阅读理解。Hi, Antonio,      I read your blog and guess what? Now I have a summer job

阅读理解。Hi, Antonio,      I read your blog and guess what? Now I have a summer job

题型:0117 月考题难度:来源:
阅读理解。Hi, Antonio,
     I read your blog and guess what? Now I have a summer job with my neighbor moving their lawn and
doing work around their house and I am getting paid. I do the same work at my house but the pay is better
at the neighbor"s. Have a great summer, man! 
                                                                                                                                Posted by: Jack
Dear Antonio,
     My son is 15 and he has been begging for a summer job. Do you know of any place that hires children
of that age?
                                                                                                                             Posted by: Vallery
Hi, Antonio,
     I am 13 years old and trying to earn money to take a trip with my chorus to Hawaii. I am willing to do
any work at any hour during the summer.
                                                                                                                     Posted by Ashley Jordan
Hi, Antonio,
     I am 19 years old, a college student and I am looking for a summer job. Does anyone know somewhere
that is hiring? I have been looking for two weeks now.
                                                                                                                         Posted by: Erica Allen
Dear Antonio,
     My daughter is working in the file room at the law firm I work for and I am very happy that we were
able to get her on. My concern is that she wouldn"t have got the summer job if I had not "known" people.
What about kids whose parents do not know someone?
                                                                                                                             Posted by: Tracy
Hi, Antonio,
     I found my summer job on my own and my parents are so proud of me because I did it on my own.
That is why the world needs teens who can take responsibility for themselves and grow into mature and
wise adults. Can"t wait for your next blog. I enjoy your writing. You have a great point of view.
                                                                                                                                Posted by: Jeff 1. What may be the topic of Antonio"s blog this time? A. A great summer.
B. Getting a summer job.
C. An ideal career.
D. Entering a profession. 2. From the above posts we learn that _____. A. Jack gets paid for cutting and moving the lawn for his own family
B. Valley has been begging in streets over the summer
C. Erica is quite experienced in finding part-time jobs
D. Ashley is willing to do any part-time job during his trip to Hawaii 3. What do we know about Tracy from her post? A. She works in a file room.
B. She helped her daughter to become a lawyer.
C. She"s proud that she helped her daughter find a job.
D. She thinks children should take responsibility for themselves. 4. Where can we find the text most probably? A. In a book.
B. In a report.
C. On the Internet.
D. In a bulletin (公告).
1-4: BACC
阅读理解。     Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day. "I was a clothes addict," he jokes.
"I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled." Today David
wears casual clothes-khaki pants and sports shirt-to the office. He hardly ever wears necktie. "I"m working
harder than ever," David says, "and I need to feel comfortable."
     More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work in the United
States. The change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual. In the early 1990s, many companies
allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday (but only on Friday). This became known as "dress-
down Friday" or "casual Friday." "What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for employees has
really become an everyday thing," said business consultant Maisly Jones.
     Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes? One reason is that
it"s easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code. "A lot of young people don"t
want to dress up for work," says the owner of a software company, "so it"s hard to hire people if you have a
conservative dress code." Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are
wearing comfortable clothes. In a study conducted by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers
said that they believe that casual dress improves employee morale (士气). Only 4 percent of employers said
that casual dress has a negative impact on productive. Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual
dress code helps them save money. "Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day," one person said.
"For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes." 1. David Smith refers to himself as having been "a clothes addict" because _____. A. he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt
B. he couldn"t stand a clean appearance
C. he wanted his clothes to look neat all the time
D. he didn"t want to spend much money on clothes 2. David Smith wears casual clothes now, because _____. A. they make him feel at ease when working
B. he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes
C. he looks handsome in casual clothes
D. he no longer works for any company 3. According to this passage, which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Many employees don"t like a conservative dress code.
B. Comfortable clothes make employees more productive.
C. A casual clothes code is welcomed by young employees.
D. All the employers in the US are for casual office wear. 4. In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT _____. A. saving employees" money
B. making employees more attractive
C. improving employees" motivation
D. making employees happier
题型:0116 月考题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有2项为多余选项。      So, there you are, just sitting there in the subway car, enjoying that book you just bought. 1_____ Or,
the person sitting next to you takes out a nail clipper (指甲刀) and begins cutting his or her nails.
     Annoying? Many of us have to spend some time every day on public transportation (客运). 2_____ So,
to make the trip more pleasant, we suggest the following:
     Let passengers get off the bus or subway car before you get on. 3_____ Stand away from the doors
when they are closing.
     Don"t talk loudly on a bus or subway. Chatting loudly with your friends can be annoying (讨厌的) to
others. 4_____.
     Don"t think your bags and suitcases deserve (应得) a seat of their own.
     Use a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze (打喷嚏). An uncovered sneeze can spread germs, especially
in crowded places.
     Don"t cut your nails or pick your nose on public transportation.
     Don"t read over other people"s shoulder. 5_____. It can make people uncomfortable. They might think
you"re too stingy (小气的) even to buy a newspaper. Or they might think you"re judging their behavior. A. Suddenly, you feel someone leaning over your shoulder reading along with you.
B. Getting off and on in an orderly manner can save time for all.
C. Many people do this on subways, but it"s really annoying.
D. We all know that some behaviors are simply unacceptable.
E. Don"t shout into your mobile phone on a bus or subway.
F. Mind those manners on the subway.
G. Don"t eat food on a bus or subway.
题型:0116 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Long before they can talk children often use body language to show us how they are feeling. If they hang
around their mothers quietly, it is easy to tell that they are nervous. Mothers also know that they can calm the
child with a touch on the cheek or a gentle word.
     It seems that we come into the world with a set of gestures already programmed into us. Everybody,
regardless of country, race or religion, can look surprised, smile or cry. It also seems that we can recognize
our mothers" voice even before we are born. Even a newborn baby will look in the direction of its mother"s
voice when she is not in sight. Feeding time also means a time when babies and mothers can get closer. The
baby can watch the mother"s face at the same time.
     Babies are also excellent observers of facial (of the face) expressions and learn from mothers" reaction
whether something is to be feared or not. This is often why first babies are more timid (胆小的) and less
relaxed than their later brothers and sisters. The mother is obviously more worried with her first baby but by
the time the second arrives she will have gained confidence.
     Babies never want to be left out of any activity. Even small babies will cry until they can see what is going
on around them. Babies learn to communicate quite early with gestures. They point to things and get rewarded
when those things are given to them. They laugh during a game and are rewarded when the game is continued.
They smile at strangers and are rewarded by being picked up and held in their arms. So learning the body
language of the children is as important and rewarding as studying that of another culture. 1. According to the passage, what will babies most probably do if they feel nervous? A. Cry as loudly as they can.
B. Get near to their mothers silently.
C. Close their eyes and shake their head.
D. Point to things they are afraid of. 2. A baby is born to know the mother"s _____ according to Paragraph 2. A. language
B. habit
C. voice
D. Gestures 3. We can infer from Paragraph 3 that _____. A. Babies know which things are frightening
B. Babies understand what their mothers are thinking about
C. Babies will be more timid if their mothers are confident
D. Babies are easily influenced by their mothers 4. Newborn babies communicate with their parents mainly by _____. A. body language
B. facial expressions
C. touching on the cheek
D. making noise
题型:0117 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     "High income is not as good as high age, and high age is not as good as high spirits."
     Generally speaking, the rich are happier because money can buy them goods and services and it is the
consumption (消费) of these materials that increases one"s enjoyment of life. Especially nowadays, money
seems to be one thing that drives the people around. "Human beings live for money while birds die for food."
-a well-known Chinese saying is quite quotable (适宜引用的) to explain the present society. Some people try
every means to make money at the cost of others" interests. These people harm others to benefit themselves.
They think the more money they make, the happier they will be.
     In addition to money, people"s happiness was affected by other factors. High age is what many Chinese
are dreaming of. Longevity is the very term that people often use to pray for their dears and elders. So there
are many books and theories that introduce the way of living longer. Dancing, jogging, dieting, even singing
and shouting together are said to do good to one"s health.
     However, some people think that high spirits is the most important to the quality of one"s life. If you are
in high spirits, you"ll find everything pleasing and comfortable in life: warm sunshine, blue sky, white clouds,
happy birds, comfortable breeze (gentle wind), sweet smiles, and so on. You seem to have friends across the
world. Your life will be happy at every moment. You will be in good health and can make more money if you
live longer.
     In one word, let"s keep ourselves in high spirits, therefore we could keep longevity and make considerable
money at the same time. 1. The Chinese saying "Human beings live for money while birds die for food" tells us _____. A. people make money by all means at the cost of everything
B. to live is to make more money
C. the more money people make, the longer they will live
D. people will die for making more money, just as birds die for food 2. The reason why the rich are happier is that _____. A. they have the hobby of saving money
B. they can gain all the things in the world
C. the consumption can increase their enjoyment of life
D. they help the poor by giving them a lot of money 3. The author thinks that _____ is the most important. A. the quality of one"s life
B. high spirits
C. high age
D. high income 4. As the passage describes, people usually make wishes for their dears and elders to have _____. A. a good job
B. good mood
C. wealth
D. a high age
题型:0117 月考题难度:| 查看答案
Reading comprenhension.     Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive (漂亮的)
people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and have more respectable jobs. Personal advisors give
them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants (被告). But in the executive
(行政的; 管理的) circle, beauty can become a liability.
     While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder, it is harmful to a
woman. Handsome male executives were considered as having more honesty than plain (平常的,不漂亮的)
men; effort and ability were thought to lead to their success. Attractive female executives were considered to
have less honesty than unattractive ones; their success was connected not with ability but with factors such
as luck. All unattractive women executives were thought to have more honesty and to be more capable than
the attractive female executives. Interestingly, though, the rise of the unattractive overnight successes was
connected more to personal relationships and less to ability than that of the attractive overnight successes.
     Why are attractive women not thought to be able? An attractive woman is considered to be more feminine
and an attractive man more manly than the less attractive ones. Thus, an attractive woman has an advantage
in traditionally female jobs, but an attractive woman in a traditionally manly position appears to lack the "manly"
qualities required.
     This is true even in politics. "When the only clue is how he or she looks, people treat men and women
differently," says Anne Bowman, who recently published a study on the effects of attractiveness on political
candidates. She asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photographs, one of men and one
of women, of attractiveness. The students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices.
They were asked to rank them again, in the order they would vote for them.
     The results showed that attractive males completely defeated unattractive men, but the women who had
ranked most attractive unchangeably received the fewest votes. 1. The word "liability" most probably means _____. A. disadvantage
B. advantage
C. misfortune
D. trouble 2. In traditionally female jobs, attractiveness _____. A. makes women look more honest and capable
B. strengthens the qualifies required
C. is of no importance to women
D. often enables women to succeed quickly 3. Bowman"s experiment shows that when it comes to politics, attractiveness _____. A. turns out to be a disadvantage to men
B. is more of a disadvantage than an advantage to women
C. affects men and women alike
D. has as little effect on men as on women 4. It can be inferred from the passage that people"s views on beauty are often _____.A. practical
B. supportive
C. old-fashioned
D. one-sided 5. The author writes this passage to _____.A. give advice to job-seekers who are attractive
B. discuss the disadvantages of women being attractive
C. demand equal rights for women
D. state the importance of appearance
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