阅读理解     Thomson 中学学生Mike,Joseph,Anna, Ian 和Susan 正在计划下学期各自的选修课课程.阅读1至5题中的各人情况说明

阅读理解     Thomson 中学学生Mike,Joseph,Anna, Ian 和Susan 正在计划下学期各自的选修课课程.阅读1至5题中的各人情况说明

阅读理解     Thomson 中学学生Mike,Joseph,Anna, Ian 和Susan 正在计划下学期各自的选修课课程.阅读

____ 1. Mike spent his childhood mostly in his father"s study, where he read novels by British and
American writers. Next term he will become a senior student. He thinks it"s time that he read more of
their works and learned to write about them.
____ 2. Joseph is good at the language arts, and in his spare time he likes to write short stories. It is
his wish that his stories would be printed in local newspapers. So he is thinking of taking a course to
develop his writing skills, such as wording and paragraph organization.
____ 3. A lively and caring girl, Anna takes an active part in social activities. She is trying to write
reports for newspapers about what she sees and hears. But few of them are accepted because of poor
organization of information. She feels the need to improve her writing and communication skills next term.
____ 4. Susan comes from China. As a junior back home, she wrote quite a lot of short stories, some
of which were published in newspapers. Her parents suggest she read some classics by Asian and
Western writers. She thinks it helpful in her writing. So she is going to take a course of this kind next term.
                                        THOMSON HIGH SCHOOL
Creative Writing
-by Mrs A. MeCletian
Creative writing is a course in which we study and apply the methods used in various forms of fiction
writing. Writing is a skill of art in itself. We are guided by Ezra Pound"s opinion: "Make it new." Creative
writing does not only provide us with an opportunity to express ourselves, but also holds our attention to
word choice, paragraph development, and other skills useful in writing.
-by Dr E. Brandt
Journalism is a course for seniors, in which we will cover how to gather, write and report the news. We
will discuss how information is, or can be, organized. This course also aims to develop communication
skills required of journalists.
American &. British Classics
-by Dr E. Waiter
A classic is a literary work that has stood the test of time. Generations of readers have turned to classics
to discover that which is everlasting. Through both the works themselves and the people they mirror, we
may better be able to see ourselves. In this course, we will read works in both British and American
literature. We will write reviews of what we read.
-by Dr M. Timm
The course is a study of non-fiction through reading many different types of non-fiction. The course will
also be about the possible changes in journalistic reporting and the sharing of personal stories of various
people on various topics such as travel and adventure. We will examine some of the best writings in the
world and deal with the techniques used in this text type.
World Literature
-by Mrs A. MeClellan
World Literature examines the common people found in quality literature worldwide, from Europe to
America, from Asia to Africa, and introduces a variety of cultural background at different points in history. In these worlds, we find not only what is unique to each culture, but what is universal. We are also able
to tell what makes for a good story, no matter from where or whom the story springs.
1-4: CABE
阅读理解      The NBA"s version of the Ming Dynasty is done. After helping basketball gain a foothold in the
world"s most populous market, Chinese star Yao Ming has retired.
     Yao made it official Wednesday, telling a news conference that a series of foot and leg injuries
forced him to end his playing career at the age of 30.
     "I will formally end my career," said Yao, who became a household name in China before starting
his NBA career with the Houston Rockets in 2002. Yao played eight seasons in the NBA.
     "Today is an important day for me and holds a special meaning for both my basketball career and
my future," Yao said. "I had to leave the court since I suffered a stress fracture(断裂) in my left foot for
the third time at the end of last year. My past six months were a painful wait. I have been thinking about
my future over and over. Today I am announcing a personal decision, ending my career as a basketball
player and officially retire. But one door is closing and another one is opening."
     Yao said he would return to work with his former Chinese team, the Shanghai Sharks, with the
possibility of becoming general manager. He already owns the club and wants to contribute more.
"My playing career started with the club. I hope I can do something for it," Yao said.
     He later appeared with his family on the stage to the applause and cheers of the crowd. He thanked
a lot of people ---- his family, former coaches, even players like Shaquille O"Neal ---- "for making me
a better player. I will be always with you. Thank you."
     Rockets general manager Daryl Morey was among those attending the farewell(告别) conference
Wednesday. Morey made the long trip from Houston. Morey said 20 hours on planes was tiring but he
would be sorry if he wasn"t here. "It"s a big moment," Morey added. "Yao had a sense of humor, a great
attitude and sense of responsibility. I hope we can continue his culture in the NBA."
     Yao had played six years with the Chinese national team before joining the Rockets, and was already
a star in his home country. He carried the Olympic torch through Tiananmen Square and his country"s
flag during the opening ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. He also donated $ 2 million and set
up a foundation to rebuild schools in the wake of the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan.

1. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Yao Ming: a household name
B. Yao Ming retires from the basketball
C. A farewell conference
D. Yao Ming"s personal decision

2. According to the passage, which of the following words can"t be used to describe Yao Ming?

A. Talented.
B. Responsible.
C. Generous.
D. Careful.

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The reason why Yao Ming retired is that he is too old.
B. Yao Ming played six years in America.
C. Yao Ming started his playing career in Houston.
D. Yao Ming was once an Olympic torchbearer (火炬手).

4. What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph but one?

A. Daryl Morey is the general manager of Rockets.
B. Daryl Morey was very tired at the conference.
C. Daryl Morey thought highly of Yao Ming.
 D. The conference was a big moment of the year.
题型:重庆市期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解      Do you love the holidays, but hate the pounds that follow? You are not alone. Holidays are times
for feasting and celebrating. Many people are worried about their weight. With proper planning, though,
it is possible to keep normal weight during the holidays. Whether it is celebrating at the office party or
sitting down for the traditional family dinner, regard eating as a time for tasting a variety of the foods. The
idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don"t have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy.
     Here are some tips for preventing weight gain and keeping physical fitness:
     Don"t skip meals. Before you leave home, have a small, low-fat meal or snack. This may help to
avoid getting too excited before delicious foods.
     Control portions. Use a small plate (about 10 inches) and put aside the large ones that may
encourage you to "load up." You should be most comfortable eating an amount of food about the size
of your fist. Once you have your "tasting" serving, move away from the buffet. Doing so will make it less
tempting(诱惑) to be eating constantly(持续不断的) as your appetite (胃口) is inspired by the sight of
     Begin with soup and fruit or vegetables. Fill up beforehand on water-based soup and raw fruit or
vegetables. Or drink a large glass of water before you eat to help you feel full.
     Stick to physical activity. Don"t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk
after a meal can help burn off extra calories.
     Avoid high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy may have a large amount of fat. Choose lean
meats. Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. Use lemon juice instead of dressing or butter.

1. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. You had better turn your attention away from delicious foods.
B. Drinking some water of soup before eating helps you eat less.
C. Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may bring weight problems.
D. Physical exercise can reduce the chance of putting on weight

2. Many people can"t control their weight after the holidays mainly because they______.

A. can"t help being tempted to eat constantly  
B. take part in too many parties
C. enjoy delicious foods      
D. can"t help turning away from the foods

3. If the passage appears in the newspaper, you think it should be ______ Column.

A. Holidays and Festivals
B. Health and Fitness
C. Fashion and Frontier
D. Student Times Club

4. The best title for the passage would probably be ______.

A. How to avoid holiday feasting and celebrating
B. Dos and Don"ts for keeping slim and fit
C. How to avoid weight gain over holidays
D. Wonderful holiday, Boring weight
题型:重庆市期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解      Online games, social-networking web sites, and chat rooms are fascinating and motivating for teens
and help with their development. When adults look at teens today, they think what they are doing is
different and seem to be wasting a lot of time. And those activities seem quite foreign. But when we look
closely at what kids are doing, it"s not much more different than what their parents did. They are hanging
out with their friends, finding romantic partners, and trying to identify themselves.
     Today"s teens are being raised with technologies that allow them to have self-directed learning on
their own terms, on their own time, and without the limitations of a classroom setting. This gives the teens
a feeling of freedom. This is very different from how kids learn in school when they are handed a set
body of knowledge required to master by their teachers.
     Teens were motivated to be addicted to online because they were either driven by interest or
friendship. And there are some specific findings according to a research:
      One major finding is that there is a generation gap in how parents and teens view the teen"s online
activities. Adults think the activities draw their attention from school work and are left in the dark about
what their teens are doing online. Teens, on the other hand, understand the value of the Internet and are
motivated to take part.
     Another finding shows that teens are not taking full advantage of the Internet. They are using the social
networks to chat and post photos and make friends, which are important to their development, but they
are not making use of other existing opportunities to learn about astronomy, foreign languages, and other
subjects only a few clicks away.
     Teens are also improving their social skills online by learning the basic social and technical skills
needed to interact (互相作用) in today"s digital world.
     Pressure from those of the same age also takes on a new role online. Teens are reporting that they
are more motivated by those of their age online with public spaces that allow the teens to interact and
provide feedback to one another.
     While teens are using the Internet for both social and intellectual development, they are also facing
significant challenges on how to manage their relationships online.

1. The writer is probably ________.

A. a parent
B. a teenager
C. a teacher
D. a researcher

2. Which of the following best describes how the writer thinks about teens and online activities?

A. Supportive.
B. Objective.
C. Understandable.
D. Negative.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Internet is a source of learning for teens.
B. Outside classroom learning is equally valuable.
C. Teens need to learn more effectively online.
D. Parents should also learn to use Internet.

4. How many specific(确切的) findings are listed in this passage?

A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
题型:重庆市期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     British police have begun a year-long programme of Olympic security tests, conducting sweeping
searches of London 2012 venues and practising defensive counter-terrorism tactics(反恐策略).
     The exercises described are part of a broad range of tests to check how the police, government
departments and emergency services would respond to any problems with the Games.
     British police have been conducting security sweeps inside the Olympic Stadium in London as part
of an anti-terror exercise ahead of next year"s games. Officers have been searching sections of the
stadium by hand, while sniffer dogs have been employed to search seats for traces of explosives.
      The Metropolitan Police"s national security coordinator for the London Olympics, Assistant
Commissioner Chris Allison, refused to remark on Tuesday over whether the death of Osama bin
Laden had produced intelligence to suggest that the Games were being targeted by Al-Qaeda(基地
组织) terrorists.
     Chris Allison said, "Clearly I"m not going to go into any details of any intelligence, but put it this way,
we have planned all of our Olympic plans on the basis of a severe threat from terrorism. We"ve looked
at the various attack methods used by terrorists across the world, and put in place the necessary control
measures here to make sure the terrorists couldn"t be successful."
     Specialist officers from the police "rope access" team have been searching the floodlights at the
Olympic Stadium to check for suspicious objects.
    The British government"s austerity drive has resulted in tough budget(预算)cuts for the police service
in London.
     But the government has insisted that the budget for Olympic security won"t be affected by the
     Security has been a serious concern for the Olympics since the killing of 11 Israeli athletes and
coaches at the 1972 Munich Games.
     The London Games are seen as a high security threat particularly, as the Olympics offer an
international platform for any terror group because there will be live events broadcast worldwide.
     The 2012 London Summer Olympics begin July 27 and run through August 12.

1. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. London will spend as little money as they can on the Games
B. London is facing much trouble in hosting the Olympic Game
C. there is some possibility that terrorists will do some damage
D. 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed at the 1972 Munich Games

 2. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. British police search sections of the stadium by hand.
B. There are several explosives made by terrorists in the stadium.
C. British police put great effort into the Olympic security check.
D. Some dogs are employed in the security sweeps.

3. The underlined word "austerity" in the seventh paragraph probably means ______.

A. a situation when people don"t have enough money to spend
B. a state when people feel upset because of some accidents
C. a debate (辩论) between those who have different views about something
D. an attitude that has much effect on people"s shopping ideas

4. What is the best title of the passage?

A. The London Olympic Games
B. Terrorist Events before the Olympics
C. Modern Equipment Used in Security Check
D. The London Olympic Security Check
题型:重庆市期中题难度:| 查看答案

     The teacher who did the most to encourage me was, as it happens, my aunt.She was Myrtle C.
Manigault, the wife of my mother"s brother Bill.She taught me in second grade at allblack Sumner
School in Camden, New Jersey.
     During my childhood and youth, Aunt Myrtle encouraged me to develop every aspect of my
potential, without regard for what was considered practical or possible for black females.I liked to
sing; she listened to my voice and pronounced it good.I couldn"t dance; she taught me the basic
dancing steps.She took me to the theatre-not just children"s theatre but adult comedies and
dramas-and her faith that I could appreciate adult plays was not disappointed.
     My aunt also took down books from her extensive library and shared them with me.I had books
at home, but they were all serious classics.Even as a child I had a strong liking for humour, and I"ll
never forget the joy of discovering Don Marquis"s Archy & Mehitabel through her.
      Most important, perhaps, Aunt Myrtle provided my first opportunity to write for publication.A
writer herself for one of the black newspapers, she suggested my name to the editor as a "youth
columnist". My column, begun when I was fourteen, was supposed to cover teenage social
activities-and it did-but it also gave me the freedom to write on many other subjects as well as the habit
of gathering material, the discipline of meeting deadlines, and, after graduation from college six years
later, a solid collection of published material that carried my name and was my passport to a series of
writing jobs.
     Today Aunt Myrtle is still an enthusiastic supporter of her "favourite niece". Like a diamond, she has
reflected a bright, multifaceted (多面的) image of possibilities to every pupil who has crossed her path.

1. Which of the following did Aunt Myrtle do to the author during her childhood and youth?

A. She lent her some serious classics.
B. She cultivated her taste for music.
C. She discovered her talent for dancing.
D. She introduced her to adult plays.

2. What does Archy & Mehitabel in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A. A book of great fun.  
B. A writer of high fame.
C. A serious masterpiece.  
D. A heartbreaking play.

3. Aunt Myrtle recommended the author to a newspaper editor mainly to ________.

A. develop her capabilities for writing
B. give her a chance to collect material
C. involve her in teenage social activities
D. offer her a series of writing jobs

4. We can conclude from the passage that Aunt Myrtle was a teacher who ________.

A. trained pupils to be diligent and welldisciplined
B. gave pupils confidence in exploiting their potential
C. emphasized what was practical or possible for pupils
D. helped pupils overcome difficulties in learning

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