阅读理解。     Dear Daddy,     You"ve been gone for six years and I"ve had time to th

阅读理解。     Dear Daddy,     You"ve been gone for six years and I"ve had time to th

阅读理解。     Dear Daddy,
     You"ve been gone for six years and I"ve had time to think.Now I"m ready to write this letter
to you.
      For a long time after Mom died,I thought I liked her more because I didn"t like your tough
guy attitude and I thought that her softer side was more desirable.In my 15yearold"s mind,I
thought you could have stopped my mother from drinking herself to death.Instead,you were
off playing tennis and working.Later,I realized that no one could make someone stop drinking.
Support is important,but at the end of the day,it is a choice.You were just doing your best.
     What I have learned is that I am much like you.You taught me selfconfidence.I know if I am
prepared to work hard enough for something,I will be successful.This is no small thing.What I"ve
realized since you died is that you were always there for me.You fought to ensure that I got my
place on the Quebec badminton team that I had earned.When I got divorced,you came up to see
if I had what I needed to take care of the boys and you paid off my car.
     You taught me not to spend money I don"t have.I"ve always kept to that rule.It has served me
well.We always had a good home to live in,nice vacations,and everything we needed and most of
what we wanted.
     You were not a perfect parent and neither am I.My children are much more thankful than I
ever was.I am thankful that I had you as my dad.I am still Daddy"s girl and I am proud of it.1.We can know the writer"s father________ .A.always put his family in first place
B.didn"t understand his daughter
C.didn"t treat his daughter well
D.died six years ago2.The writer now doesn"t think her father________.A.was a good husband or father
B.had the right attitude toward her
C.was responsible for her mother"s death
D.did his best to prevent her mother from drinking3.Which of the following things did the writer"s father teach her?a.selfconfidence  
b.to love doing sports
c.not to hate anybody    
d.to spend money properly
D.ad4.What can we infer from the letter?A.The writer"s father cared about her very much.
B.The writer didn" t have a good childhood.
C.The writer"s children don"t love her.
D.The writer now lives alone.5.From the last paragraph we know the writer________.A.thinks she is a much better parent than her dad
B.is thankful for everything she has
C.considers her father to be perfect
D.is proud to have such a father
阅读理解。     You"ve attended all the classes,done all of your homework and you think you have grasped
the material.But then the day of the test comes.Suddenly,you feel so nervous that you can"t answer
those questions you knew the answers to just last night.If this sounds like you,you may have a
case of test anxiety (焦虑).
     Test anxiety can be a real problem.When someone is stressed out over a test,he or she
may not be able to do his or her best work.Feeling ready to meet the challenge,though,can keep
test anxiety at a proper level.
     Use a little stress to your advantage.Stress is your body"s warning mechanism (装置)-it"s
a signal that helps you prepare for something important that"s about to happen.Instead of worrying
too much about the test,take  an active way.Let stress remind you to study well before a test.Then
you"ll stop your stress from being out of control.
     Ask for help.Although a little test anxiety can be a good  thing,too much of it is another story
entirely.If sitting for  a test makes your mind go blank and causes you to miss answers that you know,
then your level of test anxiety  probably needs some attention.Your teacher,your parents,or a tutor
can be a useful resource to talk to if you always get too much test anxiety.
     Be prepared.Many students find that their  test anxiety is  reduced when they start to study better.
It works-the better you know the material,the more confidence you"ll have.1.What is this passage mainly about?A.What should be done before a test.
B.How to deal with test anxiety.
C.What causes test anxiety.
D.What test anxiety is.2.The underlined word "grasped" in Paragraph 1 probably means________.A.received    
D.finished3.From Paragraphs 2 and 3 we can learn that________.A.it"s hard to keep test anxiety at a proper level
B.test anxiety cannot be avoided
C.only lazy students have test anxiety
D.a little test anxiety might be helpful4.In Paragraph 4,the writer suggests a student who feels too nervous before a test should________.A.find a quiet place to relax for a while
B.talk to someone to get over the anxiety
C.have a good time with some friends  
D.find out if others feel the same5.What can we infer from the passage?A.Test anxiety is a kind of serious illness.
B.Getting prepared can reduce test anxiety.
C.Only teachers can help students get over test anxiety.
D.The more tests a student has,the less anxiety he/she will have.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Information has always been at the center of human communication.Yon may ask why.Well,
communication between people contains giving and receiving information. The way we give and receive
information today has experienced a revolution in the development of the mass media in the 20th century.
     The first truly mass communication medium was the newspaper. For the first time in history people
could read about events in their country and from around the world every day. However there were two
problems with newspapers of that time. Firstly, newspapers were available only in large cities, for getting
newspapers to the countryside was a difficult and timeconsuming (耗时的) task. Secondly, newspapers
weren"t always reliable, as there was a limited range of opinions.
     Nowadays, we can choose from a wide variety of sources to get information. Television and the
Internet have given us the chance to be informed about everything the minute it happens. Large numbers of radio and TV stations, satellite channels and millions of websites help people keep up with the latest news.People live in history and are part of it.
     The media have come a long way in the last century and there is no doubt that we now live in the
information age. Whatever type of media we choose, it all comes down to the need for information.This
will always be a basic need as long as communication is part of human nature.1. Information is considered the center of human communication because_____.A. human communication means information exchange
B. human communication involves people"s participation
C. information is now experiencing a revolution
D. information helps people gather together2. What was the historical contribution of the newspaper as a source of information?A. It made the mass communication truly develop.
B. It helped the mass communication develop in cities.
C. It kept people timely informed about home and world events.
D. It kept reliable information available in big cities.3. The third paragraph mainly tells us that technology helps_____.A. information easily available
B. people be part of history
C. inform everything timely
D. produce the latest news4. It can be concluded from the last paragraph that a basic need today is_____.A. communication  
B. information
C. high technology  
D. media types
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完形填空。     Now that I am no longer young, I have friends whose mothers have passed away. I have heard
these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers__1__it was too late to tell
them. I am blessed (赐福) with the dear mother who is still alive. I__2__her more each day. My
mother does not change, but I__3__. As I grow older and wiser, I realise__4__an extraordinary
person she is. How__5__that I am unable to speak these words in her__6__, but they flow easily
from my pen.
     How does a daughter begin to thank her mother for life itself? For the love, patience and just
__7__hard work that go into__8__a child? For running after a toddler (学走步的小孩), for
understanding a__9__teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows__10__? For waiting
for the day when a daughter__11__how wise her mother really is?
     How does a__12__woman thank a mother for__13__to be a mother? For being ready __14__
advice (when asked) or keeping __15__when it is most appreciated? For not saying, "I told you so",
when she could have uttered these words__16__? For being__17__herself-loving, thoughtful, patient,
and forgiving?
     I don"t know how, dear God, except to ask you to bless her as richly as she__18__and to help me
live up to the example she has__19__. I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my
mother__20__in mine.(     )1.A. as        
(     )2.A. approve      
(     )3.A. do          
(     )4.A. how          
(     )5.A. sad          
(     )6.A. absence      
(     )7.A. common      
(     )8.A. raising      
(     )9.A. childish    
(     )10.A. anybody    
(     )11.A. detects    
(     )12.A. pretty      
(     )13.A. failing    
(     )14.A. by          
(     )15.A. silent      
(     )16.A. dozen times
(     )17.A. valuably    
(     )18.A. devotes    
(     )19.A. set        
(     )20.A. sees        B.that          
B.a dozen of times
B.finds       C.until        
C. dozens of times
C.is          D.when        
D.dozen of time
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完型填空。     Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live
longer than they   1  .Yet, all living things still show the   2  of aging, which will eventually    3  death.    
     Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity (成熟期), the cells of the body and the    3  
they form do not function as well as they    5  in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less    6  against disease and is more   7  to have an accident.
     A number of related causes may   8   to aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they
are not   9   when they die. As a person ages,    10  of brain cells and muscle cells decreases.   11   body
cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the   12   cells may not be as workable or as
capable   13   growth as those of a young person.
     Another   14   in aging may be changes within the cells    15  . Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known   16   with age and become less elastic (有弹性). This is why the skin of old people wrinkles and
  17  . This is also the reason why old people   18   in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and   19   information
that the cells need. Aging may affect this   20   and change the informationcarrying molecules so that they
do not transmit the information as well.(     )1.A.would          
(     )2.A.function        
(     )3.A.lead in        
(     )4.A.hands          
(     )5.A.do              
(     )6.A.energy          
(     )7.A.likely          
(     )8.A.attend          
(     )9.A.replaced        
(     )10.A.a number      
(     )11.A. The others    
(     )12.A.old            
(     )13.A.to            
(     )14.A.factor        
(     )15.A.for themselves
(     )16.A.change        
(     )17.A.hangs loose    
(     )18.A.increase      
(     )19.A.pass away      
(     )20.A.improvement    B.be used to        
B.give in          
B.has done          
B.the amount        
B.of themselves    
B.to have changed  
B.hangs loosely    
B.pass by          
B.procession        C.used to          
C.run into          
C.the number        
C.to change        
C.is hanging loosely
C.pass off          
C.approach          D.used            
D.result in        
D.had done        
D.a great deal    
D.on their own    
D.to be changed    
D.is hanging loose
D.pass on          
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完形填空     Children often use body language to show us how they are feeling long before they can talk. If they
__1__their mothers quietly, it is easy to tell that they are__2__. Mothers also know that they can calm the child with a touch on the cheek or a__3__word.
     It seems that we come into the world with a set of gestures already __4__into us. Everybody,__5__
country, race or religion, can look surprised, smile or cry. It also seems that we can__6__ our mothers"
voice even before we are born. Even a newborn baby will look__7__the direction of its mother"s voice
when she is not in sight. Feeding time also represents a time__8__babies and mothers can get closer. The baby can watch the mother"s face__9__.
     Babies are also__10__observers of facial expressions and learn from mothers" reaction__11__or not
something is to be feared. This is often__12__first babies are more timid and less relaxed than their later
brothers and sisters. The mother is__13__more worried with her first baby but by the time the second
arrives she __14__ confidence.
    Babies never want to be left out of any activity. Even small babies will cry __15__ they can see what is going on around them. Babies learn to __16__quite early with gestures. They point to things and get
when those things are given to them. They laugh during a game and are rewarded when the game
continues. They smile at strangers and are rewarded by being__18__ and cuddled(拥抱). So learning the body language of the children is __19__important and rewarding as studying__20__of another culture.(     )1. A. hang out        
(     )2. A. nervous        
(     )3. A. harsh          
(     )4. A. being programmed
(     )5. A. regardless of  
(     )6. A. realise        
(     )7. A. to              
(     )8. A. when            
(     )9. A. at times        
(     )10. A. keen          
(     )11. A. if            
(     )12. A. when          
(     )13. A. anxiously      
(     )14. A. gains          
(     )15. A. until          
(     )16. A. react          
(     )17. A. rewarded      
(     )18. A. picked out    
(     )19. A. more          
(     )20. A. it             B. hang in          
B. happy            
B. gentle          
B. programming      
B. because of      
B. recognise        
B. from            
B. where            
B. at the same time
B. dull            
B. whether          
B. that            
B. eagerly          
B. has gained      
B. if              
B. inform          
B. awarded          
B. picked on        
B. less            
B. one              C. hang around      
C. excited          
C. severe          
C. having programmed
C. depend on        
C. appreciate      
C. in              
C. which            
C. at a time        
C. awkward          
C. how              
C. why              
C. actually        
C. had gained      
C. when            
C. connect          
C. criticized      
C. picked up        
C. much            
C. ones             D. hang up    
D. eager      
D. sympathetic
D. programmed  
D. rely on    
D. acknowledge
D. on          
D. that        
D. at one time
D. slow        
D. when        
D. whether    
D. obviously  
D. is gaining  
D. once        
D. communicate
D. blamed      
D. picked over
D. as          
D. that        
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