For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My m

For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My m


For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My mother became very ill, and soon she knew that she was dying. Just before she died, she asked Elizabeth and me to go to her room. She held our hands and said, “Victor and Elizabeth, my children, I’m very happy because you love each other, and because one day you’ll get married. Everyone in the family loves you, Elizabeth. Will you take my place in the family, my dear? I can die happy if you look after them when I have gone.”
My mother died and we were very sad, because we loved her dearly. Elizabeth was brave and helped us; her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother’s death. The time came for me to go to university. I didn’t want to leave my sad family, but we all knew that I should go. It was hard to leave, too, because the parents of my good friend Henry would not let him go to university with me. So I had gone alone.
On my first day at university I met my teacher, Professor Waldman, who was one of the greatest scientists in the world. He gave a wonderful talk to all the students who were starting at the university. He ended his talk by saying, “Some of you will become the greatest scientists of tomorrow. You must study hard and discover everything that you can. This is why God made you intelligent—to help other people.”
After the professor’s talk, I thought very carefully. I remembered the storm when I was 15; I remembered how the lightning had destroyed the tree. From then on, I wanted to use electricity to help people, and I wanted to discover the secrets of life. I decided to work on these two things.
I started to work the next day. I worked very hard and soon Professor Waldman and I realized that I could learn to be a very good scientist.
The professor helped me very much, and other important scientists who were his friends helped me, too. I was interested in my work and I did not take one day’s holiday during the next two years, I did not go home, and my letters to my family were very short.
After two years, I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was the best in the university. My machine would help me answer the most important question of all. How does life begin? Is it possible to put life into dead things? To answer these questions about life I had to learn first about death. I had to watch bodies from the moment when they died and the warm life left them. In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead. Day after day, month after month, I followed death, so it was a dark and terrible time.
I built a tall mast about 150 meters high, which is higher than the tallest building in the city, to catch lightning and send the electricity down to my machine in the lab. I believed I could use that electricity to give life to things that were dead.
Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Elizabeth married shortly after Victor’s mother died.
B.Elizabeth was a brave girl who loved Victor and gave him much help.
C.Victor’s mother was very angry when she knew he loved Elizabeth.
D.Victor did not want to leave his family because his mother died not long before.
小题2:Victor did all the following during his research in the university EXCEPT that       .
A.he discovered many things and built a scientific machine
B.he learnt much about death both in the hospitals and in the university
C.he worked hard and took only one day’s holiday during the next two years
D.he built a tall mast to catch lightning and send the electricity down to the lab
小题3:According to the author, the secret of life is to        .
A.give life to things that were dead
B.use electricity to help others the best machine to learn about death
D.become the greatest scientist of tomorrow
小题4:Which is the correct order about the life of Victor?
① Victor’s mother passed away.
② Victor got help from the professor and other scientists.
③ Victor went to university and attended the professor’s talk.
④ Victor found the answer to giving life to things that were dead.
⑤ Victor experienced a storm, seeing the lightning destroying the tree.


小题1:事实细节题。根据根据第二段Elizabeth was brave and helped us可知。
小题2:事实细节题,根据第六段I was interested in my work and I did not take one day’s holiday during the next two years, I did not go home, and my letters to my family were very short可知,他并没有请假。
小题3:推理判断题。根据最后的 I believed I could use that electricity to give life to things that were dead.Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life可知。

Talk about happiness
We should not hesitate too much during the first half of our lives, while we should not regret at what we’ve done during the other half. We should seize every opportunity to find a way out in our lives, for it goes off swiftly. We should say something urgent slowly, something serious clearly, something small humorously and something unsure cautiously. We should never say something that did not happen, something that you cannot do, something that does harm to others, and something that is disgusting. We should tell others our happiness on specific occasions and should not tell anyone our unhappiness. Do not easily say something about others. We should follow our own heart and interest, and fulfill what we should do instead of merely paying lip service and looking forward to the future.
Everyone is longing for a happy life, but owning wealth does not necessarily mean owning happiness. To truly reach happiness, we need to know how to get on with others. So we need to understand what happiness is really about and achieve what we desire.
We need to know and understand happiness before we finally get it. A smart man must know to do something good even though it may be small, and not to do something evil even though it may be tiny in the course of socializing. As long as we keep a kind heart and do everything morally and legally, we can live a peaceful life. But if we keep an evil heart and do whatever we want, we are indeed digging a tomb for ourselves. A smart man knows to learn a lesson from his falls, for he knows that every setback is a precious experience leading to happiness in the future. He will not waste his time in criticizing others. Instead, he tends to spend more time seeking his own happiness. He knows to keep a heart of conscience and not to spread others’ mistakes. He also knows to think before he leaps so that he will not feel regretful afterwards. Moreover, he knows to tolerate others, so he can naturally lead a happy life.
Without happiness, one will feel terribly miserable, for he always insists that he has done the right thing all the time and that others often do wrong to him. He blames every mistake on others or the environment instead of reflecting on himself, which keeps him farther and farther away from happiness. A celebrity once said, “Nobody intends to make mistakes. One makes mistakes because of his ignorance.” Therefore, if someone makes mistakes, we need to care about him, forgive him and enlighten him by setting a good example to him instead of losing temper and hating him. Otherwise, we are also ignorant like him, for we also make a stupid mistake that leads us farther from happiness.
In order to possess a happy life, we need to know more about others, about the society, about our culture and history. We should be patriotic(爱国的), obey the law and realize our own responsibility, and then we will definitely have a happy life.
Talk about happiness
Wise actions in life
●Do things without小题1:_______and never regret at anything .
●Seize every opportunity to do the things we should.
●Avoid saying or doing what we are not小题2:________ about.
●Don’t comment on others easily.
Things about happiness we should小题3:________ in mind
●Getting on well with others is necessary.
●Doing good things with a kind heart may make us live 小题4:________.
●Knowing future happiness小题5:_______ from precious experiences learned from every setback.
●Thinking twice before action and tolerating others can 小题6:________ to a happy life.
Reasons for lack of happiness
●He blames everything wrong on others or the 小题7:________, not himself.
●His 小题8:________ results in making mistakes, which keeps him farther away from happiness
小题9:________on how to possess happiness
●We should care about the people who make mistakes instead of losing temper and set an example to them.
●We should have a rich 小题10:________  of society, culture, history and others.
●We should obey the law and shoulder our own responsibility.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The sun shines brightly as I leave school, get into my car, and head for Bradley Hospital. This year, as a senior at Seekonk High School, I have been given the opportunity to leave the usual classroom setting once a week to volunteer.
I   21  to spend this valuable time working with mentally disabled children at Bradley Children’s Hospital. I work   22  a teacher in the outpatient/pre-school section, in a classroom with two children— a classroom very different from   23  I have ever known. The difference of this classroom is   24  the children have been diagnosed with a mental disease. One child is autistic and non-verbal(自闭和不说话的), using supportive   25 . The other has a condition called PDD (one step above autism), and is   26  non-verbal. Both children require strong   27  and a lot of attention. This combination creates an atmosphere which is both demanding and sympathetic.
My   28  in the classroom is not only to help the teacher, but to become part of the children’s   29  experience. I work one-on-one completing academics with a student.   30 , we work as a group on such activities as cooking, artwork, abstract reasoning. Everyday activities, which may be taken for granted by others,   31  a lot of strength from the children. This has opened my eyes vastly.
One of the   32  reasons why I volunteer to take the work is that I desire to help those who are less   33 . However, it has also helped me to realize my competence. I now know that I have the   34  to work with the disabled. I have lost my fear, and I   35  myself a lot more.
It is true that my work is very   36 ; there are many days that I   37  Bradley exhausted emotionally and physically. There have been times when I have left on the edge of tears   38 . But pity doesn’t heal, love does. And I have grown to love these children in my own way,   39  I see them only once a week. This experience has been both rewarding and satisfying. I’ve learned also that I do have the ability to make a difference in their lives, no matter how small it may be. One smile makes it all   40 .
A.itB.oneC.the otherD.which
A.get up forD.pick out
A.believe inB.laugh atC.worry for
A.depressing B.challengingC.inspiring D.relaxing
小题18: all
A.if onlyB.even case

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Being beautiful means a lot to teenage girls. Once it did to me too. I was the vainest person in the world, but that all changed one December night.
It was a Thursday, and I was getting ready for the wrestling tournament the following day. I was so excited; it was going to be my first tournament as a cheerleader. I walked past the mirror and stopped to check my appearance. I noticed my eyebrows were a little bushy, and that’s when my vanity kicked in. The brows could be easily fixed with the waxing kit I had purchased. I put the jar of wax in the microwave. But instead of heating the wax for 30 seconds, I pressed too many zeros and heated it for three minutes. As I reached for the jar, I dropped it, spilling it all over myself.
My mother came running when she heard my screams. The hot wax was rolling down my face and arm. My mom took a wet washcloth and tried to wash the wax off my face. This proved to be a bad idea, because the wax was honey based, and it pulled my skin off with the wax.
The 15-mile drive to the emergency room seemed to take hours. When we finally arrived, the nurse didn’t waste any time. They took me straight to a doctor and gave me extra-strength painkillers, so my mind was in confusion. The doctor explained how severe my burns really were: my arm was a combination of first-, second- and third-degree burns, and needed to stay bandaged. My face was first- and second-degree burns. If the wax had gotten any closer to my right eye, I would have lost my sight. I was covered in multi-colored “goop(药膏)”, wrapped, and sent home to recover.
I got up the next morning and the first thing I wanted to do was wash off the remaining wax. I unwrapped the bandages and “degooped”, letting warm water gently remove the rest of the wax. The next step was to do a self-evaluation of the damage. I couldn’t believe how horrible I looked. A horror-movie monster stared back at me from the mirror. All I could think was, my life is over. For someone as vain as me, this was very true. I thought I was going to be horribly disfigured(毁容的)for the rest of my life! All I could do was cry.
My mom made it worse by forcing me to go out in public. She dragged me to the grocery store and wherever else she felt like taking me. Everywhere we went, people had a million questions, none of which I wanted to answer. Then my mom declared she was going to put me through even more torture—I had to go to school on Monday. School only led to more questions from more people.
Now, two years later, my wounds have healed, leaving a few scars. I still feel self-conscious if I don’t wear make-up, and I’ve discovered that three-quarter length sleeves are wonderful for covering the scars on my arm.
After spending several months adjusting to this injury, I realized how vain I was. I had made beauty important, but it never was or will ever be that important. It took this event to teach me that no matter how much you change on the outside, you’re still the same person on the inside. 
小题1:After the accident, the writer has come to realize that ________.
A.teenage girls care too much about their appearance
B.loving beauty will necessarily make one disfigured
C.we can never judge a person merely by one’s looks
D.sometimes being beautiful can cost you something
小题2:Which of the four statements is a fact?
A.The severe damage to her sight and face weren’t recovered.
B.The mother wished the writer to face her misfortune bravely.
C.From the lesson we conclude that “once bitten, twice frightened”.
D.The severe burns were caused by her mother’s lack of first-aid.
小题3:The underlined sentence in the last paragraph is closest to ________. is not everythingB.a student shall not make up is not importantD.loving beauty will spoil you
小题4:The author develops her composition by ________.
A.offering accurate contrast and comparison
C.using logical argumentsD.representing own experiences
小题5:Which of the following can be the best title?
A.The Price of VanityB.An Unexpected Ending
C.A Disfigured GirlD.Beauty Ruins Everything

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My father is a smart man. He spent many years of his life listening to people’s arguments, first as assistant district lawyer and then as a judge. My dad knows rubbish rhetoric when he hears it.
One of his favorite phrases is: “If you don’t have anything smart to say, then don’t say it at all.” Yet, for all of his legal training and life experience, he can’t help but keep talking about the Mega Millions jackpot.
We all know the odds(几率)of winning the jackpot this evening with one ticket are extraordinarily low ... 1 in 175, 711, 536, to be exact. Still, people go out and buy hundreds of tickets with the hopes of becoming wealthier beyond their dreams. Why? There are two possible explanations for this “irrationality”(不理智).
One idea is that the way we calculate odds in our heads has nothing to do with mathematical odds in the traditional sense. We don’t go to the mathematical odds table and say, “Well, this would be a terrible investment. I think I’m better off putting my money in the bank!” Rather, it has everything with the ability to picture an event happening.
My father, for instance, watches the news every night and sees people winning the lottery(彩票). Therefore, he thinks the chance of him winning the lottery is much higher than they actually are.
The second thought is that the expected effect of playing cannot be represented merely by the odds. My father and, I’m sure, others get a thrill from the mere idea of winning. He loves imagining what it would be like to actually win and losing doesn’t really affect him. Sure, he’s disappointed, but it’s “better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” When you combine the utility of thinking you can win with the utility of actually winning (no matter how small the chance of that occurring), it’s worth it for many people to spend the one dollar on a ticket.
My analysis is that both factors are at play in taking a chance on the lottery. My father and others really do underestimate the odds of winning, but the thrill of participation is not denied by a realistic assessment of the odds. Still, I would probably put my finger on the scale for the first explanation.
All told, a review of the odds of other events happening confirms that there just aren’t many events that occur with less frequency than your winning the Mega Millions jackpot. Look at the graph below, you may understand some:

In many ways, it’s like the lottery, something that features often on television and about which people fantasize, but that rarely happens.
So, when you watch, along with my Pa, to see if your lucky number is drawn this evening, keep in mind three things: that your number almost certainly won’t come up; that you are still going to have fun; and that, finally, a lot of other things are more likely to happen—but getting eaten by a shark isn’t one of them.
小题1:It can be learned from the article that ________.
A.the Mega Millions jackpot is the last lottery to win in the world
B.a judge in that country can’t talk about lottery because it is illegal
C.the writer doesn’t buy lottery, for he never hopes to become rich
D.In spite of little possibility, a lot of people spend money on lottery
小题2:The function of the graph is to ________. chances that those things take place are fewer the writer’s arguments on the lottery tickets
C.indicate no one can win the Mega Millions jackpot
D.say shark attack death will seldom happen this year
小题3:Which of the following do you think the writer would probably agree with?
A.If one has mathematical odds, he can win the prize more easily.
B.Only those who have irrationality buy hundreds of lottery tickets.
C.The Mega Millions jackpot is very popular in the writer’s country.
D.Winning lottery is a shortcut to achieve the dream of being rich.
小题4:The underlined phrase “at play” in the 7th paragraph most probably means ________.
小题5:What do you think is the best title?
A.The Popular Mega Millions JackpotB.Lottery is Merely a Trick
C.Mega Million is Like a Shark AttackD.Be rich, Buy Lottery Soon

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It’s only after three weeks into a new job that I made a serious mistake. My boss called it “extremely embarrassing” in a company-wide e-mail — which,    31  , he wrote because he felt he needed to explain that what I did was something    32  in the company should ever do.
I wish I   33   give a good excuse for what I did. At the very least, I wish I could explain it somehow —    34  it on youth, inexperience or ignorance. Unfortunately, I’m    35  , experienced and I know better.
   36  I work with some very kind and compassionate(富于同情心的) people. For the past couple of days many of them have taken time to   37  by my desk and offer comfort, encouragement and support. Some have shared with me similar    38  they have made. Evidently I’m not the only “    39   ” person here.
One of the exchanges I had this week was with Lois, the much-honored, much-respected professional who    40  the desk right next to mine. Lois was completely    41  about her work, and to be honest I was a little nervous about how she would   42  to such an extremely embarrassing incident.
As I expected, Lois didn’t pass over the   43   when she saw me the next day. She mentioned it directly,   44  with empathetic consideration. She listened to my   45  . Just as I was ready to express my regrets, she brought my self-pity partly to a(n)   46  .
“It happened”, she said, “There’s nothing you can do to    47  that. It happened. But it’s over now. It’s   48  . It’s in the past. You need to let it go, and move on.” And with that she returned her   49  to her work, as if to say, “We’re done here.”
I beat myself up for weeks. At such times I need to remember those   50  words: It’s over. It’s done. Let it go. And mostly, move on.
小题1: the the wayC.on the the way
A.someone oneD.the one
A.shouldB.mightC.will D.could
A.fix B.blameC.relyD.put
A.workB.stop C.watchD.sit
A.decisionsB.troubles C.attemptsD.mistakes
A.forB.thereforeC. but D.otherwise
A.forget B.ruin C.preventD.change
A.broken B.done C.lostD.kept
A.sweetB.pleasant C.meaningfulD.colorful

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