I had the meanest mother in the world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast,

I had the meanest mother in the world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast,

I had the meanest mother in the world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs and toast. Others had cakes and candy for lunch, while we had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my supper was different from the other kids’. But at least I was not alone in my suffering. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.
My mother insisted on knowing where we were at all times. She had to know who our friends were and what we were doing. We had to wear clean clothes every day. Other kids always wore their clothes for days. We reached the height of disgrace(耻辱) because she made our clothes herself, just to save money.
The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by 9:00 each night and up at 7:45 the next morning. So while my friends slept, my mother actually had the courage to break Child Labor Law. She made us work. I believed she lay awake all night thinking up mean things to do to us. Through the years, our friends’ report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing. My mother, however, would only be satisfied with black marks. None of us was allowed the pleasure of being a dropout(退学者).
She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults. Using this as a background, I’m now trying to bring up my three children. I’m filled with pride when my children think I am mean because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the world.
小题1:From the passage we can learn that the writer’s mother was __________.
A.not generous at all
B.very strict with her children
C.very mean with money matters
D.very cruel to her children
小题2:Which of the following things did the writer hate to do most?                        
A.Eating differently from other kids.
B.Wearing clean clothes made by mother .
C.Going to bed early and getting up early .
D.Letting mother know where they were .
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A.the writer worked hard and usually got good grades in studies
B.mother was punished for breaking the Labor Law
C.all the other kids studied better than the writer
D.the writer’s family lived a miserable life
小题4:Which of the following statements is Not true according to the passage ?
A.Mother practised economy in running her home .
B.The writer is very thankful for her mother .
C.The writer is strict with her children when bringing them up .
D.The wrier has a deep hatred for her mother .
小题5:The passage was written in a way of _________ tone.



I was said to be the worst student in my class, and my family thought I was hopeless. I had to 16 grade six. at that time a new teacher, Miss Sadia, came to our school.
One day after class, she  17 that I was staying alone during the lunch break. She came to me and began to talk to me. It was just a  18  conversation. After that day, she gave me particular 19 and it made me feel special(特别). I started to work hard because she gave me the feeling that 20  believed me , and my  21  started to improve(提高) in her subject.
Months later, she moved into a house near my  22 . We would walk home together after school. Her constant (不断的 ) support helped me, 23 in my studies, as I knew she would  24 my grades both in her subject and the other subjects. I finally 25 second in my class.
Then, after grade six, she started to slowly drift away(疏远) 26 still kept a constant(不断的) check on me. By the time I was in grade seven, we 27 spoke, but by then I had become the 28 in my class. When I left my school, I was 29 with her, as she never answered the 30 when I called her.
Then I graduated and went to a good university. One fine day, our paths(路)  31 again. I met her at a wedding. I could not  32  asking her, "Why did you stop talking to me?"
"You are a clever boy. I wanted you to be a tree  33  on your own roots, not depending on (依靠)others. Now here you are and I feel 34 of you. You are your inspiration and do not need to 35 a shoulder," she said. I could not say anything, but I smiled. I’ll always thank her .
A.heardB.noticed C.learnedD.sensed
A.stupidB.useless C.normalD.secret
A.attentionB.attractionC.explanation D.examination
A.everyoneB.someoneC.anyone D.nobody
A.wordsB.objects C.classes D.grades
A.generallyB.actuallyC.especially D.usually
A.receivedB.cameC.caught D.held
小题13:A oldest      B. strongest    C.best         D. cleverest
A.out of touchB.in commonC.out of reachD.in touch
A.roadB.schoolyardC.phone D.machine
A.finishB.helpC.prevent D.keep
A.give upB.get onC.look for D.take up

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James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully  36  the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was $90!  37  on earth was he going to get the  38  of the money? He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was  39  to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no  40  to ask his parents, for he knew they had no money to  41 . There was only one way to get money, and that was to  42  it. He would have to find a job.  43  who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr Clay for advice, who usually had _44 in most things. "Well, you can start right here," said Mr Clay. "My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing." That was the  45  of James’s odd-job (零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was surprised by the  46  jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the  47  of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the  48  increased and he knew that he would soon have  49  for the bicycle he was dying for. The day  50  came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He  51  no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode  52  home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard  53  for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more  54  he had bought it with his own money. He had  55  what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.
A.cleanedB.covered C.counted D.checked
A.How B.Why C.Who D.What
A.amount B.part C.sum D.rest
A.brave B.hardC.smart D.unfair
A.need B.reason C.result D.right
A.separate B.spend C.spare D.save
A.borrow B.earn C.raiseD.collect
A.Or B.So C.ForD.But
A.decisions B.experience C.opinions D.knowledge
A.beginning B.introduction C.requirement D.opening
A.similar B.ashamed C.peaceful D.various
A.brand B.number C.size D.type
A.effort B.pressure C.money D.trouble
A.all B.enough C.much D.some
A.finally B.instantly C.normally D.regularly
A.gave B.left C.took D.wasted
A.patiently B.proudly C.silently D.tiredly
A.applyingB.asking C.looking D.working
A.since B.if C.than D.though
A.deserved B.studied C.achieved D.learned

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It was a hot summer day. My dad and I were getting ready to go out for a ride on the boat with my friend Katie and the dog when the phone call came, the call that made that bright, beautiful day a cold, dark, gloomy one.
I had just put on my suit, shorts, and tank top, and packed my bag with sunscreen and everything else I would need for the day. I ran into my parents" room to find Dad. When I saw him on the phone, he was crying. I"d never seen my dad cry before. My heart sank. What possibly could have happened?
"Max, I"m so sorry," I heard him say. That"s when it hit me. I knew that Suzie had died.Max has been my dad"s best friend for years. Suzie, his daughter, had a rare disease that mainly affected her body. Her brain was OK. She knew what was going on; she knew that shehad problems and was different from other kids. Once she told her dad that she wished she could die and be born in a different body. Yet although she couldn"t live a normal life ,she was still happy.
When Suzie and I were little, we spent quite a bit of time together. As we grew up, we grew apart. She lived in New York, and I lived in the Midwest. When Suzie was ten she had to live ina hospital in Virginia. About eight months before she died, Max gave us her number at the hospital and we talked at least twice a week until the end. Suzie was always so excited to talk to us and wanted to know every detail about my life. She wanted to know everything I did and every thing I ate. In a way, she lived through me.
After we found out about her death, we made our plans to go to New York for the funeral. When she was alive, I sent her a Beanie Baby and she sent one back to me. I had bought her another one but never had the chance to send it to her, so I took it to put in her casket(棺材).
Her funeral was very different from any funeral I"d ever been to. After they lowered her casket, each one of us put a shovelful of dirt over her. I remember crying so hard, I felt weak. My cheeks burned from the tears. My whole body was shaking as I picked up the shovel, but I"m glad I did it.
When Suzie and I first started calling one another, I thought it would be more of a burden on me, but I was completely wrong. I learned so much from her. She gave me more than I could ever give to her. I will never forget her or the talks we had. I now know that I must never take anything for granted especially my health and the gift of life.
小题1:The author"s family cancelled their ride because______.
A.Katie couldn"t join them for the ride
B.the weather was too terrible for a ride
C.they couldn"t find their dog
D.Max"s daughter passed away
小题2:What does the underlined part In a wav, she lived through me.” mean?
A.Suzie got to know what life outside hospital was like by sharing my experience.
B.Suzie was financially dependent of me.
C.Suzie managed to pull through her illness with the help of my family.
D.Suzie was too weak to live her own life.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Suzie was the only person helping the author with difficulties.
B.The author feared that she might also get the same disease as Suzie.
C.The author benefited a lot from talking on the phone with Suzie.
D.The author didn"t understand Suzie was her true friend until Suzie"s death.
小题4:What is the most important lesson the author learned from Suzie"s death?
A.Never let go of a friend even if you are apart.
B.Be thankful for what we have in our life.
C.Talking with a friend can cure your illness.
D.We can learn more from our friends than they do from us.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My chance came at last. Our school was going to hold a sports meet. I knew what it   21  to me so I got up very early to prepare for it. I  22  running and jumping. When I was   23 , I reminded myself of my promise and went on.
  24  the time came nearer, I felt quite   25 . On the first day I came fourth in the 1500m   26  but I was far from   27  because what I wanted most was the highlight of the sports meeting—250x8 relay race. I would run the last leg for my team.
With a shot, the race began. All the students were   28  for their team. The competition was so   29  that I began to feel nervous. Before my turn came, my team was   30  the others. Even worse, I almost dropped the stick when I was trying to   31  it.
  32 after that, there was nothing in my mind except to run as fast as possible. Just when I was approaching the finish line, my legs   33 . Then my promise came to mind again and   34  me to go on. To my surprise, I was the first to   35 the finish line!
  36  , I had proved to myself and those who had often laughed at me that I am not   37  at all! My classmates greeted me warmly and I hugged them tightly. I had won the prize as well as their   38 .
From the sports meeting, I learnt that sometimes things are not so difficult as they   39  to be. Just try your best without fear and you might be surprised at the   40 .
A.matteredB.held C.meantD.brought
A.tiredB.upsetC.lazy D.happy
A.For B.ByC.WithD.As
A.run B.jump C.race D.match
A.heading B.racingC.cheering D.shouting
A.running beforeB.leadingC.falling behindD.catching up with
A.fetchB.hold C.pass D.take
A.ThenB.ButC.Thus D.Even
A.gave in B.gave out C.gave upD.gave away
A.had B.made C.letD.got
A.At last B.After allC.Above allD.As a result
A.bad B.weak C.slow D.strong
A.congratulations B.respectC.supportD.pride
A.seemB.hopeC.look D.expect

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
One afternoon, my son A dam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”
I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I"ll explain, 36_ you can just wait until we make a quick 37_ at th grocery store. I have something 38 to show you. ”
At the grocery store, we 39 some apples — red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It’s time to 40_ your question.” I put one apple of each 41__on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a 42 look on his face.
“People are like apples. They come in all 43_colors, shapes and sizes. On the 44,some of the apples
may not 45 look as the others. ” As I was talking, Adam was 46 each one carefully.
Then, I took each of the apples and peeled (削皮)them, 47 them back on the table, but 48_ a different place.
“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which”
He said, “I 49_ tell. They all look same now. ” Take a bite of 50_. See if that helps you 51_ which one is which"
He took a 52 . and then a huge smile came across his face.. ’’People are 53_ likeapples!They arealldifferent, but once you 54_ the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside. ”
He totally 55_ it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.
A.each oneB.each otherC.the otherD.one another
A.big biteB.deep breathC.firm holdD.close look
A.put awayB.get downC.hand outD.take off

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