阅读理解          Please help! I live in Germany with my wife and three kids. My par

阅读理解          Please help! I live in Germany with my wife and three kids. My par

     Please help! I live in Germany with my wife and three kids. My parents live in the UK. I want my kids
to have as much contact with their grandparents as possible. The kids all use e-mail, Skype and SMS but my parents won"t. I"ve bought them a laptop, paid for broadband, given them both mobile phones and a
digital camera, but they won"t use them. My parents say they hate computers and new technology. What
can I do with these "technophobes"? 
                                                                                                                   Daniel, Buremburg, Germany
     Actually, the original technophobes were the Luddites, a group of cloth workers in 19th century Britain during the Industrial Revolution. The Luddite cloth workers, who traditionally made cloth by hand, were
worried that machines were going to take away their jobs and way of life. These machines could make
cloth much faster and cheaper than humans. In 1811 and 1812 the Luddites destroyed the machines that
they hated so much, but the British government supported the factory owners. Many Luddites were
arrested. Charlotte Bronte"s novel Shirley will tell your parents all about it. 
                                                                                                                             Laura, Valencia, Spain
     Laura makes some interesting points, I think. Technophobes has been a common theme in science
fiction. Frankenstein, one of the first science fiction, is a warning of what could happen if humans began
to experiment with human life. 
                                                                                                                 Freda, Copenhagen, Denmark
     One thing you could try is to find hardware that is designed for older people to use. An example is the mobiles made by the US company, Jitterbug. Instead of icons and menus the Jitterbug phones ask users
simple "yes/no" questions and have larger keypads. The company realized that there are potentially 100
million older users in the US alone. 
                                                                                                                          Graham, Patras, Greece
1. The underlined part "the technophobes" in the passage refers to ______.
A. those who are ready to try new technology
B. those who are addicted to the Internet
C. those who refuse to use modern technology
D. those who are devoted to inventing new things
2. Which of the following is TRUE of the Luddites?
A. They called themselves the technophobes.
B. They got full support from their factory owners.
C. They preferred to keep their traditional working methods.
D. They were killed by the government.
3. Who has put forward a practical and useful suggestions?
A. Laura.
B. Freda.
C. Daniel.
D. Graham.
4. The passage is probably taken from _____.
A. a personal blog
B. a letter between friends
C. a personal diary
D. a speech on new technology
5. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Daniel would buy her parents a novel written by Shirley.
B. Charlotte Bronte wrote about technophobes in her novel Shirley.
C. Daniel would buy her parents cell phones with icons and menus.
D. Daniel worried about her children using e-mails.
1-5: CCDAB

      Driving cars, trucks and motorcycles is an important part of our lives. We do it every day to get to
work, to school or to friends" houses.
      Driving can be very convenient, but can also cause many problems. Waiting in line at a red light, a
driver may get impatient and decide just to drive right through it. If another car is coming from the other
direction, there might be a terrible accident. Cutting another car off can make its driver angry, so that
driver cuts off someone else. Pretty soon everybody is angry, and impatient.
     Traffic accidents declare millions of lives every year worldwide. In Taiwan alone, over seven people
are killed in accidents every day. The annual death rate from traffic accidents in Taiwan is twice that of
      To allow traffic to move smoothly and safely, everybody must follow the rules. Before you drive,
learn all the traffic laws. That way of driving is safe, convenient and even fun!

1. The underlined sentence "Traffic accidents declare millions of lives worldwide" in the
    passage means "_______".

A. Traffic accidents make some people become millionaires 
B. Many people die from traffic accidents 
C. Millions of people say they themselves have had traffic accidents 
D. Millions of people remain healthy after traffic accidents

2. According to the passage, driving can be safe if _______.

A. you are patient                    
B. you obey all the traffic rules 
C. you don"t cut another car off        
D. you wait in line at a red light

3. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

A. Traffic Safety                    
B. A Careful driver
C. How To Drive A Car              
D. A Traffic Accident  

题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Are you happy? Do you remember a time when you were happy? Are you seeking happiness today? 
     Many have sought a variety of sources for their feelings of happiness. Some have put their heart and
effort into their work. Too many have turned to drugs and alcohol. Most of their efforts have a root in
one common fact: People are looking for a lasting source of happiness.
    Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes mostly because they misunderstand the process and
journey of finding it. I have heard many people say that, "I"ll be happy when I get my new promotion."
or "I"ll be happy when I earn that extra 20 pounds." The list goes on and on. You probably have a few
of your own you could add if you want.
     This thinking is dangerous because it presupposes that happiness is a "response" to having, being or
doing something. In life, we all experience stimulus and response. Stimulus is when a dog barks at you
and bares his teeth. Response is when your heart beats faster, your palms get sweaty and you prepare to
run. Today, some people think that an expensive car is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. A great
paying job is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. A loving relationship is a stimulus. Happiness is a
response. This belief leaves us thinking and feeling: "I"ll be happy when…
      It has been my finding that actually the opposite is true. I believe that happiness is a stimulus and
response is what life brings to those who are truly happy. When we are happy, we tend to have more
success in our work. When we are happy, people want to be around us and enjoy loving relationships.
When we are happy, we more naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health. Happiness
is NOT a response - rather, it is a stimulus.
      Happiness is a conscious choice we make every day of our lives. For unknown reason to me, many
choose to be painful, unsuccessful and angry most of the time. Happiness is not something that happens
to us after we get something we want - we usually get things we want AFTER we choose to be happy.
     I have made only one simple rule for my own happiness: Every day above ground is a GOOD day.
Therefore, I tend to have a lot of good (and happy) days continually.

1. The second paragraph mainly tells us that people seek happiness_______.

A. in the same way    
B. in different ways
C. by working hard    
D. by taking drugs

2. What does the underlined phrase "This thinking" refer to?

A. The thinking of being promoted.  
B. The giving up of happiness.
C. The process and journey of finding happiness.    
D. The misunderstanding of happiness.

3. The underlined word "stimulus" in para.4 probably means_______.

A. something causes an action        
B. something helps to expand  
C. attention                      
D. improvement

4. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to________.

A. tell people how to enjoy happiness    
B. encourage people to seek happiness
C. express his attitude towards happiness
D. criticize the wrong ideas about happiness
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解    Coffee experts are willing to pay large sums of money for high-quality coffee beans. The high-end
beans, such as Kona or Blue Mountain, are known to cost extraordinary sums of money. Then there
is Kopi Lowak (translated as "Civet Coffee"), the world"s most expensive coffee, which sells for as
much as US $50 per quarter-pound.
     This isn"t particularly surprising, because approximately 500 pounds a year of Kopi Lowak make
up the entire world supply. What is surprising is why this particular coffee is so rare. In fact, it"s not the
plants that are rare. It"s the civet droppings. That"s right, the civet droppings-the body waste of the palm
civet. Coffee beans aren"t Kopi Lowak until they"ve been digested(消化) and come out in the body
waste of the palm civet.
      Palm civets are tree-dwelling, raccoon-like little animals, native to Southeast Asia and the Indonesian
islands. They also have a love for coffee cherries. According to Kopi Lowak suppliers, palm civets eat
the fruit whole, but only digest the outer fruit, leaving the beans intact(完好无损). While the beans are
not destroyed, they undergo a transformation in the animal"s body. A chemical substance in the digestive
system of the palm civet causes some changes to the beans to give them a unique flavor(味道). However,
this is not the only explanation why coffee beans retrieved from civet droppings have a special flavor all
their own. Another possible reason is that palm civets have an unfailing instinct for picking the coffee
cherries at the peak of their ripeness.
      Kopi Lowak is reported to have a character in taste unlike any other coffee, complex with caramel
undertones and an earthy flavor. Currently, most of the world"s supply of Kopi Lowak is sold in Japan,
though a few US markets are also starting to stock up on Kopi Lowak.

1.What does "This" in the second paragraph refer to?

A. Civet Coffee.
B. Blue Mountain coffee.
C. The high price of Kopi Lowak.
D. The unique taste of Kona.

2.Why is Kopi Lowak expensive?

A. There is a very limited supply of the beans.
B. The coffee trees that grow the beans are scarce.
C. It takes a long time for the coffee beans to ripen.
D. Only a few experts know how to produce the beans.

3.What is the main point discussed in the third paragraph?

A. Why palm civets like the coffee beans.
B. Where Kopi Lowak is mainly harvested.
C. What chemicals are found in the civet"s digestive system.
D. How palm civets change coffee fruit to Kopi Lowak beans.

4.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?

A. Little palm civets eat only the outer layer of the coffee cherries.
B. Palm civets somehow know the right time when the coffee fruit ripens.
C. Kopi Lowak is most popular in Southeast Asia and the Indonesian islands.
D. Kona and Blue Mountain are the most expensive coffees but only of average quality.
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Thomson 中学学生Mike,Joseph,Anna, Ian 和Susan 正在计划下学期各自的选修课课程.阅读

____ 1. Mike spent his childhood mostly in his father"s study, where he read novels by British and
American writers. Next term he will become a senior student. He thinks it"s time that he read more of
their works and learned to write about them.
____ 2. Joseph is good at the language arts, and in his spare time he likes to write short stories. It is
his wish that his stories would be printed in local newspapers. So he is thinking of taking a course to
develop his writing skills, such as wording and paragraph organization.
____ 3. A lively and caring girl, Anna takes an active part in social activities. She is trying to write
reports for newspapers about what she sees and hears. But few of them are accepted because of poor
organization of information. She feels the need to improve her writing and communication skills next term.
____ 4. Susan comes from China. As a junior back home, she wrote quite a lot of short stories, some
of which were published in newspapers. Her parents suggest she read some classics by Asian and
Western writers. She thinks it helpful in her writing. So she is going to take a course of this kind next term.
                                        THOMSON HIGH SCHOOL
Creative Writing
-by Mrs A. MeCletian
Creative writing is a course in which we study and apply the methods used in various forms of fiction
writing. Writing is a skill of art in itself. We are guided by Ezra Pound"s opinion: "Make it new." Creative
writing does not only provide us with an opportunity to express ourselves, but also holds our attention to
word choice, paragraph development, and other skills useful in writing.
-by Dr E. Brandt
Journalism is a course for seniors, in which we will cover how to gather, write and report the news. We
will discuss how information is, or can be, organized. This course also aims to develop communication
skills required of journalists.
American &. British Classics
-by Dr E. Waiter
A classic is a literary work that has stood the test of time. Generations of readers have turned to classics
to discover that which is everlasting. Through both the works themselves and the people they mirror, we
may better be able to see ourselves. In this course, we will read works in both British and American
literature. We will write reviews of what we read.
-by Dr M. Timm
The course is a study of non-fiction through reading many different types of non-fiction. The course will
also be about the possible changes in journalistic reporting and the sharing of personal stories of various
people on various topics such as travel and adventure. We will examine some of the best writings in the
world and deal with the techniques used in this text type.
World Literature
-by Mrs A. MeClellan
World Literature examines the common people found in quality literature worldwide, from Europe to
America, from Asia to Africa, and introduces a variety of cultural background at different points in history. In these worlds, we find not only what is unique to each culture, but what is universal. We are also able
to tell what makes for a good story, no matter from where or whom the story springs.
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解      The NBA"s version of the Ming Dynasty is done. After helping basketball gain a foothold in the
world"s most populous market, Chinese star Yao Ming has retired.
     Yao made it official Wednesday, telling a news conference that a series of foot and leg injuries
forced him to end his playing career at the age of 30.
     "I will formally end my career," said Yao, who became a household name in China before starting
his NBA career with the Houston Rockets in 2002. Yao played eight seasons in the NBA.
     "Today is an important day for me and holds a special meaning for both my basketball career and
my future," Yao said. "I had to leave the court since I suffered a stress fracture(断裂) in my left foot for
the third time at the end of last year. My past six months were a painful wait. I have been thinking about
my future over and over. Today I am announcing a personal decision, ending my career as a basketball
player and officially retire. But one door is closing and another one is opening."
     Yao said he would return to work with his former Chinese team, the Shanghai Sharks, with the
possibility of becoming general manager. He already owns the club and wants to contribute more.
"My playing career started with the club. I hope I can do something for it," Yao said.
     He later appeared with his family on the stage to the applause and cheers of the crowd. He thanked
a lot of people ---- his family, former coaches, even players like Shaquille O"Neal ---- "for making me
a better player. I will be always with you. Thank you."
     Rockets general manager Daryl Morey was among those attending the farewell(告别) conference
Wednesday. Morey made the long trip from Houston. Morey said 20 hours on planes was tiring but he
would be sorry if he wasn"t here. "It"s a big moment," Morey added. "Yao had a sense of humor, a great
attitude and sense of responsibility. I hope we can continue his culture in the NBA."
     Yao had played six years with the Chinese national team before joining the Rockets, and was already
a star in his home country. He carried the Olympic torch through Tiananmen Square and his country"s
flag during the opening ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. He also donated $ 2 million and set
up a foundation to rebuild schools in the wake of the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan.

1. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Yao Ming: a household name
B. Yao Ming retires from the basketball
C. A farewell conference
D. Yao Ming"s personal decision

2. According to the passage, which of the following words can"t be used to describe Yao Ming?

A. Talented.
B. Responsible.
C. Generous.
D. Careful.

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The reason why Yao Ming retired is that he is too old.
B. Yao Ming played six years in America.
C. Yao Ming started his playing career in Houston.
D. Yao Ming was once an Olympic torchbearer (火炬手).

4. What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph but one?

A. Daryl Morey is the general manager of Rockets.
B. Daryl Morey was very tired at the conference.
C. Daryl Morey thought highly of Yao Ming.
 D. The conference was a big moment of the year.
题型:重庆市期中题难度:| 查看答案


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