Poor weather. Technical difficulties. These are some of the typical causes of ca

Poor weather. Technical difficulties. These are some of the typical causes of ca

Poor weather. Technical difficulties. These are some of the typical causes of cancelled trains and planes. But sometimes, the excuse can be a lot more trivial.
Just recently, passengers waiting for a train to Peterborough heard the following announcement, “For reasons beyond our control, we regret to inform passengers that the 13:46 Train to Peterborough has been cancelled. The next train will be arriving on Platform in approximately 36 minutes.”
Oh, well, another delayed train, thought most passengers. But a couple of them decided to enquire further. Incredibly, they were informed that the real reason for the non-arrival of the train was that the driver refused to do his job because his seat was wet.
“A wet seat? That’s got to be a joke,” said one passenger angrily. “I wouldn’t normally complain if the train is just a bit delayed, but this was unbelievable, ” he added. “What really made me angry is that this driver refused to get in the train,” said another passenger. “He probably went off for a cup of tea after that!” she added.
A spokesperson for the rail company apologized for the incident, but said the driver couldn’t sit on the damp seat, and wouldn’t be able to drive the train standing up. The spokesperson went on to explain that the seat had become wet after water entered through an open window when the train was being cleaned in a “train wash”
In another transport-related incident, a flight from Chicago to Frankfurt made an emergency landing in Canada after the pilot spilled his coffee. Apparently, the spilt liquid caused the plane’s radio to send out “transponder code 7500”, which is used to inform ground control that there’s been a hi-jacking (劫机). After landing in Toronto, the 255 passengers crew members were put up in a hotel for the night, then flown on to Frankfurt the following afternoon. “What a disgusting trip!” said one tired passenger after the painful experience had ended.
So, does your job have the potential to cause such disorder?
小题1:Why did the driver of the train refused to do his job?
A.His seat was damp.B.His pay was low
C.The weather was terribleD.His coffee was spilled
小题2:The underlined word “trivial” in Paragraph 1 means “____”.
小题3:The flight made an emergency landing in Canada because “_______”.
A.the plane was hijacked
B.the plane engines went wrong
C.the pilot ran out of coffee
D.the plane’s radio sent out a wrong signal
小题4:Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Wet seat, Canceled Train!
B.Spilled Coffee, Emergency Landing!
C.Small Incident, Big Disruptions!
D.Innocent Driver, Angry Passengers!



小题1:根据第三段“the real reason for the non-arrival of the train was that the driver refused to do his job because his seat was wet”可知,火车司机罢工的原因是司机座位是湿的。根据第五段“couldn’t sit on the damp seat”可知,damp与wet同义。故选A。
小题2:根据第一段“Poor weather. Technical difficulties...But sometimes...”和第三段“because his seat was wet”可知,除了天气、技术上的原因,有时候,延误或取消的原因是微不足道的,从第三段的例子也能看出。故选B。
小题3:根据倒数第二段“the spilt liquid caused the plane’s radio to send out “transponder code 7500”, which is used to inform ground control that there’s been a hi-jacking (劫机)”可知,洒出来的咖啡导致飞机的无线电发出错误的信号。故选D。
小题4:A、B只是众多例子中的两个,太过片面;D项“司机无辜 乘客发怒”是不正确的总结,火车司机仅仅因为座位是湿的就拒绝开车,是不负责任的行为。故选C。
Until the twentieth century cigarettes were not an important threat to public health. Men used tobacco mainly in the form of cigars. They chewed tobacco, piped tobacco, and snuffed. Most women did not use tobacco at all.
The cigarette industry began in 1870s with the development of the cigarette manufacturing machine. This made it possible to produce great numbers of cigarettes very quickly, and it reduced the price.
Today cigarette smoking is a widespread habit. About forty-three percent of the adult men and thirty-one percent of the adult women in the United States smoke cigarettes regularly. It is encouraging to note, however, that millions of people have quit smoking. Seventy-five percent of the male population and forty-six percent of the female population have smoked cigarettes for some time during their lives, but twenty-six percent of these men and eleven percent of the women have stopped smoking. The number of persons who have given up smoking is increasing. Men as a group smoke more than women. Among both men and women the age group with the highest proportion of smokers is the age group 24—44.
Income, education, and occupation all play a part in determining a person’s smoking habit. City people smoke more than people living on farms. Well-educated men with high incomes are less likely to smoke cigarettes than men with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, if a well-educated man with a higher income smokes, he’s likely to smoke more packs of cigarettes per day.
The situation is somewhat different for women. There are slightly more smokers among women with higher family incomes and higher education than among the lower income and lower educational groups. These more highly educated women tend to smoke more heavily.
Among teenagers the picture is similar. There are fewer teenager smokers from upper-income, well-educated families, and also fewer from families living in farm areas. High school students who are preparing for college are less likely to smoke than those who don’t plan to continue their education after high school. Children are most likely to start smoking if one or both of their parents smoke.
小题1:The underlined word “picture” in the last paragraph probably means _____________.
小题2:Which group of people smoked more according to the passage?
A.The group of women.B.The group of teenagers.
C.The group of men.D.The group of old people.
小题3:Which of the following factors will be likely to decide whether a person smokes or not?
A.Income and sex.B.Education and occupation
C.Sex and age.D.All the above.
小题4:According to the passage, if a teenager doesn’t plan to go to college, and if his parents both smoke, he will ________________.
A.probably not smoke in the future.
B.probably start to smoke in the future.
C.persuade his parents to give up smoking.
D.hate his parents as well as other smokers.
小题5:Which of the following isn’t true?
A.It wasn’t until the twentieth century that cigarettes became an important threat to public.
B.More and more people are giving up smoking.
C.A poorly-educated woman with lower income is more likely to smoke than a well-educated woman with high income.
D.There are the most smokers in the age group of 24-44.

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If you"re like a lot of married guys, you don"t need to be reminded about men being from Mars or women from Venus. Chances are that you"re all too familiar with the feeling that you and your wife are from different worlds. When married people start noticing their fundamental differences, it can lead to a breakdown in communication. The way to have a successful marriage is through communication, common ground and understanding. Here are some pointers to guide you in the right direction.
Rather than ending up in an endless back and forth, forget about the issue for a minute. Instead, think about how you feel she"s acting toward you and ask her if that"s how she feels about you. If you think she"s being unfair, ask her if she thinks you"re being unfair. Switching the focus to that shared feeling can help your wife see things from your point of view.
It"s important to accept the fact that there"s a two-way street between you and your wife. If you think she doesn"t make enough of an effort to see things from your point of view, you have to ask yourself if you"re making an effort to see it her way.
Realize nobody can wave a magic wand to make you and your wife completely understand each other all the time. Many couples have an extremely close friendship and do almost everything together before they"re married. Once you"ve tied the knot, you may begin to notice that you"re not as alike as you once thought.
It seems obvious, but some guys get fooled into thinking their wife will be as excited about all of their interests and hobbies as they are. Don"t be surprised when you find out that she"s not just like "one of the guys." Sooner or later you"ll realize that she might be going along with some of your interests just to make you happy.
Rather than feel offended if you find out she"s not as into your favorite hobby as you thought, appreciate the effort she put into making you happy. Swallow your pride and try to take part in some of her hobbies, too, even if you might be a little put off at first. While you"re not going to be trying on makeup with her, you could try baking a recipe together.
If either of you is always giving everything and getting nothing in return, there"s going to be bitterness. The best marriages are built on compromise. You knew you were going to have to give and take for your marriage to work; now it"s time to make it happen.
小题1:What is the best title of the text?
A.How to manage your marriage.
B.How to make a good husband
C.How to make a good wife.
D.How to get her to speak your language.
小题2: The best subtitle of the 6th paragraph is ________.
A.Swallow your pride (at least sometimes) B.Find out her hobbies
C.Don’t get offendedD.Try to make up
小题3:Which of the following is not good for keeping a successful marriage?
A.Focus on the feeling to get past the disagreement.
B.Don"t play the blame game.
C.She won"t always understand you (but that"s OK).
D.Try to understand each other all the way.
小题4: According to the last paragraph, it’s important for the husband and wife to__________.
A.forgive and forgetB.give and take
C.live and let liveD.get everything and return nothing
小题5:The underlined phrase in the 6th paragraph probably mean________.
A.delay sthB.arrange sthC.dislike sthD.worsen sth

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KFC(肯德基), one of the most famous fast-food chains, saw its reputation in China shaken because of “quick chicken”. Recent years, KFC has ever shocked us more than once because of its food safety, which made itself in severe trust crisis. Now it greatly surprised us again owing to the poultry(禽肉)incident. We could never believe it should have cheated us again and again. In fact, as a well-known restaurant chain, KFC’s business records at China’s is not very good. There’s no doubt that the very incident has made things worse and worse.
However, what surprised us is that although a series of misdeeds had reduced KFC’s reputation, its business is increasing. What’s more, KFC just made a so-called apology after what had happened, the content of which is not responsible at all for the public. As a matter of fact, this is not an ordinary chance incident. Recent years have seen so many food-safety problems in China, such as wasted oil, lean meat powder(瘦肉精), melamine(三聚氰胺), which has done great damage to people’s life. We don’t know what can be eaten and how much harmful food we have eaten. Now it is not wars and natural disasters but everyday food safety that has been a great risk to human health.
So what can be done to prevent our health from being damaged? To begin with, the related departments should strengthen laws to stop such illegal products from being produced. In addition, it would be a good idea to call on the media to perform its further function to monitor the businesses, factories and traders. Besides, everybody should be made aware of the risks of harmful food and only in this way can people improve their self-protection. In a word, everyone should play a role in making our food safer and better in quality. Meanwhile, the government and the related departments should take their responsibilities for people’s health.
小题1:According to the text, we can learn that KFC made itself in severe trust crisis________.
A.because it had food safety problems many times
B.because it is one of the most famous fast-food chains
C.no people went to it
D.many people don’t like it
小题2:From the passage, we learn that after the “quick chicken” incident ________.
A.KFC was closed
B.KFC apologized to the public though it was not sincere
C.no people went to KFC
D.there is no longer chicken in KFC
小题3:We can learn that the author thinks that people’s health is in danger because of ________.
A.warB.natural disasterC.food safetyD.disease
小题4:The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.introduce some food safety incidentsB.make people not support KFC
C.ask people not to eat fast foodD.appeal to people for food safety

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“Have a nice day!” may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression. When my friend Maxie says “Have a nice day” with a smile, I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me. I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well.
“Have a nice day. Next!” This version of the expression is spoken by a salesgirl at the supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out the door. The words come out in the same tone(腔调)with a fixed procedure. They are spoken at me, not to me. Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone else’s is the management’s attempt to increase business.
The expression is one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other. Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting. As soon as you hear it, you know the meeting is at an end. Sometimes the expression saves us when we don’t know what to say. “Oh, you just had a tooth out? I’m terribly sorry, but have a nice day.”
The expression can be pleasant. If a stranger says “Have a nice day” to you, you may find it heart-warming because someone you don’t know has tried to be nice to you.
Although the use of the expression is an insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that it is a little uninteresting. The salesgirl, the waitress, the teacher, and all the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, it’s nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really don’t care all that much. While the expression may not often be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.
小题1: How does the author understand Maxie’s words?
A.Maxie shows her anxiety to the author.
B.Maxie really wishes the author a good day.
C.Maxie encourages the author to stay happy.
D.Maxie really worries about the author’s security.
小题2: What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.The salesgirl is rude.
B.The salesgirl is bored.
C.The salesgirl cares about me.
D.The salesgirl says the words as a routine.
小题3:By saying “Have a nice day,” a stranger may    
A.try to be polite to youB.express respect to you
C.give his blessing to youD.share his pleasure with you
小题4:According to the last paragraph, people say “Have a nice day”    
A.sincerelyB.as thanks
C.as a habitD.encouragingly
小题5: What is the best title of the passage?
A.Have a Nice Day — a Social Custom
B.Have a Nice Day — a Pleasant Gesture
C.Have a Nice Day — a Heart-warming Greeting
D.Have a Nice Day — a Polite Ending of a Conversation

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When I was 8, a gentleman came to my orphanage(孤儿院) every week to lead us in woodworking projects. I remember the night that I finished my first project. It was a small table and I looked upon it as though I had created a life. I could        wait to give it to Mother Winters, our orphanage’s leader, as a       .
Since the tables’ coating was still       , the man asked us to wait a while before taking our tables to our dormitories. But I couldn’t wait. I dashed out the door in a       , carrying my table, smiling from ear to ear.
“It is very pretty,” Mother Winter smiled at me. When she touched the coating she noticed that it was still wet. Then she asked me why I had brought. I stood with       down. “Were you supposed to bring this home?” she asked. “No, ma’am, ” I said.
Mother Winters kicked the table over and all of the legs were        off. She made me throw the table outside. After Mother Winters left, I went out to get my little table. There was dirt all over it.        silently, I hid the ruined table in my closet. A year later I gave it to Mother Henderson, my houseparent, to       .
Thirty years later I learned Mother Henderson was living in Asheville, North Carolina, so I drove up to see her. She gently asked me to come down to her basement and help her get something       . “Do you remember that?” she asked,        into a dark corner. I did. I could not speak for fear of crying. “Roger, I want you to        it.” Mother Henderson gave me back the little        that I had given up for lost so long ago. She had kept it, never       if she would see me again.
Today, I look at the table with bittersweet memories. I think of when Mother Winters forced me to throw it away. But I am also      and joyful at the kindness of Mother Henderson, who kept it as a remembrance of a young orphan who tried very hard to       .
A.put awayB.throw awayC.take awayD.wash away
A.excitedB.comfortedC.amused D.entertained

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