信息匹配 。     请阅读下列学位申请者的信息,从A、B、C、D、E和F 6个国家中为每位中请者选出最合适的留学国家,选项中有一项是多余选项     阅读下列

信息匹配 。     请阅读下列学位申请者的信息,从A、B、C、D、E和F 6个国家中为每位中请者选出最合适的留学国家,选项中有一项是多余选项     阅读下列

信息匹配 。
     请阅读下列学位申请者的信息,从A、B、C、D、E和F 6个国家中为每位中请者选出最
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案

Name: Ziggy Nizott
Height: 1.82 m
Weight: 90kg
Age: 35
Details:Long history of violent
crime including robbery, assault and
 car theft.

Name: Dennis Tsokas
Height: 1.95 m
Weight: 70 kg
Age: 28
Details: Well known to local police
having been arrested several
 times for pick-pocketing.

Name: Michael Clarke
Height: 1.7 m
Weight: 65 kg
Age: 20
Details: Arrested as a youth for car
theft and the selling of stolen goods

Name: Mark Hughes
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 60kg
Age: 29
Details: Is wanted by police for
several armed robbery of  grocery
stores, banks and post offices.

Name: Herb Elliot
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 90kg
Age: 22
Details: Recently released
from prison where he served 2
years for selling stolen goods.

F.  Name: William Daniels
Height: 1.6 m
90kg Age: 32
Details: Arrested 4 times for the
selling of drugs and car theft.
1-5: EDABC
     I live in the land of Disney, Hollywood and year - round sun. You may think People ,n such an
attractive, fun - filled place are happier than others. If so you have some mistaken ideas about the nature
of happiness.
     Many intelligent people still think fun equals happiness. The truth is that fun and happiness have little
or nothing in common. Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after
an act. It is a deep, long-lasting emotion.
     Going to an amusement park or a ball game, watching a movie or television are fun activities that help
us relax, temporally forget our problems and maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because
their positive effects end when the fun ends.
     I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has
nothing to do with fun. They have constant access to exciting parties, fancy cars, expensive homes,
everything that spells "happiness" But in memoir (回忆录) after memoir, they expose Ac unhappiness
hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages and loneliness.
    Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he
is honest, he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite
painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure and excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they
are not its most distinguishing features.
     Similarly, couples that choose not to have children are deciding in favor of painless fun over painful
happiness. They can dine out whenever they want and sleep as late as they want. Couples with babies are
lucky to get a whole night" s sleep. I don"t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe
raising children.
     Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most
liberating realizations we can ever come to. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities
that can truly increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that
will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it frees us from envy: we now
understand that all those rich and famous people we were so sure are happy because they are always
having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Fun and happiness.
B. Success and satisfaction.
C. Marriage and commitment.
D. Entertainment and responsibility.
2. The author probably agrees that ____.
A. fun creates long - lasting satisfaction
B. long - standing fun may lead to happiness
C. fun is short-lived while happiness is long-lasting
D. fun provides enjoyment while pain leads to happiness
3.What does the author think of marriage?
A. It ends in pain.            
B. It means commitment.
C. It affords greater fun.        
D. It leads to raising children.
4. If one gets the real meaning of happiness, he ____.
A. will start a business          
B. won" t place too much value on money
C. will seek for freedom        
D. won"t devote himself to his family
    There are many ways of defining success. It is accurate to say that each of us has our own concept of
success to the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and determining whether we
have met these goals satisfactorily. Because each of us possesses unique differences in genetic ability and
favorable environments in which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define success broadly.
     For some people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is
considered a success. Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his
simple life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a good job of
achieving the goals expected of and accepted by him and his society. On the other hand, it seems that
even though some people appear to be rich in material possessions, many of them seem to be miserable
and consider themselves unsuccessful when judged by their own goals of success. Because not all
ventures can be successful, one should not set unrealistic goals for achieving success, but if one has
self-confidence it would be unfortunate to set one"s goals at too low a level of achievement.
     A wise counselor once said to a young man who was experiencing frustration with his own
professional success: "You do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have success in
traveling. Sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park, or riding the
subway downtown," The counselor added, "You have not really failed and spoiled your chances for
success until you have been unsuccessful at something you really like, and to which you have given your
best effort."
1. In the paragraph one, the author implies that_____ are essential in achieving success .
A. ability and goals    
B. ability and environment
C. goals and determination            
D. goals and environment
2. Which one of the following statements is Not True?
A. All the rich people are not considering themselves successful.
B. Only the person who achieves great goals can be regarded as a successful man.
C. Living a simple life and enjoying peace is for some people a success.
D. A shepherd is someone who takes care of sheep.
3. The last paragraph implies that ______.
A. success means taking a walk in the park    
B. success means achieving great goals
C. we should have high goals    
D. success means trying one"s best at what one really likes
4. This passage mainly talks about _______.
A. the definition of success    
B. how to achieve success
C. how to set goals    
D. the importance of goals

     In the United States you will find yourself being urged from every page of  every newspaper and every
television station to buy all kinds of goods.
     Not only is there a wide range of prices for goods in America, there is also a wide range in the quality
of goods offered for sale. Unlike some countries,
     Americans generally pay the price of a product without question, instead of trying to get a lower price
by bargaining. However, there are many "sales" in the United States, during which time stores will lower
their normal prices. This may all be very confusing to visitors. How are you going to know how to "get
your money"s worth" when you shop? Perhaps the best advice is: Don"t hurry. Visit various stores and
determine the quality of goods. Read the advertisements so that you can compare prices.
     There is a great variety of shops in the United States, ranging from very large stores called "department stores" to very small shops. There are "discount houses" offering goods at low prices, and "dime stores"
specializing in a wide range of inexpensive items.
     Most department stores in large cities carry better quality products at higher prices. However, they
offer the shoppers great convenience since they contain such a wide variety of products.
     If convenience isn"t as important to you as price, you may want to shop in discount houses. These
stores have nearly as great a variety of goods as department stores, but offer lower prices. They can do
so for several reasons. They don"t offer the same services to buyers that department stores do; there may
be fewer sales people; and the store probably doesn"t deliver purchases.
     Another popular shop is the "dime store". No longer selling many things for five or ten cents, these
stores got their name in the last century when it was decided that a small profit on a great quantity of
goods would be better than a large profit on fewer sales. Dime stores specialize in a wide variety of
inexpensive items and today, prices range from a quarter or 50 cents up to several dollars.

1. The passage is mainly about______
A. American hospitality.          
B. the life of Americans.
C. American stores.              
D. the business of Americans.
2. Why can discount houses offer goods at lower prices compared with department stores?
a. They have fewer employees.
b. They have larger quantities of goods.
c. They offer fewer services.
d. They don"t provide delivery service.
A. a b c        
B. a b d        
C. a c d          
D. b c d
3. What"s special about dime stores?
A. They sell lots of goods at a small profit.
B. They make big profits by selling some goods.
C. They provide goods with a price lower than 50 cents.
D. They provide goods ranging from bargains to expensive ones.
4. Where can we most probably read this passage?
A. In a research paper.          
B. In a science report.
C. In a geography book.          
D. In a travel magazine.
                                               The Winner"s Guide to Success
     How do successful people think? What helps them to make success? To find out the answers, an
American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people in America.   1  
     Be responsible for yourself
     Sometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead.    2     You"re saying, "You
have more control over my life than I do."
     Live life "on purpose"
     Almost all successful people live life "on purpose"- they are doing what they believe they should and
want to do. When you live your life on purpose, you"ll try your best to do your job or study as well as
you can. You love what you do and you can find pleasure in what you do.
     Write a plan
     It is very difficult trying to get what you want without a good plan.     3     A good plan is like a map
to you. Without this "map", you may waste your time, money and also your energy; while with the "map"
you"ll enjoy the "trip" and get what you want in the shortest possible time.
     Be willing to pay the price
     Nothing great is easy to get. So you must be ready to work hard - even harder than you have ever
done. If you are not willing to pay the price, you won"t get anything valuable.
     Never give up
        4   When you are doing something, you must tell yourself again and again: Giving up is worse than
failure because failure can be the mother of success, but giving up means the death of hope.
     Once an American writer was writing a novel. He could not have a good ending for his book until one
nightwhen he had a very good idea. He was so excited that he made a phone call to one of his best friends.   "I"ve got a perfect idea," he said, "I"ll put it down later and show it to you." But he never did, because
he died that night. His book was left without a perfect ending. So remember, do what you can right away. Never delay at all.  
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. It is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away.
B. It seems to us that everyone knows this. But it is easier said than done.
C. Some people achieve success much later in life because they fail to realize earlier the importance
     of hard work.
D. In fact, when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making
    success, you"re giving away your own power.
E. Someone else"s opinion of you doesn"t have to become your reality.
F. Don"t delay
G. Here are some keys to success that they give.
     If you are human, you can"t help but experience times when everything seems to be going wrong. You must also _1_as if your life is completely out of control at times. It is during those "down times" that words of encouragement from family, friends, co-workers or  2_strangers can boost(增强)your spirits. It is also during those _3_that negative words can be devastating (毁灭性的) and sink you deeper and deeper into depression.
     For example, consider this story about a group of _4_who were traveling through the woods when _5_of them fell into a deep pit (坑). All of the other frogs gathered around the _6_.When they saw how _7_the pit was, they told the two _8_frogs they would never get out.
    The two frogs didn"t obey what other frogs said and tried to _9_ out of the pit. The other frogs kept telling them not to jump, _10_  it was in vain. Finally, one of the frogs followed what the other frogs were saying and simply _11  . He fell down and _12 . The other frog continued to jump as _13_as he could. Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him to _14_ the pain. The more they _15_, the harder he jumped and finally he _16_to safety.
     When he  _17  , the other frogs asked him why he continued to jump when they were all _18_ him to simply quit. The frog _19_to them that he was a little bit deaf. He thought they were _20_  him all the time.
题型:内蒙古自治区模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. think        
(     )2. A. so            
(     )3. A. processes    
(     )4. A. frogs        
(     )5. A. two          
(     )6. A. hole          
(     )7. A. muddy        
(     )8. A. uncomfortable
(     )9. A. run          
(     )10. A. so          
(     )11. A. gave out    
(     )12. A. died        
(     )13. A. fast        
(     )14. A. help        
(     )15. A. cried        
(     )16. A. get it      
(     )17. A. turned out  
(     )18. A. taking to    
(     )19. A. explained    
(     )20. A. encouraging  
B. experience
B. just      
B. times      
B. mice      
B. three      
B. pit        
B. wide      
B. unpleasant
B. walk      
B. as long as
B. gave up    
B. wounded    
B. hard      
B. ban        
B. spoke      
B. forget it  
B. kept out  
B. shouting at
B. announced  
B. helping    
C. seem        
C. even        
C. courses    
C. dogs        
C. water      
C. deep        
C. unhappy    
C. climb      
C. because    
C. gave away  
C. destroyed  
C. easily      
C. forbid      
C. shouted    
C. use it      
C. got out    
C. throwing at
C. introduced  
C. pulling    
D. feel        
D. ever        
D. practices    
D. cats        
D. few          
D. well        
D. long        
D. unfortunate  
D. jump        
D. although    
D. gave off    
D. damaged      
D. swiftly      
D. stop        
D. read        
D. made it      
D. held out    
D. speaking to  
D. told        
D dragging