Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a small pool of water a

Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a small pool of water a

Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a small pool of water ahead on the path. I angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasn"t covered by water or mud. As I reached the pool, I was suddenly attacked! Yet I did nothing for the attack. It was so unpredictable and from somewhere totally unexpected. I was surprised as well as unhurt though I had been struck four or five times. I backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking me. Had I been hurt I wouldn"t have found it amusing. And I was laughing. After all, I was being attacked by a butterfly!
Having stopped, laughing, I took a step forward. My attacker rushed me again. He charged towards me at full speed, attempting to hurt me but in vain. For a second time, I took a step backwards while my attacker paused. I wasn"t sure what to do. After all, it"s just not everyday that one is attacked by a butterfly. I stepped back to look the situation over. My attacker moved back to land on the ground. That"s when I discovered why my attacker was charging me only moments earlier. He had a mate and she was dying.
Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to fan her. I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate. He had taken it up on himself to attack me for his mate"s sake (缘故), even though she was clearly dying and I was so large. He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life, should I have been careless enough to step on her. His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate"s safety seemed admirable. I couldn"t do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the pool. He had truly earned those moments to be with her, undisturbed.     
Since then, I"ve always tried to remember the courage of that butterfly whenever I see huge barriers facing me.
小题1:Why did the writer change his direction while walking down a path?
A.To get close to a butterfly.B.To look over the bad situation.
C.To escape a sudden attack.D.To avoid getting his shoes dirty.
小题2:What made the man feel funny?
A.Making the attacker pause.B.Being attacked by a butterfly.
C.Being stepped on by his mate.D.Discovering the energetic butterfly.
小题3:From this experience the man learned       .
A.what he should do when faced with trouble
B.people should show sympathy to the weak
C.how he should deal with attacks
D.people should protect butterflies
小题4: Which of the following words can best describe the butterfly?
A.Careless.B.Amusing.C.Courageous. D.Aggressive.


              Wal-Mart is not just the world"s largest retailer (零售商). It"s the world"s largest company, which sells in three months what number-two retailer Home Depot sells in a year.
Wal-Mart exercises its power for just one purpose: to bring the lowest possible prices to its customers. At Wal-Mart, that goal is never reached. The retailer has a clear policy for suppliers: On basic products that don"t change, the price Wal-Mart will pay, and will charge shoppers, must drop year after year. But what almost no one outside the world of Wal-Mart and none of its 21,000 suppliers know is the high cost of those low prices. To survive in the face of its pricing demands, makers of everything from bikes to jeans have had to close US plants in favor of obtaining products from abroad.
Indeed, the real story of Wal-Mart, the story that never gets told, is the story of the pressure the biggest retailer constantly applies to its suppliers in the name of bringing us "every day low prices".
The giant retailer" s low prices often come with a high cost. Wal-Mart" s pressure can crush the companies it does business with and force them to send jobs overseas. Are we shopping our way straight to the unemployment line? Of course, US companies have been moving jobs offshore for decades, long before Wal-Mart was a retailing power. But there is no question that the chain is helping accelerate the loss of American jobs to low-wage countries such as Thailand.
People ask, "How can it be bad for things to come into the US cheaply?" Sure, it"s great to have bargains. But you can" t buy anything if you" re not employed.
There is no question that Wal-Mart"s drive to squeeze out cost has benefited consumers. By now, it is accepted wisdom that Wal-Mart makes the companies it does business with more efficient and focused. Wal-Mart itself is known for continuous improvement in its ability to handle, move, and track goods. It is legendary (传奇) for forcing its suppliers to redesign everything from their packaging to their computer systems. It is also legendary for quite straightforwardly telling them what it will pay for their goods.
小题1: How do suppliers meet the requirements of Wal-Mart?
A.To sell even more goods in three months.
B.To cut down the employment rate sharply.
C.To charge shoppers at a much higher price.
D.To run the business in a well-organized way.
小题2: Wal-Mart"s low price policy results in ____.
A.more high-paying jobs
B.better designed packages
C.bigger profit of its partners
D.more jobless American workers
小题3: What can we infer from the passage?
A.Still more quality goods will be provided.
B.The food you get at Wal-Mart costs least.
C.The value of Mal-Mart is over assessed.
D.Wal-Mart is a very demanding company.
小题4:What"s the best title for the passage?
A.The Fortune Wal-Mart Makes
B.The Wal-Mart you don"t Know
C.The Biggest Retailer—Wal-Mart
D.The Money Saving Tip in Wal-Mart

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I often write about the bad state of television these days, but recently my mom told me about a story she saw on 60 Minutes that was inspiring, educational, and entertaining for the whole family. I went to the show’s website to see for myself. My mom was right. At a time when even Barbara Walters says she’s really bored with celebrities interviews, this one will not disappoint.
It’s the story of Derek Paravicini, a 30-year-old who was born three months early, physically disabled (he can’t button his own shirt), blind, and severely autistic(自闭的).
Yet, through total luck and coincidence, his family discovered that Derek had a remarkable musical talent when he was three.
Derek can hear any musical composition one time and play it perfectly on the piano.
That’s right. He only has to hear it once.
Even more unbelievable, his brain, like a computer, can keep many songs that he can immediately repeat when asked. But his talent isn’t limited to just learning things by heart. Derek is a true musical genius and artist who plays beautifully in a wide range of styles and can make his own music.
With his talent, Derek has raised millions of dollars putting on charity concerts. He also donates his time to senior centers where he acts as a human jukebox (自动唱机) machine, taking requests from senior citizens who haven’t heard their favorite songs for decades.
As it turns out, Derek loves people and his extraordinary talent has been the key to unlocking his personality and social development.
If you want to inspire your family, pop some popcorn and sit everyone down to watch this excellent piece of journalism. If your kids are like mine, it will cause a great family discussion about the definition of “disability” and the extraordinary ability of the human brain and spirit. It may even give you the perfect answer the next time your child says he or she “can’t” do something. Now that’s priceless.
Who says there’s nothing good on TV?
小题1: From the first paragraph, we know that 60 minutes is a TV program on      .
A.interviewing celebrities
B.interviewing the disabled
C.the latest news round the world
D.stating the positive influence of TV
小题2: How does Derek help the elderly?
A.By buying them a jukebox machine.
B.By building senior centers for them.
C.By singing the old songs they ask for.
D.By playing the piano to raise money for them.
小题3: In the opinion of the author, Derek can     .
A.attract the whole family to watch TV together
B.cause family members to help the disabled
C.help kids understand the ability of their brains
D.encourage kids to accept challenges in life
小题4:The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to     .
A.prove that there is something good on TV
B.introduce a disabled but gifted musician
C.call on people to show more love to the disabled
D.express personal admiration for Derek Paravicini

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My first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things seems to me to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening near my parents’ tomb in the churchyard.
“Hold your noise!” came a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the tombs at the side of the church. “Keep still, you little devil(小鬼), or I’ll cut your throat!”
A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. He seized me by the chin(下巴).
“Tell us your name!” said the man. “Quick!”
“Pip, sir.”
“Show us where you live,” said the man. “Point out the place!”
I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church.
The man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. There was nothing in them but a piece of bread.
“You young dog,” said the man, licking his lips, “what fat cheeks you ha’ got. Darn me if I couldn’t eat em, and if I han’t half a mind to’t!”
I earnestly expressed my hope that he wouldn’t, and held tighter to the tombstone on which he had put me; partly, to keep myself upon it; partly, to keep myself from crying.
“Now then lookee here!” said the man. “Where’s your mother?”
“There, sir!” said I.
He started, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder.
“There, sir!” I timidly explained, pointed to the tombstone. “That’s my mother.”
“Oh!” said he, coming back. “And is that your father alonger your mother?”
“Yes, sir,” said I; “him too; late of thisparish(教区).”
小题1: The “voice” in the second paragraph came from______.
A.the churchB.the manC.the bankD.the boy
小题2:The boy probably lived  _____.
A.in the parishB.in the valleyC.in the cityD.in the country
小题3:We can infer from the passage _____.
A.the boy was very calm and smart
B.the man hit the boy in the face
C.the boy would forever remember the raw afternoon
D.the man was very kind and considerate
小题4:The passage is most probably adapted from________.
A.a news reportB.a science fictionC.a novelD.a review

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My first job was at a local restaurant, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow  16 .
Helen was in her 30s and had extraordinary(非凡的) self-confidence, something I was really  17 . I looked up to Helen  18 she was doing what she loved—  19 people better. She always made everyone, customers(顾客) and co-workers(同事),  20 and feel good.
Being a waitress changed my life. One of my  21 customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate an omelet(炒蛋), and when I saw him _22 , I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.
Thanks to the newfound confidence I  23 __from Helen, I dreamed of having my own  __24 . But when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款), they said, “We just don’t have the money.”
The next day, Fred saw me and asked, “What’s  25 ? You’re not smiling today.” I  26__my dream with him and said, “Fred, I know I can do more if somebody  27 just have faith in (信任)me.”
Before long he handed me checks  28 __$50,000—along with a note that I have to this day. It reads, “The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my trust(信任) in your  29 as a person. Good people with a dream should have  30  __to make that dream come true.”
I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I 31  __working at the restaurant, making  32 for the restaurant I would open. My plans soured(被破灭), though, and I lost the  33 .
Later I decided to apply for a job at  Merill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was__34 and ended up becoming a pretty good agent(代理商,代理人).   35 , I paid back Fred the $50,000, plus 14-percent annual interest(利息 ). Five years later, I was able to open my own firm(公司).
A.found outB.picked up(学会)C.got backD.took away

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“But what if I break my arm again?” My five-year-old daughter asked. I knew how much she wanted to learn to  41 .Yet ever since she fell off her bicycle and broke her arm, she’d been  42_ .
“Oh, honey,” I said. “I don’t think you’ll break  43  arm.”
“But I could, couldn’t I?”
“Yes,” I  44  and found myself struggling for the right thing to say. At times like this, I  45 I had someone who might help me find the right words to make my girl’s problems disappear. But after a painful  46  , I’d decided to remain single.
“ I don’t want to ride,” she said and got off her bike.
“ You know, honey,” I said. “ Almost everything you do comes with  47  . You could break your arm jumping rope. You  48 break your arm at gymnastics. Do you want to stop going to gymnastics?”
“No,” she said. And with a  49  spirit, she agreed to try it again. I held on to her bike until she found the  50 to say, “Let’s go!” I spent the rest of the afternoon watching a brave little girl overcome a  51  .
As we walked home, she  52  me about a conversation I had. “Why were you and grandma arguing last night?”
My mother wanted me to marry again,  53  I told her I didn’t want to meet the Mr. Perfect she  54  for me. She said she knew Steve was the man for me.
“It’s nothing,” I told her.
She shrugged, “Grandma said she just wanted you to find someone to 55  .”
“What grandma wants is for some guy to break my  56  again!” I lost control.
She was  57  for several minutes. Then she said something 58  me to think about. “So I think love isn’t like a broken arm.”
Unable to answer, we walked in silence. Later I did what my brave girl did that afternoon. I 59 to meet Steve.
Steve was the man for me. We married soon. It turned out mother and my daughter were 60  .
A.bothB.the other
A.referred toB.set sideC.gave awayD.picked out

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