阅读理解。     Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for

阅读理解。     Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for

题型:0103 月考题难度:来源:
阅读理解。     Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping
because he needs something. He knows what he wants, and his purpose is to find it and buy it; the price is
a less important consideration. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want.
If the shop has it, the salesman immediately produces it, and the business of trying it is done at once. All
being well, the bargain can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and
to everyone"s satisfaction.
      For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants. Then the salesman
tries to sell the customer something else-he offers the nearest he can to the thing required. He usually says,
"I know this jacket is not the style you want, sir, but would you like to try it on for size? It happens to be
the color you want." Few men have patience with this treatment, and the usual reply is:"This is the right
color and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on."
      Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? She does so in the opposite. She has never fully
made up her mind what she wants, and she is only "having a look round." She is always open to persuasion;
indeed she considers of great importance what the saleswoman tells her, even what her friends tell her. She
will try on any number of things. Highest in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks
suits her. Most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always trying to
find an unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from
one counter to another before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It takes a great deal of time but gives
great joy. Most dress shops supply chairs for the waiting husbands. 1. When a man is buying clothes, he ______. A. puts price before quality  
B. chooses things that others think suitable for him
C. does not mind much the price he has to pay for the right things
D. buys good quality things, so long as they do not cost too much 2. When a man cannot get what he wants, he _____. [     ]
A. buys something of the same color in a slight different style
B. usually does not buy anything
C. will try on some other clothes of the same style
D. wastes no time in buying something else  3. What does the passage tell us about women shoppers for clothes? [     ]
A. They welcome suggestions from anyone
B. Women seldom consider buying cheap clothes
C. Women often buy things without thinking  
D. They listen to advice but never take it 4. The most obvious difference between men and women shoppers is _____.[     ]
A. that men do not try clothes on in a shop while women do
B. that women bargain for their clothes and men don"t
C. that women do their shopping standing up but men do theirs sitting down
D. the time they take over buying clothes
1-4: CBAD
阅读理解。     The use of cars is becoming more and more popular in the twentieth century. A large number of the
world"s population are now able to buy and use cars.
     Having a car gives much mobility (活动余地), enabling the driver to move around freely. The owner
of a car is no longer forced to depend on public transport (公共交通) and doesn"t, therefore, have to work
in a place near his home. Instead, he can choose from a greater variety of jobs and he could change his job
     Travelling to work by car is also more comfortable than having to use public transport; the driver can
use the heating in winter and the air conditioning in summer to meet his own need and preference. There is
no discomfort caused by waiting for buses, trains or underground trains, etc. With the building of good fast
motorways,long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly. Also, for the first time in the century, many
people are able to enjoy their free time to the full by making trips to the countryside or seaside at weekends.
This feeling of independence and the freedom to go wherever you please is perhaps the greatest advantage
(优势) of the car. 1. What does the writer think of the public transport? [     ]
A. It gives less mobility
B. It is not comfortable at all
C. It enables a variety of jobs
D. It is becoming more popular than before 2. Traveling by bus may be _____. [     ]
A. less comfortable than by underground train
B. more comfortable than by other transport
C. less comfortable than by other public transport
D. less comfortable than by car 3. What does the underlined word mean? [     ]
A. from time to time
B. with difficulty
C. against his own will
D. never 4. What does the writer think of having a car of your own? [     ]
A. It offers lots of advantages.
B. It has lots of independence.
C. It gives the feeling of freedom.
D. It offers free trips.
题型:0103 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     It is Saturday afternoon. You and your friends are planning to go to the movies and then spend the night
together. Just as you start to get ready, your dad reminds you that it is your aunt"s birthday and the whole
family is going out to dinner to celebrate. How can this possibly end without a huge argument?   
     One of the greatest sources of tension (紧张情绪) between teenagers and their families is the struggle
to balance personal desires with family expectations. As you are getting older, you are becoming more
independent and more interested in being with your friends.   
     However, at the same time, your family is trying to figure out how to deal with these changes. While
you once spent most of your free time with your family, you are now often absent from home. Parents
may get their feelings hurt. Or they might feel that they are losing control of their family during this period.
You might feel angry that so many family demands are placed on you.   
     There are a few things you can try to make it a little easier to ease (缓解) the tension.   
     * Make your plans in advance. Ask your parents if there is anything else planned at that time.   
     * When something with your friends interferes (冲突) with a family event,try to figure out if there is
any way you can do both.   
     * Suggest something you would really like to do with your family. Sometimes parents feel better just
knowing their teenager wants to spend time with them.   
      Some of the time you won"t be happy with the outcome (结果). You might either have to disappoint
your parents or have to miss out being with your friends. However, if you show consideration for the
feelings of both your family and your friends,you can solve the problem in a tender way. 1. The purpose of the first paragraph is to _____. [     ]
A. show a disagreement of views
B. serve as a description of teenager trouble   
C. serve as an introduction to the discussion
D. show the popularity of teenager problem 2. The tension between teenagers and their families is caused by the fact that _____. [     ]
A. teenagers don"t like to take family demands   
B. parents want to keep their family under control   
C. parents feel unhappy that their children make so many friends   
D. both parents and teenagers don"t pay attention to each other"s feeling much 3. What"s the purpose of the passage? [     ]
A. To inform us of parent and teenager tension.
B. To advise teenagers how to deal with their tension with their families.
C. To persuade parents to show consideration for teenagers.
D. To tell us about a common teenager problem.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     You are enjoying the beautiful scenery in a quiet place, but suddenly the peace and quiet is interrupted
(打断) by the noisy sound of a cellphone (手机)! Cellphones are everywhere, and some people don"t know
what the limits of cellphone use are.
     For me, it"s just a matter of education, good manners, and common sense. If I go to a beautiful place,
it is because I want to enjoy nature. I can do it, but without bothering (打扰) other people.
     Nowadays, that"s the biggest problem. People disturb other people, first with the ringing of their
cellphones and then with their conversations because they usually speak very loudly. Not everybody in a
public place should have to listen to private conversations (私人谈话). Even more annoying, you hear just
one part of the conversation.
     People need to learn how to use cellphones correctly. If there is an emergency (紧急情况), cellphones
are acceptable, but remember that just a few years ago few people had cellphones and the whole society
     But again, not everybody wants to listen to other people"s private conversations. It"s like smoking. People
don"t want to be bothered by smokers
. Our society has to learn to respect other people. 
     Sometimes when you are talking to someone, that person interrupts the conversation because of a
cellphone call, without saying "I"m sorry." That is bad manners. They don"t know how to respect other people.
It"s just common sense! But our society is sometimes so "common senseless!" So, we have to write some
rules to prohibit (禁止) cellphone use in some places. 1. What could be the best title for the passage? [     ]
A. Cellphone Manners Are a Must
B. How to Use Cellphones
C. Don"t Disturb Others
D. The Popularity (流行) of Cellphones 2. According to the author, what is the biggest problem nowadays? [     ]
A. People are disturbed by those who use cellphones.
B. People can"t hear the other part of the conversation.
C. Private conversations are carried out on cellphone.
D. Not everyone uses a cellphone in public places. 3. By saying "People don"t want to be bothered by smokers" (Para. 5), the author really means _____. [     ]
A. smoking also does harm to other people"s health
B. people don"t want to listen to others talk
C. people don"t want to be bothered by cellphone talkers
D. some people don"t want others to smoke 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? [     ]
A. If we interrupt the conversation with a cellphone call, we should say sorry.
B. Some of the cellphone users don"t have good manners.
C. Before using cellphones, we must know how to respect others.
D. People who use cellphones are not interested in beautiful scenery at all.
题型:0107 期中题难度:| 查看答案
请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。     Are you tired of the same old schedule on Mother"s Day? Well, here are some new ideas to help you enjoy
that special day with your mother.
     While it seems almost a tradition to take your mother out for dinner on Mother"s Day, perhaps this year
you could try something else. You could invite her to a restaurant before or after the actual day. This way you
don"t have to fight the crowds, and the prices will be lower.
    Take your mother out for a picnic lunch if the weather is nice. You and she can enjoy the cool breeze under
the shade of a tree while having a nice meal that you have made for her. Be sure to pack some of her favorite
     Another idea would be to invite your mother to go bowling (打保龄球). Even if she has never bowled in
her life, trying something new is always interesting.
     You could treat her to a movie she is dying to see, and make sure you buy her all the popcorn and candies
she can eat. If you are a male, the chances are you won"t like the movie she wants to see, so instead you could
go to the mall and get your picture taken with your mother, which she can proudly display in her house.
     Take her to a spa on Mother"s Day. She has been working so hard and needs a way to release her stress.
     If she doesn"t want to go to a spa, buy her special soaps and oils so she can relax herself in her own tub.
There are various types of soaps and oils with delicious flavors available. You could also buy her some
scented (芬芳的) candles that she could light by her tub to make the atmosphere peaceful.
     No matter what you choose, make sure you do something special for the woman who took care of you
for so long.                                             Title: Special ideas for Mother"s Day
题型:0110 期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:北京期中题难度:| 查看答案


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     Have you ever seen a windsock blowing in the wind? Well, you can make one of your own! This is a fun
game that you can do with things you may have at home. You just need to follow a few easy steps.