Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for eac

Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for eac

Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.  There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A. Promise behaviors
B. Attitude beats experience
C. Job-winning qualities
D. Employer and employee relation
E. Stable career choices
F. Importance of teamwork skills
Despite the economy, experts advise students to major in what interests them.
Aware of the worst job market in more than 25 years, many students enrolling in colleges and universities this fall are considering majors that they believe will land them stable career. 
Students with degrees in nursing, health care, accounting, computer, general science and engineering report the most success in finding jobs. Those with degrees in finance, journalism, graphic design, and international relations have had tougher times, liberal arts graduates also struggle.
Still career experts say students should major in whatever area most interests them, even if it’s a less specialized liberal arts field, such as Chinese and or sociology. In a national survey, communication, followed closely by a strong work ethic and team work skills, was rated at the most important qualities sought by employers. “Liberal arts teaches us how to learn. When we go out into the world of work, we are going to have to continue to learn,” said Dan Naegeli, director of the university of North Texas career center.
Texas Health Resources uses a wide range of workers at its 14 hospitals and other sites. The 18,000 employees company hires about 2000 people a year. It looks for candidates with “promise (有前途的) behaviors,” human resource director Justin Clem said.
“The resume is great… Education is wonderful,” Clem said. “But when we interview, we really want to look at situations they were put into the past, what actions they took, and what were the results. Do these results really support treating other people with courtesy dignity and respect? And communicating clearly and earning people’s trust? And thinking before they act?”
The company also looks for people who have record of providing service, said Janaelle Nowne, vice president of human resource. If a student mowed lawns or worked at a fast-food restaurant, she said, “ the things that we would want to hear is how you attended to providing service to people that you were working with and how you were attending to the quality of the products that you have. ”
“Experience is always helpful, but it is not always the guarantee that person is going to get the job,” she added. “We look at the behaviors and the attitude they bring in and their willingness to be a part of the team.”
Lockheed Martin has all sorts of jobs in all sorts of fields. One of the skills recruiters consider is the ability to work in teams.
“Most of what we do is problem solving, and you get people with different kinds of skills together to solve the problem,” said Norman Robbins, senior manager community relations. “If you are real bright but you can’t get along with anybody, you’re not going to be as successful as you will be if you can work in teams.”


Job stress has been known to cause heart problems in people who already have cardiovascular(心血管) disease. Now Finnish scientists have shown that  50  in healthy people the pressure of work can cause damage.
High blood pressure, lack of  51  , smoking and being overweight  52  to heart disease—a    53   killer in many industrialized countries.
But Mika Kivimaki, of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, and his colleagues, who studied the  54  histories of 812 healthy Finnish men and women in a metal industry company over 25 years, said job stress also plays an important role.
Workers who had the highest job-related stress levels at the start of the study were more than twice as  55   to die of heart disease,  56   the study published in The British Medical Journal.
Work stress  57  too much work as well as a lack of satisfaction and feeling undervalued and  58   .
Many people work long hours but if the effort is 59  the stress is minimized. Kivimaki said job pressure is damaging when being overworked is  60  with little or no control, unfair supervision and few career opportunities.
The British Heart Foundation said the results  61   earlier research showing that people in jobs with low control, such as manual workers, could be at greater  62  of heart disease than other employees.
“It is   63   for people to try to minimize levels of stress at work and for employers to  64  people to have more control at work and to be rewarded for their success,” the foundation said in a statement.
A.due to
B.owing to
C.according to
D.contrary to

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Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A--F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A. TV’s Influence on Children’s Life
B. Argument Against Violence on TV
C. TV’s Influence on People’s Leisure Activities
D. The Importance of Violence in Real Life
E. Attractions of Violence on TV
F.  TV’s Power
Television has probably been the most powerful medium in shaping the new community. The electronic community gives us our mutual friends, our significant events and our daily chats. The “produced” relationships of television families become our models for intimacy. We know media stars better than we know our neighbors. Most of us can discuss their lives better than we can discuss those of our relatives. We think a man who plays a doctor on TV actually know something about medicine
TV isolates people in their spare time. People spend more time watching music videos but less time making music with each other. People in small town now watch international cable networks instead of driving to their neighbor’s house for cards. Women watch soaps instead of attending church circles or book clubs. When company comes, the kids are sent to the TV room with videos.
Parent are not the main influence in the lives of their children. Some of the first voices children hear are from the television, the first street they know is Sesame Street. A child playing Nintendo is learning different lessons than a child playing along a creek or playing dominoes with a grandfather.
The time devoted to violence on TV in no way reflects its importance in real life. In real life, most of us exercise, work, visit our friends, read, cook and eat and shop. Few of us spend any significant amount of our time solving murders or fleeing psychotic killers. On television there are many more detective and murderers than exist in the real world. A rule of thumb about violence is “If it bleeds, it leads.” Violence captures viewers’ attention. Our programs have become increasing violent.
Some might say that there is nothing new under the sun. Of course, in a narrow sense, they are correct. There have always been murderers, and stories about violence have been the theme of literature and song. However, things are different now. Children are exposed to hundreds of examples of violence every day. The frequency and intensity of these images is unprecedented in the history of humanity. We have clear records that this exposure makes it more likely that children will be violent and increase their fear levels about potential violence.
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The holiday is upon us. Finally, after months of study, you have some time to yourself. So, why not read a book? Well, some people will say, "Why bother with books? We have the Internet and other media that offer a lot of more colorful entertainment. Books are history!" But don"t be fooled. I"m sure there"s still a lot to be said for reading.
One clear reason is that a well-chosen book is a wonderful source of vocabulary, so long as you have a good dictionary, of course. Believe me, it"s far easier to get new English words and phrases from a book or an article than it is from the TV or the Internet.
But another more important point is that books give you something that modern media simply can not. The average webpage is picture-heavy and the text is often designed to make it as easy to read as possible. While "easy" may be attractive, unfortunately it"s of little use for any long-term development of reading skills and the general language level. Because of that, there"s still no substitute (替代品) of a book.
But perhaps the best single reason is that simply choosing what you read and doing it independently means that it"s something you do by and for yourself. You can choose what you want to read. It"s hard work, but somewhere down the line, you"ll find that what once seemed like a duty is now a pleasure.
小题1:How many reasons for reading a book does the author mention in the passage?
小题2: According to the passage, we basically need a ________ in reading.
小题3:In the author"s opinion, reading on the Internet may_________.
A.develop long-term reading skillsB.improve the general language ability
C.not take the place of reading an effective way of reading
小题4: The passage is written mainly to _________.
A.share the pleasure of reading booksB.advise readers to read books
C.stress the importance of reading readers to choose good books

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The world has changed and being intelligent isn’t normally equal to being a successful person. Look at the example of the blue whale : it has a huge brain, but it still doesn’t know how to avoid whalers or use its large size and weight to deal with those who try to use their body for profit. Scientists hold an opinion that the blue whale just likes some highly intelligent people who fail to succeed. Those highly intelligent people can’t succeed in life because they can’t communicate well with the world around them.
Intelligence is a word in life that makes you think you are better than others. Intelligence can blind these very people from how others view them. These people also think that the route to power and success results purely from intelligence and they sometimes live in a fantasy world that they create by their supposed brain power.
This is a distance that develops whether or not they realize it and sometimes, a person can be disliked simply because of his or her intelligence. This distance is sometimes so far apart that it gets to the position where they can’t listen to each other. One side thinks the other is stupid and the other thinks he/she is haughty(傲慢的). And most of the time it is the intelligent people who lose themselves in this situation. They become unpopular with most of the people around them. This affects them in whatever they do and sooner or later they will lose their confidence.
It doesn’t help that they get a culture shock - especially when they leave college and realize success and richness don’t always and sometimes never come naturally with intelligence. While some might think this is a dramatic picture to paint, it is sometimes the end result of some people.
小题1: The example of “the blue whale” is used to show ____.
A.communication is more important than intelligence
B.human beings are always more intelligent than animals
C.humans should have the sense of protecting animals
D.the blue whale is the largest animal in the world
小题2: Those supposed intelligent people often believe that ____.
A.they should make their life the same with others
B.they should live in a better world than the others
C.they are sure to be successful because of their intelligence
D.other people’s opinion should be seriously considered
小题3: What makes the intelligent people lose their confidence?
A.They become separated from other people and lose their support.
B.They often can’t get higher positions though they are intelligent.
C.They can’t persuade those stupid people to accept their ideas.
D.They often can’t make good use of their advantages.
小题4: We can infer that the end result of the supposed intelligent people would be ____.
A.great achievements B.more efforts
C.failure in the futureD.proper changes

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My teacher held up a piece of broken glass and asked,“Who broke this window?” Thirty boys tried to think about not only what they had done,but also what our teacher may have found out.She seldom became angry,but she was this time.
“Oh,” I thought.I was the one who broke the window.It was caused by a naughty throw of a baseball.If I admitted guilt,I would be in a lot of trouble.How would I be able to pay for a big window like that? I didn’t even get an allowance. “My father is going to have a fit,”I thought.I didn’t want to raise my hand,but some force much stronger than I was pulled it skyward.I told the truth. “I did it.” It was hard enough to say what I had.
My teacher took down a book from one of our library shelves and I had never known my teacher to strike a student,but I feared she was going to start with me. “I know how you like birds,” she said as she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden face.“Here is that field guide about birds that you are constantly checking out. It is yours now.It’s time we got a new one for the school anyway.You will not be punished as long as you remember that I am not rewarding you for your misdeed, I am rewarding you for your truthfulness.” I couldn’t believe it! I wasn’t being punished and I was getting my own bird field guide--the very one that I had been saving up money to buy.
All that remains of that day is my memory and the lesson my teacher taught me. That lesson stays with me every day and it will echo forever.
小题1:From the story, we can learn that the boy.
小题2:If the boy admitted guilt, he thought he would NOT              .
A.bepunishedbytheteacher B.makehisfatherangry
小题3:Which of the following best describes the changes in the boy’s feelings?
A.Afraid-Surprised-Thankful B.Frightened-Amazed-Proud.
C.Regretful-Guilty-Excited. D.Nervous-Afraid-Satisfied.

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