完形填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)Before the 29th century the horse provided day to day tr

完形填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)Before the 29th century the horse provided day to day tr

完形填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)
Before the 29th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.
Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely    41   the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for nearly 90 percent of all personal    42  .
Most Americans are able to buy cars. The average price of a    43   made car was $ 2,500 in 1950, $ 2,740 in 1960 and up to $ 4,750 in 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about    44   their products. As a result, the yearly income of the average family increased from 1950 to 1975   45   than the price of cars. For this reason purchasing a new car takes a smaller    46   of a family’s total earnings today.
In 1951 proportionally it took 8.1 months of an average family’s    47   to buy a new car. By 1975 it only took 4.75    48    income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically superior to models from previous years.
The    49   of the automobile extends throughout the economy as the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money    50   their cars running than on any other item.
41. A. denied        B. reproduced           C. replaced                  D. repeated
42. A. trip             B. works                 C. business                  D. travel
43. A. quickly        B. regularly                C. rapidly                      D. recently
44. A. raising        B. making                   C. reducing                  D. improving
45. A. slower        B. equal                     C. faster                     D. less
46. A. part             B. half                       C. number                  D. side
47. A. income        B. work                      C. plan                       D. debts
48. A. months’             B. dollar’s                  C. family                 D. year
49. A. running             B. notice                 C. influence                D. discussion
50. A. starting        B. leaving                   C. keeping                  D. repairing
41-45  CDDDC  46-50  AAACC

Why should you learn Sign Language? Do you want to improve your communication with a family member or friend who is deaf? Do you want to be able to communicate with deaf people in general? Would you like to advance in your career by being able to communicate in ASL? Do you want to be a Sign Language interpreter?
Sign language is not just a random (随意的) collection of gestures but a full-blown (完全成熟的) language in its own right, complete with its own grammatical rules. Each country or region has its own sign language, as different from each other as English is from Spanish. Each version of sign language is somewhat linked to the spoken language in its region. For example, American sign language does share similarities with English, even though it is its own language.
The advantages of knowing sign language in addition to a spoken language are many. Communication becomes possible on many levels with the deaf community, with other people either hearing or not in any of the above situations, as well as many more.
While other languages take years to learn, American Sign Language can be taught in a much shorter time period. It is one of the easiest languages to learn because most of the signs were developed to mimic the actual word or phrase it is representing. Even the alphabet signs look like the letters of the English alphabet.
American Sign Language, or ASL, is the third most used language in the United States. Used by the deaf community, interpreters, and friends and family of the deaf. There are a lot of sites on the internet that not only shows you the sign with video, but will help you practice reading signs as well.
Teaching even hearing babies sign language seems to be the fashion in recent years and for good reason. Communicating in sign language is fun and natural as babies naturally use body gestures in early communication. Teaching baby sign language actually appears to enhance the learning of verbal skills and brain development of the children involved.
小题1:Which two regions share similarities in their sign language?
A. Spain and Britain.
B. Mexico and USA.
C. Australia and Canada.
D. Japan and Korea.
小题2:Sign language ________.
A.is a collection of gestures
B.is easier to learn than English
C.is not very popular in USA
D.has no link to the spoken language
小题3:One of the reasons for learning sign language is that it ________.
A.increase self-confidence
B.provides more choices of career
C.trains brains
D.is interesting
小题4:Babies’ learning sign language cannot ________.
A.help them talk sooner
B.help them walk sooner
C.increase communication at a very early age
D.enrich relationship with parents and the people who take care of them
小题5:Which of the following topics is not discussed in the passage?
A.What is sign language?
B.The advantages of knowing sign language.
C.The relation of American sign language and English.
D.Ways of learning sign language.

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The car, running along the well-lit road now sank in darkness. I broke the   36   on purpose,   37   that the driver was too tired to drive. “When do you go back home in the evening?”“9 o’clock after this    38  .”“Then when do you come out in the morning?”I    39   another question. “9 o’ clock, too—just as if I worked at an office.” His   40   surprised me, because every time I ride a taxi, what I   41   from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, it’s hard to earn money, they’re often   42   by the police, or that their leaders are seated lazy,   43   the fruits. But this driver told me, “ I find it   44  to be a section chief as I was before. I like driving just for    45  . It’s fortunate that I hardly drive   46   a passenger. So I earn two or three thousand Yuan a month with ease. Yes, I never   47  an empty taxi. If it goes southward, I go northward. If it goes along a    48  , I turn into a narrow street…”
His words showed his    49   with his life and the pride he   50   in his job Such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high    51  。As an
ancient saying goes,“Neither joy in material   52   nor grieve(痛苦) over Personal setbacks.”How many people nowadays can show high ideals by  53   living and go far
with a calm mind? I couldn’t help feeling  54   when finding such a state of mind
in a stranger on a cold    55  .
36.A.window     B.stillness       C.silence      D. quietness
37.A.on condition  B.for fear       C.in belief     D. in order
38.A. night         B.trip          C.cycle       D. process
39.A.threw out    B.gave away     C.made up     D. led to
40.A.character    B.confidence     C.attitude      D. easiness
41.A.suffer       B.request       C.benefit       D.hear
42.A.detected    B.ordered       C.fined        D.seized
43.A.keeping     B.tasting        C. enjoying      D.choosing
44.A.exciting     B.disappointing  C.tiring        D. amazing
45.A.freedom     B.pleasure      C.hobby        D. company
46.A.without     B. with          C.behind       D.beside
47.A .follow       B. admire         C.envy         D. meet
48.A.route       B.path          C.railway       D.highway
49.A.intelligence  B.satisfaction    C.competition   D.honesty
50.A.made       B.held          C.caught      D.took
51.A.buildings    B.mountains     C.standard      D.heaven
52.A.gains       B.concerns      C.supports      D. loss
53.A.special      B.happy        C.simple        D. original
54.A.angry       B.content       C.dangerous     D. curious
55.A.morning     B.night         C.moment      D.season
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One dark and stormy night, an elderly man and his wife entered the hall of a small hotel in Philadelphia, hoping to get shelter for the night.
The clerk, a friendly man with a beautiful smile, explained that there were three conferences in town. “All of our rooms are taken,” the clerk said, “but I can"t send a nice couple like you into the rain at one o’clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to sleep in my room? It’s not a suite, but it will be good enough to make you comfortable for the night.” The couple agreed.
As the elderly man paid the bill the next morning, he told the clerk, “You are the kind of person who should be the boss of the best hotel in the United States. Maybe someday I’Il build one for you.” The clerk looked at them and smiled. The three of them had a good laugh.
Two years passed. The clerk had almost forgotten the incident when he received a letter from the elderly man, asking the clerk to pay him a visit. The elderly man met him in New York, and led him to the corner of the Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. He then pointed to a great new building there, a reddish stone one with watchtowers thrusting up to the sky, and told the clerk that it was the hotel he had just built for him to manage.
That wonderful building was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. And this young clerk whose names was George C. Boldt never foresaw the return of events that would lead him into the manager of one of the world"s most attractive hotels.
56 .When the elderly couple left the hotel, they ________.          .
A .took what they said as a joke
B .wanted to build the same hotel in the future
C .hoped that the clerk would replace the boss of the hotel
D. thought the clerk was talented in managing hotels
57. Why did the elderly man build a hotel for the clerk?
A .He was grateful to the clerk.         B.They had a bet at first.
C.He wanted to please the clerk.        D. He wanted to sell the hotel.
58. According to the text, the clerk         
A. helped the couple because he thought they were poor
B. hoped that the old couple could give him a large amount of money
C. didn"t expect to receive things in return from the old couple.
D. became rich, thanks to his own efforts
59. From the text, we can infer that        .
A. anybody can be a successful manager          B. old people are always very rich
C. good luck is always waiting for lucky people    D. kindness can bring a good return
60.What do you think of the clerk?
A. He was willing to help.                      B. He was very attractive.
C. He tried to make money for his hotel.         D. He liked making friends.
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Three surfers rushed to save a man’s life after he was left drifting on a notorious stretch of water.
The men stayed with Greg Popple for 30 minutes and had to be rescued themselves by helicopter as the drama unfolded.
The 45-year-old had floated out on a body board near Hutchwns Point at 8:30 am. He found himself in trouble about half-a-mile from the shore and dangerously close to rocks. Surfers Graig Evans, 31, Robert Miles, 19, and Owain Daviees, 23, were risking their own safety to keep him floating for 30 minutes. Luckily a passer-by noticed what was going on and raised the alarm. Porthcawl Coastguard, Porthcaw Lifeboat and an RAF helicopter all took part in the rescue.
“The man who got into trouble was a body boarder-there was a big tide where he was,” said Joe Missen. “Three other surfers spotted he was in difficulty and he was going down. They kept him afloat because he was in a state of shock and out of energy. If Mr. Popple was closer to the rocks, it could have been a lot worse, but they managed to keep him from harm”.
Mr. Missen’s mum Alison, also part of the rescue team, said, “That part of the water is notorious for taking people out to nowhere”.
The three men had clocked off a night shift at Ford Motor Company shortly before the incident.
“I headed straight down to the beach for a surf, when I saw him flailing(挥动). We just swam straight out to him and kept him calm while the help came”.
The four men were taken to the life boat house to recover, without injuries.
61. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Three Men to Be Praised                  B Notorious Place for Surfers
C.Surfers Rescue Man Caught in Tide           D.Greg Popple-a Lucky Dog
62. The helicopter came up at the request of ________.
A.Greg Popple         B. Craig Evans        C. Robert Miles          D. a passer-by
63. About the incident, we know that ______.
A.Mr. Popple moved difficulty for loss of energy
B.The three men were badly injured
C.Mr. Popple’mum was also in the rescue team
D.Mr. Davies was going to work that morning
64. According to the text, what was the most important thing to do for the three men?
A.Keeping him farther away from the rocks.       B.Keeping Mr Popple swimming in the sea.
C.Asking him to have a good rest.               D.Keeping him floating everywhere.
65. What may the style of this passage be?
A.A story.          B. A news report.          C. A poster.              D. An advertisement.
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Marriages improve after children grow up and move out,according to an academic study,
which suggests an“empty nest”is not always a bad thing.
Popular wisdom has it that parents’relationships may suffer once their young fly the coop,
because they feel they have lost their purpose in life.However,a new study by researchers at the
University of California,Berkeley,has found that many couples actually feel happier when their
children leave home because they are able to enjoy spending time together.
In total,123 American mothers born in the 1930s were tracked for 18 years and asked to rate
their satisfaction levels shortly after marrying,when they were bringing up babies,once their
children reached their teenage years and finally at age 61,when almost all had“empty nests”.
Although not all said they were happier in general,most claimed their marriages had improved since their children had left home.Researchers believe this is not just because the spouses were spending more time together,but because they were able to enjoy each other’s company more.
One of the participants in the study,which is published in the jourmal Psychological Science,
said:“Once the kids grow up…there’s some of that stress removed…that responsibility removed,so things are a little more relaxed.’’
Psychologist Sara Gorchoff,who carried out the investigation,said:“The take-home message
for couples with young children is‘hang in there’.”Her co-author Oliver John added:“Don’t wait until your kids leave home to schedule quality time with your partner.”   
However,Dr Dorothy Rowe,from the British Psychological Society,said the effects of living
in an“empty nest"”will depend on the parents’relationship with their children.“If yod’re just
waiting for them to leave home so you Can get on with your life,then of course you’11 be pleased to see them go,”she said,‘‘But if you’ve built your life around your children you’11 be terribly lonely.”For some parents,their world falls apart when their Children leave.’’
72.It is commonly believed that            
A.marriages improve after children leave home
B.an“empty nest"’is always a happy thing
C.parents’relationships may suffer once their young grow up and move out
D.parents will be pleased after their children leave home
73.When did many couples feel happier according to the study?
A.At age 61.when almost all had“empty nests”.
B.Shortly after marrying.
C.Once their children reached their teenage years.
D.When they were bringing up babies.
74.Marriages improve after children fly the coop not because         
A.many couples are able to spend time together
B.many couples arc able to enjoy each other’s company
C.things are a little more relaxed
D.many couples needn’t work at all
75.The author ofthe passage tends to agree that          .    
A.parents should build their life around their kids
B.parents should schedule quality time with each other before kids leave home
C.parents’relationship with their kids has no effect on marriages at all
D.parents should be pleased to see their kids leave home
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