Sushi is a kind of food made with a mixture of cooked or raw fish, vegetables, a

Sushi is a kind of food made with a mixture of cooked or raw fish, vegetables, a

Sushi is a kind of food made with a mixture of cooked or raw fish, vegetables, and rice. Although Sushi is most commonly considered to have its origin in Japan, it actually began in China during the 7th Century.
At that time, any fish caught had to be preserved. Raw fish was cleaned and then pressed between layers of heavy salt. After a couple of months, the whole process was complete. Over time, a discovery was made that by rolling the fish in rice that had been soaked in vinegar the fish was easily fermented (发酵) in a few days rather than months. The rice was then thrown away and the fish was eaten. However, with a food shortage, people began consuming the rice as well as the fish and thus, Sushi today as we know was born. However, in the 1800s, a famous chef by the name of Yohei created two styles of Sushi—one called Edo, and the second, Osaka, for two cities.
Sushi is usually consumed with hot green tea. Also, Gari is offered free and eaten between bites to create a better taste. Two kinds of sauce are usually available: one is soy sauce, which is poured on most kinds of Sushi; the other is a thick sweet sauce used on eel (鳗鱼).
Sushi has taken the world by storm and today is a multi-billion dollar industry. Its popularity continues to rise because people are looking for healthy food that is quick and easy to make. With such unbelievable popularity as well as the health benefits of eating Sushi, it is likely that this food will continue to be a part of everyday life for many more centuries to come.
小题1:Two kinds of Sushi, Edo and Osaka, were probably named after _______.
A.the chef’s nameB.their birthplaces
C.the name of fishD.some kinds of food
小题2:When people eat Sushi, Gari is used to _______.
A.keep Sushi last long
B.make green tea better
C.digest Sushi more quickly
D.make Sushi more delicious
小题3:Why do people like Sushi today?
A.It is cheap and delicious.
B.It is served with free Gari.
C.It is beneficial to people’s health.
D.It is easy to be kept for a long time.
小题4:What can be the best title for the text?
A.Delicious Sushi and Its Origin
B.How to Make Delicious Sushi
C.Yohei and Two Styles of Sushi
D.The Birthplace of Sushi—China



小题1:B考查考生简单推断的能力。据第三段 “However, in the 1800s, a famous chef by the name of Yohei created two styles of Sushi—one called Edo, and the second, Osaka, for  the two cities.” 可知一位名叫洋平的日本厨师发明了两种寿司:一种叫江户寿司,另一种叫大阪寿司,因大阪这座城市而得名,故选B。
小题2:D考查考生简单推断的能力。据第四段 “Gari is offered free and eaten between bites to freshen the mouth.”, 可知餐馆供应免费的Gari 在每口之间食用,用来提鲜,故选D。
For as early as I could remember, my mother had been a bright, cheerful woman deeply interested and involved in the world around her. However, in the last fifteen years of her life, she had to live with senile dementia (老年痴呆). I would go to my home to pay her a visit in California and she would curiously look at me and then ask, “Who are you?” I would answer, “I’m your own son, of course.” “Where do you live?” She would ask. “In Virginia”, I would tell her. “Isn’t that interesting,” she would say, “I have a son in Virginia.”
Mother seemed only forgetful as well as confused at the beginning of that disease, but sometime later she would go through different time of intense anxiety. She would keep walk ing through the house she used to live in most of her life crying uneasily that she would like to go home. Or sometimes she left home and wandered away if she were unattended for a short time.
Hoping to make her happy and put her mind at ease I would take her in my car, visiting sites where she used to live when she was a child. In the yard of the hillside house in Shipman I sat in the car and admired the view of the old oaks and long green lawn(草坪). I pictured my mother there was a little girl playing with the pet lamb she had been so fond of. I looked to her for some response. She shook her head and said, “I want to go home.”
Over the years I have decided that what my mother was calling home was not a place, but a time. I think it was a time when she was much younger, when her children were still underfoot, when her husband was still energetic and attentive.
Watching my mother’s suffering set me wondering where I would have in mind if someday I couldn’t find home and wanted to go there. In this family we tend to be long-lived and we grow fuzzy (糊涂的) minded as the years go by. At eighty I have already noticed some alarming symptoms. My doctor says the forgetfulness is only natural and that it comes with age. Still the fear of senile dementia is haunting there. Someday if and when I become even more cloudy minded than I am now, unable to drive and unable to tell you where "home" is, my dear son, I expect I will ask you to take me home, I know you will do your best to find the place I need to be. I leave these notes for your guidance.
小题1:What’s the main idea of the first and second paragraphs?
A.The mother of the author could not find her home.
B.The mother of the author could not remember who’s his son.
C.The author’s mother suffered with serious senile dementia.
D.The author didn’t know how to cure his mother.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the symptom of the mother of the author?
A.forgetful B.confusedC.cheerfulD.uneasy
小题3:What’s the meaning of the underlined word “picture”?
小题4:What can you infer from the third paragraph?
A.The author cared much about his mother.
B.The mother of the author liked pet lambs very much.
C.The author found a very little girl who was playing with a pet lamb.
D.The mother of the author did not like her usual home.
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Where Is Home? B.A story about a son and a mother.
C.Everyone will suffer with senile dementia.D.Take Mother Home.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Dear Alcohol,
You’ve been around forever. I can remember all the pain you’ve caused for me.
Do you remember the night you almost took my father’s life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He’s addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn’t the only one hurt by you that night.
Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends were intrigued by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely. “I’m so embarrassed,” they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit (呕吐). “I’m sorry,” they said when I called taxies for them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. “This won’t happen again,” they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.
Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn’t realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it’s all your fault.
I wish you’d walk out of my life forever. I don’t want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you’ve caused. Sure, you’ve made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you’ve caused in the lives of millions is inexcusable. Stop luring (引诱) in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please.
小题1:What is author’s purpose in writing to alcohol?
A.To introduce Mr. Alcohol to the readers
B.To describe the harm alcohol did to his family.
C.To show how much alcohol can hurt people.
D.To show the great fun that alcohol can bring to people’s life.
小题2:What did alcohol do to the author’s father?
A.It made him crash into two other cars and took his life.
B.It made him drink too much and he had to get his stomach pumped.
C.It made him kill two other people when driving.
D.It made him get into a car accident and badly injure himself.
小题3:The underlined phrase “were intrigued by” is closest in meaning to ______.
A.were familiar withB.were interested in
C.were disappointed withD.were satisfied with
小题4:What is the tone of the article?
小题5:What is the main writing technique of the passage?
A.Making something more noticeable than usual.
B.Representing something in the form of a person.
C.Describing something by listing its harmfulness.
D.Comparing one thing with another to make his point clear.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Thank you for trusting me. I enjoy exchanging my ideas with yours
The first thing I want to tell you is that if the boys are calling you names it is their fault, not yours. Boys, at your age, are different from girls. They are trying to prove that they are manly and then often do this by picking on someone who can’t really fight back. This is, of course, wrong but it happens. In general, the boys know they are bigger and stronger than you are, so they can make fun of you and make you cry and then laugh about it. If you let them see that they are hurting you, they will only do it more. It isn’t that they want to hurt you; they simply want to make themselves feel superior(优越的). It’s stupid, but it is common.
In English we say “ sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.” Canadian children learn this from their mothers because the same thing that is happening to you in China also happens here. The best ways of getting the boys to stop calling your names is to simply ignore them, knowing that the names can’t hurt you and that the boys are being stupid. If you can laugh at them they will get tired of trying to make you cry and they’ll give up. It won’t be easy, but, trust me, it will work. There is also something else working in your favor and that is that you are growing up and the boys are beginning to notice you as a young woman. I suspect some of them actually like you and are making fun of you just to get your attention. Again, it’s stupid but it happens. In reality, you can control this situation by not letting them see you getting hurt. Laugh at them, tell them they’re acting like children and they should grow up and then walk away with your head held high.
One more thing, Nancy. It is very important that you stop hurting yourself. If someone else hurts you, it is bad enough but you should’t make it worse by then hurting yourself. Even sticking a pen into your finger can cause an infection and give you a lot of trouble and besides, it hurts. The next time you are disturbed by a group of stupid boys, write to me. You and I can talk about anything you like; about China, about Canada, about travel, anything. Having a conversation with me is better than sticking holes in your fingers, at least I hope it is.
小题1:It can be learned from the passage that the writer is        .
A.a Englishman
C.Nancy’s schoolmateD.Nancy’s father
小题2:Nancy hurt herself because she      .
A.couldn’t prevent the boys taking interest in her
B.felt it her own fault to be called names by boys
C.found herself more stupid than the boys
D.wanted the boys to see her hurt by herself
小题3:We can learn that the boys call Nancy names mainly because they        .
A.want to prove manlyB.are bigger and stronger
C.mean to hurt NancyD.actually like Nancy
小题4:The best way for Nancy to stop being called names is to        . to the writerB.cry and hurt herself
C.fight back and ignore themD.stick holes in her fingers

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Tourism has the power to bring jobs and economic development to popular destination(目的地), but how should travelers decide where to spend their money? Are some countries more deserving of visitors’ dollars than others?
That’s the idea behind the 10-destination list put together by San Francisco-based non-profit Ethical(有道德的)Traveler, which since 2006,has published an annual guide to the World’s Best Ethical Destinations in the developing world.
“Instead of publishing countries for doing bad things,” said Jeff Greenwald, executive director of Ethical Traveler, “we’re trying to offer a favor, rewarding countries in the developing world that are really trying to do the right thing.”
So which countries are the most ethical? For 2013,the winners are Barbados, Cape Verde, Costa Rica, Ghana, Latvia ,Lithuania, Mauritius, Palau, Samoa and Uruguay.
Those 10 countries scored highest in three main areas: social welfare, environmental protection and human rights.
Greenwald explained that countries must have a good tourism infrastructure(基础建设)to make the list, but the non-profit Ethical Traveler also uses the list to promote(提倡)some under-visited places that can be a role model for other countries in their region. For example, Latvia earned high marks for improving its environmental efforts and strong human rights record, and the country’s parks and nature reserves make for a great off-the-beaten-path ecotourism trip.
In addition to just visiting these countries, travelers should aim to spend their money in locally-owned business, Greenwald said, to ensure their financial support stays in the country they’re visiting. However, that requires a well-maneged tourism infrastructure. While one could argue those poor places need the money even more, tourism can put pressure on countries that face such challenges.
Erica Avrami, research and education director at the World Monuments Fund(WMF) said that a list of ethical destinations is “a wonderful idea”, the idea of being ethical goes both ways. “There’s also a certain responsibility on the part of the traveler to make sure their own footprint is as minimal as possible,” she said. 
小题1:The passage mainly aims to _______.
A.promote ethical destinations
B.encourage ecotourism trips
C.speed up the development of tourism
D.discuss which countries are ethical destinations
小题2:According to the fifth paragraph Latvia can make the list partially for its _______.
A.good tourism infrastructureB.regular ecotourism trip
C.strong human rights recordD.good social welfares
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Tourism fails to help develop local economy and provide jobs.
B.All the destinations should equally share the money spent by visitors.
C.Ethical Traveler punishes the developing countries for doing wrong things.
D.Ethical Traveler rewards the developing countries for doing the right thing.
小题4:In the eyes of Erica Avrami  _______.
A.being ethical is not actually a wonderful idea
B.being ethical depends on both travelers and destinations are advised to travel as far as possible should leave as much footprint as possible

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
You love Jay Chou"s songs and you can sing some quite well. So you make a video of your performance and post it online for your friends to see. But what if this led to something beyond your wildest
imagination—a career in music?
Canadian teenager Justin Bieber, 16, has just had the magical experience: He posted homemade videos of his versions of songs by American singer Chris Brown online for his relatives. He received a phone call from Brown, telling him how much he liked his performance. His singing eventually earned him a fan base and a record contract. After releasing a popular record in November 2009, his album My world 2.0 came out last Tuesday.
Bieber sings ballads(民歌)and songs about puppy love. But is he just another gooey (甜腻的) teen idol? David Malitz, a columnist with the Washington Post, doesn"t think so. “If we truly want the best forAmerican children, let us pause and give thanks for Justin Bieber,” he writes. “After years of humdrum bubblegum (乏味的摇滚舞曲) from Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, the 16­year­old has thrown a candy­coated wrench (扭转) into Disney"s heartthrob (甜心) assembly line by giving young fans something worth screaming their lungs out for lovable pop songs.”
From a boy who grew up below the poverty line with his divorced mom to a star who caused near­riots (近乎失控) in shopping malls, even Bieber himself can"t believe his overnight fame, although his kind of success is becoming more and more common in the Internet era.
Interested in hockey, the national sport of Canada, the boy once put up pictures of players on the walls of his bedroom. He dreamed of being a hockey star and used to practice signing his autograph. He doesn"t need practice now. He signs autographs, if the girls can get close enough, as a music star.
小题1:What did Chris Brown think of Justin Bieber"s singing?
A.He didn"t like it.B.He liked it very much.
C.He didn"t say anything.D.He supported Justin Bieber.
小题2:What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?
A.He had a happy family.
B.His family was very poor once.
C.His family was rich.
D.His family helped him a lot.
小题3:What"s Justin Bieber"s hobby?
A.Singing.B.Hockey.C.Signing.D.Making records.
小题4:What"s the best title of the passage?
A.Justin Bieber"s overnight singing online.
B.Justin Bieber"s common experience.
C.Justin Bieber"s life.
D.Justin Bieber"s records.

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