阅读理解。     The influence of America is increasing in my country. Spanish people d

阅读理解。     The influence of America is increasing in my country. Spanish people d

阅读理解。     The influence of America is increasing in my country. Spanish people drink Coca Cola,
wear blue jeans, watch Hollywood movies, listen to American music, and eat fast food, and
they do these things every day.
    I think that American movies are a good way to spread American culture because people
are often influenced by what they see in the movies. Most of the programs and documentaries
(纪录片) we watch on TV are from America, and most of the movies we go to see are made
in Hollywood.
    In the last few years, the government has tried to protect the Spanish movies. Now, in our
cinemas, at least twenty percent of the movies which are shown must be from Spain or from
other countries in Europe.
    American culture is a part of Spanish life now. It"s certain that many things from America
are as much a part of people"s lives as Spanish things. For example, Coca Cola is as familiar
to everybody as any typical Spanish product. I"ve known about Coca Cola for my whole life.
    However, it"s different with Western fast food. For example, I don"t think McDonald"s is as
successful in Spain as it is in other countries. In my opinion, one of the reasons may be the
lifestyle of the Spanish people. The Spanish people normally eat at home.
    On the other hand, maybe McDonald"s hamburgers will eventually replace the famous
Spanish tapas. It"s true that in every city in Spain you can find a McDonald"s, and it is more
popular among the Spanish children than among the adults. In any case, it"s obvious that
American culture is becoming more and more a part of our lives every day.1. From the first paragraph we can know that ____.A. the influence of America on Spain can be found everywhere
B. most Spanish people don"t like to listen to their own music
C. fast food spreads from Spain to the United States
D. some Spanish actors go to America to improve their acting skills 2. Why did the government set some rules for the films shown in Spain?______A. To protect foreign culture in Spain.
B. To earn more money from Spanish films.
C. To limit the number of foreign movies.
D. To unite the European Community.3. Why does the author think that McDonald"s is not as successful as it is in other countries? ______A. Its fast food contains too much fat.
B. He thinks it is unhealthy.
C. Spanish people seldom eat out.
D. Spanish adults don"t like its fast food.
1-3: ACC
阅读理解。     You may know your mother, but how well do you really know Mother"s Day? Cards, flowers, sales,
TV specials, and a day off for someone who really deserves it -those are what probably come to mind
for many people when they think of Mother"s Day. But there"s more to the story.
    The earliest Mother"s Day celebrations were held during spring in ancient Greece. The celebrations
honored Rhea, the Mother of the gods. During the 1600"s, England celebrated a day called Mothering
Sunday. On this day even servants were given the day off to spend with their families. A mothering cake
was even served with the family meal.
     In the US, Mother"s Day began in 1872 when Julia Ward Howe, who wrote the words to the famous
song The Battle Hymn of the Republic, suggested it as a day devoted to peace. But it didn"t really become popular until 1907 when Anna Jarvis stared a campaign to honor mothers. She believed that mothers
could help people get over the pain they experienced during the Civil
     War. The US isn"t alone in devoting a day to mothers. Many other countries including Denmark,
Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, and Belgium also honor their mothers in May. Other countries
honor their mothers at different times of the year.
     Learning more about Mother"s Day and celebrating Mother"s Day are important, but probably not as
important as understanding what your own mother, or grandmother, or aunt has really done for you. And
that will certainly be appreciated more than one day in a year.1. What is the passage mainly about?A. The reason why people celebrate Mother"s Day.
B. The ways people honor mothers.
C. The history of Mother"s Day.   
D. The great contribution of mothers.2.  Where was the earliest Mother"s Day celebrated?A. In ancient Greece.
B. In the US.
C. In England.
D. In Italy.3. We can learn from the passage that _____.A. Rhea is the mother of a king in ancient Greece
B. not all the countries celebrate Mother"s Day in May
C. only mothers were given a day off on Mothering Sunday
D. it was in 1872 that Mother"s Day really came into being4. The last paragraph tells us that _____.A. all the people should celebrate Mother"s Day
B. only mothers are honored on Mother"s Day
C. understanding mothers" work is more important than just celebrating Mother"s Day
D. people should celebrate Mother"s Day every day
题型:山东省月考题难度:| 查看答案

        Most of my earliest childhood memories are of the beach-in the hot sun, building sandcastles,
burying Dad in the sandNow the coast has a pleasant and relaxing attraction beyond words. I looked
forward to a windy cliff-top walk or a rainy day rock-picking just as much as those rare moments when
Iget to a short sleep in the sun. But there"s nothing more pleasurable than turning up at a beach to find it
      These are my favourite secret beaches-ones either not well known or take a bit of effort to get to.
Most of those listed scored highly in the Marine Conservation Society Good Beach Guide 2009; the
others are too secret even for them.
     Sennen Clove is just a mile northeast of Land"s End, the westernmost point of mainland England. It"s
a beautiful spot, with white sands, deep green sea and amazing sunsets over the Isles(群岛) of Scilly, 28
miles away.
     The west-facing beach is popular with surfers, with bigger waves and winds often found at the Gwenver end. There"s a beach restaurant with good views of the bay and the sunsets.
     The smallest of Isles of Scilly, Bryher is a mile long, half a mile wide-and a natural wilderness of
unbelievable scenery. Walk along the narrow sandy roads to the eastern seaboard and you come to
two quiet beaches.
     Green Bay has views over to the palm trees of Tresco"s Abbey Gardens, and a little further south is
Rushy Bay, a beautiful beach facing the deserted island of Samson.
     On Bryher, farm shops sell locally grown produce, and they trust you to leave the money in the pot.
It"s that kind of place.1. The best title for this passage is ________.  A. The Beautiful British Isles
B. Secret Beaches on the British Isles
C. The Most Pleasurable Place in Britain
D. My Experience of Searching Beaches2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? _______ A. The author is a tourist guide in a tourist agency
B. The author likes walking on a rainy cliff-top most
C. The author wrote the article to advertise for the beaches
D. the author loves beaches that are not known to most people3. Which of the following maps can correctly describe the geography position? ________
   (LE=Land"s End    SC=Sennen CoveIS=the Isles of Scilly)4. In author"s view, farmers on Bryher are ________.A. mean
B. selfish
C. sincere
D. lazy
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Have you ever been to the beautiful country of Holland and its capital Amsterdam? Anyone
who has traveled to Amsterdam would probably agree on one thing: Amsterdam"s story is a tale
of two cities-one during the day and a completely different one at night.
     During the day, the largest city in the Netherlands sits quietly on the Amstel River.You can
rent a bicycle, visit the Van Gogh or Anne Frank museum, or take a water taxi.But when the sun
goes down, the partying begins.In the big clubs and in coffee shops, tourists gather to hang out,
talk politics and smoke.
Several areas of the city clearly show the two worlds that rule Amsterdam.And they"re all within
a short cab ride of each other.For example, Dam Square attracts daytime sightseers to its festivals,
open markets, concerts and other events.Several beautiful and very popular hotels can be found
there.And there"s the Royal Palace and the Magna Plaza shopping mall.
     But at night party-seekers come to the square.Hip hop or funk music is heard there.So if you
come, be ready to dance.The clubs don"t shut down until 4 am.
     And while you"re there, check out the various inexpensive ways to tour the city.Don"t worry
about getting lost.Although Dutch is the official language, most people in Amsterdam speak English
and are happy to help you with directions.And you"ll notice that half the people in the streets are
on bicycles they rent.
     Amsterdam also has a well-planned canal system.For about 10 dollars, you can use the canal
bus or a water taxi to cruise(巡游) the "Venice of the North".
     The city has a historic past.One impressive place to visit is the Anne Frank House on Nine
Streets.It was there that the young Jewish girl wrote her famous diary during World War II.Visitors
can view Anne"s original diary and climb behind the bookcase to the room where she and her family
hid from the Nazis for two years.1. What means of transport is not available to visitors in Amsterdam?A. A carriage.  
B. A bicycle.  
C. A canal bus.
D. A water taxi. 2. When getting lost, a visitor can ask natives for directions in  ___________     .A. only Dutch    
B. Dutch or English
C. only English     
D. Spanish and English3. What can you learn about by visiting the Anne Frank House?A. The experience of a beautiful girl survivor.
B. The glorious past of Amsterdam.
C. The life of Jewish during World War ?.
D. The suffering of the Dutch in wars.4. The passage is intended to  ____________         .A. call up people"s memories of World War ?
B. tell readers what A Tale of Two Cities is about
C. instruct visitors what to do and see in Holland
D. offer readers some information about Amsterdam
题型:吉林省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     An evergreen tree is a Christmas tradition in many American homes. The tree is usually a pine or fir
dressed with lights and other colorful decorations.
     Families might buy a cut tree or go to a tree farm and cut one down themselves. Some people bring a
live tree in a pot into their home for the holidays and then put it back outdoors. Some people rent a
Christmas tree. Companies might bring the same live tree to the same family year after year. Or the tree
might get planted in a park or someplace else where it could help the environment.
     There are some trees that can be reused year after year because they are made of plastic or metal. Or,
instead of a tree, some people have a small, sweet-smelling rosemary (迷迭香) plant, cut to look like a
little Christmas tree.
     Another plant that many people connect with Christmas is the poinsettia (一品红). Poinsettias are
native to Mexico. They can be white or pink, but most are bright red. They are named after the first
American ambassador to Mexico. Joel Poinsett liked them enough to send some back to the United
States. Babies or pets that chew on poinsettias might get sick. But experts say the plant is not as poisonous as some people think.
     Like millions of other houses, the home of America"s first president is decorated for Christmas. George Washington"s Mount Vernon Estate is in Virginia. Visitors can hear stories about what Christmas was like at Mount Vernon in the eighteenth century. The museum where visitors begin their tour is decorated with
Christmas trees.1. What is the text mainly about?A. The customs of Christmas in America.
B. The decoration of Christmas trees.  
C. The tradition of Christmas trees in America.  
D. The history of Christmas in America.2. It can be inferred from the passage that       .A. Americans are not allowed to cut a tree for Christmas
B. Americans have various ways to get a Christmas tree
C. a Christmas tree must be planted after it is used
D. every family will change their Christmas trees every year 3. People plant their Christmas trees somewhere after Christmas to       .A. use it again next year
B. save money on Christmas trees
C. help protect the environment
D. hope for the best in the coming year4. Joel Poinsett sent some poinsettias back to the United States because       .A. he wanted to give his people another kind of Christmas trees
B. he wanted his people to remember him
C. he wanted to plant them in his home  
D. he was very fond of them 5. Which of the following is TRUE about poinsettias?A. American people like them.
B. They are considered to be very poisonous by experts.
C. They are not widely used as Christmas trees.
D. They can only make the old and pets sick.
题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because I"m in London. And my friend Mallery invited me. And because dinner parties in London are very different from those in New York,
     "I"m having a dinner party" means: "I"m booking a table for 12 at a restaurant and we"ll be sharing the
cheque evenly (平均地), no matter what you eat." In Manhattan there is always someone who leaves
before the bill arrives. They"ll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who
don"t drink, end up paying even more. But if you try to use the same trick, the hostess will shout: "Where
are you going ?" And I cannot say I have somewhere to go because everyone knows I have nowhere to
     But in London, dinner parties are in people"s homes. Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix.
The last time I went to one, the guests were from France, India, Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a
gathering at the United Nations. In New York, the mix is less striking. It"s like a gathering at
Bloomingdatle"s, a well-known department store.
     For New Yorkers, talking about other parts of the world means Brooklyn and Queens in New York.
But at Mallery"s, when I said that I had been to Myanmar recently, people knew where it was, while In
New York people would think it was a usual club.1. What does the word "shot" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A. Choice      
B. Try      
C. Style      
D. Goal2. What does the writer dislike most about dinner parties in New York?A. There is a strange mix of people.            
B. The restaurants are expensive.
C. The bill is not fairly shared.                
D. People have to pay cash.3. What does the author think of the parties in London?A. A bit unusual                            
B. Full of tricks  
C. Less costly                              
D. More interesting 4. What is the author"s opinion of some New Yorkers from her experience?A. Easy-going.    
B. Self-centered.    
C. Generous.    
D. Conservative.
题型:四川省月考题难度:| 查看答案


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