When I was 15, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my short-comings(缺点

When I was 15, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my short-comings(缺点

When I was 15, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my short-comings(缺点). Week by week her list grew. I was skinny(瘦的), I talked too loud, I was too proud, and so on. I put up with(忍受)her as long as I could. At last, I ran to my father in tears and anger. He listened to my outburst quietly. They he asked, “Are the things she says the true or not?”True? I wanted to know how to strike back. What did truth have to do with it?
“Mary, didn’t you ever wonder what you are really like? Well, you now have that girl’s opinion. ”Go and make a list of every thing she said and mark the points that are true. You needn’t pay attention to the other things she said.
I did as he told me and discovered to my surprise that about half the things are true. Some of them I couldn’t change(like being skinny), but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change. For the time in my life I began to get a quiet clear picture of myself.
I brought the list back to Daddy, but he wouldn’t take it.“That’s just for you,”he said.“You know better than any else the truth about yourself, once you hear it. But you’ve got to learn to listen, not close your ears in anger or hurt. When someone says something about you, you’ll know if it’s true or not. If it is ,you’ll find it will echo(共鸣)inside you.”
“I still don’t think it very nice of her to talk about me in front of everybody.”
“Mary, there is one way you could stop others talking about you ever again, and criticizing(批评) you—just say nothing and do nothing. But then, if you do that, you’d find you were nothing. You wouldn’t like that now, would you?”“No, I admitted(承认)”
小题1:One day the writer ran to her father in tears and anger because__________.
A.she found she talked too much.B.she found she was too proud.
C.her classmates were not friendly to her. D.a girl pointed out many of her shortcomings.
小题2:The writer’s father asked her ____________.
A.to pay attention to all that her“enemy”said about her.
B.not to pay attention to what her“enemy”said about her.
C.to pay attention only to the points that were true about her.
D.to pay attention only to the points that were not true about her.
小题3:The writer found that___________.
A.about half the things her“enemy”said were true.
B.most of the things her“enemy”said were true.
C.few of the things her“enemy”said were true.
D.none of the things her“enemy”said were true.
小题4:The writer’s father thinks__________.
A.if one says nothing and does nothing, people will praise him.
B.one should not do anything because others will talk about him.
C.it is not good to talk about others.
D.everyone is talked about by others.



小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:When I was 15, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my short-comings(缺点). 可知是有女孩指出他的错误,答案是D
小题2:根据 Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.。故选C。
小题3:细节题:根据第三段的句子I did as he told me and discovered to my surprise that about half the things are true.结合全文内容,故选A。
小题4:根据最后一段的句子:Mary, there is one way you could stop others talking about you ever again, and criticizing(批评) you—,可知每个人都被别人谈论,故选B。
Last week, I took a sales class for female business owners. The     36   thing the instructor did was ask if anyone had been the victim of a     37   sales experience. Every person in the room    38   her hand.
When she knew details, we learned that the     39   situations had one thing in common. It     40   that whenever a class member had a bad sales experience, it involved the     41   promising something he wouldn’t or couldn’t deliver.
The example I     42  with the class was a current one. I bought a summer membership at our community pool     43   because it advertised a lovely baby pool to which I could escape with my active one and four year-olds. However, every time I’ve used the pool this summer, the baby area has been     44   . Too much chlorine(氯气),    45   one manager.
I’m sure the pool director was very apologetic that his     46   had been inconvenienced, and that’s nice, but the     47   is that I did not get what I paid for. When the baby pool was closed, I had to swim with my     48   in the adult pool, which did not     49   me the control I wanted and as such, was quite stressful. I would have rather stayed home.
The pool has     50  a customer. I will not be buying a pass next summer.
In work and in life, it is really important not to     51   something you can’t deliver, because at best, it will improve your   52    . At worse, you could lose your job.    53   , before you assure a co-worker or customer that you can get something done, make sure that your boss or someone higher-up isn’t going to step in and force you to     54   your plan. You are not God, so don’t lead people to believe that you     55  the universe.

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I had an experience some years ago, which taught me something about the ways in which people make a bad situation worse by themselves. One January, I had to hold two funerals on successive days for two elderly women in my community. Both had died “full of years”, as the Bible would say .Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence(吊唁)calls on the two families on the same afternoon.
At the first home, the son of the deceased woman said to me, ”If only I had sent my mother to Florida and gotten her out of this cold and snow, she would be alive today. It’s my fault that she died. ”At the second home, the son of the other deceased woman said, “If only I hadn’t insisted on my mother’s going to Florida, she would be alive today .That long airplane ride, the sudden change of climate ,was more than she could take.It’s my fault that she’s dead.”
You see that any time there is a death, the survivors will feel guilty. Because the course of action they took turned out bad, they believe that the opposite course------keeping mother at home, putting off the operation----would have turned out better. After all, how could it have turned out any worse?
There seem to be two elements involved in our willingness to feel guilty. The first is our pressing need to believe that the world makes sense, that there is a cause for every effect and a reason for everything that happens. That leads us to find patterns and connections both where they really exist and where they exist only in our minds.
The second element is the view that we are the cause of what happens, especially the bad things that happen. It seems to be a short step from believing that every event has a cause to believing that every disaster is our fault. The roots of this feeling may lie in our childhood.
A baby comes to think that the world exists to meet his needs,and that he makes everything happen in it. He wakes up in the morning and summons the rest of the world to his tasks. He cries, and someone comes to attend to him. When he is hungry, people feed him,and when he is wet, people change him. Very often, we don not completely outgrow that childish view that our wishes cause things to happen.
小题1:The author had to conduct the two women’s funerals probably because_______.
A.he was minister of the local church
B.he wanted to comfort the two families
C.he was an official of the community
D.he had great pity for the deceased
小题2:People feel guilty for the death of their loved ones because________.
A.they can’t find a better way of express their sorrow
B.they have neglected the natural course of events
C.they believe that they were the reason
D.the don’t know things often turn in the opposite direction
小题3:According to the main passage, the underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably means that________.
A.everything in the world is predetermined
B.there’s an explanation for everything in the world
C.the world can be interpreted in different ways
D.we have to be sensible in order to understand the world
小题4:What’s the main idea of the message?
A .Life and death is an unsolved mystery.
B. Never feel guilty all the time because not every disaster is our fault.
C Every story should have a happy ending.
D. In general, the survivors will feel guilty about the people who passed away.
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Almost two-thirds of children want their parents to spend more time reading to them before bed, and most prefer Mum’s storytelling to Dad’s, researchers said.
They carried out a study that showed younger children aged 3-4 were most hungry for more stories, with over three-quarters saying they wished their parents read to them more often.
More than half of all children aged 3-8 said story time was their favourite pastime with their parents.
"The results of our research confirm the traditional activity of storytelling continues to be a powerful learning and emotional resource in children"s lives," said child psychologist Richard Woolfson.
Storytelling ranked higher than television or video games among pastimes for kids, and 82 percent said reading a story with their parents helped them sleep better, according the survey of 500 children aged 3-8 in Britain.
The best storytellers were mothers who used funny voices to illustrate different characters or made their own special sound effects to keep the story moving, researchers said.
When mum and dad are not at hand, celebrities(名人) will do: over 30 percent of children said they would like to hear a bedtime story from Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe, with teen idols(偶像) Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson.
"It can be very difficult for parents to find the time to read with their children, but these moments can help build strong relations and play a vital part in their child"s development," said Woolfson.
小题1:The underlined word “pastime” in the passage most probably means          .
A.old timeB.entertainment C.emotion D.character
小题2:The author develops the passage mainly by        .
A.pointing out similarities and differences B.following the natural time order
C.comparing opinions from different fields D.providing examples and statistics
小题3:Reading a story with their parents helped most kids aged 3-8         .
A.grow strongerB.become more emotionalC.sleep betterD.become more powerful

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Twenty-first century humanity has mapped oceans and mountains, visited the moon, and surveyed the planets. But for all the progress, people still don’t know one another very well.
That brings about Theodore Zeldin’s “feast of conversation”-events where individuals pair with persons they don’t know for three hours of guided talk designed to get the past “Where are you from?”
Mr. Zeldin, an Oxford University professor, heads Oxford Muse, a 10-year-old foundation based on the idea that what people need is not more information, but more inspiration and encouragement.
The “feast” in London looks not at politics or events, but at how people have felt about work, relations among the sexes, hopes and fears, enemies and authority, the shape of their lives. The “menu of conversation” includes topics like “How have your priorities(优先考虑的事) changed over the years?” Or, “What have you rebelled against the past?”
As participants gathered, Zeldin opened with a speech: that despite instant communications in a globalized age, issues of human heart remain. Many people are lonely, or in routines that discourage knowing the depth of one another. “We are trapped in shallow conversations and the whole point now is to think, which is sometimes painful,” he says. “But thinking interaction is what separates us from other species, except maybe dogs…who do have generations of human interactions.”
The main rules of the “feast”: Don’t pair with someone you know or ask questions you would not answer. The only awkward moment came when the multi-racial crowd of young adults to seniors, in sun hats, ties and dresses, looked to see whom they would be ‘intimate’ with for hours. But 15 minutes later, everyone was seated and talking, continuing full force until organizers interrupted them 180 minutes later.
“It’s encouraging to see the world is not just a place of oppression and distance from each other,” Zeldin summed up. “What we did is not ordinary, but it can’t be madder than the world already is.”
Some said they felt “liberated” to talk on sensitive topics. Thirty-something Peter, from East London, said that “it might take weeks or months to get to the level of interaction we suddenly opened up.”
小题1:What can the “conversations” be best described as?
A.Deep and one-on-one.B.Sensitive and mad.
C.Instant and inspiring.D.Ordinary and encouraging.
小题2:In a “feast of conversations”, participants ______.
A.pair freely with anyone they like
B.have a guided talk for a set of period of time
C.ask questions they themselves would not answer
D.wear clothes reflecting multi-racial features.
小题3:In paragraph 6, “they would be ‘intimate’” is closest in meaning to “______”.
A.they would have physical contactB.they would have in-depth talk
C.they would be close friendsD.they would exchange basic information
小题4:From the passage, we can conclude that what Zeldin does is ______.
A.an attempt to promote thinking interaction
B.one of the maddest activities ever conducted
C.a try to liberate people from old-fashioned ideas
D.an effort to give people a chance of talking freely

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I recently heard a story about a famous scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs(突破). He was being interviewed by a reporter who asked him    1   he thought he was able to be so much more    2   than the average person.
He responded that it all came from a(n)   3   with his mother that occurred when he was about 2. He had been trying to   4  milk from the fridge when he    5   the slippery(光滑的) bottle, its contents running all over the kitchen floor.
When his mother came in,    6   shouting at him or giving him a lecture, she said, “Robert, what a great and wonderful    7   you have made! I have    8   seen such a huge pool of milk. Well, the damage has already been    9  . Would you like to get down and    10   in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”
Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge(海绵), a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?” He chose the sponge.
His mother then said, “ You know, what we have here is a    11  experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two    12   hands. Let’s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can   13 .” The little boy learned that if he    14   the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful    15  !
This scientist then said that it was at that moment that he knew he didn’t need to be    16  to make mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just    17   for learning something new, which is,    18  , what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment “doesn"t   19 ,” we usually learn something    20   from it.
A.rather thanB.instead of C.other thanD.in place of
A.gotB.sufferedC.done D.received
A.jumpB.play C.enjoyD.lay
A.get itB.put itC.try itD.make it
A.controlled B.possessedC.occupiedD.grasped
A.after allB.above allC.first of allD.in all

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