Recently in the hope of earning both money and social experience, I became a doo

Recently in the hope of earning both money and social experience, I became a doo

Recently in the hope of earning both money and social experience, I became a door-trw door salesman.
I once read a saying. “If somebody wants something of yours, you will be treated as warmly as spring, but if they don’t you may be treated as coldly as winter.” You may consider this an exaggeration (夸张), but if you are a salesman, it is clearly correct.
You would never have found it to be so true if you hadn’t been a salesman. You needn’t stand doubtful looks and unfriendly comments; you needn’t listen to something completely wrong and nod to say that it was quite right, you needn’t worry about being refused time after time; you needn’t always keep patience and a smile; you needn’t repeat the same sentences over and over again; you needn’t talk to somebody you dislike ....
I did this work for a month, then I decided to give it up; Apart from the reasons above, I found I was paying too much attention to the job and thus sacrificing my study time. The latest test result proved that my grades were getting worse.
Even worse, I hadn’t enough time to join my classmates in college activities. Some times 1 felt lonely and unhappy because of both my study and my part-time job. Now I don’t think it is worth doing such a thing for even though I was earning money it came at great cost.
Newspapers and magazines often publish stories about excellent students who do part-time work while also keeping high scores in class. But according to my experience, park-time work can have some strong negative influences on study.
Most students don’t view the relationship between study and work correctly. In my opinion, if it isn’t a must for financial reasons, students should be careful about taking up a part-time job.
小题1: From the text, we can tell that the writer is _____. unemployed manB.a middle-school student
C.a college studentD.a door-to-door salesman
小题2:Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word “sacrificing”? 
A.LosingB.Wasting C.UsingD.Getting
小题3:The writer thought_____. 
A.doing a part-time job was unnecessary
B.part-time jobs had good effect upon study was hard to deal with the relationship between study and work
D.part-time jobs would be good for every college student
小题4:What would be the best title for the text _____.
A.Part-time Jobs Are UsefulB.Part-time Jobs Can Cost Dear
C.Students Shouldn’t Take Part-time JobsD.Part-time Jobs Are Important to Many Students



In the winter vocation of 2008, I was fixed with a job. I worked as a(n) 21  at Mr Breen’s  fruit shop. The fruit shop did good business. Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighborhood, 22_ he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars. Mr Breen 23 them all by names and they sometimes even had their order already made up, always 24  me to carry it out to their car. They were clearly longstanding customers, and I 25 they must have stayed faithful to him because he had  promised to sell good quality fruits. He had a way with them---- I had to 26  that. He called every woman “madam” for a start, 27 those who clearly were not, but when he said it, it did not sound like flattery(恭维). It just sounded 28  in an old-fashioned way. He was a great chatter  29 . If he did not know them, he would greet them with a few  30  about the weather,  31 he did, he would ask about their families or make  32 , always cutting his cloth 33  his customers. Whatever their bills came to, he 34  gave them back the few odd pence(零钱), and I was sure they thought he was very generous. But I thought he was the opposite. He never threw anything away. He was always looking for  35 for nothing.
小题9: usualC.eitherD.also
A.and thenB.and soC.even ifD.but if
A.according toB.due toC.instead ofD.up to

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The story of English language is a story of change.The old English language, or old English, is quite different from Modern English.If we do not study old English, we can’t understand it.Some of the words are the same, but many are not used now.The story of the English language begins some time after the year 400 AD.At this time, some people came to England from North-west Europe.There were many groups of people.They were called Angles (盎格鲁人), Saxons(撒克逊人)and Jutes(朱特人),whose language, old English, is like some of the modern language of North-West Europe.In old English, the ending had many meanings.They showed past time and present time and many other things.In Modern English, most of these endings are gone.This is the biggest difference between Old and Modern English.
小题1:What does the first sentence of the passage mean?
A.The story of English language often changes.
B.English is a language that has changed a lot as time passes by.
C.The old English language has changed into Modern English.
D.The story of English language is one of how people change the language.
小题2:Old English has a story of ______.
A.2,500 yearsB.more than 1,600 years
C.2,300 yearsD.more than 400 years
小题3:Old English was first used by the people from ______.
A.Old EnglishB.English
C.North-West EnglishD.North-West Europe
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true about Old English?
A.The endings of words gave different special meanings.
B.It is easy for most English-speakers today to understand the language.
C.Its words are very different from those Modern English.
D.It was spoken by many groups of the people from North-West Europe.

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Almost all theme park accidents can be prevented.Here, based on coverage of theme park safety, are some tips to help you and your family stay safe on your next visit.
If you are visiting with a child, take a moment to explain the ride to them, and tell them how they should behave.They are depending upon you to keep them safe.Set a good example for them by following the rules of the park, and make sure that they know you expect them to follow those rules, too.
Tell them to stay seated, to hold the grab bar or put their hands in the laps, and not to stick their knees and feet outside a ride vehicle.Make them look to you for the okay to get on or off a ride, too.
And never put a crying child on a ride.If your child starts to cry, let others pass you in line until your child is calmed.Or, gently exit the queue and find something more relaxing to do. 
Young kids can’t keep an adult’s pace in a theme park.Let them take plenty of breaks.
“Kids get tired,” said TPI reader Matt Johnson, a father of four.“Tired kids make parents even more tired.And tired kids and parents may get hurt — physically and emotionally.” He advises that parents plan a mid-day break, perhaps a swim back at the hotel, to avoid mid-day heat and crowds.“You will see cranky families having a miserable time while you are refreshed and having a great evening.”
小题1:The second paragraph tells readers that ________.
A.children should be trained to be more independent
B.adults should tell children some safety rules firstly
C.adults should set a good example to behave well in a theme park
D.there is a danger to take young children to visit a theme park
小题2:Which of the following is NOT right for children who are taking the rides?
A.They cannot put their hands away from the grab bar.
B.They are forbidden to put their knees or feet out.
C.They should ask adults’ permission first to get on a ride.
D.Without adults’ okay sign, children shouldn’t get off a ride.
小题3:If your child begins to cry just when he is going to take a ride, you should ________.
A.tell him to be relaxedB.make him share your interest
C.give up the present activityD.encourage him to be brave
小题4:We may infer from Matt Johnson’s words that ________.
A.he doesn’t like to visit a theme park with his children
B.parents with many children may be tired of visiting a theme park
C.not all the families are relaxed or happy when they visit a theme park
D.visitors should arrange everything carefully before starting

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Uncle Tom gave little Vicki Black a birthday gift one week before her birthday. He told her not to open it until her birthday. She knew her mother wouldn’t tolerate any disrespect to the kind man who helped them out after Vicki’s father passed away. Besides, Vicki didn’t want Uncle Tom to get angry. But little Vicky didn’t want to just hold it and guess what was in it. After all, she looked forward to his coming to show her interesting things, like how to turn an old sock into a doll.
All the day, Vicki couldn’t stop thinking about the gift. While her teacher was giving a lecture¸ Vicki sat still in her seat, drawing paper dolls inside the box. When school was done, she raced home. Walking into the room, again, she shook the present, but she heard nothing. Holding her breath, she opened the box and looked inside. Seconds later, she cried. When Mrs. Black saw the box, she said angrily, “Didn’t I tell you to leave it alone?” Vicki sobbed and said, “Mommy, you don’t understand.”
“Don’t cry to me. You have missed everything now, just because you couldn’t wait,” Mrs. Black accused. “What will Uncle Tom think now?”
“Uncle Tom gave me nothing,” Vicki cried and handed the empty box to her mother. “He played a trick on me.”
Mrs. Black said doubtfully, “Uncle Tom is not like that. You must have dropped it.”
Vicki kept crying. Only a rapid knock on the door made the house quiet. It was Uncle Tom. He looked at the empty box. “You have already done it? I told you to wait for your birthday.”
“You didn’t give me a gift.” Fresh tears filled her eyes.
“I try to give you something. I know your birthday is a special day. I tell myself to give you something valuable to last your whole life. I think hard and get the idea to give you an important lesson. If you open it on birthday, I see you learn. Then I will make a big party to celebrate. Maybe next year you listen and then you will understand the gift better.
Vicki’s cheeks flushed.
小题1:We can learn from the text that Vicki_______.
A.often received gifts from her father
B.expected Uncle Tom to give her a doll
C.was sad because of her father’s death
D.liked and respected Uncle Tom
小题2:What do the underlined words “done it” refer to?
A.Guessed the result
B.Opened the box
C.Realized Uncle Tom’s purpose
D.Known what her birthday gift was
小题3:What kind of person is Uncle Tom?
小题4:What did Uncle Tom want to teach Vicki?
A.How to respect othersB.The meaning of gifts
C.How to deal with giftsD.The value of a promise

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A couple of years ago, I went to a lady’s house to buy some vitamins. Upon entering the house, I  36  that there was an electronic keyboard on a stand, leaning  37  the wall. Being a piano music lover and  38 , I asked, if the woman played. She nodded and added that she had been

 39  lessons at age 54! I told her that it was very   40  that she was pursuing (追求) her passion(热情)to play the piano.  .  . 
Then she asked me  41  question. “I have been playing for 8 years now,” I answered. 
“Then you must play a song for me before you leave,” she  42 .I thought she was joking and I simply smiled. At the end of the deal of the vitamins, she  43 me of our musical “ 44 _”. She then showed me to an old upright piano in the living room,  45   asked me to play a song for her. I thought  46   and decided to play David Lantz’s “Return to the Heart”, since she had so much passion for  47 ,and it was my soul-searching song. 
I played the song to the best of my ability, and with my emotions  48  into it as possible. She loved it.  49  I was about to step out of the door, I heard a weak voice calling out, “Young man!”
I turned around. And there was an old lady  50  one little step at a time with the help of another woman. “I wanted to come out to  51  you for the beautiful song that you played. I have been very sick, and it’s very hard for me to  52 my bed, but your music made me feel good ”she said. With that, she turned around and walked  53  back to her room. 
I was deeply  54  by her appreciation and felt a deeper understanding for the song. It served its purpose beautifully, returning to one’s  55  for peace and joy. 
A.anotherB.a differentC.the sameD.other
小题10: a resultD.what’s more
A.for the the momentC.for a a moment
A.musicB.songsC.the pianoD.vitamins
A.get onB.get upC.get offD.get down

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