阅读理解     You don"t need millions to be happy.In fact,at The Happiness Institute

阅读理解     You don"t need millions to be happy.In fact,at The Happiness Institute

阅读理解     You don"t need millions to be happy.In fact,at The Happiness Institute in Australia,a couple of
hundred dollars may be enough.
    The institute opened its door last year,and,since then,men and women of all ages have been paying
$200 an hour for lessons on how to feel great.
     "You can actually increase your happiness levels.That"s what we teach," said Timothy Sharp,founder
of the institute.
     Experts say that only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income,assets and other financial
factors.As much as 85 percent comes from things such as attitude,life control and relationships.
     Most of us are significantly better off financially than our parents and grandparents,but happiness
levels haven"t changed to reflect that.
     Studies show that once the basic needs of shelter and food are met,additional wealth adds very little
to happiness.
     Many decades ago,the "sage of Baltimore,Maryland",editor H L Mencken,defined (下定义) wealth
as earning $100 more than your "wife"s sister"s husband".
     Behavioral economists now say part of the reason we are richer but not happier is that we compare
ourselves to people better off materially.
     "The argument is that if you want to be happy there"s a very simple thing you can do:
     Compare yourself to people who are less well_off than you-poorer,smaller house and car," said
     The Happiness Institute aims to show you how to overcome these unhappiness factors by focusing
on "more than just your bank account".
     "If I compare myself to Bill Gates then I"m always going to be down," said Sharp.
     A better thing to compare with,he said,might be Kerry Packer,Australia"s richest person who has
had a kidney transplant (肾脏移植) and heart surgery in recent years.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You can increase your happiness levels by attending the classes at The Happiness Institute.
B. Most of us are happier than our parents or grandparents since we earn more.
C. Earn $100 more than your wife"s sister"s husband if you want to be happy.
D. Both Bill Gates and Kerry Packer are examples of those who are extremely rich but
     obviously unhappy.

2. The underlined phrase has the same meaning as the word________.

A. healthy  
B. unhealthy  
C. free  
D. wealthy

3. The author wrote the passage to tell us________.

A. happiness is everything
B. wealth is the foundation of happiness
C. we can have fun at The Happiness Institute
D. money doesn"t always mean happiness

4. According to the passage,happiness mainly depends on________.

A. income,assets and other financial factors
B. additional wealth apart from the satisfaction of the basic needs of shelter and food
C. things like attitude,life control and relationships
D. society development
1-4: ADDC
Late in September,a photo show was held in our
school.It lasted a week and was a great success!All the photos were
t________by the students themselves.They were
________(大多数) color photos,but some are
blackandwhite ones,p________our school life,the
beauty of nature,festival activities and so on. All the
________(作品) of art were on show in the
________(图书馆) on the second floor.Every day a
large number of students went to enjoy________,
and they were surprised to find the photos were so wonderful
________some teachers also were present.Those
w________photos were chosen the best were given 
different prizes.In short,this photo show really made our life more
________(多彩). We hope we will have more
activities like this in the f________.
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     I am trying to muster (鼓起) the courage to toss_away my mobile phone to enjoy a more peaceful
and ringfree life.
     Can you imagine not having your mobile phone? In our hightech,  inahurry age,  a cellfree life is a hard
concept to swallow.Our mobile phones can now access the Internet,  and many people feel the need to
express their every thought on their blog pages.If I gave up my cellphone,  people would think I was mad.
     I wish I had the strength to toss away my technology.I have an office phone,  a home phone,  an email
and if people want to contact me,  they can.If I"m out,  people can leave a message.Do they really need
to find me 24/7?However,  I"m a bit like Frodo in the movie Lord of the Rings.The power of the ring is
too strong and I can"t let it go.
     Mobile phones have become necessary tools in our busy life.For most people,  they hold all contacts
and many of us don"t write up address books any more.The latest phones carry our music,  pictures, 
 movies and everything else.We feel lost without this device and when we do misplace it,  we feel cut off
from our fellow.
     "Where have you been?" said a friend,  who saw me a week after I lost my cellphone,  "I tried calling
you,  but you disappeared.You disappeared off the face of the Earth." See,  when you don"t have a
mobile phone,  you don"t exist.
     I"m not really going to toss my mobile phone away,  in fact.We humans are such social animals and
mobile phones serve us well.So in 2009,  I"ve decided not to serve my mobile phone.Like all machines, 
 I can always turn it off.

1. What does the underlined phrase "toss away" mean?

A. give away  
B. get away
C. break away  
D. throw away

2. The writer mentions Frodo to________.

A. show it is difficult to get rid of the mobile phone
B. show how much he likes Frodo
C. suggest a cellfree life is what he wants
D. introduce a film character to us

3. What do we know about mobile phones in the 4th paragraph?

A. Mobile phones can do anything for us.
B. Mobile phones have become very important in our life.
C. We could not live without mobile phones.
D. We would be cut off by our fellow without mobile phones.

4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. The writer is not really going to toss his mobile phone away.
B. When you don"t have a mobile phone,  you don"t exist.
C. The writer decides not to serve his mobile phone.
D. We humans can control ourselves and machines.
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Compared to people with bad attitudes,  people who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer
from colds,  according to a new study."It"s possible that being upbeat helps the body fight illnesses,  "
says Sheldon Cohen,  the study"s lead researcher from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh.
     In a previous study,  Cohen and his colleagues put coldcausing viruses into the noses of 334 healthy
adults.People who tended to be cheerful and lively were least likely to develop sniffles,  coughs,  and
other cold symptoms.People who showed positive feelings were also less likely to mention symptoms to
their doctors,  even when medical tests detected those symptoms.
     Those findings were interesting,  but they didn"t prove that a person"s attitude affects whether he or
she gets sick.Instead,  it was still possible that a person"s underlying personality is what matters.Evidence
suggests,  for instance,  that certain people are naturally more likely to be outgoing and optimistic,  with
high selfesteem and a sense of control over life.This would mean that who we are,  not how we feel,  
ultimately decides our chances of catching colds.
     To figure out which mattered more (personality or emotions),  the CMU team interviewed 193
healthy adults.The researchers talked to each person over the phone every evening for 2 weeks.At the
end of the interviewing period,  people got nose drops that contained either cold or flu viruses.Then,  
each person stayed in an isolated room for 5 or 6 days.The results showed that everyone in the study
was equally likely to get infected.Their symptoms,  however,  differed depending on the types of emotions
that they had reported over the previous 2 weeks.Among those who reported good moods and had been
infected with the flu virus,  for example,28 percent developed coughs and stuffy noses.On the other
hand,  those symptoms struck 41 percent of people who had been less upbeat.

1. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Smiles Turn away Colds
B. An Interesting Way to Beat Colds
C. Be Outgoing and Optimistic to Fight Colds
D. What Matters More,  Personality or Emotions?

2. In the previous study,  people who showed positive feelings______.

A. didn"t catch colds as often
B. developed cold symptoms more slowly
C. were less likely to have cold symptoms detected
D. were less likely to feel cold symptoms

3. What mainly decides our chances of catching colds according to the new study?

A. Personality.  
B. Selfesteem.
C. Emotions.  
D. Attitudes.

4. The underlined word "symptoms" probably means________.

A. something that causes cold
B. something that results in cold
C. signs that something exists,  especially something bad
D. changes in your body or mind that show that you are not healthy
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案

     Choosing a nice mountain bike for you is easier than learning how to ride it.Keep these tips in mind:
     Decide how you are going to use your new mountain bike.
     Are you a new rider who simply wants to travel outdoors on the weekend,  weather permitting?Do
you intend to test yourself on the rough roads,  every day,  rain or shine?Or are you going to use your

new mountain bike to ride to and from school or work?Be honest about your intentions,  and you"re more
than half way toward choosing the right mountain bike for you.
     Visit your local bike shops.
     Any good bike shop will stock a wide range of quality mountain bikes in all price points and sizes.
Your local bike shops will carry more than one brand of bicycle.Not only will they sell you a mountain
bike that suits your needs,  but they will service what they sell.Visit at least a few shops.You"ll get one
that satisfies you right away.
     Don"t be bashful.
Tell your salesperson how you intend to use your new mountain bike,  and how much you are willing to
spend.Your salesperson will show you a selection of models and brands accordingly.He or she will also
help you determine the right size for you.You may ask more without any sense of shyness.
     Take a test ride.
     All good bike shops let customers take test rides.There"s a good reason for this beyond
"trybeforeyoubuy" salesmanship.Since you already know your price range and find the right size,  you
now have to find out which brand you ride best.They want you to be happy with your purchase.After
only a few test rides from more than one bike shop,  the right mountain bike will choose you.

1. What would be the best title for the text?

A. How to Choose a Mountain Bike
B. How to Ride a Mountain Bike
C. Where to Ride Your Local Bike
D. Why to Take a Test Ride

2. The main purpose of visiting bike shops is________.

A. to share happiness with the salesperson
B. to seek a wide range of quality
C. to get a mountain bike that satisfies you
D. to service your new mountain bike

3. The underlined word "bashful" means________.

A. cold  
B. pitiful  
C. shy  
D. helpful

4. Which of the following is probably the author"s attitude towards "trybeforeyoubuy" salesmanship?

A. Honorable.  
B. Favorable.  
C. Negative.  
D. Suspicious.

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阅读理解     For many people in the US, sports are not just for fun. They"re almost a "religion". Thousands of
sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes play in person. Other fans
watch the games at home, sticking to their TV sets, never missing a game. Many a wife becomes a
"sports widow" during her husband"s favorite season. Americans" devotion to sports has created a new
class of wealthy people: professional athletes. Sports stars often receive milliondollar salaries. Some
even make big money by appearing in advertisements for soft drinks, shoes and almost everything.
     Sports are an important part of American culture. Throughout their school life, Americans learn to
play many sports. Many students try out for the school teams. Athletic events at universities attract
scores of fans and benefit the whole community. Many people also enjoy noncompetitive activities, like
hiking, cycling, horseback riding, camping or hunting.
     Many sports were imported from other countries. Europeans brought tennis, golf, bowling and
boxing to America. Football and baseball came from other Old World games. Only basketball has a
truly American origin. Americans export sports fever as well. Satellites broadcast games to sports fans
around the globe. NBA is a good example. The names of American superstars like basketball great
Michael Jordan have become household words all over the world.1. Many a wife becomes a "sports widow" in the US probably because________.A. they are serious in religion
B. they are devoted to sports
C. their husbands stick to sports
D. their husbands are missing2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The US sports stars can earn a large sum of money via the media.
B. American students go in for various sports and athletic events.
C. Lots of American people take part in noncompetitive activities.
D. American people like to exchange different sports from each other.3. We can infer from the passage that________.A. all the Americans are sports fans
B. sports culture influences the world
C. most Americans like competition
D. America has invented many sports4. The writer mainly intends to tell us________.A. how important sports are in America
B. where sports can help to make money
C. why sports are so popular in America
D. what affect Americans" everyday life
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