计算题.1.At 12 noon my watch was correct. However, it then started to lose 18 minut

计算题.1.At 12 noon my watch was correct. However, it then started to lose 18 minut

计算题.1.At 12 noon my watch was correct. However, it then started to lose 18 minutes per hour.
Four hours ago it stopped completely and is now showing the time as 15:30.
What is the correct time now?
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
What value of weight should be placed on the scales to balance?
Answer: _____________________________________________________________
1. 9 pm.    2. 75 kg.
逻辑题.1. Arsenal, Manchester, Liverpool and Tottenham are four football teams. Each team is playing
against one of the others on the next three Saturdays-a different one each time.
On Saturday the 12th, Arsenal are playing against Manchester.
Manchester are playing against Tottenham on the 19th.
Who are playing against who on the 26th?
2. Find the number to replace the question mark.
369 542 is t0 246 359
172 896 is t0 268 179
417 638 is to?
Answer: _____________________________________________________________

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谜语题.1. What"s white when it"s dirty?
2. What shows different persons though it is the same thing?
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益智题.1.The injured dog had some difficulty going home. Every step he took,he slipped back two.
However, he still managed to get home. Why?
2. What question can never be answered by "yes" ?
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阅读理解。     People who travel long distances will have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land,
sea or air.Maybe nobody would say they enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. The
train will soon get crowded and dirty. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the joumey.
Reading may help you to kill time but soon the clicking on the rails will bring you to sleep. During
the day,sleep never lasts long. At night,when you really wish to go to sleep,you find you can hardly
manage to do so. If you are lucky to get a sleeping seat,you spend half the night looking at the small
blue light over your head,and when you finally arrive at the station,you are
so tired that you don"t want to leave.
     Long car joumeys are even less pleasant,for it is impossible even to read. On motorways, you
can, at least,travel fairly safely at high speeds,but more often,the greater part of the joumey is spent
on narrow,bumpy (崎岖不平的)  roads which are crowded with traffic.
     When travelling by sea,you have a different expe- rience. You can have a walk.on the board,
play games, swim,meet interesting people and enjoy good food,and of course,only when the sea is
calm. If it is not,you are likely to get seasick (晕船的) , and you will find no joumey can be worse
than that. Even if you travel in good weather,sea joumeys take a long time. Few people
would like to spend a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on a ship.
      Travelling by plane seems to be dangerous to some people,and,it is also the most expensive of
all travelling forms,though nothing can match planes for speed and comfort(舒服). Flying at a height
of 30 000 feet, far above the clouds,and at 500 miles an hour is a very exciting experience. The
joumey is  so  smooth(平稳的 )that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping.
However you decide to spend your time,one thing is certain:you will arrive at your destination fresh
and easy. You will not have to spend the next few days recovering(恢复)from a long and tiring journey.1. From the passage we can know that travelling by train              .A.is the most comfortable for passengers
B.is so slow and dirty that no one wants to take a train
C. seems to be very tiring and usually takes a long time
D. will keep you awake all the time2. What prevents people from travelling by plane?  A. Planes can be very dangerous.
B. You will feel sorry after travelling by air.
C. Flying so high brings no comfori.
D. Air travelling takes a long time.

3.In the writer"s opinion,             .     

A. you should never travel by train
B. travelling by air is the most comfortable
C. travelling by sea is the best form
D. car travelling is comfortable
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     Travel has been a considerable part of my life and I have made different kinds of joumeys to
many parts of the world. Often in my travels,l was alone, traveling under difficult conditions in
wartime. And I have flown over the oceans many times when I wanted to get quickly from one
place to another. But a sea voyage,especially a long one,has some.thing unusual of its own,and
after taking a few of them,l became interested in the reasons why people take such trips and how
they are affected by them. That is why I wanted to write Life Number Two.
     Some people go for escape from grief or failure, some from a wish not to be very long iri one
place in the world. Others go to celebrate a marriage, or a retirement,and many people take voyages
to enjoy a luxury(享乐) they do not have at home and for shipboard fun. When you put all these
motives (动机)  into a forced companionship (伙伴关系 )  and sometimes an unpleasant one a
voyage can be like a mirror held up to modem  life with  all  its  variety (多样性 ) . Voyages can
be boring but they can give some passengers new view on life,renew courage and awaken a sense
of the size of the world.
     There are many books about ocean voyages,but as a rule they are magazines or diaries of travel.
 Life Number Two is a novel written not mainly to show shipboard life but to tell the stories of a few
people on board,trying their past lives and their possible futures into the narratives(叙述).lt also deals
with some modem socialproblems worth our consideration.

1. The writer spent           in travelling. A. all his life
B. the most important part of life
C. the period of wartime
D. much time      ,2.Life Num,ber Two tells how people feel when they                A. are alone in their trips    .
B. fly quickly from one place to another
C. are on board a ship for a long time
D. are always in one place of the world    .3. A sea voyage in one"s life is           as the writer says.     A. sometimes a thing worth doing
B. a waste of time
C. a sign of failure
D. one"s strong wish4. The shipboard life is                  A. very Liresome
B. very luxurious
C. a reflection (反映) of society
D. very funny
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