A father sat at his desk poring over his monthly bills when his young son rushed

A father sat at his desk poring over his monthly bills when his young son rushed

A father sat at his desk poring over his monthly bills when his young son rushed in and announced, "Dad, because this is your birthday and you"re 40 years old, I"m going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!" When the boy started making good on his word, the father cried out suddenly, "Oh, Andrew, don"t do it now; I"m too busy!"
The youngster immediately fell silent as tears welled up in his big blue eyes.Apologicaliy the father said, "You can finish later."
The boy said nothing but quietly walked away, disappointment written over his face.That evening the father said, "Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!" But the boy didn"t respond.
Unfortunately, a few days later after this incident, the boy had an accident and was drowned.His heartbroken father wrote...
"If only I could tell him how much I regret my thoughtless words, and could be sure that he knows how much my heart is aching."
Love is not only giving.Any loving act must be warmly accepted or it will be taken as rejection and can leave a scar.If we are too busy to give and receive love, we are too busy! Nothing is more important than responding with love to the cry for love from those who are near and precious to us, because there may be no chance at all as in the case of the little boy.
小题1:What does the underlined phrase "poring over" mean?
A.looking in onB.looking out for
C.looking throughD.looking around
小题2:The boy is going to give his father 40 kisses because ______.
A.his father is very busy
B.this is the boy" birthday
C.the boy wants to play with his father
D.this is his father" birthday and he"s 40 years old
小题3:What happened to the youngster later?
A.His heart was broken.B.He died unexpectedly.
C.He ran away from home.D.He fell silent all the time.
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.A Love StoryB.Love Your Son
C.A Father and a SonD.Love is a Two-way Street



Answer the following questions by using the information taken from a dictionary page.(You may read the questions first.)
jaguar: n.a type of large, yellow-colored cat with black markings found in the southwestern region of the U.S.and in Central and South America.
jargon: 1.n.an unknown language that seems strange or impossible to understand.2.n.a language made up of two or more other languages: His jargon was a mixture of French and English- 3.n. the special vocabulary of a field or profession: Her report on computers was filled with jargon.4.n.speech that doesn"t make sense.
jaunt: 1.n.a trip taken for fun.2.v.to go on a brief pleasant trip: We jaunted to the country last
Saturday.javelin: 1.n.a spear most commonly used as weapon or in hunting.2.n.the contest in which a javelin is thrown.3.n.a lightweight metal or wooden spear that is thrown in track-and-field contests.4, v.to strike, as with ajavelin.
jazz: 1.n.a type of music that originated in New Orleans and is characterized by rhythmic eats.2.n.popular dance music influenced by jazz..3.n.slang empty talk.4.ad.of or like jazz: a jazz band, jazz records.
Jennet; n.a small Spanish horse.
小题1:Which meaning of the word javelin is used in the sentence below?
At the competition, Jack drew his arm back and threw the javelin 50 yards.
A.Definition 1B.Definition 2 C.Definition 3D.Definition 4
小题2:Which meaning of the word jargon is used in the sentence below?
Doctors often speak in medical jargon.
A.Definition 1B.Definition 2
C.Definition 3D.Definition 4
小题3:What does the word jazz mean in the following sentence?
Don t give me that jazz, for lam a practical person.
A.nonsenseB.a kind of dance
C.a type of musicD.rhythmic beats

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Unbelievable view appealed to me by accident.Just then, I checked once again: the somewhat tiny wood was having a leaf.Could I trust my own eyes? Had the hot sun annoyed me? After all, it  as summer in Costa Rica, a country in Central America.
I left off, wiping sweat from my eyes.Then I moved the wood with my finger.It stopped.It looked up at me with big triangular eyes.Surprise! It was a mantid, a kind of insect, instead of a piece of wood.
The mantid was hanging upside down on a branch.Its wings made it look like a piece of tree bark.Then I noticed something else.The leaf wasn"t a leaf at all.The hungry mantid was really eating another insect—a katydid.By now, all that was left of the katydid was a pair of wings.A few moments later, the wings dropped to the ground.The mantid folded its long legs.It sat still.Now it looked even more like a piece of wood than when I had first seen it.
I thought about how I had been fooled by these clever animals.Then I thought about how the two insects go about trying to trick each other.Both mantids and katydids are masters of make-up.Katydids are particularly good at it.Many look like something they are not.Katydids often look like plants.Many seem to be leaves.Others look like leaves of grass.All day, the bugs try to stay perfectly still.Because their bodies look like plants, most animals interested in killing them don"t bother them while katydids eat plants.
小题1:What is the main topic of the text?
A.An experience of watching insects.
B.The fake image of mantids and katydids.
C.The fight between mantids and katydids.
D.The living habits of mantids and katydids.
小题2:What caused the author amazed at first?
A.The hot sun in summer."
B.The quick moving of the wood.
C.The sight of wood eating a leaf.
D.The fight for food between mantids and katydids-
小题3:When the mantid was hanging upside down on a branch, it was ____.
A.waiting for its other foodB.enjoying its food- katydid
C.eating a leaf from the branchD.having a break under the tree
小题4:Based on the passage, it can be inferred that the mantid ____.
A.is a kind of meat-eaferB.is easy to be found by a katydid
C.looks more like a green leafD.mainly lives on the green leaves

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
What do you do if you are hit in the mouth and one of your teeth is knocked out? A dentist(牙医)may be able to put the tooth back in for you, but you have to get to the dentist first.In the meantime, you have to store the tooth so that it will stay healthy.
The simplest thing to do is put the tooth back into your mouth, or you could put it in milk.Frank Courts, a dentist at the University of Florida, worked with other researchers to find the safest way of keeping knocked-out teeth.He tried putting teeth into milk, into water, and into cell-culture medium(细胞培养液).He also tried, just drying the teeth in the open air.He used teeth that had to be removed from people’s mouths for various reasons.The teeth were put into one of the solutions(溶液)or stored in the air for one hour.Then cells from the root of the teeth were scraped-off the teeth.Dr.Courts and the others then studied how healthy these cells were.
The cell-culture medium worked best to keep a knocked-out tooth healthy outside the mouth.However, few people keep cell-culture medium handy at home or in school.
The next best thing was milk.But Dr.Courts said that the best thing of all was to wash the tooth and put it right back into its socket(牙槽)in the mouth.For some people, though, this is just too painful or upsetting.So milk will do, until you get your tooth (and your mouth)to a dentist.
小题1:This passage is mainly about             .
A.how a dentist can save a knocked-out tooth
B.how to keep a knocked-out tooth healthy
C.how Dr.Courts and other researchers made their experiments
D.how to put a knocked-out tooth back into its socket
小题2:The best way to keep a knocked-out tooth healthy outside the mouth is to store it       .
A.in cell-culture mediumB.in milkC.in waterD.in the open air
小题3:Milk can be used instead of cell-culture medium to put a knocked-out tooth in because    .
A.milk works better to keep the tooth healthyB.milk causes less pain
C.cell-culture medium is not usually handyD.cell-culture medium is more expensive
小题4:“Dr.Courts said that the best of al1 was to wash the tooth and put it right back into its socket in the mouth.”In the sentence, the word “best” means              .
A.cheapest and healthiestB.least painful and cheapest
C.quickest and least painfulD.easiest and healthiest

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When I was a kid, my brother dropped the bomb: "No Santa Claus (Father Christmas)!" I fled to Grandma because I knew she would   36   me the truth.I told her everything."No!" she said."Ridiculous! Don" t   37   it."
After dinner, we went to General Store.Grandma handed me ten   38  ."Take it and buy something for whoever needs it.I"ll wait in the   39  ." I" d often gone shopping with Mother, but never had I shopped   40  .For moments, I stood there, confused,   41   what to do with it.I thought of everybody I knew.  42   I thought of Bobbie Decker.His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough.We all knew that Bobbie would have no cough   43   he had a thicker coat.So I decided to buy Bobbie one."Is this a present for   44  ?" the saleslady asked me kindly.I   45   shyly.She smiled, handed it to me and wished me a merry Christmas.Then Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Santa Claus   46  and ribbons and write "To Bobbie, From Santa Claus " on it.Then she   47   me over to Bobbie"s house.Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie" s house.We   48   noiselessly and hid in the   49   by his front walk."All right, Santa Claus," she   50   ,"get going." I rushed out, threw the present down at his front door,   51   his doorbell and flew back to the safety.Together we   52   breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open.
Forty years I haven" t forgotten those   53   I spent shivering (颤抖)in Bobbie" s bushes.That night, I realized that the stories about Santa Clause were really ridiculous .Santa Claus was alive,  54  we were on his  55 .
A.tellB.teach C.takeD.advise
A.rememberB.believeC.understand D.consider
A.homeB.store C.carD.bus
A.separatelyB.apart C.singlyD.alone
A.wonderingB.worryingC.expecting D.looking -
A.Luckily B.SurprisinglyC.SuddenlyD.Firstly
A.unlessB.since C.asD.if
A.giftB.name C.paper D.needle
A.cars .B.buildingsC.stairs D.bushes
A.knocked B.pushedC.poundedD.switched.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Yesterday I totally changed my views about life after a talk with one of my friends. He told me despite being  36  , he was happy and   37   that it was because of something he saw in India.
A few years ago he was  38  feeling sad and was touring India.He said right in front of his very eyes, he saw an Indian mother 39 her child’s right hand with a knife.The helpless  40  in the mother’s eyes and the painful scream of the 41 four-year-old child still remained in his mind.
The 42 mother made the child handicapped (disabled)  43  he could go out on the streets to beg.  44  by the scene, he dropped a small piece of bread he was eating.And almost at once, several children  45  around this small piece of bread covered with sand,   46 bits from one another.It was the 47  reaction of hunger.He then went to the nearest bakery and bought every single loaf of bread.  48   he gave out the bread to the children (mostly handicapped), he  49   cheers and bows from these  50   children.For the first time in his life, he understood  51  people could give up their  52  for a loaf of bread.He came to   53   how fortunate he was to be able to have a sound body, have a job, have a family, have the chance to  54   about food that didn’t taste good, and have the many things that these people in front of him   55   dreamed of having.Perhaps life wasn’t bad at all.
A.in poor healthB.on a dietC.in debt D.out of work
A.explained B.recalledC.mentionedD.insisted
A.took offB.carved fromC.scratched onD.cut off
A.unlessB.so thatC.in caseD.because
A.complain B.commentC.argueD.decide

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