阅读理解。     If you"re training for a marathon , a proper plan for water intake (摄入

阅读理解。     If you"re training for a marathon , a proper plan for water intake (摄入

阅读理解。     If you"re training for a marathon , a proper plan for water intake (摄入) is important. Of course,
there"s the risk of dehydration (脱水).But athletes now know they can also get into trouble by drinking
too much. Too much water intake can lower levels of sodium (钠) in the blood .The death of a 28-year
-old woman following the Boston Marathon caught the attention of many runners and led to new research.
     Experts advise long distance runners to replace the liquids they sweat out. Their goal is to try to keep
someone from not getting dehydrated by more than 2 percent of their body weight.
     One technique for deciding how much water you need is to get the exact numbers. Runners have to
weight themselves before and after a run to determine how much water they"ve lost. If their weight drops
by more than 2 percent, they have not drunk enough water.
     Hyponatremia occurs when runners drink so much water that blood salt levels drop off. A study
published last year tested 488 runners who completed the Boston Marathon and found 13 percent of
them had dangerously low blood salt levels. The first sign that runners may notice is slightly swelling in the
hands. They can"t get their rings off, and then they might feel sick. They may not remember where they
are. In fact, most runners get enough salt to get back to normal levels by eating just one meal after a run.
Contrary to the old advice that runners should drink as much as they can to prevent dehydration , the
new research has shown that the body is a remarkable machine that actually tells you via thirst when you
need water .1.The author of this passage is primarily concerned with            .A. the signs and treatment for dehydration
B. the long distance runners who need help
C. how to manage water intake during a marathon
D. a 28-year-old woman who died after a Boston Marathon 2. Why do runners have to weigh themselves before and after a run ?A. They can improve their performance in a run.
B. They can learn how much salt there is in the blood.
C. They can know the quantity of water they"ve lost during a run.
D. They can decide what kind of water they should take during a run.3.What conclusion can we draw from the passage ?A. Taking much salt during a run can avoid swelling in the body.
B. Either too much or too little of water intake is harmful.
C. A rich meal is helpful to our performance in a run.
D. We should take enough salt during a run.4. According the passage, which of the following statements is correct ?A. Too much water intake→blood sodium levels ?→dehydration.
B. Too much water intake→blood salt levels ?→hyponatremia .
C. No water intake→blood sodium levels↑→hyponatremia .
D. No water intake →blood salt levels ?→hyponatrenmia .
1-4: CCBB
阅读理解。     Americans have never before exercised and dieted as eagerly as they are doing today. As a result,
they do not only look younger and slimmer, but feel better. Because of increased physical fitness, life
expectance in the nation has risen to seventy-three years, with fewer people suffering from heart disease,
the nation"s number one killer.
     Jogging ( 慢跑 ), the easiest and cheapest way of improving the body, keeps over 30million people
of all ages on the run. For the price of a good pair of running shoes, anyone anywhere can join the race.
Dieting, too, has become a national  pastime. Promoters of diets that eliminate eating one thing or another, such as fats or carbohydrates ( 碳水化合物 ), promise as much as 20- pound weight losses within two
weeks. Books describing such amazing diets always head up ( 居……之首 )the best-seller lists because people who are overweight want to lose weight quickly and easily.
     Nevertheless, jogging and dieting, carried to extremes, can be harmful. Many confused joggers
overdo and finally suffer from ankle and foot damage. Dieting, fortunately, becomes only a temporary
means for shedding a few  pounds while the body lose the balanced nutrition ( 营养 )it requires, so most
dieters cannot keep on diets. Above all, common sense should be the keystone for any dieting and
exercise plan.1.The main idea of this passage is that ________ .A. both jogging and dieting can improve your health
B. exercise and improved diet has raised the American"s life expectance
C. people, who jog and diet wisely, will be healthier than those who do not
D. diet and exercise harm rather than benefit  health2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Jogging can damage the body because it is too tough an exercise.
B. Diets are so popular because they are on the best-seller lists.
C. Americans now live to be 73years old.
D. Exercise and diet are more widespread in America than ever before.3. It is implied but not stated that ___________ .A. heart disease is the number one killer among Americans
B. exercise and dieting bring about spiritual as well as physical well-being
C. people don"t stay on a diet because it doesn"t work
D. a 20-pound weight loss within two weeks is too much for the body4. The best title for this passage is ___________ .A. Jogging and Diet
B. Exercise and Health
C. Physical Fitness
D. Life Expectancy and Diet
题型:重庆市期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解      Remember that people on line may not be who they seem, because you can"t see or even hear the
person. It would be easy for someone to misrepresent himself/herself. Thus someone who says that
“she is a 12-year-old girl.” could really be an old man.1. The underlined word misrepresent means ________.   A. making a wrong judgment about  
B. understanding somebody wrongly
C. giving a wrong description of    
D. forming a wrong opinion about     Climbing attracts people because it’s good exercise for almost everyone. You use your whole body, 
especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb, both 
your mind and your body can become stronger. 2. The word workout underlined in the last paragraph most probably means________.

A. settlement    
B. exercise    
C .excitement 
D. tiredness

       According to a report published on the British medical magazine, The Lancet, a study of 10 
German mobile phone users found that when they turned on their phones, their blood pressure goes 
up by 5—10 millimeters of mercury (水银柱).

3. The word “The Lancet” is probably ________.A. the name of a magazine     
B. the name of the research team
C. the name of a hospital      
D. the title of a medical report
题型:河北省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。        Maybe ten-year-old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her father." But, Dad, you can"t be healthy if you"re dead."
      Dad in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotten to wear his safety
belt-a mistake 75% of the US population make every day. The big question is why.
      There have been many myths about safety belts ever since heir first appearance in cars some forty
years ago. The following are three of the most common.
      Myth Number One: It"s best to be "thrown clear" of a serious accident.
      Truth: Sorry, but any accident serious enough to "throw you clear" is also going to be serious enough
to give you a very bad landing. And chances are you"ll have traveled through a windshield (挡风玻璃)
or door to do it. Studies show that chances of dying after a car accident are twenty-five times greater in
cases where people are "thrown clear."
      Myth Number Two: Safety belts "trap" people in cars that are burning or sinking in water.
      Truth: Sorry again. but studies show that people knocked unconscious (昏迷) due to not wearing
safety belts have a greater chance of dying in these accidents People wearing safety belts are usually
protected to the point of having a clear head to free themselves from such dangerous situations, not to be
trapped in them.
      Myth Number Three: Safety belts aren"t needed at speeds of less than 30 miles per hour.
      Truth: when two cars traveling at 30 m/ph hit each other, an unbelted driver would meet the
windshield with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 meters.
1. Why did Elizabeth say to her father, "But, Dad, you can"t be healthy if you"re dead"?A. He was driving at great speed.
B. He didn"t have his safety belt on.
C. He was running across the street.
D. He didn"t take his medicine on time.2. The reason Father was in a hurry to get home was that he _____.A. wasn"t feeling very well        
B. hated to drive in the dark
C. wanted to take some exercise    
D. didn"t want to be caught by the police3. According to the text, to be "thrown clear" of a serious accident is very dangerous because you ____.A. may get seriously hurt being thrown out of the car
B. may be knocked down by other cars            
C. may find it impossible to get away from the seat  
D. may get caught in the car door 4. What is the advice given in the text?A. Never drive faster than 30 mile an hour.      
B. Never forget to wear the safety belt while driving.
C. Try your best to save yourself in a car accident.
D. Drive slowly while you"re not wearing a safety belt.
题型:河北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Excused from recycling (回收利用) because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute (垃圾道)?
You won"t be for long. Miami"s Mark Shantzis has made it simple for those living in tall buildings to use
the chute and recycle too.
     In Shantzis" Hi-Rise Recycling System, a chute leads to a pie-shaped container with six boxes that
can turn around when operated. The system, which fits in the same space as the chute and container now
in use, enables glass, plastic, paper, metal, and other rubbish to go into separate boxes.
     The system is controlled from a board next to the chute door. The board has a button for each class
of recycling materials (as well as for unrecyclables).At the press of a button, a microcomputer locks all
other floors" chute door and sets the recycling container turning until the right box comes under the chute.
The computer also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full. And a particular
piece of equipment breaks up the nonrecyclables.
     Sorting (分类) recyclables before they are collected saves the use of expensive materials recovery
equipment which otherwise has to do the sorting. Such equipment often makes recycled materials very
expensive, so expensive that tons of recyclables remain wasted. Shantzis believes his system could help
recycled materials become more cost-effective.1.The purpose in writing this text is _________.A. to encourage people to recycle their rubbish
B. to explain the need for rubbish collection in high rises
C. to describe the use of computer technology in recycling
D. to introduce a recycling system for high rises    2. When he says "You won"t be for long", the writer means that ________.A. you"ll soon be living in a cleaner building
B. rubbish chutes will become out of date before long
C. it won"t be long before you"ll have to recycle your rubbish
D. you won"t wait long for your turn to recycle rubbish 3. Before dropping rubbish into the chute you have to _________.A. press the correct button
B. check if the container is full
C. lock the other floors" chute doors      
D. break up the rubbish4. The biggest advantage of this new system is that __________.A. it makes better use of the existing recovery equipment
B. it saves time and space
C. it saves money for people living in high rises          
D. it reduces the cost of recycling     
题型:河北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Anger is good for you, as long as you control it, according to new psychology research. A
new study from Carnegie Mellon University shows anger may help people reduce the negative
impacts of stress and help you become healthier.
     "Here getting emotional is not bad for you if you look at the case of anger," said Jennifer
     Lerner of Carnegie Mellon. "The more people display anger, the lower their stress responses."
     Lerner studied 92 UCLA students by asking them to count back from 6,200. They must say outloud
every thirteenth number. Researchers disturbed them by asking them to count faster or ask
them other questions. If they made any mistakes, they had to restart from the very beginning.
     Many students felt depressed about making so many mistakes or got angry.
     Lerner used a hidden video camera and recorded all their facial expressions during the test.
     The researchers describe their reactions as fear, anger and disgust.
     Other researchers recorded the students" blood pressure, pulse and production of a high-stress
hormone (荷尔蒙) called cortisol. People whose faces showed more fear during the experiment had
higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone. Both can have lasting effects such as
diabetes (糖尿病), heart disease, depression and extra weight gain.
     When people feel fear, negative impacts increase, but when they get angry, those negatives
go down, according to the study.
     "Having that sense of anger leads people to actually feel some power in what otherwise is
maddening (令人发狂的) situation," Lerner said.
     Lerner previously studied Americans" emotional response to the 911 terrorist attacks two
months after the incident. She found people who reacted with anger were more optimistic. These
people are healthier compared with those who were frightened during the event. So in maddening
situations, anger is not a bad thing to have. It"s a healthier response than fear. 1. What is the story mainly about?A. The findings of new psychology research.  
B. What you can do with anger in certain cases.
C. Different effects produced by anger and fear.
D. Healthier responses in maddening situations.2. What does the underlined word "both" refer to according to the passage?A. Fear and anger.              
B. Blood pressure and pulse.
C. Blood pressure and cortisol.    
D. Higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone.3. In what way can anger be beneficial to people?

A. By showing their optimistic side.            
B. By reducing their stress.
C. By reducing high blood pressure.            
D. By taking the place of fear.

4. The researchers irritated (激怒) the students by ______. A. recording their performance secretly    
B. asking them to count to 6,200 again and again
C. disturbing them and making them start all over again
D. criticizing them when they made mistakes
题型:浙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案


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