阅读理解。     An Indian chief, Rising Sun, was concerned with how white men were exp

阅读理解。     An Indian chief, Rising Sun, was concerned with how white men were exp

阅读理解。     An Indian chief, Rising Sun, was concerned with how white men were expanding across the forests,
plains, and mountains. Since his tribe was very small, and he wouldn"t want them to be sent to reservations
(居留地), he came up with a plan to save the people.
     His son, Falling Rock, was a strong, intelligent, and trustworthy young man. He asked Falling, Rock to
travel across the whole of the country and talk to every tribe he met to convince them to join forces and
fight against the white men. Falling Rock left in the spring with 4 other braves.
     When the leaves fell, one brave retumed to Rising Sun to tell him that they had contacted all the tribes in
the desert SouthWest.
     When the snow began, another brave returned telling of their success with the Great Lakes tribes. A third
brave arrived home just as the spring flowers bloomed and told how the strong tribes of the Rocky Mountains
were ready. Finally, the last brave returned in high summer from the Eastem tribes with their promise to fight.
This last brave also said that Falling Rock was now racing back to all the tribes, telling them to meet at the
Mississippi river in the spring for the great war. When the snow melted, Rising Sun"s small tribe waited in the
Mississippi through spring and summer, but no other warriors (勇士) arrived. At the end of summer, Rising
Sun sent braves out to track down Falling Rock. He got the news that all the tribes had waited to hear when
the war was to take place, but Falling Rock had not been seen by any of them.
     The white soldiers surrounded Rising Sun"s tribe. Rising Sun knew they could never win. Rising Sun
promised to go peacefully to a reservation if the white men would help him find his lost son. This was a small
price for avoiding a fight so the white men agreed. 
     To this day, Rising Sun waits for his son to retum. And, to this day, the white men have held up their end
of bargain struck that day
. People across the country are still searching. That is why you will see signs along
the road that say, "Watch for Falling Rock". 1. What is Rising Sun"s plan to save his people? A. To join all the tribes" forces and fight against the white.
B. To send his son to travel to other tribes.
C. To fight alone against the white in the Mississippi.
D. To go to the reservation peacefully. 2. From the passage we know that _____. A. the Indian tribes were located mainly in the desert SouthWest, the Great Lakes area, the Rocky Mountains
    and the Mississippi river
B. Rising Sun"s small tribe waited in the Mississippi through spring and summer
C. Rising Sun"s request for searching for his son was refused by the white
D. Rising Sun fought against the white fiercely and was killed in the war 3. What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph? A. The white men cheated him that day.
B. The white men bought a bargain that day.
C. The white men kept their promise made on that day.
D. The white men was struck by him that day.
1-3: ABC
阅读理解。                                              How "Kangaroo" Became an Animal"s Name
     Early in the 18th century, Captain Cook, a famous explorer (探险家) of Australia, unexpectedly caught
sight of an unusual animal dunng his first visit to Australia. The animal had a large mouth-like head and jumped
along on its large legs. To his great surprise, the unusual animal carried its young in a special pocket of flesh.
Captain Cook pointed to the animal which was eating grass in the distance and asked his native guide what the
animal was referred to. The guide seemed not to know what he was pointing at and finally said Kangaroo,
which Cook carefully wrote down as the animal"s name in his word book. The Europeans who later got to
Australia were anxious to see the unusual animal "Kangaroo", but their requests were met with puzzled looks
of the native people. Before long they got to discover that the native guide who made the answer to Cook"s
question really meant, "I don"t know what you are pointing at." Funny enough, the name "Kangaroo" stuck
and it is still in use today. 1. Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea? A. Captain Cook"s guide had a sense of humor.
B. Native Australians could speak English in Cook"s time.
C. Some words have rather funny origins (起源, 由来).
D. Captain Cook was a lover of wild animals. 2. The main use for the animal"s flesh pocket is to _____. A. keep food
B. carry its babies
C. jump a long distance
D. store food and water 3. When the native guide said "Kangaroo", he really meant _____. A. "Ah, it is a special kind of animal."
B. "I wonder what you have said."
C. "I have no idea of what you are pointing at."
D. "What do you mean by pointing at that animal?" 4. The writer indirectly expresses that early in the 18th century _____. A. the native Australians and the European explorers were not friendly to each other
B. a common language was needed by the Europeans to communicate with the native in Australia
C. a great many Europeans showed great interest in Australia
D. a war against the European invaders (侵略者) was to break out 5. This passage hints (暗示) _____. A. we should learn many different languages
B. Captain Cook made a mistake in understanding
C. Captain Cook was a foolish explorer
D. the importance of a language in common
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阅读理解。     Paris is the capital city of the European nation of France. It is also one of the most beautiful and most
famous cities in the world.
     Paris is called the City of Light. It is also an international fashion centre. What women are wearing in
Paris will be worn by women all over the world. Paris is also a famous world centre of education. For
example, it is where the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
     The Seine River divides the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges cross this beautiful river. The oldest
and perhaps the most well-known is the Point Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century. The Sorbonne,
a famous university, stands on the left bank (south side) of the river. The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur
lies on the top of the hill called Montmartre on the right bank (north side) of the Seine.
     There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum, the Louvre, as well as the
Notre Dame. However, the most famous building in this city is Eiffel Tower.
     Paris as well as the Cathedral of Notre Dame is named after a group of people called the Parisaii. They
built a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island,
called the He de la Cite, is where Notre Dame lies. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area. 1. Why is Paris regarded as a fashion centre in the world? A. Because the clothes there are the most expensive in the world.
B. Because there is the largest collection of the clothes in Paris.
C. Because Paris has the most beautiful clothes in the world.
D. Because Paris plays a leading role in the fashion world. 2. The Point Neuf was built in _____. A. the 1500s
B. the 1600s
C. the 1700s
D. the 1800s 3. From the passage we know Paris is named after _____. A. a group of people
B. a famous river
C. a famous museum
D. a famous writer 4. We can conclude that Notre Dame is _____. A. on the left bank of the Seine River
B. on the right bank of the Seine River
C. on neither bank of the Seine River
D. in Louvre 5. Paris is famous for the following EXCEPT _____.

A. fashion
B. some bridges
C. the Sorbonne
D. the Eiffel Tower

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信息匹配。请阅读下列旅游景点的信息,并按照要求匹配信息。 A. Leigongshan Nature Reserve (保护区)
     Located 15 kilometres east of Kaili, Guizhou Province, Leigongshan is the most fascinating scenic area
of the Miaoling Mountains. It gained its reputation as a National Nature Reserve because of its abundance
of overlapping (与……重叠) mountain ridges, flourishing verdant plants, valuable and rare animals, and
historical war remams.
B. Wuyi Mountain
     The Wuyi Mountain is situated in the middle of the Wuyi Mountain range. The Nine Twist Stream, a
meandering brook running 9 kilometres through the mountain, has been designated as a key national scenic
spot. A great many scholars and poets like Zhu Xi, Lu You and Xin Qiji visited and lectured here. As a
result, a valuable cultural heritage (遗产) has been preserved (保存, 保护).
C. Hengshan Mountain (South Mountain)
     There are five sacred mountains in China, among which Hengshan Mountain in Hunan is the most famous
for its natural scenery. It has 72 peaks and extends 150 kilometres, with 800 miles in cir curnference. The
mountain consists of 72 peaks. It runs 150 kilometres in extend, and possesses the reputation of Buddhism
and Taoist culture of China.
D. Mountain Tai
     Mountain Tai is the first mountain in the 5 high mountains. It lies in the middle of Shandong Province.
There are 4 natural remarkable spectacles. They are sunrise, sunset glow, cloudy sea and yellow river. The
pines and cypresses on the mountain still stand firmly. Their branches and leaves heap up a lot of snow,
which shine brightly under the sunshine.
E. Luoxiao Mountain
     Luoxiao Mountain lies on the border between Hunan Province and Jiangxi Province. It is where China"s
revolution started. High peaks and thick forests contribute to making the mountain quite steep. Luoxiao
Mountain is rich in natural resources with a forest coverage rate of 64%. More than 3,800 different plants
grow here, including over 30 rare tree species and over 20 rare animal species.
F. Mt. Huangshan
     Mt. Huangshan is bound to be one of the most visited tourist destinations in the 21st century. Old residences,
archways, clan temples, ancient bridges and pagodas (宝塔) are abundant. Mt. Huangshan is famous for the
uniquely shaped pines, the fantastic rock peaks, the sea of clouds and the hot springs. The mystic clouds drift
in and out, changing the scenery from minute to minute. 请阅读下面5个人的特点,然后将他们与想去的旅游景点匹配起来。
(     )1. Peter intends to go to a famous mountain for a holiday. As he is into Chinese classical literature and
works, he is sure to consider something like that when he chooses a mountain to visit.
(     )2. Jacky is from Australia. He has never been to a really high mountain before. So he is eager to visit a
famous Chinese mountain. Jacky particularly enjoys the beautiful scenery on the top of a mountain in the early
morning watching the sun rising.
(     )3. Susan is a university student in LA. She has just got a holiday, but as she is doing a research on how
religion or ancient Chinese doctrines have influenced Chinese people, she will not lose any chance for her
(     )4. Smith, a German exchange student, extremely adores Chairman Mao Zedong. He is told that if he visits
the mountain he can feel the beginning of Chairman Mao Zedong"s revolutionary cause, otherwise he will feel
regretful in his later life if he misses it. 
(     )5. George is 8 photographer from a Canadian journal. He likes to take pictures of remarkable scenery,
especially the lightning in a thunder storm and the change of clouds. It is said that he can make it in a well-
known mountain
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阅读理解。     In World War Ⅱ, a large and strong German army marched (行军) to France for making a war against
the Frenchmen. The Frenchmen, a brave group of people, loved their own country deeply. They put their
hearts into fighting hard to drive their enemies out of France. But it looked as if the German army would
win the war because there were so many Germans in the battle.
     One night, the leader of the Frenchmen was forced to withdraw (撤退) his soldiers to the top of a tall
building after a dissatisfactory war. "We will have a rest here tonight, my men," he said, "Tomorrow we
will fight one more serious battle. We must win or we will all die." At that time, they were all so tired that
they soon fell asleep after they ate their supper quickly. There were only four guards on duty. But they
were also very exhausted and fell asleep one by one.
     The foxy Germans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the building. Slowly they went
up the building carefully making no noise. Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Frenchmen. They
almost reached the top. The war would be over a few minutes later. Suddenly, an earthquake shook and the
building was destroyed right away. Most soldiers of both sides fell down and were buried under the useless
pieces of the building. Terribly, the war ended with an unbelievable result. 1. Why did the Germans and the Frenchmen go to war? A. Because there were too many German soldiers living in France.
B. Because the Frenchmen wanted to drive the Germans out of France.
C. Because the Germans got many things from France.
D. Because the Germans failed in marching through France. 2. What did the Frenchmen"s withdraw mean? A. They had no other way to fight against the Germans.
B. They had to face the failure of the battle.
C. They would fight a more serious battle the next day.
D. They would be forced to give in the next day. 3. In the end, what happened in the war? A. The Germans won the war.
B. The Frenchmen beat the Germans.
C. Both sides had no chance to win the war.
D. The earthquake helped the Frenchmen win the war.
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根据短文内容及提示完成短文。     At the end of the 16th century, about seven million people spoke English. l.________ (几乎) all of them
lived in England. As people from England started 2.________ to other parts of the world, English began to
be 3. ________ in many other countries. Now more people speak English than ever 4.________.
5. ________ English speakers can understand each other even 6. ________ they don"t speak the same kind
of English. 7. ________, they may not be able to understand everything.
     All languages change when cultures communicate with each other. Now American English and Australian
English have their own 8.________. English is also spoken in many other countries in Africa and Asia, such
as South Africa, India, Singapore and Malaysia. Today the number of people learning English in China
9.________ increasing 10.________. In future Chinese English will become one of the world Englishes.
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