention        B.volume     C.list         D.type
3.According to the passage, ____ might spend more energy cost.
A.houses with trees on the west side of their home
B.older houses with the most shade coverage
C.houses with different levels of shade
D.houses with the children under age 12
4.Which is NOT the benefit of planting a tree near the outside air conditioning unit?
A.The shade will keep the unit much cooler.
B.The shade helps the unit operate more efficiently.
C.The trees stops the unit having proper airflow.
D.The shade prevents the sunlight from shining on the unit.
5.What can we learn from this study?
A.The study is carried out by the students at Auburn University, Alabama.
B.While planning new neighborhoods, developers often cut down the trees there.
C.Houses with trees on the east side of their house had a lower power bill.
D.The study will prevent developers and builders from planning more trees.
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