Societies all over the world name places in similar ways. Quite often there is n

Societies all over the world name places in similar ways. Quite often there is n


Societies all over the world name places in similar ways. Quite often there is no official naming ceremony but places tend to be called names as points of reference by people. Then an organized body steps in and gives the place a name. Frequently it happens that a place has two names: One is named by the people and the other by the government. As in many areas, old habitsdied hard, and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost.
Many roads and places in Singapore(新加坡) are named in order that the pioneers will be remembered by future generations. Thus we have names such as Stamford Road and Raffles Place. This is in keeping with traditions in many countries ---- in both the West and the East.
Another way of naming places is naming them after other places. Perhaps they were named to promote friendships between the two places or it could be that the people who used to live there were originally from the places that the roads were named after. The mystery is clearer when we see some of the roads named in former British bases. If you step into Selector Airbase you will see Piccadilly Circus ----obviously named by some homesick Royal Air Force personnel.
Sine places were named after the activities that used to go on at those places. Bras Basah Road is an interesting example, “Base Basah” means “wet rice” in Malay(马来语). Now why would anyone want to name a road “Wet Rice Road”? The reason is simple. During the pioneering days, wet rice was laid out to dry along this road.
A few roads in Singapore are named by their shapes. There is “Circular Road” for one. Other roads may have part of their names to describe their shapes, like “Paya Lebar Crescent”. This road is called a crescent(月牙) because it begins on the main road, makes a crescent and comes back to join the main road again.
小题1:We learn from Paragraph 1 that _____.
A.the government is usually the first to name a place
B.many places tend to have more than one name
C.a ceremony will be held when a place is named
D.people prefer the place names given by the government
小题2:What does the underlined phrase “die hard” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Change suddenly.B.Change significantly.
C.Disappear mysteriously.D.Disappear very slowly.
小题3:Which of the following places is named after a person?
A.Raffles Place.B.Selector Airbase.
C.Piccadilly Circus.D.Paya Lebar Crescent.
小题4: Bras Basah Road is named _______.
A.after a personB.after a place C.after an activity its shape
小题5:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Some place names in Singapore are the same as in Britain.
B.Some places in Singapore are named for military purposes.
C.The way Singaporeans name their places is unique.
D.Young Singaporeans have forgotten the pioneers.



小题5:推理判断题。B项中的military purposes在关于新加坡地名来历中没有涉及;由文章第二段最后一句可排除C项;由文章第二段可排除D项;而A项可由第三段推知。
Specialists say that it is not easy to get used to life in a new culture. “Culture shock” is the term these specialists use when talking about the feelings that people have in a new environment. There are three stages of culture shock, say the specialists. In the first stage, the newcomers like their new environment. Then, when the fresh experience dies, they begin to hate the city, the country, the people, and everything else. In the last stage, the newcomers begin to adjust to their surroundings and, as a result, enjoy their life more.
There are some obvious factors in culture shock. The weather may be unpleasant. The customs may be different. The public service systems—the telephone, post office, or transportation—may be difficult to work out. The most simple things seem to be big problems. The language may be difficult.
Who feels culture shock? Everyone does in this way or that. But culture shock surprises most people. Very often the people having the worst culture shock are those who never had any difficulties in their home countries and were successful in their community. Coming to a new country, these people find they do not have the same established positions. They find themselves without a role, almost without an identity. They have to build a new self-image.
Culture shock gives rise to a feeling of disorientation (迷惘). This feeling may be homesickness. When homesick, people feel like staying inside all the time. They want to protect themselves for the strange environment, and create an escape inside their room for a sense of security. This escape does solve the problem of culture shock for the short term, but it does nothing to make the person familiar with the culture. Getting to know the new environment and gaining experience—these are the long-term solutions to the problem of culture shock.
1. According to the passage, factors that give rise to culture shock include all of the following
except _____.
A. language communication          B. weather conditions and customs
C. public service systems           D. homesickness
2. According to the passage, the more successful you are at home, __________.
A, the fewer difficulties you may have abroad
B. the more difficulties you may have abroad
C. the more money you will earn abroad
D. the less homesick you will feel abroad
3. What is the main idea of the last passage?
A. Escape unfamiliar environment
B. The feeling of homesickness.
C. Homesickness can solve the problem of culture shock.
D. The best way to overcome culture shock: get familiar with the new culture.
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The Queen’s English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts had found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 1952 to find out the change in her pronunciation from the noble Upper Received to the Standard Received.
Jonathan Harrington, a professor at Germany’s University of Munich, wanted to discover whether accent (口音) changers recorded over the past half century would take place within one person. “As far as I know, there just is nobody else for whom there is this sort of broadcast records,” he said.
He said the noble way of pronouncing vowels (元音) had gradually lost ground as the noble upper-class accent over the past years. “Her accent sounds slightly less noble than it did 50 years ago. But these are very, very small and slow changes that we don’t notice from year to year.”
“We may be able to relate it to changes in the social classes,” he told The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper. “In 1952 she would have been hears saying ‘thet men in the bleck het’. Now it would be ‘that man in the black hat’. And ‘hame’ rather than ‘home’. In the 1950s she would have been ‘lorst’, but by the 1970s ‘lost’.”
The Queen’s broadcast is a personal message to the Commonwealth countries. Each Christmas, the 10-minute broadcast is put on TV at 3 pm in Britain as many families are recovering from their traditional turkey lunch. (传统火鸡午餐).
The results were published (发表) in the Journal of Phonetics.
小题1:The Queen’s broadcasts were chosen for the study mainly because ______.
A.she has been Queen for many yearsB.she has a less upper-class accent now
C.her speeches are familiar to many peopleD.her speeches have been recorded for 50 years
小题2:Which of the following is an example of a less noble accent in English?
小题3:We may infer from the text that the Journal of Phonetics is a magazine on _______.
A.speech soundsB.Christmas customsC.TV broadcasting D.personal messages
小题4:What is the text mainly about?
A.The relationship between accents and social classes.
B.The Queen’s Christmas speeches on TV.
C.The changes in a person’s accent.
D.The recent development of the English language.

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Every day 25 million U.S. children ride school buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than for passenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nation’s school children are transported to and from school safety.
Even though the number of school bus accidents is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done-particularly whether seat belts should be compulsory.
People in favour of seat belts on school buses-many of them parents and medical organizations-argue that seat belts are necessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessons about the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A side benefit, they point out, is that seat belts help keep children in their seats, away from the bus driver.
People who object to seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that follow the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977. They also believe that many children won’t wear seat belts anyway, and that may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.
A new Research council report on school bus safety suggest that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts.
The report sponsored by the Department of transportation at the request of Congress, re
views seat belts extensively while taking a broader look at safety in and around school buses.
1.According to the passage, the “school bus” is .      
A.the bus offered by the school and different from the public bus
B.the bus that has no difference from the public bus
C.the bus that is driven by the students
D.the bus that is not safe
2.According to the passage, who has the greatest degree of control of the school buses “safety”?
A.A new Research Council.           B.The Department of Transportation.
C.The Medical Organization.         D.National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
3.It may be inferred from this passage that .       .
A.many of the opponents(反对者) of seat belt installation are parents and officials of the Department of Transportation
B.proposals of seat belts on school buses would be seriously considered alternate safety device (raising seat backs four inches) may be taken into consideration
D.The Department of Transportation may either take the idea of seat belts or other measures when it reviews the whole situation  
4.The title below which best expresses the idea of the passage is“”.
A.Making School Buses Even Safer for Children     B.Seat Belts Needed on School Buses
C.Alternate Safety Devices and Procedures         D.Safety in and around School Buses
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What does it mean to say that we live in a world of persuasion? It means that we live among competing interests. Your roommate’s need to study for an exam may take priority (优先) over pizza. Your instructor may have good reasons not to change your grade. And the object of your romantic/inter­est may have other choices.
In such a world, persuasion is the art of getting others to give fair and favorable consideration to our points of view. When we persuade, we want to influence how others believe and behave. We may not always prevail — other points of view may be more persuasive, depending on the listener, the situ­ation, and the merit of the case. But when we practice the art of persuasion, we try to ensure that our position receives the attention it deserves.
Some people, however, object to the very idea of persuasion. They may regard it as an unwelcome interruption into their lives. Just the opposite, we believe that persuasion is unavoidable — to live is to persuade. Persuasion may be ethical (合乎道义的) or unethical, selfless or selfish, inspiring or degrad­ing. Persuaders may enlighten our mind or prey on our vulnerability. Ethical persuasion, however, calls on sound reasoning and is sensitive to the feelings and needs of listeners. Such persuasion can help us apply the wisdom of the past to the decisions we now must make. Therefore, the most basic part of edu­cation is learning to resist the one kind of persuasion and to encourage and practice the other.
Beyond its personal importance to us, persuasion is necessary to society. The right to persuade and be persuaded is the bedrock of the American political system, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution (美国宪法).
10. According to the passage, persuasion means ________.
A. changing others’ points of view
B. exercising power over other people
C. getting other people to consider your point of view
D. getting people to agree with you and do what you want
11. The underlined word in the second paragraph “prevail” means________.
A. win           B. fail               C. speak             D. listen
12. The passage states that some people object to persuasion because they think it is ________.
A. a danger to society              B. difficult to do well
C. unwelcome behavior             D. never successful
13. The passage mainly discusses ________.
A. how people persuade
B. why people persuade
C. that persuasion is both good and bad
D. that persuasion is important and it is all around us
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Despite the fact that it has never been seen almost everyone is familiar with the legendary
unicorn(独角兽). Descriptions of unicorns have been found dating from ancient times. The great philosopher Aristotle theorized that there were two types of unicorn--- the so-called Indian Ass and the Oryx, a kind of antelope. Unicorns are often used in the logo of a noble family, town council or university as their special sign. Even Scotland is represented by a unicorn.
According to the legend, anyone attempting to catch a unicorn had to be extremely cautious
as it has a reputation for being very fierce. A clever trick suggested by unicorn-trappers, in order to catch this magnificent beast without being hurt by its horn, was for the hunter to stand in front of a tree and then to move quickly behind it as the unicorn charged. Hopefully, the creature could then be captured when its horn was stuck in the tree.
When hollowed out and used as a drinking-cup, the unicorn’s horn was said to have the power to offer protection against person. It was believed that nobody could be harmed-by drinking the contents of a unicorn’s horn. Right up until the French Revolution in 1789, the French court was said to have used cups made of “unicorn” horn in order to protect the king. In addition, the horn was said to have medicinal value, so much so that it could be sold for more than ten times the price of the same weight of gold. What, then, was “unicorn” horn? We know at times the rhino(犀牛) was confused with this legendary creature. A drinking-cup supposedly made of “unicorn” horn was discovered to be made of the horn of a rhino.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE of the unicorn?
A.It was not historically recordedB.Its horn was first used in France
C.It was similar to the Indian Ass and the OryxD.It could be the symbol of a university
小题2:To catch a unicorn, the unicorn-trappers had to try all of the following EXCEPT ____.
A.tempting the unicorn to attackB.making use of the tree as a protection
C.hiding quickly behind the unicornD.having the unicorn horn stuck in the tree
小题3:The last paragraph is mainly about ____.
A.the properties of the unicorn hornB.the users of the unicorn horn
C.the price of the unicorn horn
D.the comparison between the unicorn horn and the rhino horn
小题4:In the last paragraph, the word “unicorn ” is in quotation marks (引号)because _____.
A.the cup is designed only for a royal family
B.the unicorn does not exist in reality
C.the unicorn is the rarest animal in the world
D.the medicinal value of the horn is appreciated

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