阅读理解。     Census figures (调查数据) published last Friday indicate that the number o

阅读理解。     Census figures (调查数据) published last Friday indicate that the number o

阅读理解。     Census figures (调查数据) published last Friday indicate that the number of women in management jobs
rose by 95% between 1980 and 1990. Most evidence shows that women are still in the lowest class of
management and in the lowest-paying industries.
     I first noticed that girls were different from boys when I was about 4 years old. No experiences either in
my personal life or in my business life have caused me to change my opinion. Throughout my adult life,
however, I have had to evaluate again and again these differences between men and women and how they
affect the way men and women relate to one another and to the environment in which they work. Working
with women has given me deep understanding I would never have gained in any other way.
     Women are working at a decided disadvantage in the business world created by men to make things
comfortable for men. To me, this means men often understand the rules without having to be taught or even
having to think about them. It is not so easy for women. If I may fall back on typically male sports terms,
women have had to learn both the game and the game plan at the same time.
     At least in my own observation, women in business tend to be more honest than men. A direct question
to a woman often results in a direct response. This quality makes it more difficult for women to "yes" an
employer. It also makes women more trustworthy than the men who often can"t, or won"t, give a straight
answer to a question. Women are also more open than men about their feelings, their ambitions, and everyday
situations in the office. This makes them easier to be hurt than men. Traditionally, women in business have
been more severely judged than men. They have had to be better in a job than a man to get ahead. 1. What is this passage mainly about? A. the unfair treatment the working women suffering in business
B. the differences between working men and women
C. the qualities of the working men and women
D. the author"s pity on the working women2. The author mentions the"sports terms" to show that _____. A. women are more diligent than men
B. women are often looked down upon by men
C. women are slower in learning new things than men
D. men always make things comfortable for themselves 3. How many good qualities of women are mentioned in the last paragraph? A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five. 4. Which of the following will most probably be the first sentence of the fifth paragraph? A. For example, I have interviewed many people for the job of advertising salesperson.
B. Another difference between working men and women is that men take more chances.
C. Of all the differences that I have noticed, one in particular stands out.
D. On the other hand, men also enjoy more rights than women.
1-4: A D B B
阅读理解     If you are a fan of the Newbery-Award winning book Bridge to Terabithia, then you"re going to love author
Katherine Paterson"s new creation The Day of the Pelican (鹈鹕). In the book, Paterson takes readers on a
journey with 12 year-old Meli Lleshi and her Albanian family of seven.
     The family lives in Kosovo, in eastern Europe. The country is at war with neighboring Serbia. Eventually,
life becomes too dangerous in Kosovo, so the Lleshis have to pack up and move out of their home. To Meli,
leaving meant giving up her whole life. She will have to say goodbye to her friends, home, school and Baba"s
market. Worse, the family"s trouble began, in Meli"s mind, when she drew a picture of her teacher with a
pelican nose and had to stay after school as punishment.
     As the Lleshis travel along the road at night, they come across burning homes and other refugees just like
them. Living in a tiny tent surrounded by many other people becomes tiring, and but for Baba"s and Mama"s
efforts to keep the family together, the family would probably have given up. Every night, Meli longs to go
home and Baba tells her, "Your home is with your family." With everyone already crowding together for food,
now is not the time to complain. The family needs all their courage to keep going."We have to be very patient
and very brave," Meli says.
     Soon, traveling from place to place becomes too much of a hassle (争论) and nearly breaks the family
apart. Baba makes an important decision. The family will be moving to an exciting new country. There will be
no enemies and no one to run from. They will be able to stay in one place and build a new life. Although Meli
still longs for home she wonders if this will finally mean freedom for her family.
     The Day of the Pelican is a book you won"t be able to put down. Those who enjoy realistic fiction will love
this moving story about Meli and her family. 1. What"s the author"s purpose in writing this passage? A. To tell us how happy we are to live a peaceful life.
B. To explain how the Lleshis survived the war.
C. To get us to learn about a new book.
D. To introduce a book Bridge to Terabithia 2. Why did the family move to other countries? A. Because they wanted to find well-paid jobs.
B. Because they had to escape from the war.
C. Because Meli and her family needed food.
D. Because they just looked for adventure. 3. The third paragraph is mainly about _____. A. Baba"s importance during the trip
B. complaints about the life journey
C. various difficulties as travellers
D. ways to get the family together 4. From the passage we can learn that _____.A. The Day of the Pelican won the Newbery-Award
B. Meli no longer longs for home in the new place
C. the family found the freedom and settled down
D. without Baba"s encouragement the family would have broken
题型:河南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Massachusetts today looks nothing like it did when the first English settlers arrived. Back in the 17th
century, forest blanketed the land. Today, roads and towns cover much of the area. But the past is not
dead and gone. Just an hour"s drive from Boston lies Plimoth Plantation.
     There you"ll experience the 17th century life from the days of tAe Pilgrims (清教徒移民). You can
look in the Pilgrims" homes, watch the way they cook, and ask them about their daily lives. You can even
help them build houses or work in the fields.
     When you arrive at Plimoth, you are greeted with "How do you fare?" instead of "How are you?" In
this living history plantation, actors portray (扮演) real people of 17th-century Plymouth. Each actor has
taken the identity of someone from that period. All the actors speak the language of Shakespeare. They"re
happy to talk about the hardships of their lives or just share the gossip of the day. But don"t try to discuss
modem topics. They won"t understand what you are talking about!
     In fall, you can enjoy a harvest dinner very similar to the first Thanksgiving. You"ll dine with your hands
like Pilgrims. You"ll find no pepper on the table. This expensive spice was used only sparingly (节俭地) in
cooking. You"ll find no last-course "dessert" either. At the time, people ate sweet dishes right along with the
     Cranberries were on the menu then and still are today. A short distance from Plimoth, you can visit
Cranberry World. At this unique museum, you"ll see how cranberries are harvested and can taste different
cranberry products.
     Of course, the first Thanksgiving included not only the Pilgrims, but also their Wampanoag guests. If
you want to find out something about the Wampanoag, explore a re-created Wampanoag Home Site. It is
just a short walk from Plimoth. Step into the Native American home and enter a different world. Native
Americans dressed in 17th-century Wampanoag outfits (服装) describe how their people lived 400 years
ago. Outside, you can help make a traditional boat or learn about native plant remedies (治疗法).
     Much in Massachusetts has changed since the 17th century. But in Plimoth, the past lives on. 1. From the text we know Plimoth Plantation _____.  A. is a cranberry plantation in Plimoth.
B. is where some old Pilgrims are still living.
C. presents the Pilgrims" life in the 1600s.
D. is a plantation dating back to the 1700s.2. What did the English settlers greet each other in the 17th century? A. How do you fare?
B. How are you?
C. Hi, nice to meet you.
D. How do you do? 3. In Cranberries World tourists can _____. A. harvest cranberries by yourself
B. learn how to grow cranberries
C. taste various cranberry products
D. visit an old history museum 4. The purpose of the rebuilt Wampanoag Home life is _____. A. to protect Native Americans, the Wampanoag
B. to attract more tourists to stay in Plimoth
C. to show how the Wampanoag helped the Pilgrims
D. to keep the 17th century Native Americans life alive
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The IOC today launched the bid process for the Games of the XXXI Olympiad in 2016. The 203 National
Olympic Committees (NOCs) have been invited to submit the name of a city within their jurisdiction as an
Applicant City to host the Games in nine years time.
     Phase Ⅰ: the candidature acceptance procedure
     This phase involves a thorough review by the IOC of each city"s potential to organize the 2016 Olympic
Games. Cities will be asked to reply to a questionnaire. Their answers will be studied by the IOC in order to
help the IOC Executive Board to select the cities that will become Candidate Cities and therefore move on to
Phase Ⅱ. All relevant information and deadlines relating to the first phase are contained in the Candidature
Acceptance Procedure and Questionnaire.
     Phase Ⅱ: the candidature evaluation procedure
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     Candidate Cities will be requested to submit their Candidature
File, that is to say, an in-depth description of their Olympic project,
and prepare for the visit of the IOC Evaluation Commission. The

     Although it might have happened anywhere, my encounter with the green banana started on a steep
mountain road in the central area of Brazil. I was driving up through beautiful countryside when the radiator
(水箱) began to leak. I stopped at the next village, which consisted of a small store and a few houses. People
came over to look. "That"s easy to fix," a man said. He sent a boy running for some green bananas. He patted
me on the shoulder, assuring me that everything would work out. "Green bananas," he smiled. Everyone agreed. 
     We chatted casually while all the time I was wondering what they could possibly do to my radiator with
their green bananas. I did not ask them, though, as that would show my ignorance, so I talked about the beauty
of the land that lay before our eyes. Huge rock formations, like Sugar Loaf in Rio,rose up all around us. "Do
you see that tall one right over there?" asked the man, pointing to a particularly tall, slender pinnacle (尖端) of
dark rock. "That rock marks the center of the world."
     I looked to see if he was teasing me, but his face was serious. He, in turn, inspected me carefully, as if to
make sure I grasped the significance of his statement. The occasion called for some show of recognition on
my part. "The center of the World?" I repeated, trying to show interest. He nodded, "The absolute center.
Everyone around here knows it."
     At that moment the boy returned with an armful of green bananas. The man cut one in half and pressed
the cut end against the radiator jacket. The banana melted into a glue against the hot metal, stopping the leaks
instantly. I was so astonished at this that I mush have looked rather foolish and everyone laughed. They then
refilled my radiator and gave me extra bananas to take along. An hour later, after using the green banana once
more, my radiator and I reached our destination.
     It took me a little longer to fully grasp the importance of the rock which the villagers believed marked the
center of the world. I had at first doubted their claim, as I knew for a fact that the center was located
somewhere else in New England. After all, my grandfather had come from there. But gradually I realized the
village people had a very reasonable belief and I agreed with them. We all tend to regard as the center that
special place where we are known, where we know others, where things mean much to us, and where we
ourselves have both identity and meaning: family, school, town and local region could all be our center of the
     The lesson which gradually dawned on me was actually very simple. Every place has special meanings for
the people in it, and in a certain sense every place represents the center of the world. The world has numerous
 such centers, and no one student or traveler can experience all of them. But once a conscious breakthrough
to a second center is made, a life-long perspective and collection can begin.
     The cultures of the world are full of unexpected green bananas with special value and meaning. They have
been there for ages, ripening slowly, perhaps waiting patiently for people to come along to encounter them. In
fact, a green banana is waiting for all of us if we would leave our own centers of the world in order to
experience other places.

1. The author stopped at a village on his way because he wanted to ____.
A. have his car repaired
B. enjoy the beautiful scenery
C. look for some bananas to fix his radiator
D. talk to some villagers to learn about their way of life
2. What"s the author"s reaction to the man"s remarks on the center of the earth?
A. He thought the man was serious about what he said.
B. He thought that the man was telling the truth.
C. He thought that the man was telling a story.
D. He thought the man was making fun of him.
3. What does the author come to learn from the man"s remarks?
A. The rock mentioned by the man is really the center of the world for everyone.
B. There are lots of such "rocks" in the world representing the center of the world.
C. There is only one center in the world that is actually in New England.
D. As a matter of fact, the center of the world does not exist in his opinion.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. A green banana refers to a banana that is not ripe.
B. A green banana is something that can be used to repair a leaking radiator.
C. A green banana refers to a certain culture that is unknown to an outsider.
D. A green banana is something useful that we find unexpectedly.
     What is the single largest cause of sick leave in the UK? The answer is not the common cold or flu, but
back pain. Back pain affects one in three British adults, costs the country over 5bn every year and is obviously
difficult to treat.
     But now Britain"s National Health Service (NHS) will be offering a new solution: acupuncture (针刺疗法). 
     The ancient Chinese needle therapy has been around in the UK for many years, but this is the first time it
has been officially endorsed by the NHS"s advisory body, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE).
     Traditionally, doctors in the UK have advised back pain sufferers to stay active, do stretching exercises
and take painkillers when necessary. In more serious cases some people are given X-ray treatment or injections
with therapeutic substances.
     NICE, however, say there is evidence that acupuncture may be more effective than expensive X-rays or
injections, so patients who have been suffering for over six weeks should be give a choice.
     As an alternative to acupuncture, patients will be able to choose either a course of spinal manipulation (用
针操作), or a series of special exercise sessions.
     In the UK, acupuncture is classed as a complementary therapy, which is the term given to a medical
procedure which hasn"t been subjected to the strict trials by which scientists prove some treatments work.
     While many experts have welcomed the move to make acupuncture available on the NHS, some are still
skeptical about its effectiveness.
     Research from the US earlier this month found that simulated acupuncture using toothpicks which do not
pierce the skin could be as good as using real needles.
     So while some are yet to be convinced, back pain sufferers will be hoping that acupuncture helps get them
feeling healthy and mobile again. Employers, on the other hand, will be hoping it gets them back to work.
1. What can be the best title for the passage?
A. The largest cause of sick leave in the UK
B. Different ways to treat back pain
C. Acupuncture in the UK
D. The ancient Chinese needle therapy
2. According to NICE, which of the following ways is more effective to treat back pain?
A. To stay active and do stretching exercises.
B. To take painkillers.
C. To take X-ray treatment or injection.
D. To use the Chinese needle therapy.
3. Which of the following statements about acupuncture is true?
A. Acupuncture costs less money and have slower effects than X-rays or injections.
B. Patients suffering back pain for a long time are more advised to use acupuncture.
C. Patients taking acupuncture have to take a course of spinal manipulation.
D. Doctors can use needles or toothpicks to perform acupuncture.
4. Why is acupuncture classed as a complementary therapy in the UK?
A. Some British don"t have trust in it.
B. Its medical procedure hasn"t been strictly tested scientifically.
C. The main British treatment is very effective.
D. It is not strict in the treatment.